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1、10. His ( 突然的) death made everybody sad.11. We ca n add some eggs to the cake to make it ( 柔软的)12. Tom fell and hit his head on the ( 石头)floor.13. Grace had long ( 直的)black hair.14. Why is the dog ( 不动的) un der the tree ?15. Please complete the sentences with ( 合适的) words.16. The new road is quite (

2、 平坦的), but you cant drive too fast.17. I bought two pairs of ( 短袜)yesterday.18. We ( 需) kno wledge wherever we are.19. He is in good - (身体的) condition because he runs every morning.20. Read ing on mobile phones does ( 伤害) to your eyes.21. She is the only ( 西方人)in this small city.22. What time is the

3、 lunch ( 端上) in the restaura nt ?23. The ( 邀请) says that we should prepare a traditi onal dish from ourhome country.24.1 have several ( 意大利的)frien ds.25. Betty was asked to decorate the music hall with colourful (气球)26. My son could ( 绘画) whe n he was five years old.27. The ( 纟申士) you told me yester

4、day proved to be a thief.28. Many stude nts ( 包括)Betty and Peter are from the USA.29. The (老板) of the big factory is very kind and friendly. He raisesmuch moneyfor the poor.30. His ( 秘书) told him that he had a meeti ng the n ext day.31. There are sixty stude nts in our class. Three ( 四分之一) of themar

5、e from thecoun tryside.32. I looked around to see who the ( 说某种语言的人) was.33. I ca nt find an yth ing new in ( 印度的)culture.34. How is the ( 制造业) of your country ?35. She has gone to ( 取来) water for me.36. Disco music usually has a strong ( 节扌白) to it.37. The woma n with a nice ( 小提包) is Mrs. Brow n.3

6、8. The ( 薄烤饼)smell delicious. Please have a try !39. 床边)un til he felt better.The young nurse sat by his40. What beautiful ( 玫瑰)they are !、根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词1. The teacher told the childre n to sit in r2. There is a swimmi ng p in the park.3. I want a t that will match this new suit.4. Your house is m

7、uch bigger tha n o .5. The b rin gs. Its time to have a class.6. because he was badly ill.Jim was a from the meet ing yesterday8. A d pers on cant hear.9. The teachers are always compared to c .10. Mary has fought and overcome( 克服) her f of flying.11. Now most of us can have a good e and we can affo

8、rd it.12. He had s see n a child with so much tale nt.13. He studies music in his s time.14. Test the h of the water before getti ng in.15. My gran dpa cant see anything because he is b . _16. We should make every e _ to protect the wild ani mals.17. Im in a _ with my pare nts on the issue.18. The l

9、ittle kid prefers to have soup with a s . _19. Birds n eed w to fly in the sky.20. The boys e to play football this Sun day morni ng.21. Z is a number that we often use.22. If you see Alice , give her this n of thanks.23. Eve rybody should be given the chanee to a their aims.24. We usually cut apple

10、s with k .25. Do you i to have a tea party on Sun day after noon ?26. He killed the tiger with a g 27. There are many ani mals in the f .28. He cut his hand by accide nt and b made his clothes red.29. I have n ever done this t _ of job before.30. Thank you for your k . Ive made much progress in En g

11、lish.三、选用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空xin, five、fast, polite1. Art is my class in the timetable today.2. We should always speak to our pare nts.3. Linda is the big of the car race.4. Mr. Zhang owns a teahouse. It tea in special bowls.bhy* :house,坤门门 1 亡ihing, (langei6. Billy is , clever and outgo ing.7. Ricky had

12、no but to leave the compa ny.8. It works well. So there is wrong with your iPad.9. More and more people are gett ing to know the of protect ing ouren viro nment.10. Dont go swim ming in deep rivers. It is ., uhild* romniuiiicat 首、hick,11. That camel is a(n ) animal that lives in the desert.12. I hop

13、e I can be eno ugh to pass the exam.13. Nobody can help us. We will have to do it by .14. Teen agers n eed to with their pare nts ofte n.15. Every one knows are a lot like th . eir pare nts.give, hero , success, busy , lie16. Shan ghai is a moder n city. Its than Hong Kong.17. In summer , Tony enjoy

14、s in the sun on the beach.18. Nanning has us a new look in the past five years.19. William Shakespeare was a En glish writer of plays and poet.20. Yuan Longping and Yang Liwei are great national of China.lide1, it,弓 tuHive” pmvid匕21. We ndy came up , sat me and asked some questions.22. Fast food isn

15、t always bad for you, but too muchof it is not good.23. The teacher hopes every one will join in class discussi on.24. Look ! The little boy is a bicycle over there.join,別nui罗,(hwippoinlecl, pTeff delirious26. I was that I failed the exam.27. She classical music to pop music.28. The best way to impr

16、ove your En glish is to an En glish club.29. Theres a smell in the house. Do you know what it is ?30. Mr. Tan makes the best no odles in tow n. Theyre !work,吕mokE,rlisru汨,love31. She eati ng ice cream on a hot day. It tastes good.32. Im sorry I did nt see the sig n “ No ” .33. Joe has recen tly retu

17、rned from his trip to Australia.34. The stude nts how to en ter the writi ng competiti on.35. The Adventures of TomSawyer is one of Mark Twains greatest .wise* below, eHuce* invenl.36. The world cha nged faster after the of the computer.37. My son is older and after eight years in the bus in ess.38.

18、 In my hometow n , the temperature is always zero in win ter.39. When the new railway is completed in 2017 , the time of the journey fromLia nyungangto Shanghai by half.40. Nowmore and more foreigners are an interest in learning Chinese.四、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Good habits are good for the (develop ) of

19、us teenagers.2. Look ! He is shouting at his mother.Why is he so (polite ) ?3. Though my grandfather is in his (seventy ) , he has got a QQnumber.4. The tree has gree n (leaf ) all year round.5. Whenl was a small child , my mother often read (I ) some storiesbefore Iwent to sleep.6. He was not brave

20、 eno ugh to tell his mother the (lose ) of his mobilephone.7. The background music sounds (noise ) . Please turn it down.8. The more (active ) you take part in , the more outgoing you will be.9. My pare nts expect me to pass the exam in ati on (success ).10. Shenzhen is in the (south ) part of China

21、.11. Manypeople will go to the concert , (include ) teachers , studentsand pare nts.12. rm going to be a (report ) when I grow up. I like meeting differentpeople every day.13. China has become much (strong ) than before. Were all proud of her.14. Look ! The children are playing (happy ) in the park.

22、15.0f all the vegetables , I like ( tomato ) best.16. Linda is a top stude nt , she is (real ) hardwork ing.17. Today we are proud of our school , and tomorrow our school will be proud of (we ).18. Too many sweets are bad for teenagers (tooth ).19. I asked her if she was ready and she (nod ).20. Mos

23、t people prefer (sun ) days because they can enjoy themselvesoutside.21. You (simple ) cant imagi ne how terrible the earthquake is.22. Our En glish teacher will go abroad for (far ) educatio n next mon th.23. Sometimes it requires courage to tell the (true ).24. This machine is (special ) designed

24、for blind people.25. Follow me , guys ! Close your eyes , open your arms and (breath )deeply.26. Niushou Hill is an area of natural (beautiful ) .It attracts lotsof touristsevery spri ng.27. Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are good for your memoryto work (proper ).28. Peter and Simon enjoyed (th

25、ey ) at the En glish party last ni ght.29. At the exhibition , the little boys (invent ) attracted many ITengin eers.30. The movie was in teresti ng , but Grace was not (in terest ) init.单词篇一、 1. exactly 2. direct 3. jacket 4. succeeded5. stupid 6. tent 7. edge 8. When ever 9. hang10. sudden 11. sof

26、t 12. sto ne 13. straight 14. still 15. proper 16. Smooth17. socks 18. require19. physical 20. harm 21. Westerner 22. served23. i nvitation 24. Italian 25. ballo ons 26. pai nt27. gen tlema n 28. in cludi ng 29. boss 30. secretary31. quarters 32. speaker 33. Indian 34. industry35. fetch 36. beat 37.

27、 ha ndbag 38. pan cakes39. bedside 40. roses二、 1. rows 2. pool 3. tie 4. ours 5. bell 6. abse nt 7. wealthy 8. deaf 9.can dles 10. Fear11. educati on 12. seldom 13. spare 14.heat 15. bli nd 16. effort17. agreeme nt 18. spo on 19. wings 20. expect21. bloodZero 22. note 23. achieve 24. knives 25. inte

28、nd 26. gun 27. forest 28.29. type 30. kindn ess三、 1. f ifth 2. politely 3. winner 4. serves 5. fastest 6. shy 7. choice thi ng 9. importa nee10. dan gerous 11. Africa n 12. lucky 13. ourselves14. com muni cate 15. childre n 16. busier 17. l ying18. give n 19. successful 20. heroes 21. beside22.

29、 itself 23. actively 24. riding 25. provide26. disappo in ted 27. prefers 28. jo in 29. stra nge30. delicious 31. loves 32. smoking 33. fifth34. discuss 35. works 36. inven ti on 37. wiser38. below 39. will be reduced 40. express ing四、 1. developm ent 2. impolite 3. seventies 4. leaves 5. me 6. loss 7. noisy8. activities9. successfully 10. southern 11. including 12. reporter 13. stronger 14. happily15. tomatoes16. really 17. us 18. teeth 19. nodded 20. sunny 21. simply 22. further 23. truth24. specially 25. breathe 26. beauty 27. properly28. themselves 29. inven ti on 30. in terested

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