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1、油页岩 7 fossil fuels:化石燃料8 hydrocarbons:碳氢化合物 9 layers of sediment :沉积层10 Carboniferous Period:石炭纪11 overburden:覆盖岩层 12 inorganic mineral:无机材料13 moisture content:含水量 14 fixed carbon content:固定碳含量 煤矿科技英语2. MODERN USES OF COALEighty-six percent of the coal used in the United States is burned by electric

2、 power plants 1 to produce electricity. When burned, coal generates energy in the form of heat. In a power plant that uses coal as fuel, this heat converts water into steam, which is pressurized to spin the shaft of a turbine. This spinning shaft 2 drives a generator that converts the mechanical ene

3、rgy of the rotation into electric power. Coal is also used in the steel industry. The steel industry uses coal by first heating it and converting it into coke 3, a hard substance consisting of nearly pure carbon. The coke is combined with iron ore 4 and limestone 5. Then the mixture is heated to pro

4、duce iron. Other industries use different coal gases given off during the coke-forming process 6 to make fertilizers, solvents 7, medicine, pesticides, and other products.Fuel companies convert coal into easily transportable gas 8 or liquid fuels 9. Coal-based vapor fuels 10 are produced through the

5、 process of gasification 11. Gasification may be accomplished either at the site of the coalmine 12 or in processing plants 13. In processing plants, the coal is heated in the presence of steam and oxygen to produce synthesis gas 14, a mixture of carbon monoxide 15, hydrogen, and methane 16 used dir

6、ectly as fuel or refined into cleaner-burning gas 17.On-site gasification 18 is accomplished by controlled, incomplete burning of an underground coal bed while adding air and steam. To do this, workers ignite the coal bed, pump air and steam underground into the burning coal, and then pump the resul

7、ting gases from the ground. Once the gases are withdrawn, they may be burned to produce heat or generate electricity. Or they may be used in synthetic gases to produce chemicals or to help create liquid fuels .Liquefaction 19 processes convert coal into a liquid fuel that has a composition similar t

8、o that of crude petroleum 20 Liquefaction. Coal can be liquefied either by direct or indirect processes. However, because coal is a hydrogen-deficient hydrocarbon 21, any process used to convert coal to liquid or other alternative fuels 22 must add hydrogen. Four general methods are used for liquefa

9、ction: (1) pyrolysis 23 and hydrocarbonization 24, in which coal is heated in the absence of air or in a stream of hydrogen; (2) solvent extraction 25, in which coal hydrocarbons are selectively dissolved and hydrogen is added to produce the desired liquids; (3) catalytic liquefaction 26, in which h

10、ydrogenation 27 takes place in the presence of a catalyst; and (4) indirect liquefaction, in which carbon monoxide and hydrogen are combined in the presence of a catalyst. 1 electric power plants:发电厂 2 spinning shaft:旋转轴3 coke:焦炭 4 iron ore:铁矿石 5 limestone:石灰岩 6 coke-forming process:焦炭形成过程7 solvents

11、:溶剂8 easily transportable gas:易输送的气体 l9 liquid fuels:液体燃料 10 coal-based vapor fuels:以媒为基础的气态燃料11 gasification:气化 12 coalmine:煤矿 13 processing plants:加工厂 14 synthesis gas:合成煤气 15 carbon monoxide:一氧化碳16 methane:沼气,甲烷 17 cleaner-burning gas:洁净煤气 18 on-site gasification:地下气化 19 liquefaction:液化 20 crude

12、petroleum:原油 21 hydrogen-deficient hydrocarbon:缺氢碳氢化合物 22 alternative fuels:替代燃料 23 pyrolysis:高温分解 24 hydrocarbonization:碳氢化作用25 solvent extraction:溶剂提取 26 catalytic liquefaction:催化液化作用 27 hydrogenation:氢化作用煤矿科技英语3. FORMATION AND COMPONENTS OF COAL2006年8月1日 12:40:0Coal is a sedimentary rock 1 formed

13、 from plants that flourished millions of years ago when tropical swamps 2 covered large areas of the world. Lush vegetation 3, such as early club mosses 4, horsetails 5, and enormous ferns, thrived in these swamps. Generations of this vegetation died and settled to the swamp bottom, and over time th

14、e organic material lost oxygen and hydrogen, leaving the material with a high percentage of carbon. Layers of mud and sand 6 accumulated over the decomposed plant matter, compressing and hardening the organic material as the sediments deepened. Over millions of years, deepening sediment layers, know

15、n as overburden, exerted tremendous heat and pressure on the underlying plant matter, which eventually became coal. Before decayed plant material 7 forms coal, the plant material forms a dark brown, compact organic material known as peat 8. Although peat will burn when dried, it has a low carbon and

16、 high moisture content relative to coal. Most of coals heating value comes from carbon, whereas inorganic materials, such as moisture and minerals 9, detract from its heating value. For this reason, peat is a less efficient fuel source than coal. Over time, as layers of sediment accumulate over the

17、peat, this organic material forms lignite 10, the lowest grade of coal. As the thickening geologic overburden gradually drives moisture from the coal and increases its fixed carbon content, coal evolves from lignite into successively higher-graded coals: subbituminous coal 11, bituminous coal 12, an

18、d anthracite 13. Anthracite, the highest rank of coal, has nearly twice the heating value of lignite.Coal formation began during the Carboniferous Period (known as the first coal age), which spanned 360 million to 290 million years ago. Coal formation continued throughout the Permian 14, Triassic 15

19、, Jurassic 16, Cretaceous 17, and Tertiary 18 Periods, which spanned 290 million to 1.6 million years ago. Coals formed during the first coal age are older, so they are generally located deeper in Earths crust. The greater heat and pressures at these depths produce higher-grade coals such as anthrac

20、ite and bituminous coals. Conversely, coals formed during the second coal age under less intense heat and pressure are generally located at shallower depths. Consequently, these coals tend to be lower-grade subbituminous and lignite coals.Coal contains organic (carbon-containing) compounds transform

21、ed from ancient plant material. The original plant material was composed of cellulose 19, the reinforcing material 20 in plant cell walls 21; lignin 22, the substance that cements plant cells together; tannins 23, a class of compounds in leaves and stems; and other organic compounds, such as fats an

22、d waxes. In addition to carbon, these organic compounds contain hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. After a plant dies and begins to decay on a swamp bottom, hydrogen and oxygen (and smaller amounts of other elements) gradually dissociate from the plant matter, increasing its relative carbon con

23、tent.Coal also contains inorganic components, known as ash. Ash includes minerals such as pyrite 24 and marcasite 25 formed from metals that accumulated in the living tissues of the ancient plants. Quartz 26, clay, and other minerals are also added to coal deposits by wind and groundwater 27. Ash 28

24、 lowers the fixed carbon content of coal, decreasing its heating value.1 sedimentary rock:沉积岩 2 tropical swamps:热带沼泽 3 Lush vegetation:茂盛的植物4 club mosses:石松 5 horsetails:马尾(木贼属的一种植物) 6 layers of mud and sand:泥砂层 7 decayed plant material:腐烂的植物材料 8 peat:泥炭 9 minerals:矿物 10 lignite:褐煤 11 subbituminous

25、coal:次烟煤 12 bituminous coal:烟煤 13 anthracite:无烟煤 14 Permian:二叠纪 15 Triassic:三叠纪 16 Jurassic:侏罗纪17 Cretaceous:白垩纪 18 Tertiary:第三纪 19 cellulose:纤维素 20 reinforcing material:加固的材料 21 cell walls:细胞壁 22 lignin:木质 23 tannins:丹宁,鞣酸 24 pyrite:黄铁矿 25 marcasite :白铁矿26 quartz:石英27 groundwater:地下水28 ash:灰分煤矿科技英语4. COAL DEPOSITS AND RESERVES Although coal deposits exist in nearly every

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