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1、而高压缩比气缸压缩终了时的温度通常高于正常温度80-110,当进入气缸燃烧室的混合气吸收过度的热量,则燃烧室内的混合气会由于分子聚集,其中的汽油分子吸收了足够的热量之后,在达到它的燃点时,此时若燃烧室内存有积炭或某个角落恰有热点出现,吸收足够热量的汽油分子便会自行燃烧起来,或在火花塞欲点火之前就自行燃烧,即所谓的自燃、预燃,所有这些都直接诱导了燃烧室内发生爆震。While high compression ratio cylinder compression when the temperature is usually higher than the normal temperature o

2、f 80-110 , when the mixture into the cylinder combustion chamber to absorb excess heat, the mixture in the combustion chambers for molecular aggregation, after which the gasoline molecules absorb enough heat, when reaching its burning temperature, if the combustion chamber there are coke or a corner

3、 just hot spots, absorption gasoline molecules enough heat will automatically burn, or to burn in the prior to ignition spark plug, the so-called spontaneous combustion, combustion, all of these are directly induced the occurrence of detonation combustion chamber.持续的爆震,将引起缸体、缸壁、进气歧管等薄壁构件产生高频振动,导致很大的

4、噪声和损坏,还可能引起火花塞电极和缸壁出现过热、熔损等现象,使发动机无力、损坏机械元件,严重威胁发动机使用性能。但理论与实践同时证明:当发动机工作在爆震的临界点或有轻微爆震时,发动机的热效率最高,输出动力性和燃油 经济 性最好。Continuous detonation, will cause the cylinder block, cylinder, intake manifold, thin-walled component to generate high-frequency vibration, noise and damage to large, may also cause a s

5、park plug electrode and the cylinder overheating, melting and other phenomena, so that the engine powerless, damage the mechanical components, a serious threat to the engine performance. But the theory and the practice also proved: when the engine works at the critical point of detonation or slight

6、knock occurs, the engine thermal efficiency is the highest, the output power and the best fuel economy.二、解决方案 Two, solutions为了获得最佳动力性和燃油 经济 性, 现代 汽车通常利用点火提前角的闭环控制系统来有效的控制点火提前角,从而使发动机工作在爆震的临界状态。此项控制内容可通过安装在缸壁上的爆震传感器来实现点火的闭环控制,从而有效的防止爆震产生。In order to obtain the optimal power and the best fuel economy,

7、 modern cars often use control system to effectively control the ignition advance angle of ignition advance angle of the closed loop, so as to make the engine work in the critical state of detonation. This control can be through the knock sensor mounted on the wall to realize the ignition loop contr

8、ol, thus effectively prevent knock generation.燃烧室内发生的震动,可由爆震传感器检测,每台发动机一般安装12只。带通滤波器只允许发动机爆震信号(频率为69khz的信号)或接近爆震频率的信号输入控制单元进行处理,而其他的信号频率则被衰减。爆震信号经过滤波、放大、整波、比较后,可判断出发动机是否发生爆震。The combustion chamber can be detected by the vibration, knock sensor, each engine is usually installed in 1 2. Bandpass filte

9、r only allows the engine knock signal (frequency of signal of 6 9KHz) or signal input control unit close to the detonation frequency processing, while the other is attenuation of signal frequency. Knock signal after filtering, amplification, the whole wave, comparison, can judge whether the occurren

10、ce of detonation engine.由上可看出爆震传感器的作用是:将发动机爆震信号转换为电信号输入发动机 电子 控制单元(即ecu),以便ecu根据泰安锅炉爆震信号对点火提前角进行修正,从而获得最佳点火提前角来消除爆震,获得最大输出动力。Can be seen from the knock sensor is: convert engine knock signal as the input signal of engine electronic control unit (ECU), according to ECU to modify the ignition advance

11、angle knock signal, thereby obtaining the optimal ignition advance angle to eliminate knocking, obtain the maximum output power.通过带通滤波电路检测到的爆震信号输入控制回路,此时,控制单元将控制延迟点火直到再次发生爆震。The control loop, the knock signal band-pass filter circuit to detect the input at the same time, the control unit will contro

12、l the ignition delay again until the occurrence of detonation.其优点如下:(1)伴随着压缩比增大时,扭矩也增大,发动机油耗相应的下降。(2)通过协调动力、油耗和排放可优化点火特性图。(3)作为一个功能的运转条件,点火系可以自动限制酿酒设备发动机爆震的发生。(4)正确的点火角度可通过自动选择来中和(或协调)燃油品质的不同、燃油老化以及环境的影响(如压力、温度等)。(5)现代电子控制实现了每个缸的爆震检测及最佳点火提前角的控制。Its advantages are as follows: (1) with the compression

13、 ratio increases, the torque is increased, fuel consumption decreased. (2) through the coordination of power, fuel consumption and emissions can be optimized for ignition characteristics. (3) as a function of the operating conditions, occurrence of ignition system can automatically limit the engine

14、knock. (4) the ignition angle right through the automatic selection of neutralization (or coordination) of different fuel fuel quality, aging and environmental effects (such as pressure, temperature, etc.). (5) the modern electronic control to achieve the control of the advance angle of knock detect

15、ion and optimal ignition of each cylinder.三、方案设计 Three, design爆震控制系统既可做成单独的如晶体管点火系统,或者整合成诸如motronic的复杂类型。其中将电子点火与爆震控制做成一个整体即带有爆震传感器的点火闭环控制单元尤为重要。Knock control system can be made into a separate such as transistor ignition system, or integrated into complex types such as motronic. The electronic igni

16、tion and detonation control loop ignition control unit into a whole with a knock sensor is very important.爆震控制需要在缸壁上装一个传感器,紧贴在缸壁上。传感器由塑料壳包裹着压电元件及振动块组成。此外,还有爆震控制电路。Knock control is needed in the cylinder is provided with a sensor, close to the wall. The sensor consists of a plastic shell wrapped with

17、 piezoelectric element and vibration blocks. In addition, and knock control circuit.爆震控制可包含下述功能:(1)通过控制燃油泵的节流阀及增压阀来改变空然比。(2)排气再循环利用。(3)微处理器进行故障自动检测诊断,必要时,可通过安装在特定位置的转速计来输出故障信息。Knock control can contain the following functions: (1) by controlling the fuel pump throttle valve and pressure valve to cha

18、nge the air-fuel ratio. (2) exhaust gas recycling. (3) the microprocessor automatic fault detection and diagnosis, when necessary, to output fault information through installed in the specific location of the tachometer.四、操作 Four, operation发动机的爆震界限不是一个固定值,它随着运转条件的变化而变化。只有当检测到发动机发生爆震时才比较重要。爆震传感器检测到发动

19、机缸壁上的固体震动,并将这些震动转变成电信号,输入控制单元。闭环控制系统筛选出爆震信号,并对其特性进行分析。震动信号被分配给相对应的气缸,通过这种方式,可实现每缸爆震的单独控制。Knock limit engine is not a fixed value, it changes with the change of operating conditions and. Only when the detected engine knocking occurs is more important. Solid knock sensor detects the vibration on the e

20、ngine cylinder, and these vibrations into electrical signals, the input control unit. Closed loop control system for screening out the knock signal, and to analyze its characteristics. The vibration signal is assigned to the corresponding cylinder, by this way, can realize independent control of eac

21、h cylinder knocking.一旦检测到发生爆震,控制回路立即控制相对应气缸立刻推迟点火,一般每次推迟0.51.5曲轴转角,直到爆震消失。爆震强度越大,点火时间推迟越多;爆震强度越小,点火时间推迟越小。Once detected, knocking occurs, the control loop immediately the corresponding control cylinder immediately delayed ignition, general every time delay of 0.5 - 1.5 crank angle, until the knock.

22、Knock intensity increasing, ignition delay more; knock intensity is small, the ignition delay is small.只要传感器检测到气缸发生爆震,则点火控制单元再次控制推迟点火即减小点火提前角,直至无爆震信号出现即爆震消失,并且在随后的一段时间内都保持其值不变。当爆震消失后或无爆震发生时,控制单元则又开始以相同的固定值逐渐增大点火提前角,一直到爆震再次出现,整个控制过程周而复始。As long as the sensor detects the cylinder knocking occurs, the

23、ignition control unit again delayed ignition control is to reduce the ignition advance angle, until no knock signal is knock away, and to maintain its value remains unchanged in the subsequent period of time. When detonation disappeared or no knock occurs, the control unit and start with the same fi

24、xed value increases with the increase of ignition advance angle, has to knock again, to control the whole process of go round and begin again.可利用带有爆震传感器的点火提前角的闭环控制来有效的控制点火,从而控制发动机工作在爆震的临界状态,从而获得最大的输出扭矩。Closed-loop can advance angle of ignition with the knock sensor control to effectively control the ignition, and engine work in the critical state of detonation, so as to obtain the maximum output torque.

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