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1、 You can see fishes under the placid water of the lake.Pacific: The hotel is set in pacific surroundings.Still: Just sit still and I will finish the work in a minute.Sedate: The couple walked at a sedate pace.Restful: There is a restful quality about that apartment.2. 昂贵的Expensive: It can be very ex

2、pensive to train new personnel.Costly: Changing your companys management style can be a costly business.Valuable: Where did you get the valuable collection of paintings?Invaluable: Those invaluable ancient scrolls were all destroyed by the fire.Precious: Here is a historic house with rare and precio

3、us contents.Priceless: The supreme craftsmanship of this sculpture makes it priceless.3. 保护Safeguard: We hope that world leaders can agree on a plan to safeguard the environment.Protect: Are you prepared to protect yourself in case of attack?Shield: Winson shielded her eyes against the suns glare.Se

4、cure: We have done our best to secure the embassy against terrorist attacks.Defend: Thousands of young men came forward, willing to defend their country.Guard: There were two soldiers guarding the main gate.4. 抱怨Yammer: Do not yammer any more, OK? We have work to do.Complain: Winson is always compla

5、ining about something. Why cannot he be pleasant?Gripe: The boss did not want his employees to have anything to gripe about.Grumble: Winson has everything he needs and has nothing to grumble about.Moan: Stop moaning, it doesnt help solve your trouble.Whine: Do not be a baby and whine about trifles.5

6、. 本地的Native: My wifes a native New Yorker, but I am from Atlanta.Aboriginal: This last bit of aboriginal life should be preserved.Indigenous: Pandas are indigenous to China.Domestic: The domestic economy showed no improvement.Native-born: Some native-born Americans objected to new immigrants enterin

7、g their country.Local: The local newspaper regards itself as the voice of the community.6. 必要的Necessary: What type of clothing is necessary for survival at these altitudes?Needful: You have promised to do what is needful.Indispensable: International cooperation is indispensable to resolving the prob

8、lem of the drug trade.Essential: In large organizations, good internal communication is essential.7. 避免Avoid: They could not avoid being drawn into the argument.Dodge: Shoppers had to dodge flying glass when the bomb exploded.Elude: The criminal eluded the authorities for six years.Evade: The armed

9、robbers evaded capture, escaping in a stolen vehicle.Shun: Winson shunned his friends by living alone in the woods.Keep away from: You cannot keep the kids away from the computer.8. 表明或证明正当(或有理)Warrant: They are now of sufficient standing to warrant their entering the married state.Legitimize: The m

10、ayor wants to legitimize the current order.Substantiate: The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by Winsons discovery.Rationalize: Winson looked at Tom, trying to rationalize the conversation they had already had.Exonerate: Winson was to be exonerated free with those evidences.9. 不合适的Imprope

11、r: Laughing and joking are considered improper behavior at a funeral.Unbecoming: I felt very sorry for my unbecoming speech.Inappropriate: Winsons speech is inappropriate to the occasion.Indecorous: It is indecorous to laugh aloud during a wedding ceremony.Offensive: The ad is offensive to women.Uns

12、eemly: It used to be thought unseemly for women to go to church without a hat.Unsuitable: Winsons shoes were unsuitable for walking long distance.10. 不可避免的Unavoidable: Traffic jams are unavoidable on a holiday weekend.Inevitable: War between those two countries now seems almost inevitable.Inescapabl

13、e: The inescapable fact is that the situation is changing.11不可信的,可疑的Unbelievable: The congestion at the theater last night was unbelievable.Doubtful: I think the manuscript is of doubtful authenticity.Incredible: This novel is about an almost incredible story of triumph and tragedy.Questionable: The

14、 teacher feels that the results of the test are questionable.Unconvincing: He gave an unconvincing explanation of the cause of the accident.Suspicious: Did you observe anything suspicious in that case?12. 不清楚的Unclear: The police said the motive for the attack was still unclear.Vague: Witnesses gave

15、only a vague description of the murderer.Indefinite: I gave Winson an indefinite answer.Obscure: The rules for the competition are more or less obscure.Indistinct: The point of what Winson had said was indistinct.13不同的,有差异的Unlike: These two boys are so unlike that nobody would believe they are broth

16、ers.Dissimilar: Winsons latest album is dissimilar to her previous one.Distinct: They were classified into two distinct groups.Diverse: The magazine aims to cover a diverse range of issues.Various: There are various hats and pants in the store.Disparate: The three experiments gave disparate results.

17、14. 不注意的Oblivious: The student seemed completely oblivious to the noise around her.Unconscious: Winson was unconscious of my presence.Forgetful: Winson was accused of being forgetful of his duties.Unaware: Winson carried on reading, seemingly unaware of my presence.Mindless: They proceeded, mindless

18、 of the danger.15. 澄清,阐明Clarify: The bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.Clear up: There should be someone to whom you can turn for any advice or to clear up any problems.Explain: The lawyer explained the new law to us.Define: In this paragraph, the writer defined the term.Illuminate:

19、 Our teacher was trying to illuminate a point by reference to current life.Interpret: We will need some help to interpret all this data.16. 持续,维持Last: Our Christmas holiday lasts 20 days.Endure: The Forbidden City has endured for centuries.Survive: The crops survived the drought.Persist: The hostili

20、ties between the two families have persisted for years.Persevere: Despite failures, he persevered in his research.Keep on: Although the weather is bad, we will keep on heading for that mountain.Outlast: Most people agree that the economic reform may continue and outlast the political reform.Hold out

21、: Can you hold out just a little longer?17. 重新得到:Recover: Though the thieves were caught, many of the items were never recovered.Regain: After losing the second set, Winson regained his confidence and won the third set.Retrieve: Government had made great rescue efforts to retrieve the bodies of the

22、victims.18. 充足的:Enough: A pound of butter is barely enough for a month.Sufficient: we do not have sufficient time for the report.Ample: There is ample evidence to judge him.Generous: The Indian dish is with generous pepper.Adequate: The state needs to maintain an adequate supply of qualified doctors

23、.Extensive: The professor had an extensive knowledge of history.19. 传统的Traditional: Many women have abandoned their traditional role as wife and mother.Conventional: Winson wanted a conventional marriage with a wife and kids.Customary: It is customary to offer the repairman a cup of coffee in our co

24、untry.Prescriptive: These are prescriptive policies of our country.20. 粗鲁的Rude: Rude behavior will not be tolerated.Rough: Do not be so rough with her, Winson, She is only a baby.Coarse: They objected to the councilors coarse language.Crude: I have never appreciated Winsons crude sense of humor.Vulg

25、ar: Winsons vulgar jokes shocked everyone.Disrespectful: Most people often criticize the government, but they are never disrespectful towards the Winson family.Uncivil: Winson was often uncivil to other members of his family.21. 错误Mistake: The officers decision to invade was a costly mistake.Error:

26、The report contains many errors.Misdeed: You should feel shameful for that misdeed.Flaw: There are serious flaws in the way we train the new employees.Defect: There are a few minor design defects in that plan.Wrongdoing: The captain issued a denial of any wrongdoing.Shortcoming: Despite her shortcom

27、ings as a cook, she was still the best mother you could ever hope for.22. 打破,折断Break: The window broke into pieces.Fracture: You have fractured a rib, maybe more than one.Crack: The windowpane was cracked but not broken.Rupture: Most truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision.Shatter:

28、A bolt of lightning shattered the oak tree.Breach: Fire breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.Fall apart: The work was never finished and the building fell apart bit by bit.Smash: The thief smashed the window to get into the car.Splinter: The man splintered the locked door with an axe.Mangle: His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.23. 耽搁、推迟Delay: The train was delayed two hours because of the accident.Postpone: We have decided to postpone our holiday until September.Put

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