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1、 建筑工程升降机 builders lift 建筑工地选择 siting 建筑工羊角锤头 builders claw hammer head 建筑工业 building industry; construction industry 建筑工种 building trades 建筑构思 architectural conception 建筑构图 compostion on architecture; architectural composition 建筑构造 building construction 建筑估价 building cost estimate 建筑管理 architectural

2、 control 建筑规程 building regulations 建筑规范 building code 建筑机械 construction machinery; building machinery 建筑及维护规则 recommendation 建筑结构 building structure 建筑结构分析语言 structural engineering system solver (STRESS) 建筑立面 elevation of building; building elevation 建筑沥青 bitumen for building; building asphalt No. 1

3、0 建筑力学 architectural mechanics 建筑铝型材生产线 architectural aluminium profile production line 建筑毛面积 gross floor area 建筑毛造价 gross building cost 建筑面积 area of structure; covered area 建筑面积比 floor-area ratio (F.A.R.) 建筑面积指标 floor-space index (F.S.I.) 建筑模数 building module 建筑配景 entourage of building 建筑平面 archite

4、ctural plane; building plane 建筑起重机 building crane; construction-site crane 建筑砌块 building block 建筑气候分区 climate region of building 建筑青铜 architectural bronze 建筑青铜合金 architectural bronze 建筑声学 architectural acoustics 建筑石 paring stone 建筑石料 building stone 建筑时期观念 construction period concept 建筑史 architectura

5、l history; history of architecture 建筑收进线 building setback line 建筑陶板 architectural terra-cotta (ATC) 建筑陶瓷 architectural pottery 建筑特色 architectural feature 建筑体积 architectural volume; cubage 建筑体积计算 cubing 建筑体系 building system 建筑体形 building size 建筑透视 architectural perspective 建筑外壳 building shell 建筑外形 ar

6、chitectural appearance 建筑物 building; structure 建筑物保险 building insurance 建筑物朝向 direction of building 建筑物基础 building foundation 建筑物间距 distance between buildings 建筑物理 architectural physics; building physics 建筑物缺隐 building deficiency 建筑物入口 building entrance 建筑物租约 building lease 建筑现场 construction 建筑限制 bu

7、ilding restriction 建筑限制线 building restiction line 建筑效果 architectural effect 建筑型钢轧机机座 structural stand 建筑型式 type of construction; architectural form 建筑遗产 architectural heritage 建筑艺术 architectural art 建筑艺术处理 artistic treatment in architecture; architectural  treatment 建筑艺术形式 artistic form of archi

8、tecture 建筑用地 building lot; building site; lot 建筑用地规划 plot planning; block planning 建筑用钢铁 constructional iron 建筑用黄铜 architectural brass 建筑用木材 building timber 建筑用提升机 service-building elevator 建筑原理 architectonics; architectural principle 建筑造型艺术 art of architectural modelling 建筑占地系数 coefficient of land

9、used for buildings 建筑障碍 architectural barriers 建筑照明 architectural lighting 建筑折旧准备 buildings depreciation reserve 建筑哲理 architectural philosophy 建筑柱式 architectural orders; orders of architecture 建筑装饰 architectural decoration; architectural ornament 建筑装饰彩釉砂涂料 colour-glazed sand paint for building decor

10、ation 建筑装饰学 architectural decoration 建筑装修五金 architectural metalwork 建筑自动化 building automation 建筑自重 structural weight per square meter 建筑渲染 architectural rendering; rendu 施工 construct; execution; construction; execution of works 施工安装图 construction and erection drawing 施工安装用的机械及工具 machines and tools f

11、or construction and erection 施工标桩 construction stake 施工布置图 construction plan 施工步骤 construction procedure; construction steps 施工测量 construction survey 施工程序 construction program; execution programme for works 施工程序网络图 project network 施工贷款 construction loan 施工单位 construction organization; builder 施工道路 c

12、onstruction road 施工地点 job location 施工吊车 construction hoist 施工定额 construction norm 施工队 construction team 施工方法 job practice 施工方式 form of construction work 施工费用 construction cost 施工缝 construction joint 施工工程 construction work 施工工程师 construction engineer; operating engineer 施工工程学 construction engineering

13、 施工工期 construction period 施工工种 construction trade 施工规模 scope of construction item; size of construction 施工荷载 construction loads; working load 施工合同 construction contract 施工机械 construction machinery 施工机械费 cost of constructors mechanical plant 施工机械化 mechanization of building operation; mechanization of

14、nbspconstruction 施工机械化系数 coefficient of construction mechanization 施工技术财务计划 financial plan for construction technology 施工计划 construction plan; construction program(me) 施工监督 supervision of construction; supervision; monitoring 施工检查 inspection of construction 施工检查员 construction inspector 施工阶段 construc

15、tion stage; construction phase 施工进度 construction progress 施工进度表 schedule of construction; schedule of operations;nbspwork-schedule 施工进度计划 detailed construction schedule; construction schedule 施工经济学 construction economics 施工经理 construction manager 施工经验 construction experience 施工卷扬机 builders hoist; bu

16、ilders winch 施工临时螺栓 construction bolt 施工流水作业法 construction streamline method 施工面积 floor space under construction 施工平面图 construction plan 施工期 construction period 施工起重机 construction hoist 施工企业 construction enterprises 施工前阶段 preconstruction stage 施工区 construction area 施工缺陷 constructional deficiency 施工人

17、员 constructor; 施工设备 plant for construction; construction equipment 施工设计 detail design; detailed engineering 施工水平仪 builders level 施工说明 general des cription of construction 施工说明书 construction specifications 施工图设计 construction documents design 施工图设计阶段 construction documents design phase; constructionnb

18、spdocuments phase 施工图预算 working drawing estimate 施工文件 construction documents (包括施工图及说明) 施工误差 construction error 施工现场 fabricating yard; job location 施工详图 detail of construction; construction detail; working drawing 施工项目 project under construction; construction item 施工项目编号 construction item reference

19、number 施工效率 efficiency of construction 施工性能 workability 施工许可证 builders licence 施工验收技术规范 technical code for work and acceptance 施工依据 manufacture bases 施工营业执照 builder 施工预算 construction estimate 施工执照 building permit 施工准备 preliminary work for construction; preparations for 施工准备计划 preparatory plan 施工总平面图

20、 overall construction site plan 施工总则 general conditions of construction 施工组织设计 construction management plan 施工作业计划 work element construction program 项目 subject of entry; item 项目报告 project paper 项目编制阶段 project preparation phase 项目标记 project mark 项目财务估价 project financial evaluation 项目采购 project purcha

21、sing 项目成本 project cost; item cost 项目筹备融通资金 project preparation facility (PPF) 项目贷款 project finance; project-financing loan; project loan 项目单 menu 项目的拟订 project formulation 项目的所有者 owner of the project 项目的总投标价值 total tender value of project 项目发展周期 project development cycle 项目范围 scope of project 项目方案 p

22、roject alternatives 项目分隔符 item separation symbol 项目分类 classification of items 项目分配 allocation of items 项目分析 item analysis 项目工程师 project engineer 项目工程师负责制 project engineer system 项目管理 project management 项目管理人 project manager 项目号 item number 项目核对法 check list (市场调查技术之一) 项目核准权 projects approval authorit

23、y 项目后评价 post project evaluation 项目后评价和后继行动 post project evaluation and followup 项目划分 segregation of items 项目化组织 projectized organization 项目环境生态评价 environmental appraisal of a project 项目货款额度 project line 项目技术评价 project technology evaluation 项目计划 project plan 项目计划设计图 project planning chart 项目记录 item r

24、ecord 项目加权 item weighting 项目检验回归曲线 item-test regression curve 项目建设费用 cost of project implementation 项目建设进度表 project implementation scheduling 项目建议书 proposals for the projects 项目经济估价 project economic evaluation; economic evaluation of anbspproject 项目经理 project manager 项目矩阵组织 project matrix organizati

25、on 项目控制 project control 项目块 entry block 项目历史 history of project 项目目标管理 project management by objectives 项目拟订 project formulation 项目匹配法 matching item 项目评估 project appraisal; project evaluation 项目评估法 Project Evaluation and Review Technique 项目企业经济评价 enterprises economic appraisal of a project 项目删除 dele

26、tion of items 项目上端 item top 项目社会评价 projects social value appraisal 项目设备 project equipment 项目设计 item design 项目设计工程师负责制 project engineer responsibility system 项目生产 project production 项目说明 item des cription 项目说明书 specification of an item 项目投资时期 investment phase of a project 项目图与布置图 project charts and layouts 项目网络法 project network technique

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