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1、8A8B英语词组8A Unit 1词组序号ChineseEnglish1喝(吃)的东西something to drink/eat2更多一些食物some more food3没有任何别的东西nothing else4一个八年级学生a Grade 8 student5写信给某人(有关有事/某人)write to sb. (about sth./sb.)6举办一次写作/绘画比赛hold a writing/drawing competition7愿意/乐意做某事be willing to do sth. = be ready/glad to do sth.8任何时候any time9给需要座位的人

2、让座give seats to people in need10环球旅行travel around the world11和. 一样as +(形容词或副词原级) + as .不如not as/so+ (形容词或副词原级) + as .= less + (形容词或副词原级) +. than.12保守秘密keep a secret / keep secrets13使我快乐make 作使役动词make me happy (make + 宾语 + 形容词)让我笑make me laugh (make sb. do sth.)14走过walk past . =pass15把.撞翻knock over (

3、代词放中间)16告诉某人某事tell sb. sth.告诉某人有关某事tell sb. about sth.17讲笑话tell (funny) jokes开某人的玩笑play a joke on sb18说某人的坏话say a bad word about sb.19视力差have poor eyesight20(富)有幽默感have a (good) sense of humour21因为/由于because of(+名词/代词/名词性短语)22感到无聊/不开心feel bored/ unhappy23与.混合在一起get mixed up with . 24对某人很大方be generou

4、s to sb.25投票给某人/投票选举某人vote for sb.26努力(不)做某事try (not) to do sth.尽力做某事try/do ones best to do sth.27A和B两者都.both A and B.28所有的这些户外活动all of these outdoor activities29倾听人们的难题listen to peoples problems帮助人们解决难题help people solve problems30一个社会工作者a social worker31与某人交朋友make friends with sb.32高兴做某事be happy to

5、 do sth.33分享某人的快乐share ones joy34面带微笑wear a smile on ones face35同意某人的意见(或所说的话)agree with sb.同意某件事(计划,安排等)agree to sth.经过协商在某件事在达成一致agree on sth.同意做某事agree to do sth.36在左边的那个男孩the boy on the left37希望做某事hope to do sth.38在将来in the future39你们杂志的一个读者a reader of your magazine40在午餐期间during lunchtime41给某人提意

6、见give sb. advice42对.很了解know very well43在某事上有困难have some problems with sth.做某事有困难have some problems (in) doing sth.44在隔壁next door = in the next room/flat/house45因.而出名be famous for.作为.而出名be famous as.8A Unit 2词组序号ChineseEnglish1找出;查出;证明find out2英式英语British English3美式英语American English4在八年级in Year 8 =

7、in Grade 8 = in 8th grade5一个男女混合型学校a mixed school6如何做饭和缝纫how to cook and sew7如何为我自己做事how to do things for myself8如何做健康又美味的饭how to cook healthy and tasty meals9读书周a reading week 10每节课快要结束的时候near the end of the each class11上驾驶课have a driving lesson (单)have driving lessons(复)12也as well = too13(学生)上课hav

8、e lessons(教师)给(某人)上课give (sb.) lessons14开车送某人去上学drive sb. to school15一周两次twice a week16开心地做某事have a great/good time doing sth.=have (lots of) fun doing sth.=enjoy oneself doing sth.17与.不同(be) different from = (be) not the same as与.相同(be) the same as18与.大小一样。(be) the same size as . = (be) as big as19

9、与.颜色一样(be) the same color as20在16岁时at age 16 = at the age of 1621因某事而钦佩/羡慕某人admire sb. for sth.22半小时的家庭作业half an hour of homework23穿校服wear school uniform(s)24上晨会课have morning assembly25在一边.在另一边.on one side. on the other(side)26比.多more than.比.少fewer(可数名词复数). than.less (不可数名词).than.27上电视be on TV 28休假两

10、个星期have two weeks off29听流行音乐listen to pop music30暑假summer holiday31在夏季in the summertime = in summer32参加学校组织的旅行go on school trips / go on a school trip33我的理想学校my ideal school34一个有许多有用的书的大图书馆a big library with lots of useful books35步行去上学walk to school = go to school on foot36乘公共汽车去上学take a bus to scho

11、ol = go to school by bus37在午餐时候during lunchtime = at lunchtime38一个亲密的朋友a close friend39朝窗外看look out of the window408A Unit 3词组序号ChineseEnglish1外出一天a day out2爬山climb the hill / mountain3需要锻炼need to exercise 4保持健康keep fit / healthy 5乘船进行一次旅行take a boat trip = have a trip by boat6在河边by the river 7美国总统t

12、he President of the USA 8白宫the White House 9一次去(地方)的旅行a trip to . 10世界公园the World Park 11参加活动join in (主要用于小型活动)= take part in(主要用于大型活动)12起初;在开始in the beginning = at first最后in the end = at last = finally13在的开始at the beginning of在的末尾at the end of14在学校大门口at the school gate 15感到恶心feel sick 16交通拥挤a lot o

13、f / much / lots of traffic 17上.车 (公共汽车,火车等)get on .下.车get off .18到达arrive at / in = get to = reach 19不再notany more = no more不再notany longer = no longer20名胜古迹places of (great) interest a place of (great) interest21遍及全世界all over the world 22歌舞游行a song and dance parade 23自学某事teach oneself sth. = learn sth. by oneself(我)自学英语teach myself English = learn English by myself24制作主页make a home page 25制定的清单make a list of.26由制成(看出材料)be made of 由.制成(看不出材料)be made from 27亲自for oneself = oneself 28看一看

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