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1、E) Fortunately, my discomfort soon passed. I realized that as a mature friend seeker my vulnerability risk was actually pretty low. If someone didn”t take me up on my offer, so what: I wasn”t in junior high, when I might have been rejected for having the wrong clothes or hair. At my age I have amass

2、ed enough self-esteem to realize that I have plenty to offer.F) We”re all so busy, in fact, that mutual interests - say, in a project, class, or cause that we already make time for - become the perfect catalysts for bringing us in contact with candidates for camaraderie. Michelle Mertes, 35, a teach

3、er and mother of two in Wausau, Wisconsin, says anew friend she made at church came as a pleasant surprise. “In high school I chose friends based on their popular-ity and how being part of their circle might reflect on me. Now”s it”s our shared values and activities that count.“ Mertes says her pal,

4、 with whom she organized the church”s youth programs, is nothing like her but their drive and organizational skills make them ideal friends.G) Happily, as awkward as making new friends can be, self-esteem issues do not factor in - or if they do, you can easily put them into perspective. Danzig tells

5、 of the mother of a child in her son”s pre-school, a tall, beautiful woman who is married to a big-deal rock musician. “I said to my husband, she”s too cool for me,”“ she jokes. “I get intimidated by people. But once I got to know her, she turned out to be pretty laid-back and friendly.“ In the end

6、there was no chemistry between them, so they didn”t become good pals. “I realized that we weren”t each other”s type, but it wasn”t about hierarchy.“ What midlife friendship is about, it seems, is reflecting the person you”ve become (or are still becoming) back at yourself, thus reinforcing the progr

7、ess you”ve made in your life.H) Harlene Katzman, 41, a lawyer in New York City, notes that her oldest friends knew her back when she was less sure of herself. As much as she loves them, she believes they sometimes respond to is-sues in light of who she once was. An old chum has the goods on you. Wit

8、h recently made friends, you can turn over a new leaf.I) A new friend, chosen right, can also help you point your boat in the direction you want to go. Hanna Dershowitz, 39, an attorney and mother in Los Angeles, found that a new acquaintance from workwas exactly what she needed in a friend. In addi

9、tion to liking and respecting Julia, Dershowitz had a feeling that the fit and athletic younger woman would help her to get in shape.J) While you”re busy making new friends, remember that you still need to nurture your old ones. We asked Marla Paul, author of The Friendship Crisis: Finding, Making,

10、and Keeping Friends When You “re Not a Kid Anymore, for the best ways to maintain these important relationships. Keep in touch. Your friends should be a priority; schedule regular lunch dates or coffee catch-up sessions, no matter how busy you are. Know her business. Keep track of important events i

11、n a friend”s life and show your support. Call or e-mail to let her know you”re thinking of her. Speak your mind. Tell a friend (politely) if something she did really upset you. If you can”t be totally honest, then you need to reexamine the relationship. Accept her flaws. No one is perfect, so work a

12、round her quirks -she”s chronically late, or she”s a bit negative - to cut down on frustration and fights. Boost her ego. Heartfelt compliments make everyone feel great, so tell her how much you love her new sweater or what a great job she did on a work project.46. Leslie Danzig thought making frien

13、ds at one”s middle age needed some reasons.47. A well-chosen new friend can help you go in the direction that you like.48. A few years ago the author felt lonely and depressed when she phoned her best friend in another city who was much wanted then but unavailable.49. According to Kathleen Hall, one

14、 might feel sensitive in the first curse of making new friends.50. Midlife friendship can help you realize your direction of life and reinforce the progress you”ve made in your life.51. In Mafia Paul”s book, to be a better friend, you should keep track with your fiiends, care for your friend”s job,

15、express yourself, accept her flaws and compliment your friend for her/his good dressing and job.52. For the author, a girl friend might be the right person to under “stand her and erase her negative feeling.53. According to Michelle Metes, midlife friendship is based on the shared values and activit

16、ies54. As a mature friend seeker, the author finds herself with enough confidence to offer and take rejection with grace.55. With newly made friends, you can have a chance to take on a new look in your life.Section B交友之道A)数年前的一天晚上,我发觉自己陷入了焦虑中。事实上,一切事情祁如常,我和家人都很安康;我工作劳碌,事业有成。我只是隐模糊约感到心情很低落,急需一个朋友能给我打

17、打气,跟我喝杯咖啡,听我尽情发泄直到烟消云散。我的朋友住在加州这个国家的另一端。我拨通了她的电话,却听到要求留言的录音。阴影从今开头覆盖着我,孤独是我懊丧的根源。我的社交生活已经削减到几乎没有,但不知何故,直到那一该,我才留意到这一点。现在,这种感觉却狠雏地撞击着我。戈的那些老朋友们,从大学甚至孩提时代就已深交的密友,对我了如指掌,但他们一离开,也把我生活的环境一并带走了。B)讨论说明,缺少社交生活对人的安康会产生长期的消极后果。还好,我妁焦虑期持续时间相当短暂。l521在那时我需要被理解,是只有女性朋友才能理解的那种方式。我知道期望我的丈夫取代喷油的想法是 错误的:他不能,即使他能,我又和谁

18、倾诉我对丈夫的埋怨呢?于是,我下定决心要结交新朋友,目标是像我一样有孩子而且关注这个世界的妇女。由于我这样交友的目的性更明确,我渐渐意识到,我是可以进展选择的,我实际上是可以设计我的社交生活的。固然它的消极一面就是我感到特别可怕。C)究竟,在中年时期交友要比年轻时困难得多一这是个客观存在的显示,与我聊过的女性曾不止一次地指出这一点。41岁的Leslie Danzi9是芝加哥的一位戏剧导演,也是一位母亲,1461她的看法是,在十几岁、二十几岁的时候,除了有特别理由不能成为朋友的状况,人差不多可以跟全部人成为朋友。 你的大学室友,至少余由于走得比拟近而成为你的朋友。一现在,我们则需要理由才能成为朋

19、友。Danzi9说,“有许多人,我跟他们在一起的时候很舒适,但我不会因此称他们为朋友。舒适度还缺乏以维持真正的友情。”D)一开头的时候,查找新的伙伴确实让入有点为难。四十岁了,我无法像我四岁的女儿那样在操场上遇到人就问:“能跟我做朋友吗?”。【49】 每次建立一群新关系,你就会又变得脆弱了,”,KathleenHall,教牧学博士,亚特兰大压力讨论所的创始人兼首席执行官,赞同这一看法。她说: “你是在问:你情愿参加到我的生活中吗?这使我们局促担心。E)幸运的是,我的不适感很快就过去了。我意识到,作为一个查找朋友的成年人,我变得脆弱的风险其实是特别低的。假如有人不情愿承受我的恳求,那又如何呢?我

20、不再是个初中生,那时我可能会由于穿不搭调的衣服或者发型不好看而被拒绝。【54】到了我这个年纪。我已经方足够的自信,我以为我有足够吸引对方的东西。F)事实上,我们都很忙,以至于共同的兴趣,譬如,我们为之劳碌的工程、课程或事业,就成为把我们与建立伙伴关系的候选人联系在一起的抱负的催化剂。35岁的MichelleMertes是盛斯康辛州沃索地区一名教师及两个孩子的母亲,她说在教会结交的新朋友对她来说是一份惊喜。【53】 Mertes说,上中学对,我是依据他们的受欢送程度以及成为她们圈子的一员可能对或卢生的影响来选择朋友的。现在,共同的价值观和参与的劳动则成为我选择朋友的关键因素。二她与一起组织教会的

21、青年工程的好朋友,虽然性格不同,但她们的干劲和组织力量使她们成为彼此的抱负好友。G)令人快乐的是,尽管结交新朋友是一件为难的事情,但自尊问题不是结交朋友需要考虑的因素否则,假如将自尊问题作为结交朋友的考虑因素,你也能很简单地洞察这一点。Danzig叙述了她儿子所在的幼儿园的一个孩子的母亲的故事。那位女士身材高大,漂亮动八,嫁给了一位出名的摇滚音乐家。 “我曾跟我的丈夫说,对我来说她太酷了,”她开玩笑道。“四周的人都告诫我要警觉。但是,当我跟她混熟了,才发觉她原来是个特别闲适而友好的人。”最终,她们之间由于没有“化学反响”,没能成为好朋友。“我意识到,我们不是同一类人,但这跟社会地位没有关系。”

22、【50】现在看来:中年友情好像能反响你所属的类型(或正在成为的类型),从而加强你在生活中取得的进展。H)41岁的Harlene Katzman是纽约市的一名律师,她认为,在她无法确定自已是否变样的时候,最老的朋友知道她原来的样子。她依旧特别爱她们,她信任她们有时对问题的反响能够反映出她曾经的样子,拥有老朋友对你而言大有好处。【55】而跟新交的朋友在一起:纭可以翻开新的一页。I)【47】新朋友,假如选择对了的话, 还可以帮忙找到航行的方向。39岁的Hanna Dershowitz是洛杉矶的一名律师,也是一位母亲。她发觉,她在工作中新结交的一个人, Julia,正是她需要的好友。除了喜爱和敬重Ju

23、lia,Dershowitz有一种感觉,这个安康且从事运动事业的年轻女性能帮忙她保持身材。J)当你忙着结交新朋友时,请记住,你仍需要与老朋友们培育感情。我们请Maria Paul,友情的危机:当你不再是孩童时,如何查找朋友、结交朋友与保持友情的,告知我们维持这些重要关系的途径。保持联系。朋友至上。无论你有多忙,都要抽空定期与朋友吃顿饭或者喝杯咖啡闲聊。了解她的事业。知道朋友生活中经受的重要大事,并适时表示你的支持,打电话或者发邮件让她知道你时刻都在想着她。坦诚相待。假如朋友的确做了让你懊恼的事情,肯定要(委婉地)告知她。假如你不能完全坦诚的话,就需要重新端详这段关系。包涵她的缺点。人无完人,因

24、此不要纠结于她的怪癖她常常迟到或者她有一点消极以削减挫折和斗争。满意她的自尊。真心的赞美使人感觉良好,所以要告知她,你多喜爱她的新毛衣,她做了多么宏大的工作。46.Leslie Danzig thought making friends at oneS middle age needed some reasons.LeslieDanzig认为在中年交朋友需要一些理由。【解析】C)。细节题。依据句子关键词Leslie Danzi9和making friends al oneS middle age可定位至Cl段。该段中Danzi9说在十几、二十几岁的时候,根本上可以和全部人交朋友,但现在需要充分的理由才能交到朋友,舒适度缺乏以维持真正的友情。可见她认为中年交友需要。一些理由。47.A wellchosen new friend can he

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