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1、BalfourThe same name as my ownIt was the first time I had heard of any of our family outside Essendean( So I decided to walk to Cramond,hoping that perhaps this Mr Balfour,in his fine big house,would receive me kindly,and help me to become a rich man one day(With my plaid over my shoulder,I walked f

2、ast up the hill away from the village(What an adventure,to leave that sleepy place,where nothing ever happened,and go to a great,busy house,to be with rich and important people of my own name and bloodBut when I reached the top of the hill,I turned a little sadly,to take my last look at the dominies

3、 house,and Essendean churchyard,where my father and mother lay( My journey northwards took almost two days(By midday on the second day I could see the smoking chimneys of Edinburgh in front of me,and soon I arrived in Cramond( Now I began to ask people on the road for the house of Shaws(Their answer

4、s worried me a little(Some people seemed surprised,some afraid,and some angry,when I spoke the name of Ebenezer Balfour(I could not understand this,but it was too far to go back to Essendean that day, and I wanted to find the rest of the Balfour family very much So I continued on my way,and when I m

5、et a dark,wild-looking woman coming towards me,I asked her where the house of Shaws was She took me to the top of the next hill,and showed me a large building standing alone in the bottom of the next valley(Although the fields around were green,and the farmland was excellent,the house itself looked

6、unfinished and empty(Part of its roof was missing(There was no road to it,and no smoke coming from any of its chimneys,nor was there any garden( ThatI cried(No,it cant be It iscried the woman angrily(That is the house of ShawsBlood built it,blood stopped the building of if,and blood shall bring it d

7、ownBlack is the heart of Ebenezer BalfourYe can tell him from me that I hope to see him die,and his house fall down around him The woman turned and disappeared(I stood where she left me,shaking like a leaf,and looking down at the house for a long time(But when it began to get dark,I noticed some smo

8、ke coming out of the chimney,and felt a little more hope ful(There must be a fire,and cooking,and people in the house,I thought(So I walked up to the front door(The house seemed locked up and unwelcoming,but there was fire light shining through the kitchen window,and I could hear someone talking qui

9、etly to himself(Bravely,I lifted my hand and knocked loudly on the strong wooden door(The house was suddenly silent,and there was no reply(I knocked and knocked,and shouted as loudly as I could(Finally,the win dow opened,and a man holding a gun put his head out( What do ye want,he asked( Ive come he

10、re with a letter for Mr Ebenezer Balfour of Shaws(Is he here, Who is it from,asked the man with the gun( Thats none of your business,I replied,getting angry( Well,put the letter down by the door,and leave( I will notI answered sharply(Im going to give it to Mr Balfour himself(The letter introduces m

11、e to him( Who are ye then,was the next question( m not ashamed of my name( Its David Balfour( The man almost dropped his gun(After a long while,he asked in a changed voice,Is your father dead,I was too surprised to answer,but he continued,Aye,he must be dead,and thats why ye have come(Well,man,Ill l

12、et ye in,and he disappeared from the window( Now the door was unlocked,and a voice from the darkness said,Go into the kitchen and touch nothing(I obeyed,while the man locked the heavy door carefully again(I found myself in the emptiest kitchen that I had ever seen(There was a fire,but no other light

13、(On the table was a bowl of porridge and a glass of water,in front of the only chair(Around the walls were several locked chests(There was no other furniture(The man who now appeared in the kitchen was small,mean-looking and white-faced,between fifty and sev enty years old,and wearing a dirty old ni

14、ghtshirt(The worst thing about him was that he could neither take his eyes away from me,nor look straight into my face( If yere hungry,he said,ye can eat that porridge(Its grand food,porridgeLet me see the letter Its for Mr Balfour,not you,I replied( And who do ye think I am,Give me Alexanders lette

15、rYe may not like me or my house or my porridge,but Im your born uncle,Davie,my man This was the end of all my hopes(I was too tired and miser able to speak,so I silently gave him the letter,and sat down to eat the porridge( Your fathers been dead a long time,he asked,giving me a quick look from his

16、sharp eyes( Three weeks,sir,I said( He was a secretive man,Alexander was(Perhaps he didnt talk much about me, Or about the house of Shaws, I never knew he had a brother,sir,or ever heard the name of Shaws( To think of thathe replied(A strange manBut he seemed very pleased,and began to look at me wit

17、h more inter est(Soon he jumped up and said,Were going to get on well,DavieWhats mine is yours,man,and whats yours is mine(Bloods thicker than water,and theres only ye and me of the name of Balfour( Now Ill show ye to your bed( He took me up some dark stairs and showed me into a room(I could not see

18、 anything( Can I have a light,sir,I asked( No,ye cant(No lights in this houseIm afraid of fires,ye see(Good night to ye,Davie,my man(And before I had time to reply,he pulled the door shut and locked it from the outside(The room was very cold,but luckily I had my plaid with me,so I covered myself wit

19、h it like a blanket,and soon fell asleep( The next day my uncle and I had a small bowl of porridge and a glass of water for breakfast,lunch and supper(He did not speak much to me,but was clearly thinking hard(I often noticed him looking at me,while pretending to do something different, and he never

20、left me alone in the kitchen with the locked chests,in which,I supposed,he kept his money(I did not like the way he looked at me,and began to wonder if he was a little crazy,and perhaps dangerous( After supper he said suddenly,Davie,Ive been thinking(I promised your father a bit of money for ye befo

21、re ye were born(A promise is a promiseand so Im going to give yeforty pounds These last words seemed very painful to him(He added,in a kind of scream,Scots A Scottish pound was the same as an English shilling(I could see that his story was a lie,so I laughed at him,saying,Oh,think again,sirEnglish p

22、ounds,surely s what I said,replied my uncle quickly(Go outside for a moment,and Ill get the money for ye( I was smiling as I went out,sure that he would give me nothing at all(It was a dark night,and I could hear wind in the hills(There may be thunder later,I thought,not knowing how important the we

23、ather would be to me that night( But when my uncle called me in again,he counted thirty eight English pounds in gold into my hands(It clearly hurt him to do it,and he kept back the last two pounds,but I did not mind that(Surprised and pleased,I thanked him warmly( Now,he said,looking cleverly at me,

24、ye can give me something,Davie(Im getting old now, and I need help( Of course,sir,I answered(What can I do, Well,go outside and climb the stairs at the other end of the house,where the building isnt finished yet(Go up to the room at the top,and bring down the chest that yell find there(Its got valua

25、ble papers in it( Can I have a light,sir,I asked( No,he said sharply(No lights in my house Very well,sir(Are the stairs good, Theyre grand, said he(The stairs are grand(Out I went into the night(As I was feeling my way along the outside wall,there was a sudden flash of lightning,then darkness again(

26、I found the stairs and started climbing(I was about fifteen metres above the ground,when there was another flash of lightning(That was lucky for me,because it showed me that the steps were uneven, and that I could easily fall to my death(These are the grand stairsI thought(Perhaps my uncle wants me

27、to dieNow I was very careful,and I felt each step with my hands before I put my foot on it(A few steps later my hand felt cold stone,and then nothing more(The stairs ended there,twenty metres above the ground(I felt cold with fear,when I thought of the danger that I had been in(Sending a stranger up

28、 those stairs in the dark was sending him straight to his death( Angrily,I turned and felt my way down(There was a crash of thunder,and suddenly the rain came down(At the bottom of the stairs I looked towards the kitchen,and could see,in the next flash of lightning,a figure standing still in the doo

29、rway,listening( When the thunder sounded again,louder than before,he ran back inside,and I followed as softly as I could(I found him sitting in the kitchen,drinking whisky straight from the bottle,and shaking with fear(Quietly I came up behind him,and,putting my hands sud denly on his shoulders,cried,Ah My uncle gave a kind of broken cry,and fell to the floor like a de

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