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1、金太阳导学案英语金太阳导学案英语精品文档 金太阳导学案英语 学习目标 1、学会讨论人们正在做的事情。 2、正确使用现在进行时和一般现在时。能就发生的事做现场报道。 3、善于观察身边正在发生的事情,热爱生活。 Section A 课时重点 能用英语正确表达正在进行或发生的事情。 预习导学不看不讲 1(将下列短语的原形写出来,并翻译成汉语。 watching TV watch TV cleanning clean making soup make soup exercising exercise reading a newspaper read a newspaper talking on the

2、 phone talk on the phone listening to a CD listen to a CD using the computer use the comeputer washing the dishes wash the dishes 2(连一连。将正确的答语和问题连起来。 What are you doing? Im watching TV. s using the computer. Whats he doing? re listening a CD. 1 / 36精品文档 合作探究不议不讲 活动一 ?仔细观察P31上1a的图片,完成1a的练习。 ?根据图片进行对话

3、并模拟表演。边回答边表演动作。 A:What are you doing in Picture i? B: Im watching TV. 活动二 ? 听P31上1b的录音一遍,完成1b 中的听力题, ? 将你所听到的内容复述给同学听听,核对答案。 Jenny is? 活动三 ?完成P31上1c的对话练习。注意随着人称变化,系动词be也要用相应的形式。 ?根据对话写报告。 例:He is watching TV in Pincture i.? 知识超市 -What are you doing?你正在干什么, -Im watching TV.我正在看电视。 ?问句是由what引导的现在进行时的特

4、殊疑问句,其结构为“疑问词+is/am/are+主语+动词-ing+其他,”,用来询问现在正在进行或发生的动作。如:What is he doing in the library?他正在图书馆里做什么,?答句是现在进行时2 / 36精品文档 的肯定句形式,其结构为“主语+is/sm/are+动词-ing+其他”,表示正在进行或发生的动作。其否定句形式是在is/am/are的后面加not。如:He is reading in the library.他正在图书馆里看书。He is not reading in the library.他现在没有在图书馆里看书。 做一做: 单项选择。 1)-Its

5、 time for dinner.Where is your father,Emma? -He C his bike in the yard. A.clean B. cleans C. is cleaning D. cleaning 2)Look,the baby is B . A.sleeps B. sleeping C. is sleeping D.sleep 句型转换。 1)I am cleaning the room. What are you doing ? 2)The boys are playing basketball. The boys are not playing bas

6、ketball. 知识链接 煲电话粥 “煲电话粥”的意思是长时间通过电话和对方聊天。 原本“煲电话粥”来自广东话“煲粥”。“煲”字在广东3 / 36精品文档 话里是指烹饪方面的“长时间的煮”,那么长时间的打电话,意即“煲电话粥”了。 煲电话粥一般常见于异地分居的情侣之间,有时一个电话会持续1个小时以上,甚至 三两个小时。长时间的电话聊天不仅让人与人之间的情谊能够充分的绵延,也增进了双方的感情。但是长时间的电话聊天对耳朵损伤很大。还是不建议经常煲电话粥。这样的粥喝多了,耳朵听力也会下降的。所以建议还是尽量少打几次电话,让耳朵有个间歇休息期。或者干脆见面聊天或者通过QQ、MSN等即时聊天工具解决长

7、时间聊天的问题。 学法指导 1. 学生一定要理解清楚并记住“知识超市”中所讲的三种现在进行时句式。 2. 巧记单词 news+paper=newspaper 3.动词加ing规则:?大多动词直接在词尾加-ing,比如:go-going, ?有的以不发音的e字母结尾的动词,要去掉e再加-ing,比如:make-making, ?以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写这一辅音字母,再加-ing。例如:run-running, swim-swimming,get getting,sitsitting,putputting,beginbeginning,hit-hitting ,stop

8、-stopping ?在少数几个以 ie 结尾的动词后:须将ie 变作y,再加- ing。 比如:4 / 36精品文档 die dying,tie tying,lie lying 教学建议 1、可以布置学生将本单元的一些动作画出来,以备课上使用; 2、多给机会学生用新短语造句,时刻提醒学生不要掉了现在进行时句式中的系动词be。 备选问题 有时间给学生讲讲listen和listen to 的用法吗, 达标测评 一、单项选择。 1.15. My mother hamburgers for us. A. make B. is doing C. is making 2.Look! Kate news

9、on TV. A. is watching B. watches C. watching 3._ you _ a newspaper now? A. Do, read B. Are, read C. Is, reading D. Are, reading 4.Its five oclock. They _. A. sleep B. sleeps C. are sleeping D. is sleeping 5.We are doing _ . will you join us? A.we homework B.our homework homework D.our homeworks

10、 5 / 36精品文档 二、完形填空。 Kate and Ann are good friends. They swimming. Kate likes English very much, and Ann likes maths. They in Beijing now. They to school five days a week. They play games home on Saturdays and Sundays.They have two Chinese friends. names are Li Lei and Han Mei. They are all in same c

11、lass. They like school. They like China. They say The Chinese are very kind. The food is good, 1. A.can B.are D.arent 2.A.are B.can D.likes B.are C.can 4.A.are B.go D.have C.on D.about 6.A.for C.on 7.A.Theirs B.Their C.They D.Then 8.A.a C.the

12、 D. / 9.A.people B.peoples C.the people 10.A.much B.very C.too 三、书面表达 现在是晚上8点,根据Frank提供的信息,请描述 一下Tom一家的活动情况.0字左右. father read a book mother watch TV 6 / 36精品文档 grandmother clean the room Frank do homework Mary play computer games Section A 课时重点 继续学习主语为不同人称时现在进行时句式的变化和使用。 预习导学不看不讲 1(你能在P32

13、上找出下列短语或句子吗, 史蒂夫在干什么, What is Steve doing? 没什么。 not much. 你呢, What about you? 洗衣服 wash ones clothes 电视节目 TV show和我一起吃晚餐 join me for dinner 看电影 go to the movies. 我想去. Id love to. 听起来不错 Tnat sounds good. 先在我家碰面 meet at my home first 我是珍妮。This is Jenny 在6:30 at half past six 我是劳拉。Its Laura here. 2(请将下列

14、动词变成v+ing形式。 do wash go join love meet 合作探究不议不讲 7 / 36精品文档 活动一 ?认真听P32上2a的录音第一遍,完成2a中的练习。 ?听第二遍,完成2b中的听力题。 ?完成P32上2c的活动。分角色表演2b中的对话。 活动二 ?读P32上2d的对话,回答下列问题。 1)What is Laura doing? She is washing her clothes. 2)What is Jenny doing? Shes watching TV. 3)What do they want to do? They want to eat out. 4)

15、Where and when do they meet? They meet at Jennys home at half past six. ? 完成P26上的2d。 活动三 1)教师随意在每组中抽一些学生课前画好的有关动作图片,提问并要求学生将结果填入下表。 T:What is ?doing? 2)。 知识超市 -Hello?This is Jenny.你好。我是珍妮。 -Hi,Jenny.Its Laura here.你好,珍妮。我是萝拉。 ?这两句话是打电话时的开场白。招呼语Hello随时随地都可以用。?打电话先行自我介绍是一种礼貌。电话中最8 / 36精品文档 常用 this is,

16、的形态而不是 here is,或I am,自我介绍,这是打电话需要注意的。接电话告诉对方你是谁时,可以用文中的Its ? here,也可以说Its?speaking. Do you want to join me for dinner?你想和我一起去吃晚饭吗, ?do you want to do sth 你想去做某事吗,意思和would you like to do sth是一样的。如,Do you want to watch TV?=Would you like to watch TV? ?join sb for sth 跟某人一起去做某事,相当于do sth with sb。如,He j

17、oins us for basketball on Wednesdays.=He plays basketball with us on Wednesdays.他星期三都和我们一起打篮球。 做一做: 1)改错。找出错误并改正。 -Hello. I am Becky. Hi,Becky.Its Judy here. This is -Do you want an apple?-No,thanks.But I want eat an orange. to eat 2)写出下列句子的同义句。 Would you like to see a movie? Do you want to see a mo

18、vie? Can you go fishing with me on Sunday? Can you join 9 / 36精品文档 me for fishing? 知识链接 你知道这些谚语吗, live not to eat,but eat to live. 活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着。 God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。 Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。 East or west,home is the best. 金窝银窝不如自家草窝。 Beauty will buy no beef.

19、 漂亮不能当饭吃。 Like and like make good friends. 趣味相投。 The older, the wiser. 姜是老的辣。 As the tree,so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 To live is to learn,to learn is to better live.活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着。 学法指导 1. 学会用不同的形式将自己所学知识展现出来。 2. 本单元的知识边做动作边学可能会更轻松。 教学建议 1、可以布置学生将其所画的图片用英语标上动作名称; 2、合作探究中的活动大部分以小组为单位进行,教师作适当指导即可。 备选问题

20、 10 / 36精品文档 Lets 引导的祈使句及其附加疑问句是否该讲讲呢, 达标测评 一、看图完成句子。 1. What is she doing? She _. 2. What are they doing? They _. 3. What is the girl doing? She _. 4. What are they doing? They _volleyball. 5. What is the girl doing? She _. 完成对话。) Marie: Hello! May I speak to Karen? Karen: Hello! This is Karen. How

21、 are you, Marie? Marie: Im fine. What _? Karen: Nothing much. I _math. What about you? Marie: I _my room. Karen: Hey, do you want to _to the movies? Marie: That _boring. Karen: I just call Lucy. She _. Do you like _? Unit Its raining. 11 / 36精品文档 学习目标 1、继续学习描绘人们正在做的事情。学会描述天气。学会一些简单的电话用语。 2、正确使用现在进行时

22、和一般现在时。 3、善于观察天气,合理安排生活。 Section A 课时重点 能用英语正确描述各地各种常见天气。 预习导学不看不讲 1(你能用英语单词写出下列气象符号所代表的天气吗, sunny cloudy raining snowing windy 2(英译汉。 Hows the weather in Shanghai ? 上海的天气如何, Its cloudy. 天气多云。 Its sunny. 天气晴朗。 活动一 ?仔细观察P37上1a的图片,完成单词与图片匹配。 ?照例子问和答P37上1a各图片的天气。 A:Hows the weather in Picture e? 12 / 3

23、6精品文档 B: Its cloudy. 活动二 ?听P37上1b的录音一遍,完成1b 中的听力题, ?将你所听到的内容复述给同学听听,核对答案。 Beijing is sunny,? ?完成P37上1c的对话练习。 活动三 画出“预习导学1”中你最喜欢的两三种气象符号。然后和小组成员编对话,看看你们一组的喜好是否相同, A:How is the weather? B:Its?. ? 知识超市 -Hows the weather in Beijing,北京的天气怎么样, -Its sunny.天气晴朗。 ?询问天气除了用“Hows the weather”外,还可以用“Whats the we

24、ather like”。如,Hows the weather in Moscow?=Whats the weather like in Moscow?莫斯科的天气如何,?在某个大城市,介词用“in”。如,in London在伦敦,in Toronto在多伦多,in Boston在波斯顿。?表示天气晴朗还可以用:Its fine. 做一做: 13 / 36精品文档 单项选择。 1. _ the weather _ in Shanghai? Its raining. A. Hows; like B. Whats; like C. What does; likeD. How does; like 2

25、. _? Its windy. A. How is it going B. How is the weather C. How is it like D. Whats the weather 知识链接 一、有关云朵等自然现象与天气的谚语民谣 云下山,地不干。 云绞云,雨淋淋。 黑云接驾,不阴就下。 云低要雨,云高转晴。 天色亮一亮,河水涨一丈。 红云变黑云,必有大雨淋。 天上豆英云,地上晒死人。 日落乌云涨,半夜听雨响。 日落胭脂红,非雨便是风。 日落云里走,雨在半夜后。 天上跑台云,地上雨淋淋。 西北起黑云,雷雨必来临。 云自东北起,必有风和雨。 有雨山戴帽,无雨山没14 / 36精品文档

26、腰。 天上鱼鳞斑,晒谷不用翻。 不怕阴雨天气久,只要西北开了口。 云向东,有雨变成风,云向南,水涟涟,云向西,下地披 衣。 时雨时晴,几天几夜不停。 乌云拦东,不下雨也有风。乱云天顶绞,风雨来不小。 朝有破紫云,午后雷雨临。 学法指导 1. 有兴趣的话,学生可以自己设计天气图标和英语单词做一份天气符号矢量图。 2. 巧记单词:sunny=sun+n+y; windy=wind+y; cloudy=cloud+y raining= rain+ing; snowing=snow+ing 其实表示天气时,raining=rainy;snowing=snowy 教学建议 1、可以布置学生每天观察天气,

27、然后用英语和气象符号制定一个7-15天的天气变化图表; 2、时时提醒学生,天气一般就用“It”表示。 备选问题 有时间给学生讲讲listen和listen to 的用法吗, 达标测评 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. Its r aining today. We cant play games 15 / 36精品文档 on the playground. 2. Its windy i n Hainan in winter. 3. They are playing in the s now . 4. Look, the sun is shining. its s unny . 二、完形填

28、空。 When you go to England, you can be 1 many people take an umbrella or a raincoat them in the sunny morning. On a bus or a train, you can usually see is looking out of the window or reading newspapers. But they dont talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thingthe . is it

29、 so? Because the weather is changeable in England. People there can have spring, summer, autumn and in one day. When they get on the bus, the weather is sunny and just like in spring. However, when they get out of the bus, it can be and cold. At noon, the weather will be sunny and a little hot, and

30、it will be summer at this time of a day. In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you can see people 16 / 36精品文档 10 warm clothes. 1. A. surprised B. surprising C. bored D. boring 2. A. on B. to C. with D. for 3. A. many people B. everyone C. all the people D. some of the people 4. A. books B. newspapers C. windows D. weather 5. A. Why B. Where C. How D. What 6. A. Sunday B. winter C

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