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1、 A busy B. smart C. serious D. pleased ( )9. 一I know old Joe lives . 一We are supposed to visit him from time to time. Then, he wont feel . A alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. lonely; alone D. alone;( )10. 一Why dont you buy the sweater? 一Its too ,and I dont have enough money to buy it. A. nice B. exp

2、ensive C. popular D. cheap The Fate of the Furious? 一What do you think of the movie ( )11. 一It is ! I enjoy it very much. A. friendly B. fantastic C. awful D. noisy ( )12. Frenchmen are outgoing. It is to make friends with them. A. easy B. proud C. polite D. important ( )13. Mrs. Gao often gets mad

3、at her noisy son, but she is always her noisy pupils in the music class. A. angry with B. patient with C. worried about D. similar to ( )14. It is five years since we began to enjoy a spring holiday each year. A. ten-day B. ten day C. ten days D. ten days ( )15. TFBOYS has a lot of fans. It thousand

4、s of young people. A. is popular with B. is satisfied with C. is strict with ( )16. 一Does Jimmy often volunteer in his free time? 一Yes. He often fixes up computers for others. A. bright B. fallen C. broken D. weak ( ) 17. 一Why are you so happy, Mr. Wu? 一Because the movie yesterday evening was so and

5、 it made me . A. moving; moving B. moving; moved C. moved; moving D. moved;( )18. In the future, robots will do jobs in place of people in order not to get us . A. bored; bored B. boring; boring C. boring; bored D. bored;( )19. 一Why was the young man so in himself? 一Because he had too many failures.

6、 A. disappointed B. surprised C. interested D. excited ( )20. In order to sell more products, we need to come up with more ideas. A. true B. common C. simple D. creative ( )21. My sister is . She likes making friends. A. shy B. serious C. outgoing D. quiet ( )22. 一She got full marks in the math exam

7、. 一Her parents were her. A. satisfied with B. tired of C. worried about ( )23. 一Could you please fix my phone? 一Sorry. The shop next may be . A. useful B. helpful C. careful D. hopeful ( )24. This kind of sweaters looks and sells . A. beautifully; well B. beautiful; well C. beautifully; good D. beau

8、tiful; good ( )25. We all expect the summer holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two-months D. two months ( )26. Helping others makes us very . A lonely B. proud C. lazy D. harmful ( )27. My deskmate is really . She likes to attend different activities after school A. active B. quiet

9、 C. lazy D. honest ( )28. It is is it because time, on school to get to him for raining . A. hard; hardly B. hardly; hard C. hard;( )29. As soon as I heard the news that I passed the driving test, I felt at once. A. angry B. relaxed C. afraid D. nervous ( )30. Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She

10、 always feels when getting on it. A. nervous B. interested C. relaxed D. happy ( )31. The physics problem is too hard, so students can work it out. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few ( )32. Jane has become much than before. She can express herself in public now. A. brave B. braver C. lazy D. lazi

11、er ( )33. Even though were in difficult times, we need to keep hope . A. real B. alive C. fresh D. close ( )34. 一Good news! I got the last ticket to the concert. 一How you are! A. active B. strange C. lucky D. funny ( )35. As we all know, Heze is its peony(牡丹).It attracts millions of visitors from ho

12、me and abroad every year. A. popular with B. well-known as C. famous for ( )36. Im about the football match. A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. excited;形容词的等级 ( )1. I failed to catch the last bus on that cold winter night. I couldnt feel then. A. more excited B. more terrible C. the most e

13、xcited D. the most terrible ( )2. Daniel is his twin brother. They are both 1.75 meters tall. A. taller than B. shorter than B. as tall as D. so tall as ( )3. I felt much after I told the problems to my close friend. A. good B. well C. better D. best ( )4. Its believed that playing computer games to

14、o much does harm than good A. many B. much C. more D. most ( )5. 一Is it cheaper and enjoyable to travel by train than by plane?一Yes. I think so. A. very; very more B. even; a little C. more; much more D. much; far more ( )6. 一How do you improve English?一 you speak, your English will be. A. The less;

15、 the more B. The more; the better C. The less;D. The more; the less ( )7. Our country is getting . We are proud of it. A. more and more strong B. strong and strong C. stronger and stronger Baby Plan ?Have you seen the movie ( )8. 一一Of course. I think its movie I have ever seen. A. funny B. funnier C

16、. the most funny D. the funniest ( )9. 一I want to buy a shirt. But I have a little money. 一The shirts here are all very cheap. And the yellow one is . Do you like it? A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest D. expensive ( )10. 一What do you think of the environment in your hometown?s . Both the air and t

17、he water are badly polluted. A. not bad B. as good as before C. not so good as before D. much better than before ( )11. 一China is over 5, 000 years old. Its one of countries in the world. 一Yes. It has much history than the US. A. old; long B. older; longer C. older; the longest D. the oldest;( )12.

18、一Do you know that China is one of countries in the world? 一Yes, I do. Its older than America. A. the oldest; very B. old; very C. the oldest; much D. oldest; much Journey to the West last night. He thought it was one of ( )13. He watched TV programs. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most intere

19、sting D. the most interesting ( )14. 一Which is clothes store in the town? 一Dream Clothes. Its than Blue Moon. A. the best; better B. the worst; the worse C. best; better D. worst; better ( )15. 一Which country has the population in the world? 一China. Its a little than that of India. A. most; most B.

20、biggest; bigger C. more; most D. bigger; biggest ( )16. My mother is hard-working. she does for my family, she feels. A. More; happier B. The much; the happy C. The more; the happier D. The most; the happiest ( )17. If we want to be thinner and healthier, we should eat food and take exercise. A. les

21、s; more B. more; less fewer D. fewer; more ( )18. Nothing is than keeping trying if you want to achieve your dream. A. very important B. more important C. the most important D. as important as ( )19. Among these children, Jim has life and he lives . A. the most happy; most happily B. the happiest; C

22、. the happiest; happiest ( )20. Jack eats a lot and never exercises, so he becomes the in his class. A. thinner B. heavier C. thinnest D. heaviest ( )21. The children learn to be independent, the it is for their future. A. earlier; best B. earliest; best C. earlier; better D. early;1-10 DCABDDDADB 1

23、1-20 BABAACBCAD 21-30 CABBBBACBA 31-36 BBBCCB 1-10 BCCCDBCDCC 11-20 DCDABCABBD 21 C 20XX019学年度第一学期生物教研组工作计划 指导思想以新一轮课程改革为抓手,更新教育理念,积极推进教学改革。努力实现教学创新,改革教学和学习方式,提高课堂教学效益,促进学校的内涵性发展。同时,以新课程理念为指导,在全面实施新课程过程中,加大教研、教改力度,深化教学方法和学习方式的研究。正确处理改革与发展、创新与质量的关系,积极探索符合新课程理念的生物教学自如化教学方法和自主化 学习方式。主 要工作一、教研组建设 方面:、深入

24、学习课改理论,积极实施课改 实践。、以七年级新教材为“切入点”,强 化理论学习和教学实践。、充分发挥教研 组的作用,把先进理念学习和教学实践有机的结合起来,做到以学促研,以研促教,真正实现教学质量的全面提升。、强化教学过程管理,转变学生的学习方式,提高课堂效益,规范教学 常规管理,抓好“五关”。()备课关。要求教龄五年以下的教师备详案,提倡其他教师备 详案。要求教师的教案能体现课改理念。()上课关。 ()作业关。首先要控 制学生作业的量,本着切实减轻学生负担的精神,要在作业批改上狠下工夫。()考试 关。以确保给学生一个公正、公平的评价环境。()质量关。、加强教研组凝聚力, 培养组内老师的团结合

25、作精神,做好新教师带教工作。二、常规 教学方面:加强教研组建设。兴教研之风,树教研氛围。特别要把起始年级新教材的教研活动作为工作的重点。、教研组要加强集体备课共同分析教材研究教法探讨疑难问题由备课组长牵头每周集体备课一次,定时间定内容,对下一阶段教学做到有的放矢,把握重点突破难 点、教研组活动要有计划、有措施、有内容,在实效上下工夫,要认真落实好组 内的公开课教学。、积极开展听评课活动,每位教师听课不少于20节,青年教师 不少于节,兴“听课,评课”之风,大力提倡组内,校内听随堂课。、进一步制作、 完善教研组主页,加强与兄弟学校的交流。我们将继续本着团结一致,勤沟通,勤研究 ,重探索,重实效的原

26、则,在总结上一学年经验教训的前提下,出色地完成各项任务。校 内公开课活动计划表日期周次星期节次开课 人员拟开课内容10月127四 王志忠生物圈10月137五 赵夕珍动物的行为12月 114五赵夕珍生态系统的调节12月2818四朱光祥动物的生殖 镇江新区大港中 学生物教研组xx- 20X 下学期生物教研组工作计划范文20X年秋 季生物教研组工作计划化学生物教研组 的工作计划生 物教研组工作计划下学期生物教研 组工作计划年下学期 生物教研组工作计划20X年化学生物教研组 计划20X年化 学生物教研组计划中 学生物教研组工作计划第一学期生物教 研组工作计划 20XX019学年度第二学期高中英语教研组工作计划XXXX学年度第二学期高中英 语教研组工作计划一指导思想:本学期,我组将进一步确立以人为本的教育教学理论,把课程改革作为教学研究的中心工作,深入学习和研究新课程标准,积极、稳妥地实施和推进中学英语课程改革。以新课程理念指导 教研工作,加强课程改革,紧紧地围绕新课程实施过程出现的问题,寻求解决问题的方法和途径。加强课题研究,积极支持和开展校本研究,提高教

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