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1、Often moving bones, Qimai, shu.9、保持健康是做人的责任。To keep healthy is the responsibility of man.10、幸福的首要条件在于健康。The first condition of happiness is health.11、壮志因愁减,衰容与病俱。Ambition for worry, capacity and disease are bad.12、神欢体自轻,意欲凌风翔。God like body from light to Ling fengxiang.13、幸福的基础是健康的身体!Happiness is bas

2、ed on a healthy body!14、要想孩子健,莫让孩子胖。Do not let the child to child health, fat.15、娃娃的粪便是胃肠的镜子。The excrement of a baby is a mirror of the stomach.16、完整的健康从清调补开始!Complete health from the beginning of the Qing dynasty!17、一份预防方,胜过百份药。A precaution is better than a hundred drugs.18、好静不好动,眼花耳朵聋。Very good mo

3、ve, you deaf.19、快乐首先在于有健康的身体。Happiness consists in having a healthy body.20、常用的刀不锈,常练的人不病。Commonly used knife is not rust, often practice people not sick.21、健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。A healthy mind in a healthy body.22、长寿之道在于我有快乐的性格。The way of life is that I have a happy personality.23、健康的乞丐比有病的国王更幸福。A healthy

4、beggar is happier than a sick king.24、要想富,先修路,先修健康之路。If you want to be rich, you must first build roads and roads.25、节制和劳动是人类的两个真正医生。Temperance and labor are the two real physicians of man.26、健康是智慧的条件,是愉快的标志。Health is the condition of wisdom and the mark of happiness.27、健康不是一切,没有健康没有一切。Health is not

5、 everything.28、临大事静气为先,遇险滩宁静致远。Pro event static first, quiet beach in distress.29、与其病后去求医,不如病前早自防。Go to the doctor with the disease, as early prevention before disease.30、溺死在酒杯中的人多于溺死在大海中。Drowning in glass that more people drown in the sea.31、疾病有成千上万种,但健康只有一种。There are thousands of diseases, but onl

6、y one kind of health.32、愉快的笑声,是精神健康的可靠标志。Pleasant laughter is a reliable sign of mental health.33、只有活动才可以除去各种各样的疑虑。Only activities can remove all kinds of doubts.34、有规律的生活原是健康与长寿的秘诀。Regular life is the secret of health and longevity.35、大水不到,先垒坝,疾病没来早自防。Less than the flood, the first barrier dam, the

7、 disease did not come early self defense.36、心情愉快是*和精神的最佳卫生法。Cheerfulness is the best law of the body and spirit.37、一个人需要有一个目标来达到真正健康。One needs to have a goal to achieve true health.38、养生乃长寿之伴侣,健康是长寿的朋友。Health is the companion of longevity.39、悲观的人虽生犹死,乐观的人永生不老。A pessimist is a man of life, but a man

8、of optimism is not old.40、一个人无法不变老,但是他可以抵制衰老。A man can not be old, but he can resist aging.41、保持一生健壮的真正方法是延长青春的心。The only way to keep a healthy life is to renew your youth.42、人是靠食物,靠营养活着,不是靠药活着。People rely on food, rely on nutrition to live, not live by medicine.43、宽厚待人,严于律己,知足常乐,不攀不比。Generous, stri

9、ct with oneself, contentment is not better than climbing.44、不要用珍宝装饰自己,而要用健康武装身体。Dont decorate yourself with jewels, but use healthy body.45、一日三笑,人生难老。一日三恼,不老也老。Laughter is the old hard life. Three day old angry, not too old.46、冷水洗脸,美容保健;温水刷牙,牙齿喜欢。Cold water wash, beauty care; warm water brushing tee

10、th like.47、重视健康,淡泊钱财,死不带去,生不带来。Pay attention to health, indifferent to money, and go, not to bring health.48、心理平衡,生理平衡,预防疾病,身体安静。Psychological balance, physiological balance, prevention of disease, body quiet.49、合理膳食,适当的运动,戒烟限酒,心理平衡。Reasonable diet, proper exercise, smoking cessation, mental balance

11、.50、长期的心灰意懒以及烦恼足以致人于贫病枯萎。Long enough to cause trouble and burden on poor withered.51、病从口入,祸从口出,无气不生病,无毒不生疮。Disease enters by the mouth. no gas is not sick, Out of the mouth comes evil., non-toxic, not sore.52、健康不是身体状况的问题,而是精神状况的问题。Health is not a matter of physical condition, but a state of mind.53、

12、只有身体好才能学习好工作好,才能均衡地发展。Only good health can work well, and can develop in a balanced way.54、智者要事业不忘健康,愚者只顾赶路而不顾一切。A wise man should not forget the cause of health, the only way and fling caution to the winds.55、身体虚弱,它将永远不会培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。Physically weak, it will never be able to cultivate a dynamic soul

13、and wisdom.56、必须从年轻时期就打好基础,随时随地去锻炼身体。Must lay a good foundation from a young age, anytime, anywhere to exercise.57、健康犹如真正的朋友,不到失去时,不知她的珍贵。Good health is like a true friend: when you lose it, you dont know the value of it.58、不怕工资低,就怕命归西。不怕挣钱少,就怕死得早。Not afraid of low wages, afraid I die. Not afraid to

14、 earn less, died early.59、知足者常乐,能忍者自安,忍饥者长寿,耐寒者体健。Contentment, can Ninja self security, famine and longevity, cold body health.60、器官得不到锻炼,同器官过度紧张一样,都是极其有害的。Organs can not get exercise, like the same organs are too tight, are extremely harmful.61、身体是你终身必须携带的行李。行李超重越多,旅程越短。The body is your life must c

15、arry luggage. The more baggage, the shorter the journey.62、治病先治神,药疗先疗心;生理卫生强身,心理卫生强心。The first rule of God treatment, medication to cure heart; physiological health, psychological health and strong heart.63、若要健,天天练,健康是长寿的伴侣,运动是健康的源泉。If you want to be healthy, practice every day, health is the compan

16、ion of longevity, exercise is the source of health.64、人一生可以干很多蠢事,但最蠢的一件事,就是忽视健康。People can do many things in life, but one thing is the most stupid and neglect of health.65、健康的身体乃是灵魂的客厅,有病的身体则是灵魂的禁闭室。A healthy body is the living room of the soul; a sick body is the chamber of the soul.66、一种美好的心情,比十付

17、良药更能解除生理上的疲惫和痛楚。A good mood, more than ten medicine can relieve physical fatigue and pain.67、健康是这样一个东西,它使你感到现在是一年中最好的时光。Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.68、高官不如高知,高知不如高薪,高薪不如高寿,高寿不如高兴。As officials Kochi, Kochi as paid, paid as long, long as happy.69、良好的健康

18、状况和由之而来的愉快的情绪,是幸福的最好资金。Good health and pleasant emotions are the best of all.70、“四不”益寿又延年:不急不恼百年不老,不懒不谗益寿延年。Four again: dont Yishou Yannian angry one hundred years old, not lazy do not slander others.71、健全自已的身体,保持合理的规律生活,这是自我修养的物质基础。It is the material basis of self cultivation to improve ones own bo

19、dy and keep a reasonable and regular life.72、健康是自己的,钱财是儿女的。自己只管自己事,儿女琐事由他去。Health is their own, money is their children. But let him do his own thing, and the childrens little things go by him.73、精神畅快,心气和平。饮食有节,寒暖当心。起居以时,劳逸均匀。Refreshed, ataraxic. Diet section, cold warm care. Living in, and even.74、

20、健康当然比金钱更为可贵,因为我们所赖以获得金钱的,就是健康。Of course, health is more valuable than money, because what we get is money.75、健康就是财富,而且是我们最大的财富,同时也是我们最大的资本。Health is wealth, and is our greatest wealth, but also our greatest capital.76、身体健康,起居有节,能延年益寿。生命没有节制,往往缩短生命。Healthy living section, can prolong life. Life does

21、not control, often shorten life.77、思路决定出路,观念决定方向,性格决定命运,生活方式决定健康。Ideas determine the way out, the concept of determining the direction, character determines the fate of lifestyle decisions health.78、人生有缘才相聚,何必与人过不去。人逢花甲叹时短,我命在我不在天。Life is predestined to get together, why not live with people. People

22、 every 60 sighed when short, my life is not in my day.79、宽宏大度容天地,得容人处且容人。忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。Large-minded capacity of heaven and earth, and one to one. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow。80、天怕乌云地怕荒,人怕疾病草怕霜。心灵的疾病,比肌体的疾病更危险。Afraid of the dark clouds of fear of shortage, people are afraid of disease grass afraid of frost. Disease of the soul are more dangerous than the body of the disease.

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