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1、Modification 修改Refutation 推翻主干识别:newly published discovery claims and credible discoveries will always be open to challenge and potential modification or refutation by future researchers其他成分:that appear to be important and convincing 定语Not surprisingly, 状语那些看起来重要且可信的新发表的发现声明以及可信的发现,总要面对将来研究者的质疑甚至是可能

2、的修改和推翻,这一点不足为奇。Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief. 第二. 新生事物本身就常常招致怀疑。最后三句:Nobel Laureate and physiologist Albert Azent-Gyorgyi once described discovery as “seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”诺贝尔奖获得者,生理学家Albert Azent-Gyorgyi 曾经就把发现描述为“见人之所见,思无人所想”。B

3、ut thinking what nobody else has thought and telling others what they have missed may not change their views.但是想无人所想,并且告诉其他人他们的纰漏未必能改变这些人的看法。Sometimes years are required for truly novel discovery claims to be accepted and appreciated.有时,真正的新的发现需要很多年才能被接受和认可。今天的句子:“So few authors have brains enough o

4、r literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define journalism as a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are .”221来自何凯文考研英语天气冷了,真的累了,凯文挺住!一起加油!While polls show Britons rate “the countryside” alongside the royal fam

5、ily, Shakespeare and the National Health Service (NHS)as what makes them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.昨天句子的解析:Newman wrote宾语从句:So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism that I am tempted to define journalism as a

6、 term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are整个句子是sothat的结构;1. So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism少有作家能有足够的智慧和文学天赋使他们的自己的作品出现在新闻媒体上。2. I am tempted to define journalism as a term of contemptBe tempted to 禁不住.忍不住.

7、我就忍不住把“新闻媒体”定义为一个“具有鄙视色彩的术语=蔑称”3. applied by writers who are not read to writers who are applied by A to BA= Writers who are not read;作品无人问津的作者B= writers who are (read)作品受读者欢迎的作者把2和3合在一起:我就忍不住把“新闻媒体”定义为一个作品无人问津的作者用到作品受读者欢迎 的作者身上的“蔑称” 纽曼这样写道:“少有作家能有足够的智慧和文学天赋使他们的自己的作品出现在新闻媒体上。以至于我就忍不住把“新闻媒体”定义为一个“作品无

8、人问津的作者”用到“作品受读者欢迎的作者”身上的蔑称”。(天气真的冷了,记得加衣!)222The researchers argument stems from a simple observation about social influence:With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfreywhose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influenceeven the most influential member

9、s of a population simply dont interact with that manyothers.昨天的句子:1.poll 民调(民意调查)2. alongside 相比;和一样(对比的作用)3. NHS 英国国家医疗服务体系4. while 虽然5. Briton 英国人6. rate 评为,认为结构识别:while polls show Britons rate A as B, A has limited political support.虽然种种民调显示英国人认为乡村和王室,莎士比亚和英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)一样,是他们国家最值得骄傲的地方,但是乡村只得到了

10、有限的政治支持。223今天的句子:Consumers passionate about a product may create earned media by willinglypromoting it to friends, and a company may leverage “owned” media by sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site.With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah W

11、infreywhose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influenceeven the most influential members of a population simply dont interact with that many others.1. The researchers argument stems from a simple observation about social influence:研究者的观点源自于对社会影响的简单观察:2. even the m

12、ost influential members of a population simply dont interact with that many others即使是一个人群中最有影响力的成员也不会与那么多的人进行互动 With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey 状语whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence 定语从句做插入语奥普拉非凡的存在主要是一个媒体功能的影响,而不是人际关系的影响除了

13、个别像奥普拉.温弗瑞这样的名人,即使是一个人群中最有影响力的成员也不会与那么多的人进行互动。而奥普拉非凡的存在主要是一个媒体功能的影响,而不是人际关系的影响。224今天的句子:Within the complex social structure of the scientific community, researchers make discoveries; editors and reviewers act as gatekeepers by controlling the publication process; other scientists use the new finding

14、 to suit their own purposes; and finally, the public (including other scientists)receives the new discovery andpossibly accompanying technology. media by willingly promoting it to friends, and a company may leverage “owned” media by sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registe

15、red with its Web site.1.passionate 热衷于2. leverage 利用3. alert 通知Consumers may create mediaA company may leverage “owned” mediapassionate about a product 热衷于某一产品 定语by willingly promoting it to friends 状语by sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site状语 可以通过发

16、送邮件给其网站的注册用户,提示他们产品和消费信息热衷于某一产品的消费者,可以通过自愿推荐给朋友的方式,创建 免费口碑媒体。企业可以通过发送邮件给其网站的注册用户,提示他们产品和销售信息。225Certainly the Britain beyond London and the south-east that Mrs May wants to conquercall it the Mayan Empireis less economically advanced. If it were a country it would be about as rich as Spain, with a G

17、DP per person one-tenth below the EU average.句子不难,并列较多,一个个的切分。 and finally, the public (including other scientists)receives the new discovery and possibly accompanying technology.1.researchers make discoveries;2. editors and reviewers act as gatekeepers by controlling the publication process;3. othe

18、r scientists use the new finding to suit(满足) their own purposes;4. and finally, the public (including other scientists)receives the new discovery and possibly accompanying(随之而来的) technology.Within the complex social structure of the scientific community 状语在科学界的复杂社会结构中,研究者做出发现;编辑和评审者控制发现的发表过程进而扮演着看门人

19、的角色;其他科学家则使用这一新发现来满足自己的需要;最后,公众包括其他科学家接受这个新发现及其可能随之而来的技术。226The World Health Organisation has cleared coffee of causing cancer, but a detailed investigation has found that very hot drinks may be linked to cancer of the oesophagus, or gullet. Coffee was classified as a possible cause of cancer in 199

20、1, but the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of WHO, has now reconsidered the evidence. It carried out a detailed review of the many studies published on the subject and found that coffee drinkers have no reason to worry.IARC also investigated the herbal drink mate, a

21、lso known as chimarro or cimarrn, which is widely consumed in South America, where oesophageal cancer is more common than in other parts of the world. The experts found that mate was not a cause of cancer, but they believe the temperature at which it is drunk probably is and that other very hot drin

22、ks could also be linked to oesophageal cancer.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?(A) Some cancers maybe related to the temperature of gullet.(B) The coffee mate may be the cause of oesophageal cancer.(C) The reasercher may find some new evidence for cimarrn cancer.(D) The WHO may find s

23、ome new cause for the cancer.当然梅姨想要征服的伦敦以外的大不列颠和英国东南地区称之为“梅帝国”吧经济没那么发达。如果组成一个国家,贫富程度会和西班牙差不多,人均GDP低于欧盟平均水平十分之一227昨天题目的解析:看好了四个都有may !文章中说的是:the temperature of drink!偷换!应该是饮品的温度!cimarrn cancer 我都不知道这是什么癌症!是我拼凑的!some new cause= the temperature of drink!同意替换!模糊替换!完美!所以D是正确选项!昨天文章的翻译:The World Health Or

24、ganisation has cleared coffee of causing cancer, but a detailed investigation has found that very hot drinks may be linked to cancer of the oesophagus, or gullet. Coffee was classified as a possible cause of cancer in 1991, but the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of WHO, has now reconsidered

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