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1、2. A. 5:06 B. 6:55 C. 5:553. A. go swimming B. go climbing C. go boating4. A. Its cool today. B. Jim doesnt like the T-shirt. C. Jim is nicely dressed. 5. A. Tom has never visited the museum. B. Tom has visited the museum twice. C. Tom visited the second museum. II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。6. A. Not at all. B

2、. Thats right. C. It doesnt matter.7. A. Its hot. B. Its a big city. C. Its cold.8. A. Guess, please. B. Sure. C. Never mind.9. A. Last week. B. In two weeks. C. Next month.10. A. Thanks so much. B. Its a pleasure. C. Id love to.III. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。11. A. America. B. France. C. England.12. A. At 2 p

3、m. B. At 3 pm. C. At 4 pm.13. A. Playing basketball. B. Reading a book. C. Playing table tennis.14. A B C15.A B C. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)16. Who played soccer yesterday?A. Susan, Tony and John. B. Frank, Tony and John. C. Susan, Tony and Frank.17. What did they do after playing soccer?A

4、. They did their homework. B. They planted some flowers. C. They went swimming. 18. What will the woman go to Shanghai to do?A. Buy a dog. B. Have a holiday. C. Visit her friends.19. What does she worry about before she leaves for Shanghai? A. Her pet dog. B. Her pet cat. C. Her sister.20. How long

5、will the woman be away?A. Half a month. B. One week. C. Two weeks. 21. Whats the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends. B. Husband and wife. C. Father and daughter.22. When will the man probably go to Manchester?A. In January. B. In July. C. In October.23. How is the weather in

6、Manchester in autumn? A. Its cold. B. It windy C. Its often rains.24. How can the man get to Manchester from the airport according to the womans advice?A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. 25. What will the man take to the woman?A. A raincoat. B. Some food. C. Some fruit. 笔 试 部 分V. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1 分,计

7、20分)26. This is _cap I bought yesterday. Isnt it _cool one?A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. the; an27. Did you watch Hero on TV yesterday evening? Sure! _ exciting the film was! A. What B. How C. How a D. What a28. Which would you prefer, red or yellow?_. Blue, please.A. None B. Either C. Neither

8、D. Both29. Listen! Tony is singing in the next room.It _ be Tony. He has gone to Beijing.A. should B. must C. cant D. mustnt30. The price of the dress is _ than before. I cant afford it.A. more expensive B. much higherC. much cheaper D. much lower31. We can use QQ to chat with each other online. Rea

9、lly? Could you please show me _ it?A. when to do B. how to do C. what to do D. why to do32. _ does your father go to see your grandparents? About twice a month.A. How often B. How far C. How soon D. How long33. The passage is quite hard to understand, isnt it?Yes, _ its very short and there are no n

10、ew words in it.A. so B. as C. because D. though34. There are hundreds of people waiting in the station, _?A. arent they B. are they C. arent there D. are there35. Please _ the dish to tell whether I have put enough salt in it. A. smell B. feel C. cook D. taste36. Our class held an English evening pa

11、rty _ the evening of March 15th.A. at B. on C. to D. in37. You may go swimming if your homework _. A. is done B. has done C. will be done D. have done38. I want to buy a car _ color is beautiful. A. which B. that C. whose D. what39. Im waiting for my sister. I wont go to see my uncle until she _.A.

12、comes B. will come C. doesnt come D. is coming40. The small child was not old enough to _ himself. A. have B. wear C. dress D. put on41. Bill, do you like the sunglasses in the ad?No. They cant _ the sun well. A. take out B. keep out C. clean out D. look out42. mothers both work in the same schoolA.

13、 Lucy and Peters B. Lucys and Peter C. Lucys and Peters D. Lucy and Peter43. _ you _ your bike? No. So I have to buy a new one today. A. Will; find B. Have; found C. Are; finding D. Had; found44. What a pity! He _ to the cinema. Its a very good movie.A. came B. didnt come C. has come D. doesnt come4

14、5. Can you tell me _?Sure, she is a teacher.A. what your mother is B. who is your mother C. what is your mother D. where your mother is45VI. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)When you are learning English, listening, speaking and writing are important, but 46 can also be very helpful. When you read, you can not

15、 only learn some new 47 , but also you can learn how to use these English words. When you read, it gives you a good example for writing. Good reading tips:Try to read at the 48 level(水平). Read something that you can (more or less) understand. If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary

16、, it is not interesting. Try to 49 the number of your new words. If there are four or five new words on a page, write them in your notebook. 50 you dont have to write them while you read. Instead, try to guess their meanings as you read: mark them with a pen. Then come back when you have finished re

17、ading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book. Then try to remember them. Try to read regularly. For example, read for 51 time once a day. Fifteen minutes every day is 52 than two hours every Sunday. Fix(固定)a time to read and keep to it. You could read for fifteen

18、minutes when you go to bed, or when you get up or at lunchtime. Read what 53 you. Choose a book or a magazine about a subject that you like, because you are going to spend time and money reading it. So, choose an interesting book. You can also read 54 . There are many English newspapers in China, 55

19、 , 21st Century Teens. It is easy enough for you to understand it. There is something interesting in it. 46. A. listening B. speaking C. writing D. reading47. A. people B. words C. books D. business 48. A. high B. low C. right D. more49. A. increase B. remember C. write D. mark50. A. So B. But C. An

20、d D. Or51. A. a long B. a short C. little D. more52. A. less B. more C. worse D. better53. A. likes B. interests C. relaxes D. helps54. A. magazines B. books C. newspapers D. subjects55. A. for example B. such as C. and so on D. in factVII. 阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)AYears ago, I lived in a building in

21、 a large city. The building next door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had never met, yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading.After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was

22、unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself, “I wonder why that woman doesnt wash her window. It really looks terrible.”One bright morning, I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside. Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window

23、 with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly seen. Her window was clean!Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing(批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.That was quite an important le

24、sson for me. Since then, whenever I wanted to judge (评判) someone, I ask myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.56. The writer couldnt see everything clearly through the window b

25、ecause _. A. the womans window was dirty B. the writers window was dirty C. the woman lived nearby D. the writer was near-sighted57. The writer was surprised that_. A. the woman was sitting by her window B. the womans window was clean C. the woman did cleaning in the afternoon D. the womans window w

26、as still terrible58. “It dawned on me” probably means “_”. A. I began to understand it B. It cheered me up C. I knew it grew light D. It began to get dark59. Its true that _. A. the writer had never met the woman before B. the writer often washed the window C. they both worked as cleanersD. they liv

27、ed in a small town60. From the passage, we can learn_. A. one shouldnt criticize others very often B. one should often make his windows clean C. one must judge himself before he judges others D. Its good for our health to do some cleaningBLearning How to Learn $24.99 Children who read this book show

28、 great interest in study. Many pictures will help understand it easily and quicklyBasic Study Manual $38.50Read this book and learn:What the three barriers(障碍) to study are and what to do about themWhat to do if you are fed up with a subjectChildren read it to improve the ability to studyHow to Use

29、a Dictionary Picture Book for Children $35.00 Read this book and learn:How to look up words in a dictionaryWhat the different marks in a dictionary meanHow to use a dictionary to pronounce words correctlyBuy this book and help children unlock their education. Whats more, youll just pay 50% for it before May 1, 201061. According to the ads, these three books are for _. A. men B. parents C. children D. women62. Many pictures in the book “Learning How to Learn”

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