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1、CbannedDcollapsed3.Despite his disappointing record this year, I _ feel he is the best athlete in our team.AhoweverBotherwiseCthereforeDnonetheless4.Someone who gives an expensive gift often feels that he should receive more praise than if he _ a less expensive gift.AgivesBgaveChad givenDhas given5.

2、They were enjoying themselves. _ , they appeared to be enjoying themselves.AHoweverBInsteadCOr ratherDAs a result6._ I admire him as a doctor, but I don t like him as a man.AMuch asBSo muchCAs muchDMuch so7.The people in that remote area still live on _ means because the economy there is underdevelo

3、ped.AdifficultBmodestCarduousDdomestic8.His concluding remarks had a tremendous _ on the audience.AresponseBimpactCaffectionDassertion9.Old as the machine is, it is in _ good order.AreasonablyBrationallyCProbablyDoccasionally10.Every man and every woman _ to take part in the election.AhaveBareCisDwa

4、nt11.I want to know _ the leather coat belongs to.AwhoBwhichCthatDwhom12.They found at last _ they had been looking for.AthatBwhatCwhereDwhich13._, we drove the horses into the stable.AAware that a tornado was brewingBBecause a tornado brewingCAlthough a tornado was brewingDA tornado was brewing14.I

5、t was between 1830 and 1835 _ the modem newspaper was born.AwhenBthatCwhichDbecause15.I insist on _ this small present as a token of my appreciation.Ayou to acceptByour acceptingCyou acceptedDyou accept16.with the size of the whole earth, the huge mountains do seem very tiny.AWhen comparedBIf you co

6、mpareCComparingDA comparison17.The news _ we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true.AwhichCifDfor18.Usually, the more difficult a shrub is to grow, _.Athe higher price it isBthe higher its priceCits price is higherDit is higher priced19.If you hadnt told me about it, I would still be unaware of t

7、he facts nowA如果你把这事告诉我的话,我现在就知道这些事实了。B你从没把这事告诉我,我现在还不知道这些事实。C那时你没把这事告诉我,可我一直知道这些事实。D如果那时你没把这事告诉我,我现在还不知道这些事实呢。20.Wood furniture does not depreciate in value _ properly handled and protected.AifBhasDand21.Id rather stay here alone enjoying the stillness. I dont want to go to ally ball.A我宁愿独自一人待在这里享受安

8、宁。我不想去参加任何舞会。B我宁愿独自一人待在这里不动。我不想去打球。C我最好独自一人待在这里享受安宁,不去参加任何舞会。D我最好独自一人待在这里不动,不去打球。22.I got to the station,only to find that the train was pulling outA我赶到车站,只是为了看看火车是不是已经出站了。B我赶到车站,结果发现火车已经出站了。C我赶到车站,找到了进站的火车。D我赶到车站,发现火车已经进站了。23.Even if I had met him,I wouldnt have told him about our planA如果我见过他,我也不会告

9、诉他我们的计划。B如果我再见到他,我就不会告诉他我们的计划。C即使我见过他,我也不会告诉他我们的计划。D即使我再见到他,我也不会告诉他我们的计划。24.She got to know the young man very well _ she had worked for so long.Ato whomBin whomCwhomDwith whom25.The car _ by the side of the road and the driver tried to repair it.Abreaks downBwas breaking downChas broken downDbroke

10、down26.With the introduction of the computer, libraries today are quite different from _ they were in the past.Dthose27.The City of London, _ repeatedly in 1940 and 1941, lost many of its famous churches.AbombedBto bombCbombingDhaving bombed28.We were all excited at the news _ our annual sales had m

11、ore than doubled.CitDwhat29._ traveling expenses rising a lot, Mm. White had to change all hex plans for the tour.ASinceBAs forCByDWith30.I felt so embarrassed that I couldnt do anything but _ there when I first met my present boss.Ato sitBsittingCsatDsit31.When he went out, he would wear sunglasses

12、 _ nobody would recognize him.Aso thatBnow thatCas thoughDin case32.Some people think _ about their rights than they do about their responsibilities.Aso muchBtoo muchCmuch moreDmuch too33.What does tile writer mean by saying we pay for our sensitivity in the first paragraphAWe have to take care of o

13、ur sense of pain.BWe suffer from our sense of feeling.CWe should try hard to resist pain.DWe are hurt when we feel pain.34.The human body has developed a system of nerves that enables us to _.Astay relaxedBavoid painCstand tortureDfeel pain35.When the author mentions the Indian fakir, he shows that

14、_.Afakirs possess magic powerBIndians are not afraid of painCpeople can learn to cope with painDsome people are born without a sense of pain36.What is essential for people to stand pain according to the writerATheir relaxation.BTheir interest.CTheir nerves.DTheir attitude.37._ he was seriously ill,

15、I wouldnt have told him the troth.AIf I knewBIf I knowCHad I knownDDid I know38.Oneworld in the passage refers to _.Aa travel agencyBa union of airlinesCa series of tourist attractionsDthe title of a flight program39.The author believes that _.Afeeling pain is part of our lifeBpain should be avoided

16、 at all costsCfeeling pain can be an interesting thingDmagic power is essential for reducing pain40.The Oneworld Explorer program is said to be most suitable for those who _.Ahave been to the four comers of the earthBtravel around the world on businessCwant to explore the eight airlinesDneed support

17、 all along the way41.The advantage of the alliance lies in _.Aits detailed travel informationBits unique booking systemCits longest business flightsDits global service network42.We can learn from the last paragraph that Onewortd _.Aoffers the lowest prices to its passengersBkeeps passengers better i

18、nformed of its operationsCoffers better services than any of its member airlines aloneDis intended to make round-the-world trips more challenging43.The purpose of the advertisement is to _.Apromote a special flight programBrecommend long distightsCintroduce different airlines 2 groupDdescribe an all

19、iance flights44.Any academic breakthrough, brilliant as it may be, does not automatically ensure that it can be applied to practice.A学科上的任何成果,除非它辉煌灿烂,否则不能自动用于实践。B任何学科上的成就,尽管不能自动用于实践,但也可能是灿烂辉煌的。C学术上的任何成就,无论杰出与否,都不能确保它可以自动地用于实践。D任何学术上的突破,或许本身很卓越,也并非自然而然地就可用于实践。45.With increasing awareness of the envir

20、onment,people have realized that the way coal is used is critical and new approaches have to be soughtA尽管环境意识提高了,人们认为使用煤炭仍然是重要的,并且已经找到了新的方法。B随着环境意识的增强,人们认识到使用煤炭的方法应该受到批评,必须寻求新的途径。C随着环境意识的日益增强,人们认识到如何使用煤炭至关重要,因而得寻求新的方法。D尽管人们对环境越来越了解,他们也认识到使用煤炭应该受到批评,但要寻找到新的能源才行。46.The global market in these services

21、is likely to touch US $ 640 billion,a figure comparable with the size of the IT industryA整个市场的服务费用已上升到6,400亿美元,这个额度有可能会达到IT业的规模。B以总体为6,400亿美元服务于市场的目标有望实现,这一目标是相对于IT行业而言的。C这些服务业的全球市场有可能达到6,400亿美元,这一数字与IT业产值的大小相当。D整个市场中的服务行业可能要突破6,400亿美元,这一数字与IT业的规模不相上下。47.The author suggests that human resources mana

22、gement should be taught as a required subject in this school,along with science coursesA作者建议,这所学校开设人力资源管理课程或是开设理科课程都是必要的。B作者建议,除了理科课程之外,这所学校应将人力资源管理作为必修课开设。C作者建议,作为学校的一门课程,人力资源管理应该在其他理科课程之后开设。D作者建议,把人力资源管理作为一门必修课开设,纳入理科课程中。48.The basis of remote diagnosis will be _.Apersonal data assistanceBstandard

23、ized symptoms of a patientCreal physiological data from a patientDtransmitted complex medical images49.The article is about a couple whose married life is happier because _.Athey have a truly equal partnershipBthe husband has more sense of household responsibilityCthe couple cares little about other

24、 peoples comment on their lifeDthe wife has a full time job50.Jane finally decided to apply for her present job because _.Ashe thought she had better qualifications than othersBher husband had persuaded her toCboth husband and wife find it rewarding to undertake itDshe thought it necessary to make a change

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