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1、4.讨论并感知情态动词表示推测时可能性的大小。5.阅读2d对话,回答老师所提问题。6.两人一组表演2d对话。【拓展提升】小组合作:将课前准备好的个人物品混合在一起,讨论这些物品分别属于哪个组员,并说明如此判断的依据。【跟踪训练】根据句意选择合适的单词或短语1.Wheres Lily?Im not sure.She (is/might be/must be ) in the library.2.Whose hair band is this?It (must be/might be/cant be) Li Wens because she is the only girl at the part

2、y.3.I hear someone talking with my teacher outside the classroom.It (could be/must be/cant be) Mr.Chen because he has gone to Shanghai.4.Thats the phone.Hmm.I wonder who it (must/could/should) belong to.【课堂练习】.单词拼写1.It must b (属于) to Carla.2.We will have a p in the park tomorrow.What food and drink

3、should we take?3.This painting is very v because it was painted by a famous painter.4.I didnt a the meeting because I was ill.句型转换1.This bike must be Li Juns.(改为同义句)This bike must Li Jun.2.This is Johns T-shirt.(对画线部分提问) T-shirt this?3.Those things belong to my English teacher.(对画线部分提问) those things

4、 belong ?4.Maybe the soccer ball is Bobs or Peters.They both play soccer.(改为同义句)The soccer ball Bobs or Peters.They both play soccer.自我反思1.我的收获:Words an expressions:Sentences:2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行3.我的易错点:参考答案【跟踪训练】1.might be2.must be3.cant be4.could【课堂练习】.1.belong2.picnic3.valuable4.attend.1.belong to2.Wh

5、ose;is3.Who do;to4.may bePeriod 2Section A 3a-4c【课型】阅读课1.能掌握以下单词:happening,noise,policeman,wolf,uneasy。2.能掌握课文中用情态动词表示推测的句型。3.能根据任务设计找出文中关键信息并理解课文内容。4.能在理解课文的基础上对课文进行改编。1.请在课前复习用情态动词表示推测的用法,用must,might,could,cant各造一个句子,并说明这样推测的原因。For example:The schoolbag must be Jims because he is the only boy in t

6、he playground yesterday.Play some strange sounds,and let students guess what it might be.T:Did you hear anything unusual?What sound could it be?S1:I think it might be a car.S2:It could be a cat.Read the article quickly and find out what kind of strange noise it might be.1.Read the article quickly an

7、d choose the best title for this article.2.Read the article carefully and fill in the chart in 3c.1.According to 3c,retell the text using your own words.2.According to the discussion of the noise in the town,make a new dialogue and act it out.短语互译1.something unusual 2.感到不安 interviewed by 4.在我们的

8、窗外 5.see something running away 1.Dont make n.The baby is sleeping now.2.Those (警察)helped me and took me home.3.There are seven (狼) on the hill.They are very dangerous.4.Tomorrow we are going to take an English test,so I feel u.5.The school has a large biology l .Many students can do experiments in

9、it.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.Its very in the classroom.(noise)2.This old table is a piece of furniture.(value)3.Julia looked because she lost her keys.(worry)4.They had fun basketball with us yesterday afternoon.(play)5.I dont know book this is.(who).完成句子1.那对耳环可能是他送给妈妈的礼物。The earrings a gift for his mother.2

10、.屋里的灯亮着,李明一定在里面。The light in the room is on.Li Ming in.3.在那家餐馆你吃什么特别的东西了吗?Did you eat in that restaurant?4.那些男孩正在开心地踢足球。Those boys are basketball.5. 这个箱子太沉,我搬不动。This box is heavy for me .1.我的收获Words and expressions:1.某种不寻常的东西2.feel uneasy3.被采访4.outside our window5.看到某物正在逃跑.1.noise2.policemen3.wolves

11、4.uneasy5.laboratory.1.noisy2.valuable3.worried4.playing5.whose.1.might/could be2.must be3.anything special4.having fun playing5.too;to carryPeriod 3Section B 1a-1d1.能掌握本课重点词汇:land,alien,run after,suit。2.能听懂对正在进行的动作表示推测的句子,根据任务抓住关键信息。3.能运用情态动词推测某人正在进行的动作,并展开话题讨论。2.预习如何对正在进行的动作进行推测,并造五个句子。例如:Li Lei m

12、ust be reading in the library because his umbrella is outside the library now.【新课导入】猜测游戏:Look at the picture.Can you guess what the man could be doing now?S:He might be playing basketball.1.根据1a,用现在进行时造句。2.用情态动词来推测1a人物正在进行的动作并解释原因:Why is the man running?He might be running for exercise.He could be r

13、unning to catch an early bus.1.完成1b听力任务,将三幅画排序。2.完成1c听力任务,将表格中信息填写完整。1.听完1b听力内容,对故事进行续写。2.两人一组,表演对话内容。1.上班迟到 2.为了锻炼而跑步 3.赶公交车 4.某个奇怪的东西 5.一个带相机的女人 6.拍电影 .完成句子(每空一词)1.汤姆可能正在看足球赛。Tom the football match now.2.我想找点儿有趣的东西。I want to find .3.看!一个警察正在追逐小偷。Look! A policeman is the thief.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The (ac

14、t) must be making a movie.2.Look at the man (run) down the street.Whats happening to him?3.He is running (catch) the early bus.4.There (be) something in the sky.Is it a bird?.句型转换1.It must be a UFO.(改为否定句)It a UFO.2.He is running for exercise.(就画线部分提问) he running?3.I think the alien is running after

15、 the man.(改为否定句)I think the alien running after the man.4.Do you know that woman?The woman has a camera.(合并为一句)Do you know that woman a ? late for for exercise3.catch the bus4.something strange5.a woman with a camera6.make a movie.1.might be watching2.something interesting3.running af

16、 be2.Why is3.dont;is4.with;cameraPeriod 4Section B 2a-2e1.能正确朗读和拼写以下单词:express,circle,Britain,mystery,receive,historian,leader,midsummer,medical,purpose,prevent,energy,position,burial,honor,ancestor,victory,enemy,period,hard-working。2.能根据上下文语境理解一些连接词在文中表达的确切

17、意思并学会运用连接词。3.能根据课文所设任务理解巨石阵的用途及未解之谜。4.谈论自己所了解的中国或其他国家类似巨石阵的仍存在未解之谜的地方。1.请在课前学会拼读并熟记下面的单词:2.查阅关于巨石阵的相关资料,整理在笔记本上。3.上网查阅世界各地有未解之谜的地方,整理在笔记本上,并写明具体地点,有什么未解之谜,专家的推测有哪些。谈论世界各地的名胜古迹,拓展学生的视野,了解世界各地的文化。可以随机提问一些问题。 比如:What is it?Where is it?When was it built?What was it famous for?Who built it?根据大屏幕上巨石阵的图片,讨

18、论对于巨石阵有哪些了解。Talk about the picture of Stonehenge.Well,class,what can you see in the picture?I can see some stones.Are they large or small?They are very large.You see,these stones arent put randomly.They are put in a certain way,right?Yes.Then do you know where the stones are?Do you know what the roc

19、k circle is called?Good! I think you have learned a lot about Stonehenge.1.快速阅读课文,并填空2.快速阅读,回答问题:(1)Who built it?(2)What was it used for?(3)How was it built?3.再细读课文,根据课文内容判断正误。4.将2a的连接词和解释进行搭配,并从课文中找出连接词,理解它们的意思。5.根据前边所学的连接词的用法结合句意选择恰当的连接词填空。【拓展提升】分组讨论世界上和Stonehenge相似的具有神秘色彩或有未解之谜的地方,从以下四方面进行讨论:1.Wh

20、at other mysteries can you think of?2.What do you know about them?3.What is mysterious about them?4.What do experts say about them?每组选一位同学向全班汇报他们所讨论的内容。选词填空as,however,not only.but also,while,so1.My mother was cooking my father was watching TV.2.He lost his bike, he had to walk home.3.This morning he

21、 left his home early.,he was still late for work.4. its Sunday,no one comes to school.5.That song is popular in China in Korea.1.Whats the p of your journey to London?To see Buckingham Palace.2.It was very late at night,but he was still doing an experiment in the l .3.He worked in that factory for a

22、 long (一段时间) of time.4.Can you find out our (位置)on this map?5.Teenagers never get tired.Theyre full of e .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.China has sent the best (medicine) team to Africa to help the people in trouble.2.Mikes father is a (history).3.I stayed up late last night,so I feel (sleep) now.4.She received

23、a (value) ring from her husband.5.The poor sheep was eaten by seven (wolf).熟读课文,用恰当的介词填空1. midsummers morning,the sun shines directly into the center of the stones.2.Ancient leaders tried to communicate the gods.3.The large stones were put together a certain way.4.The position of the stones must be

24、a special purpose.5.As you walk there,you can feel the energy your feet move up your body.1.while2.so3.However4.As5.not only;but also. 1.medical2.historian3.sleepy4.valuable5.wolves. 1.On2.with3.in4.for5.fromPeriod 5Section B 3a-Self Check【课型】写作课1.充分阅读文本材料,丰富语言输入。2.在老师提供的写作支架帮助下,发挥想象,运用本单元目标语言完成写作任务。1.请在课前复习本单元全部单词,确保会读会写,为写作扫除单词拼写的障碍。2.再读Page 59 3a 课文,达到背诵的程度。重温本单元Page 59 3a课文,将小镇居民对怪声来源推测的句子挑出来朗读。四人一组进行讨论,再将四人分成两组1.其中三人假扮小镇居民,充分发挥自己的聪明才智,想出其他关于小镇怪声可能的来源。2.剩下的一人给这个故事想出一个出人意料的结局,并对讨论结果进行报道。1.阅读老师所给的提示问题,

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