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1、31. He had given up smoking, _ made his colleagues quite happy.32. After surviving the terrible accident, the man gained a new perspective towards life, finally_ its value. (understand)33. Receiving a horrendous haircut, the woman decided _ the hair salon. A. suing B. to sue C. to be sued D. not sui

2、ng34. There is little point in _ grammatical rules without understanding them. (recite)35. _ they have different personalities, they get along well with each other. A. As long as B. Unless C . Although D. Even 36. Never _ that his guesswork would be so totally contrary to fact. (expect)37. The famil

3、y kept all of their family photos in a shoebox _ of cardboard. (make)38. It was since the customer did not return the loan_ the bank was forced to react.39. _ the truth is, it is always convenient to blame outsiders for creating trouble.40. The plain fact _ youll never get to university is obvious i

4、f you dont study hard now. A. what B. which C. that D. why25. Some believe tennis players are _ the most superstitious stars in sport. For example, they wear red underwear, thinking red is part of win. A. during B. among C. except D in front of26. Chen Guangbiao, a _ businessman, is the first Chines

5、e billionaire to make tile pledge to give away all of his personal wealth when he dies. A. 42-year-old B. 42-years-old C. 42 year old D. 42 years old27. QQ chatting in no way makes us happier than spending face-to-face time with our beloved ones. Family is _ the heart is.28. For years, only 30 perce

6、nt of the Forbidden City(故宫) _ open to the public. But it may increase to 70 percent after a big renovation(修缮). A. are B. is C. were D. have been29. He _ in Marriot Hotel for two years. But he isnt in any touch with his hotel fellows since he left last year. A. worked B. has worked C. has been work

7、ing D. had worked30. - Did you see my iPhone? Where _ it be? - Why ask me? I really dont know, A. may B. shall C. might D. can31. It was then in 2007, with a record contract _ Germanotta completely gave up her former name. She took the moniker(艺名) Lady Gage. A. before B. when C. in which D. that32.

8、_ for decades, the experts know that in 1995 teen friendship groups averaged six persons and in 2005 the answer was twenty. (study)33. According to a survey _ by a UK magazine in August, eating rather than drinking has become the main income for the British pubs (小酒吧). (do)34. Newton was born in 164

9、3 in Lincolnshire, England, which is said _ the site of the famous apple tree that inspired him to discover the law of gravity. (be)35. Scientists concluded _ helped keep people happy. A. keeping busy B. keep busy C. kept busy D. having keeping busy36. The Australian teenager, Jessica Watson became

10、the youngest person _ the globe nonstop on her own. (circle)37. Never use a cell phone when there is lightning _ lightning can travel through the phone line. A. as if B. unless C. as long as D. because38. US scientists discovered an Earth-sized planet called Gliese 581g. They think there is a chance

11、 _ the planet could have life.39. Facebook is a website, _ people are able to share personal information.40. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask _ you can do for your country.” Its a famous quote from US president John F. Kennedys inaugural(就职的)speech in 1961.Section B (9%)A. enough B. ch

12、allenge C. activity D. concerned AB. hopingAC. hopefully AD. designed BC. lifelong BD. mysterious CD. generallyYou may be surprised to hear that children in Britain, home to the worlds most successful author, JK Rowling of Harry Potter fame, have a problem with reading. The problem, as far as the go

13、vernment, experts and many parents are _41_, is that kids are just not doing _42_ of it. Its not just a question of children not reading the classicsdifficult works by William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens. Reading _43_ is in crisis in the UK. Many different reasons are given: lack of encouragemen

14、t form parents, competition from TV and the Internet and computer games. But the government and schools have not given up on youngsters. There are many schemes to encourage kids to read more and thereby get into the habit of a(n) _44_ that will bring real fulfillment. The National Literacy Trust (NL

15、T), a body, set up by the government, _45_ has a scheme called “Reading Champions”. This summer Reading Champions has a(n) _46_ called “Quest Seekers”. It is_47_ to take children on a ride into _48_ and wondrous land where they can discover the joy of reading and nurture a _49_ love affair with read

16、ing and books. The idea is to turn a trip to their local library into a kind of magical adventure, of the kind that young readers love in the Harry Potter books.III. Reading Comprehension 15%More and more young women want to look beautiful. Young womens desire to achieve the figure of a fashion mode

17、l has an 50 form of expression in the problem of anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a(n) 51 disorder which occurs largely among young girls; 52 , it is also found among someof the young women, and in some cases, among boys.Anorexia nervosa is 53 starvation attitudes toward food, and distorted (扭曲

18、的) body image. 54 they are often extremely thin, anorexic girls believe that they are fat and are 55 on dieting. Their perceptions of their own bodies are very much distorted. They do not see themselves as thin but 56 , as fat. Most 57 of anorexia lose 25 percent or more of their body fat. Anorexia

19、also causes them to become weak. From five to six percent of anorexics _58 _die from starvation.Anorexia, which means “without food”, seems to be quite 59 among young girls, although it was 60 a problem twenty years ago. The 61 of Anorexia is not known. Researchers are trying to find out its 62 but

20、it is related to a psychological (心理的) need. One theory is that they want to avoidbecoming an adult, since starvation can 63 down physical growth and the beginning of puberty(青春期). Another theory is that anorexia is related to refusal of the mother figure or to being the daughter of an overly protec

21、tive and controlling mother. By being anorexic, the girl shows her ability to _64 _at least one aspect of her own life.In addition, researchers notethat the problem may result in a wrong body image-the ideal of female beauty of being very thin.50Aordinary Bextreme CinterestingDeverlasting 51AactingB

22、sleeping CstudyingDeating 52AhoweverBfurthermore CanyhowDtherefore53Abrought byBfound inCregarded asDcharacterized by54ABecause BWhen CAlthoughDIf55AforcedBwillingCchecked Dfixed56AratherBneverthelessCfurtherDeven 57AloversBvictimsCwomenDpatients58AgreatlyBstrangely CactuallyDsteadily 59AstrangeBcom

23、monCpossible Doften60AhardlyBcertainlyChopefullyDexactly61AmedicineBtruthCresultDcause62ApossibilityBopportunityCnecessityD. importance63Abreak Bcut Cslow Dturn64Acontrol BimproveCbuildDinstructSection B 30%ATodays dad spends more hours on childcare than a dad a generation ago. But he still lags beh

24、ind the modern-day mom, even when her wages are equal, a new study reports. Researchers found that the number of hours a mother spent at work had no effect on the amount of time a father devoted to childcare during the week. Similarly, a mothers income had very little influence on fathers involvemen

25、t in childcare. On weekends, however, fathers spent more time with their children. Despite womens increasing role in the labor market, most mothers remain the primary caregivers of young children on weekdays.Researchers found that fathers spent an average of 2.5 hours on a weekday and about 6 hours

26、on a weekend day with their children. This included time spent playing together or doing schoolwork, personal care such as bathing and feeding. On weekdays, children spent one-third less time with their fathers than with their mothers, but on weekends the time gap closed and kids spent only 13% more

27、 time with their mothers than with their fathers. Children of women who made more money spent more time with their fathers on weekends, however. “The good news is that as women become equal contributing partners, the relative involvement of fathers does increase,” one researcher said. “The bad news

28、is that men still do less on traditional womens jobs (taking care of) babies, dishes, etc.”In other findings, fathers with some college education spent 17 more minutes per weekday with their children than dads without any college education. Fathers who made more money spent less time with children on weekdays, but the amount of time was fairly small. “Our findings suggest that although mothers still shoulder most parenting, fa

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