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1、 visiting here s i did t your home. i feel obliged to thnk you once more. love, li ming译文: 友爱的史密斯先生和夫人:我如今安全健康地回到了ZG。通过这封信,我想表达我对于您二位和你们可爱的孩子 们诚心的感谢,感谢您对我纽约之行的热情招待。你们的大方和对我的关怀使我此行更加愉 快,而我的第一次美国之行也因此变成了美妙的回忆。 我特别盼望你们能在将来访问ZG,让我有机会回报你们的友情,我保证你们会像我在 纽约那样度过一个开心的时光。再一次向你们表示感谢。爱你们的, 李明闪光词汇及词组: sfe nd soun

2、d: 安全健康 convey: v. 传达,转达 hertfelt: dj. 诚心的,真心实意的generous: dj. 大方的,大方的 tender: dj. 温顺的 trnsform sth into sth: 把.变成 ? py visit: 访问 repy: 报答,偿还 万能句型: in this letter i would like to convey my hertfelt thnks to?i ssure you tht you would enjoy visitng here s i did t your home. i feel obliged to thnk you o

3、nce more.感谢信英语作文 假如你是贫困地区的一名失学儿童,叫李萍。你很幸运地得到在工作的一位美国人 mr.smith的关怀, 得以重新回到校内继续学习。于是你给mr.smith写了一封80个词左右的感谢信。 信中内容包括: 1.收到书和钱,并能重返校内,特别感谢 2.在老师的关怀下学习上取得了很大进步 3.老师表扬了你,家长鼓舞你 4.下决心更加努力学习,取得更大进步最正确答案 letter to my prentsder mom nd dd, i love you! i love you with ll my hert! this letter to you is to tell y

4、ou my true feelings from the bottom of my hert. thnk you so much for bringing me up! thnk you so much for rising me. i know how hrd youve worked during the pst yers. i cn imgine how mny difficulties nd obstcles (障碍) youve conquered. i cn imgine ll the problems you hve fced nd ll the swet nd ters you

5、 hve shed to mke my life better. i cn fully understnd wht huge responsibility it is to rise child. youve been very ptient with me. youve encourged me nd youve helped me. youve tried your hrdest to give me the best things in life. youve mde lot of scrifices nd mny difficult choices. i lso know tht yo

6、u hve gret expecttions (热切的期望) of me. you wnt me to be very successful nd hppy. you wnt me to be the best person i cn be. you wnt me to do gret things with my life. you wnt me to mke the world better plce. i know you hve so mny hopes nd drems for my future. tody i wnt to tell you something extremely

7、 importnt (极其重要的) .tody i wnt to tell you tht you dont need to worry bout me nymore. im grown up! i will be responsible (负责任) for my life nd for my future. i will study very hrd. i will exercise every dy to keep fit. i will red english every morning nd every night. i will mke the best use of every s

8、pre minute. i will be hppy, confident, positive nd energetic every dy! i will develop good hbits nd use them to constntly improve myself. i will never do nything tht would hrm my body or my mind. i hve so mny gret drems. i know tht relizing ll these drems tkes lot of time nd effort. but dont worry b

9、out me. i hve strong confidence in myself. i know if i keep trying , keep working hrd, nd keep dreming, i will definitely relize ll my drems. i will be somebody specil. but i will not only cre bout myself. i will contribute to my school, my hometown, nd my country. i will contribute to society. i wi

10、ll use ll my bilities nd tlents to help my fmily nd my country hve glorious future. i will mke difference in this world. der mom nd dd, youll be proud of me! you will see gret results from ll your hrd work nd scrifice. thnk you very much for your continued support! thnk you very much for your ptienc

11、e, love nd understnding. i love you! i pprecite you! im very proud of you! exercise every dy to keep helthy! enjoy life every dy nd sty hppy! my only hope for you is for you both to enjoy continued helth nd hppiness. you brought me into this world to shre your life. i will do my best to mke sure ech

12、 dy of it is filled with joy nd pride. mom nd dd, you re the best prents in the world! i dont know wht i would hve done without you. ll my everlsting love,your son/ dughter 写一封感谢信,感谢mry关怀你顺利地通过了大学英语四级考试 最正确答案 真挚的纯手写版回信:der mry, i m writing to tell you good news-i pssed cet-4! i sincerely thnk you fo

13、r your kindness. thnks to your encourgement, i could get up erly every morning. thnks to your effort to be such n excellent english prtner, i improved not only my speking english nd other skills. i know, it is impossible to pss it without your help. i m lzy nd with poor english months go. i owe you

14、so much. so if you need ny help in ner future, plese do not hesitte to let me know. it will be my plesure to do something for you. thnks nd best wishes, yours grtefully, * 友爱的丽丽 当我生病的时候特别感谢你来探望我并照看我,让我感觉好暖和,在你的关怀陪伴下, 我的病也好了许多。 因为生病,我落下了许多功课,因此,每个周末你都会来我家帮我补 习,因为你的帮助,我落下的功课很快就补回来了,真的特别感谢你!提问者: 匿名 最正确

15、答案 der lily, i hd lso fllen behind on my sutdies becuse of the sickness, thts why you cme over every weekend to help me ctch up. hence i hd quickly mde up ll tht hs fllen behind. for tht i m lso very grteful. der lili: i m grteful for your cre nd looking fter my sickness, which mkes me so hppy nd mu

16、ch better. i missed mny lessons for the sickness.but gin for your help to mke up the missed, i keep up with others. thnks for your kindness very much! der sis lily, becuse of my sickness, i ws very much behind on my homeworks. you cme to tutor me in my house every weekend. i hve cught up with my hom

17、eworks now for your help. im relly grteful! der lily: becuse of my sickness, i ws left behind with the school works. therefore, you cme to tutor me every weekend. with your help, i quickly cught up with the work i missed. thnk you very much! truthfully, xxxxx der lili, i sincerely pprecite your visi

18、t nd good cre of me when i got sick, which mde me feel so wrm. your篇三:一封感谢信_0 一封感谢信 一封感谢信- letter of thnks der mr. john, how re things going with you in beijing? ll the best. yours, liu jie 友爱的约翰先生: 您在过得怎么样?我写信向您表达我的谢意。去前您辅导我的英语口语。在您的关怀下我很快取得进 步,所以能在市里举办的口语竞赛中取得第一名。我的成果应当归功于您的关怀。特别感谢。我听说您和您的夫人要来我们学校

19、访问。听到这个消息我特别高兴。那样的话我们就又 可以见面了。期盼着您的到来。我给您寄去一件小礼物望远镜。盼望您喜爱。万事如意。 您的伴侣 刘杰 der mr. john, how re you getting on in beijing?i herd tht you nd your wife would visit my school. i m very hppy nd expect to see you soon. i m sending you telescope s smll gift. i hope you will like it. best wishes.篇四:给参展客户的感谢信

20、展会感谢信 友爱的xx 您好!我是XX迪公司总经理陈创华。我代表bdi公司向您表示最真诚的问侯,感谢您在 07香XX展览会参观我们的产品并留下您的联系地址和XX以便我们可以尽快与您联系建立 合作关系。 bdi有2000多名工人,做真皮手工工艺,各式各样流行款式,合理的价格,15年女装 手袋制造阅历,7年的对外出口贸易阅历,可以独立操作,信任肯定能协作您生产出有竞争 力的产品,并且让您的操作更省时省力!作为高级手袋制造商,我们关注每一个详情,努力 做到尽善尽美。您如有什么需要,请跟我公司业务员xx或我联系,我们将全力以赴争取让您 中意。因为“客户的中意是我们最大追求和目标。 我热诚的邀请您在有时

21、间和方便的状况下访问bdi公司或扫瞄bdi公司XX站。同时我 期盼将来能有更多机会与您合作,及您对bdi有更多了解,并期望能得到您宝XX意见。祝愿您 身体建康 万事如意 生意XX ps:随信附上我们公司的部分信息图片,请您查收。展会2张,公司2张、展厅1 张,工厂2张、画册封面1张、热卖新款5张 der dfn, how re you? it is jck zhou, the sles representtive of bdi interntionl. on behlf of bdi, llow me to extend our sincerest regrds. it ws plesure

22、to meet nd tlk to you in the hk plf. thnks for your dropping to our booth nd pying kind ttention to our bgs nd leving your tel no. nd ddress for our esy contct. bdi hs bove 2000 workers, lether hndcrft, vrious fshionble styles, everything pticulr nd unique nd we never stop pursuing perfection. if yo

23、u hve ny need, plese contct me, we will try our best for you. your stisfction is our unchngble im.i m looking forwrd to your erly visit to our office or website. in the menwhile, i lwys open my ers to your precious dvice. i do hope we cn estblish business reltionship in the ner future!with my best w

24、ishes: the helth welth prosperity! 2)第一次订货的 友爱的xx 07香XX展览会参观我们的产品并订购我们的产品。我万分感谢您对bdi产品的信任。我将 尽全力督促检查公司的生产部门对您订购的产品以最好的品质,精确的交货时间为您完成。 您的中意是bdi的追求和目标。我热诚的邀请您在有时间和方便的状况下访问bdi公司或扫瞄bdi公司XX站。 期盼将来能有更多机会与您合作,及您对bdi有更具体的了解,并期望能得到您宝XX的意见。 我们将更加尽力满足您的需求,以便成为您末来最值得信任的合作伙伴。假如有任何需要请 随时跟我或我公司业务员xx联系!感谢您的合作和支持! 张

25、,工厂2张、画册封面1张、热卖新款5张 der *, how re you? it is cindy chn, the generl mnger of bdi interntionl. on behlf of bdi, 拜见后的感谢信篇二:求职胜利后感谢信范文3篇 求职胜利后感谢信范文3篇 求职面试之后向领导写一份感谢信,本文是为大家整理的求职胜利后感谢信范文,仅供参考。 求职胜利后感谢信范文篇一: 敬重的xxx经理/先生/女士/小姐: 您好! 我叫,是x月x日xx位参与XX公司xxxx职位面试者中的第五位,我来自xxxxxxx大学xxxx专业。 感谢XX公司给了我一次面试的机会,感谢您给了我

26、一次与您交谈的开心的经受。这次面试,开阔了我的视野,增长了我的见识,也信任您对我各方面综合能力的确定,肯定能够增添我的竞争优势,让我在求职的路上更加坚决自己的信念。这次面试,我更加深刻地理解了XX公司的企业文化和治理方式。 我十分观赏XX公司的企业文化和治理方式,我也信任自己的专业学问、专业技能、实习经受和综合素养能够使自己胜任xxxx的职位。真诚期望有机会成为XX公司的一员,为XX公司的进展奉献一份力量。如蒙不弃,惠于录用,必将竭尽才智! 当然,我也深知,如我者甚众,胜我者恒多。无论这次我是否能被XX公司录用,我都坚信,选择XX公司是明智之举。无论今后我会在哪里工作,我都将尽心尽力做一位具有

27、剧烈责任感、与单位荣辱与共的员工,一位主动进取、脚踏实地而又具有创新意识的新型人才。 再次感谢您的阅读。 此致 敬礼 求职胜利后感谢信范文篇二: 敬重的XXX:我是12月15日上午到XX公司应聘办公室职员的xx。特别感谢您给了我这次面试机会!很高兴认识您,跟您的谈话是一次开心而收获甚大的经受。 通过这次谈话,我更加深刻地认识了XX公司,尤其是XX公司企业文化,感受到这是一家有社会责任感的公司。同时感谢您对我大学生要闯一闯的认同和赞许;在面谈中,您对公司的真挚情感溢于言表,您专业资深、人际娴熟、深入微小的洞察力、亲和力以及您的谈吐,都令我尊敬不已,也是我今后学习的典范! 能够与您认识是我的荣幸,

28、若能进入公司帮助您办事,得到您的指教,共同为实现企业目标而努力,将是我职业生涯中的一件幸事 面试中,我也了解到此岗位的职责与要求,纵观自己的学习、实践经受,加之通过以后不断的学习和努力,我完全有信念胜任此工作岗位,同时通过XX公司的指导和关怀,我在电子商务领域内会很快成长的,在这里就本人应聘办公室职员岗位的特长,结合您的问题,总结几点如下: 其一、XX公司的产品技术含量高,与我所学的专业吻合,信任专业出身的我对产品性能、技术指标的深入了解,肯定有助于销售目标的达成; 其二、尽管我在平常与人交往上比较平和,但对于销售工作,我还是特别有激情的,情愿投入自己的全部人脉、时间与精力,把销售工作做好; 其三、虽然是应届毕业生,但在以往,我也参加本专业论坛的治理与市场推广、广告赞助等活动,积存了肯定的销售阅历。 我自信在XX公司的这个岗位上,我是最合适的。我迫切盼望公司能给我一次锻炼的机会,我必将全力以赴、不辱使命甚至超越公司对我的期望,为公司进展做出应有的奉献! 真诚盼望能有机会和您共同工作,期盼能为公司的进展奉献一份力量,期盼XX公司是我职业生涯开始的地方。 再次感谢! 求职胜利后感谢信范文篇三: 银行面试后

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