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1、Procedure:Reserved Room (Vacant St):预定房间(空房状况)Press the doorbell three times and call out “Good evening, housekeeping service” before unlocking the door with your key.按门铃三次,在用钥匙开门之前报称“晚上好,客房服务”Use the key tag to switch power and turn on the light.用钥匙卡开电源然后开灯。Draw the blackout curtains completely.完全地

2、关厚好窗帘。Fold ankle of duvet according to standard instructions. If only one person is present, turn down the bed by the bathroom wall near the phone. (Remove the bedspread from the bed if bed with it)按指定的标准折叠被子的角。如果只要一个客人,开靠电话浴室墙边的床。(如果床是有床罩拿走)Take the breakfast menu from the doorknob or the compendiu

3、m, and place it on the pillow. For VIP guests, place a fresh flower on the opened duvet(just for VIP).从门把上拿早餐牌或文件夹里,放在枕头上,对于贵宾客人,放一只鲜花在打开的被子的角上(只针对贵宾)。Replace the ice cubes if necessary.如需要补充冰块。Place the bath mat in front of the bathtub.在浴缸前放好地巾。Make one last check of the room before turning off the

4、 lights, keeping only one bedside lamp on.在关灯前确保做一次最后检查,只保留床边的一盏灯。Remove the key tag, close the door, and make sure that it is locked, then fill out then turn down service report.拿走钥匙卡,关门,确保它是锁好的,然后填写开床服务报告。Occupied Room:住客房:Enter the guestroom进客房Press the doorbell three times and call out “Good eve

5、ning, Housekeeping service,” then wait five seconds to give the guest time to respond.按门铃三次同时报称“晚上好,客房服务”,然后等五秒给客人回应。If there is no response, open the door with your key and knock on the door again, while calling out “Housekeeping room attendant”.如果没有客人,用你的钥匙开门同时再敲门,报称“客房部服务员”If the guest answers yo

6、ur knock, ask if the guest would like his/her bed turned down now or later.如果客人回应你敲门,问客人是否愿意现在开他/她床或迟一点开。If the room is empty, you may enter to begin the turning down service.如果房间无人,你可以进入房间开始做开夜床服务。Ask the guest for permission to draw the blackout curtains and turn down the bed if he/she is in the r

7、oom.如果客人在房间里,问客人是否同意关窗帘和开夜床。Remove guest items from the bed.从床上移走客人的物品。Turn down the bed that the guest used it. 开客人所有过的那张床。If there is bed spread on the bed fold it according to standard instructions place the bedspread into the wardrobe or as instructed space.如果床上有床罩,按指定的标准折好放入衣柜里或者放在规定的地点。Turn do

8、wn the bed according to standard instructions and style.按指定的标准和样式开床。Return the guest items on the bed after finish.完成开床后把客人的物品放回在床上。Tidy the sleeping room.整理卧室Collect the trash and empty the wastebaskets into the trash bag on the cart.收垃圾及倒垃圾桶到服务车上的垃圾袋里。Place a turndown amenity in the appropriate lo

9、cation.把开夜床的客用品放在还是的地方。Place the breakfast menu on the bed.在窗上放早餐牌Tidy the bathroom.整理浴室Wash and dry any used ashtrays and glass tumblers, then place them in the appropriate location.清洗和擦干任何使用过的烟缸和玻璃杯,然后放在合适的位置上。Wash and dry any used tea or coffee cups.清洗和擦干任何使用过的茶杯和咖啡杯。Clean and wash any used basin

10、 and tubs.清洗和擦干使用过的垃圾桶和浴缸。Change used towels, and replace guest supplies, if necessary.更换使用过的毛巾,如必要同时补充客用品。Create a pleasant atmosphere in the guestroom.在房间里创造一点愉快的气氛。Refill the ice cubes.补充冰块。Turn on one the bedside lamp.打开一盏床头灯Make one last check of the room to ensure that everything is OK, then a

11、sk if the guest needs anything else before leaving the room.做一次最后的房间检查确保每样东西是完好的,在你离开房间前问客人是否有其它事需要做。Lightly close the door. DO NOT forget to say something courteous to the guest, such as “Good night”, “Have good night”, etc., when leaving the room.轻轻的关后门,当离开房间时不要忘记向客人说一些礼貌的话,如:“晚安”,“祝你有个美好的夜晚”,等Not

12、e the room status and the in and out time on the turn down service report.在开床报告表上记下房态和进出时间。NOTES:注意:If there is an extra bed or cot in the room, place an extra set of guest supplies and towels in the room.如果在房间有一个加床或者婴儿床,补充多一套客用品和毛巾。If the guest is in the room, ask if the guest wants to order breakf

13、ast from Room Service.如果客人在房间问客人是否想从送餐部定早餐。Guest receives turndown service between 17:30 21:30 hrs对客开夜床服务时间是17:30 到21:30。Night garments if any are neatly folded and placed on bed.睡衣如有整齐地折叠和放在床上。 HK-SOP-02-06 2011-08-12Mini-bar Procedure迷你吧程序 To maintain Guest satisfaction and control of Revenue. 保持客

14、人的满意和利润的控制 程序1. Main Mini Bar Store迷你吧仓库This will be located in Housekeeping and will be under the control of the HousekeeperReplenishment of this area will carried by HSKP Dept as the per the established beverage requisitioning procedure这个仓库设在客房部有经理来控制管理,按照酒水的审领程序有客房部进行补充。2. Mini Bar Floor Pantries

15、 各个楼层酒水间 These pantries serve to replenish all mini bars on each floor it will be under the control of HSKP mini bar attendant, she/he will mark on the mini bar replenishment order record which items need to be taken to refill the room mini bar. 这个酒水间所有的酒水有迷你吧服务员进行控制管理,他/她会记录所有需要补充进房间的项目。3. Guest Ro

16、om Mini Bar Set-up 客房的酒水配置 All the guestrooms should be kept of same mini bar set-up standard. If the guest requests to take mini bar items away from the room. All mini bar items should be kept in the pantry cabinet and recorded. 所有的客房应该配置相同的数量和品种的酒水和小吃。如果客人要求撤掉房间里的所有的酒水,那么应该将它们保存在酒水间里并做好记录。4. Mini

17、Bar Check: Layout 迷你吧单: 版面布局 The mini bar check comprises four sheets of self-carbonation paper. The paper is color coded as such: 1st copy white 2nd copy pink 3rd copy yellow 4th copy blue All checks should carry a numerical sequence. All checks are accountable. And all damaged or unusable checks s

18、hould be returned to the Accounting Dept for disposal. All checks are printed in English and Chinese.迷你吧单是四联无碳复写,并且由下面的几种颜色组成:一联:白色 二联:粉色 三联:黄色 四联:蓝色5. Mini Bar Check Control: 迷你吧检查控制 Once a guest has consumed item in any mini bar and HSKP have refilled that item, HSKP store keeper must carry out th

19、e following details without fail.一旦客人有任何的迷你吧项目的消费,服务员应该补充相关物品。仓库保管员必须无误的做好以下的几点:A. The details of the consumption entered from the check onto the floor mini bar consumption sheet.应该把迷你吧的各项填入楼层消耗表中。B. The 1st copy white of the mini bar check left in the room for guests reference.第一联“白色”留给客人参考C. The 2

20、nd copy “pink” of the mini bar check is forwarded directly by HSKP to front desk cashier.第二联“粉色”交前台收银保存。D. The 3rd copy yellow is forwarded directly by HSKP to the accounting Dept (cost controller).第三联“黄色”由客房部转给夜审。E. The 4th copy blue of the mini bar check, is to be attached to the floor consumption

21、 sheet and given to Housekeeping store keeper. This floor consumption sheet is then used to requisition stock from HSKP to refill into the floor pantries. 第四联“蓝色”交客房部办公室,仓库保管员根据所有的单据制作一天所有的酒水消耗总表。而且此联供服务员从仓库领取相关的酒水补充酒水柜。Note: It is then the role of accounting (cost control and night audit) to ensure

22、 that all revenues posted meet with the revenues marked on the mini bar checks received.财务夜审的职责是确保所有的帐单上的金额和所收到的帐一致。6. Daily operation of The Mini Bar 日常的迷你吧的操作 A. The store keeper is responsible for the daily operation of mini bar, particularly in the following aspects:仓库保管员负责日常的迷你吧运作,特别需要注意以下几个方面:

23、 Maintenance of par stock保持标准的配备 Requisitions of mini bar items申请领取迷你吧物品 Supervision of mini bar replenishment in pantry对工作间的迷你吧的补充进行管理 Control of charges posted控制管理所有的输帐 Daily reports of mini bar consumption 每天的迷你吧消费报告 Daily reports of late charges and mini bar items lost 每日的晚入帐和丢失报告 Mini bar inven

24、tory control 迷你吧盘点B. The HSKP Supervisor is responsible for the daily operation of mini bar in his/her section, particularly in the following aspects:客房部主管负责管理他/她的区域的迷你吧,特别注意以下几个方面: Checking of all mini bars in Vacant and Occupied Rooms.检查所有的空房及住客房的迷你吧 Maintenance of par stocks in pantry in his/her

25、section.保持他/她所管辖的区域的迷你吧的配备标准 Report late charges and losses in his/her section.报告任何晚入帐和丢失的迷你吧项目C. The HSKP attendant is responsible for the daily operation of the mini bar in his/her section, particularly in the following aspects:客房服务员负责他/她所管辖的区域的迷你吧的运作,特别要注意以下几个方面: Preparation of charges on mini ba

26、r bills and report to F/O cashier for mini bar consumption charging.随时准备好迷你吧单并及时的报告任何酒水的消耗给前台收银入帐。 Replenishment of items posted补充相关物品。 Checking of all mini bar in vacant check out and Occupied rooms.检查所有退房和住客房的所有酒水。7. Checking the Mini Bar 检查迷你吧A. HSKP Supervisor客房部主管 The HSKP Supervisor will ensur

27、e that the HSKP attendants are made aware of all checkout rooms with time for mini bar checking (within 5 minutes).客房部主管必须确保服务员清楚的知道必须及时的在5分钟之内检查完房间。 Ensure that all mini bars in the rooms are replenished according to mini bar checklist posted by order taker. 确保所有 的酒水按照酒水单的标准补充齐全。 Ensure that all th

28、e mini bar cabinets in the pantries are locked at all time and no mini bar items left on the maid trolley.确保所有的酒水柜是锁上的,没有任何酒水项目被遗留在工作车上。B. HSKP Attendant 客房服务员 Upon the cleaning of all guestrooms the mini bar should be checked to see if the guest has consumed any item.在清理房间时如果发现有任何的酒水的消耗应该及时的检查并报告。

29、If the guest has consumed anything from mini bar selection, the items concerned should be entered onto the mini bar check. If the miniatures cover is opened, even the guest has not used it; those uncovered miniatures should be billed to the guests account.如果客人有消费任何项目,那么应该将它们填入酒水单。如果物品的盖被开启哪怕客人没有使用也应

30、该入客人的帐。 When the HSKP attendant receive information for checking mini bar (check-out room), the HSKP attendant phone call front office cashers to report consumed mini bar according to room No., Items, Quantities and his/her name. The HSKP attendant should also ask for the voucher No. and the name of cashier, then note it into the room

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