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1、三.合作探究活动一1. 运用预习中收集的动词,和小组伙伴练习“can you .?”句型。2. 根据下面提供的图片,与小组伙伴一起练习对话。完成任务所需的语言结构:a:can you .?b:yes, i can./no, i cant.活动二1. 听录音,完成课本1b,按要求给对话排序。2. 两人一组,练习下面的对话。i want to join.oh, can you.?四展示点拨:一、 模仿对话二、 听力训练检查1a的动词及短语五达标检测一、 汉译英。1. 下国际象棋2. 说英语3. 弹吉他4. 美术俱乐部5. 你会画画吗?6. i want to _(加入) a basketball

2、club.7. this is an interesting _(故事).8. can you _(告诉) me your name?9. can she _(跳舞)?10. my brother sings _(好).11. i have a brother and a sister. so my parents have three _(小孩).二、 从括号中选择适当的单词完成句子。1. can you play _(the/a) guitar?2. her mother is good _(at/with) kids.3. what can your father _(do/does)?

3、4. his grandfather plays chess very _(well/good).5. we can _(speak/say) english and chinese.6. sally can _(draw) and sing.7. i want _(learn) a lot about chinese history.8. can you play the guitar _(good)?9. my father often tells me _(story) at night.三、 单项选择。( )1.-can he _ basketball? -sorry, i dont

4、know.a. play b.plays c.playing play ) 2.-what club does your brother want _? - the chess club.a. join join c.joins d.join to 3.his brother plays _ piano every day. a.不填 b.a d.the 4.mary can play the chess _ she cant swim.a. and b.or c.but 5.maria can sing and dance, so she can jo

5、in the _ club.a. english c.swimming d.chess 6.-_ your friend play the guitar? -yes, he _.a. do; do; is c.can; can d.can; cant 7.-_? -he can draw.a. what does he do b. where does he paint c. what can he dod. what does he paint 8.-is jim your friend _ brother? -a friend. a.and b. or c. be

6、cause d. but 9.he is an english student. you can _ english with him.a. say b. speak c. talk d. tell 10.bill _ sing, but he can dance. a. isnt b. doesnt c. cant d. dont四、句型转换。1. i want to join the music club.(改为否定句)i _ _ to join the music club.2. i can draw.(对划线部分提问)_ can _ _?3. they want to join the

7、 chess club.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ they want to _?4. can you play soccer very well?(作否定回答)no, _ _.5. can you dance?(用sing 改为选择疑问句)can you dance _ _?五拓展延伸(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)想一想、议一议:1can 的用法 2. play 的用法speak、say、talk、tell 的区别及用法1. victor can play _ chess. he can join the chess club.a. a b

8、. an c. the d. /2. can your sister play _ violin, jill? d./3. please _ chinese.a. speak b. say4. i can _ it in english.a.speak5. she wants to _ you something.6. dont _ in class.课题unit1. can you play the guitar? section a (2a-2d) the second period 学习目标 一、学习目标: 运用句型“what club do you want to join?”来询问他

9、人的喜好和意愿。灵活运用情态动词can/cant 表达某人具备或不具备的才能。学习重点1、运用what引导的特殊疑问句询问喜好和意愿 2、掌握情态动词can的肯定和否定用法一. 自主预习二、写一写用英语写出下列俱乐部的名称。href=三、 填一填仔细阅读课本2d的对话,完成下面的表格。namethe club that she/he wants to joinbob1._jane2._3._1. 听磁带,在课本2a中圈出你所听到的俱乐部的名称。2. 再听一遍磁带,完成课本2b的句子填空。并在句中划出and/but这两个单词。3. 根据上面圈出的俱乐部的名称来练习下列对话。 what club

10、does lisa want to join? she wants to join the . club.仔细阅读课本2d的对话,讨论完成下列问题。1. what sports can bob play?_2. who speaks english very well?3. how many clubs does jane want to join?_活动三:调查活动1. 一个同学做记者,调查组内同学加入什么俱乐部,并将调查结果填入下表。can doclub3. 根据调查表写调查报告。你可以这样开始:wang ning likes singing songs. she wants to joi

11、n the music club._1. 模仿对话,角色表演。2. 口述调查报告。五达标检测:(教师寄语:never do things by halves)一、 汉译英1. 英语俱乐部2. 游泳俱乐部3. 足球俱乐部4. 象棋俱乐部5. 你呢6. 你会唱歌吗?7. 你会下象棋吗?8. 鲍勃也喜欢音乐。9. 你想加入什么俱乐部?10. 我想加入美术俱乐部。二、 将下面的对话按正确顺序排列。 )sorry, i dont know. ) do you want to join a club? ) what can you do? ) you can join the soccer club. )

12、 yes, i do. ) what club do you want to join? ) i can play soccer. ) ok. thank you.三、 单项选择1. _ you dance? we need some more actors for the talent show.a. need b. shall c. must d. can2.- jim, can you _ this word in chinese?- yes, i can _ a little chinese.a. speak; say b. say; speak c. tell; d. talk; s

13、ay3. what do you want _?a. do b. does c. to do d. to does4. can you play soccer _ play volleyball? b. but c. or d. so5. please talk _ your friend _ school.a. after; to b. to; after c. to; d. after; after6.- what _ can you play?- ping-ponga. subject c. sports d. show7.-lets join the swimming c

14、lub.-_.a. sound good b. sounds good c. sound well d. sounds well8. its _ interesting story.9. let us _ a picture for our teacher.a. draw b. to draw c. drawing d. draws10. the little girl dances very _.a. good b. well c. nice d.beautiful四、句型转换1. bill can swim in the river.(对划线部分提问)_ _ bill _?2. we wa

15、nt to join the basketball club. (对划线部分提问)_ _ do _ want to join?3. can you play chess? (作否定回答)_, _ _.4. i think he can play soccer. (改为否定句)i _ think he _ _ soccer.5. he wants to join the chess club. (改为否定句)he _ _ to join the chess club.拓展延伸一、 想一想.join 同义词是take part in ,两者有区别和联系吗?1.i want to _ the swi

16、mming club.b. join b. join in c. take part in d. take you want to _ us for lunch?c. join二、议一议1. 来加入我们当中!_ _ join _!2. 林书豪会哪项运动?打篮球。what _ can jeremy lin _? basketball.3. 简和吉尔会讲故事。jane and jill can _ _.4. 你会做什么? 我会唱歌。_ can you _? i can _.5. 你的朋友是男孩还是女孩?_ your _ a boy _ a girl?dear mr brown,m

17、y name is tom. im not famous now. but maybe i can be famous somebody! i cant sing or dance or act in movies, but i can do many other things. i can play three instruments: the guitar, the violin and the drums. i think i can be in the music club. maybe i can be a famous musician (音乐家). i like to read

18、story books and i can write stories. mabybe i can be a famous writer. i like sports, too., but i am not good at sports. can i join you?1. what does the underlined word “instruments” mean?a. 乐谱 b. 乐器 c. 乐章 d.琴2. what cant tom do?a. read b. write stories c. play the violin d. act in movies3. what club

19、 can tom join?a. the art club b. the movie club c. the chess club d. the music club课题unit1 can you play the guitar? section a (grammar focus-3c)the third period 掌握情态动词can 在疑问句中的用法。通过can 的肯定和否定来表达喜好和意愿。学习重点 1、运用what引导的特殊疑问句询问喜好和意愿一、 根据音标读出书上新单词,还有哪些不会读?二、 填一填1. 讲汉语_ 2. 打网球_ 3.放学后_4. 练中国功夫_ 5. 讲故事_ 6.

20、和交谈_三、译一译1.你会做什么?2.你们想加入什么俱乐部?3.你会踢足球还是打篮球?4.放学后请和张先生交谈。四、完成课本3a的内容,用所给的词和短语写出问句与答语,注意首字母和标点符号。根据所给图片,进行对话练习。example1:a:can he do kung fu? no, he cant. but he can. oh, he can join the club.1. 一个同学做记者,调查组内同学在学校的演出中会做什么2. 大家分享调查结果,将调查结果填入下表。what can you do?3. 选择上表中小组伙伴的一个特长,制作一份学校活动的招聘广告。1.听力训练:检查本课时所学短语2.模仿对话,并作口头调查报告。3.展示每组招聘广告。一、词形转换1. swim(与人相关的名词)_2. paint(同义词)_3. piano(复数)_4. family(同义词)_5. also(同义词)_6. music(与人有关的名词)_7. story(复数)_

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