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1、What time do /does+ 主语+do sth? 主语+usually +动词短语+at +几点?例如:你通常什么时候吃早饭?What time do you usually have breakfast?他几点钟到家?What time does he get home? (2)time名词,意思是“时间”, 询问具体的时间可用句型:What time is it? 或Whats the time?2. I usually get up at five oclock. (1)usually副词,意思是“通常,常常”。用来修饰动词。在句子中有usually时,谓语动词常用一般现在时

2、,它的位置一般在实义动词前,有时也可以放在句子最后。 例如:他通常在学校做作业。He usually does his homework at school. (2)oclock副词,意思是点钟。前面使用介词at构成表示时间的介词短语。现在八点钟了。 Now its eight oclock. 我在七点钟去学校。 I go to school at seven oclock. (3)at在此处表示时间。特别提示at, on 与in在表示时间时用法的区别:1. at用于表示时间点(某时某刻)、夜里、中午等一些短语中。 at nine oclock 在九点钟 at night 在晚上 at noo

3、n在中午2. on用于表示在具体的某个时间,如在某一天的上午、下午、晚上或一般节日等。 I was born on January 2nd , 1982. 我出生于1982年的一月二号。 They got there on a cold morning. 他们在一个寒冷的早上到了那里。 Children can get lots of gifts on Christmas Day. 孩子们在圣诞节这一天能得到很多礼物。3. in用于表示年、月、季节、星期以及泛指上午、下午、晚上或白天等。 He join the League in 1994. 他于1994年入团。 The boys often

4、 play soccer in the afternoon. 孩子们经常在下午踢球。 Mr Scott work at night and sleeps in the day. 斯科特先生晚上工作,白天睡觉。3. Scott works very long hours. (1)work 动词,意思是“工作;劳动”。我的爸爸在一家电脑公司上班。 My father works in a computer company. 在词尾加词缀-er可以派生出其名词worker“工人”思维拓展work 作为动词时还可以有“运转;起作用”的意思。 My computer doesnt work. 我的电脑坏

5、了(不运转了)。 His idea doesnt work. 他的主意没有用。 (2)work名词,意思是“工作;职业”。是不可数名词。这是一项艰苦的工作。 Its hard work. 错误表达:Its a hard work.4. He brushes his teeth and has a shower. (1)teeth是名词tooth的复数形式,意思是“牙齿”。我的小宝贝才长了四颗牙。 My baby only has four teeth. brush ones teeth 刷牙。 (2)have a shower意思是“洗澡;洗淋浴”。还可以说take a shower。其中冠词

6、a是固定搭配。他喜欢早上冲淋浴。 He likes to take a shower in the morning. 5. What a funny time to eat breakfast!(1)此句为一个感叹句。感叹句是表示喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的句子。多用how和what 放在句首来引导,意思是“多么的;何等的”。当用感叹词what 来引导时,后面接名词(通常与形容词连胜)。其句型结构为:What +a /an+形容词+名词(+主语+谓语)!当所感叹的名词是复数形式或不可数名词时,省略冠词a /an。多么聪明的一个孩子啊!What a clever boy he is!这是一些多么漂

7、亮的花啊!What beautiful flowers they are!当用感叹词how来引导时,后面接形容词或副词。How +形容词/ 副词+主语+谓语! How clever the boy is! 这是一些多么漂亮的花啊! How beautiful flowers they are! 他跑的多快啊! How fast he runs! (2)eat breakfast吃早饭,还可以说“have breakfast”。一日三餐的表达: 早饭breakfast 午饭lunch 晚饭 supper 正餐,大餐dinner 三餐的总称 meal我们通常一天吃三顿饭。We usually ha

8、ve three meals a day.瑞克不在家吃午饭。Rick doesnt have lunch at home.6. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel. (1)to get to work 在本句中作目的状语,表示他坐17路车到旅馆的目的,它是一个独立成分,也可以放在句子末尾。他进入一家商店买水果。He goes into a shop to buy some fruit. 为了赶早班车,我起的很早。 To catch the early bus, I get up early in the morning.

9、(2)take the number 17 bus乘17路公交车。take在这里是“乘坐交通工具”的意思,如:乘飞机 take a plane, 乘船take a boat等。“17路车”可以说the number 17 bus,也可以说Bus 17。我每天乘6路车去上学。 I take the number 6 bus to school every day. (3)to在这里是个介词,表示方向。7. The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15. (1)take sb. to +地点,意思是“带某人去某地”。如果地点是个地点副词,则省略to。父母经常

10、带我去公园。 My parents often take me to the park. 你可以把朋友带到这儿来。 You may take your friends here. (2)at 19:15“在19点15分”,这是英语表示时间的方式之一,其结构为:钟点数+ oclock,oclock可以省去。他在5点钟回家。 He goes home at five. 思维拓展常用时刻表达法: 如果是整点钟,则用“钟点数+oclock”,如果是几点几分,则有两种表达方式:1. 如果分钟数不超过半小时,我们可以用past这个词,意思是“过;几点过几分”。 五点五分 5: 05 five past f

11、ive 或 five o five 两点一刻 2:15 a quarter past two 或two fifteen 九点半 9:30 half past nine 或 nine thirty2. 如果分钟数超过了半小时,则用to这个词,“分钟数+to+ 下一钟点数”,意思是“差几分几点”。 五点五十分 5:50 ten to six(差10分六点) 或five fifty 七点四十五分7:45 a quarter to eight(八点差一刻) 或seven forty-five8. People love listen to him. (1)love动词,意思是“喜爱;爱”,后面跟名词或

12、动词的不定式结构。我爱我家。 I love my family. 他们爱跳舞。 They love to dance.love与like:二者作为动词时,都有“喜欢;喜爱”的意思,有时可以互换。两词的主要区别是:love在感情上比like强烈,喜欢、喜爱的程度更强烈,love还尤其指对异性的爱慕、爱恋。 Parents love their children. 父母们都很爱自己的孩子。 The old lady likes these children. 这个老妇人很喜欢这些孩子。 (2)listen动词,意思是“听”,是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,需要加介词to。我喜欢听收音机。 I l

13、ike to listen to the radio. 听!谁在唱歌? Listen! Who is singing?9. Can you think what his job is?(1)what his job is是what引导的宾语从句,是陈述句语序,is不能提前。你能告诉我你叫什么名字吗? Can you tell me what your name is?(2)job名词,意思是“工作;任务;职位”。是可数名词。她毕业后找到一份好工作。 She gets a good job after she graduates from the college.job 与work:job是可数

14、名词,通常指为了谋生而做的“工作;职业”,是可数名词,可以用冠词a或an;而work常指为某一目的而从事的工作,通常指体力和脑力的工作,是不可数名词,前面不能加冠词a或an。 Its difficult work for me.这对我是一项困难的工作。 I have a well-paid job in a company. 我在一家公司有一份待遇优厚的工作。【牛刀小试】汉译英1. 去上学 2. 起床 3. 吃早饭 4.洗澡 5. 睡觉 6.在八点钟 7. 刷牙 8.早饭后 9. 乘17路车 10. 到家 选择填空( )1. -What time is ? -Its six oclock. A

15、. it B. that C. this D. the clock( )2. I at 5:00 and I go at 10:00. A. go to home; bed B. go home; to bedC. go to my home; bed D. the home;( )3. Rick at seven oclock in the morning.A. go to school B. goes to school C. to go to school D. goes to the school( )4. -Whats the time, please?-I think its oc

16、lock now. A. 7:00 B. 7:15 C. 7:30 D. 7:45( )5. -Do you have a ? -Yes, I at a fruit shop. A. work; work B. work; job C. job; work D. job; job( )6. The English party is December 23rd. A. on B. in C. at D. to( )7. People usually in the morning. A. have dinner B. eats breakfast C. eat breakfast D. has d

17、inner( )8. He at five oclock. A. have breakfast B. eat breakfast C. eats breakfast D. eats breakfasts( )9. good weather it is! A. What a B. How a C. What D. How( )10. Do you know ? A. what color his shirt is B. what color is his shirtC. his shirt is what color D. what color shirt he is将下列时刻译成英语1. 6:

18、00 2. 9:15 3. 4:30 4. 10:50 5. 11:45 6. 7:35 【超越自我】( )1.- do you go to school? (2004 佛山) -At 7:00 in the morning. A. What B. How C. What time D. How old( )2. - are you going to have your birthday party? (2005 四川) -Of course on my birthday, July the first. A. Where B. When C. How( )3. There are two c

19、lasses Saturday afternoon. We can not have a rest this weekend. (2004 福建) A. at B. on C. in D. of( )4.- you have bought me! (2005 南通) -I got them at the market. A. What a big fish B. How a big fish C. What big fish D. How big fish( )5. Li Ling wants to be a singer. She thinks its an interesting . (2

20、005 四川) A. work B. job C. art【创新全解】牛刀小试版块答案:1. go to school 2. get up 3. eat / have breakfast 4. have / take a shower 5. go to bed 6. at eight oclock 7. brush ones teeth 8. after breakfast 9. take the number 17 bus 10. get home1-5 A B B A C 6-10 A C C C A1. six oclock 2. a quarter past nine 3. half

21、past four 4. ten to eleven5. a quarter to twelve 6. twenty-five to eight超越自我答案1.C(根据回答“在7点钟”,可知是对具体时刻的提问,故疑问词用What time)2.B(回答是说“在我生日那天”,故提问的是时间,用When。 Where用来提问地点,How用来提问状况如何等)3.B(具体到某一天的下午介词用on而不用in。泛指下午用in the afternoon。故答案为B)4.C(fish是不可数名词,不能加冠词a,故排除A和B,how用来感叹形容词或副词,本句感叹名词,故正确答案为C)5.B(根据题意“她认为这

22、是一项有趣的工作”,故不用C;句中有冠词a,故不用A. work,因为work是不可数名词)Section B1. in the morning 在早上2. in the afternoon 在下午3. in the evening 在晚上4. do homework 做作业5. eat dinner 吃晚饭6. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事7. best wishes 最好的祝愿1. When do people usually eat dinner? 人们通常什么时候吃晚饭?2. People usually eat dinner in the evening. 人

23、们通常在晚上吃晚饭。3. Thanks for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。4. Then I eat breakfast at around seven-thirty. 然后在大约七点半时我吃早饭。5. School starts at nine oclock. 学校九点钟开始上课。6. Please write and tell me about your morning. 请写信告诉我你早上的情况。1. Thanks for your letter. (1)thanks for意思是“因为而感谢”,for是介词,后面常跟名词或动名词。就等于thank you for谢谢你的词

24、典。 Thanks for your dictionary. 谢谢你帮助我们。 Thanks for helping us so much. (2)letter名词,意思是“信;字母”,在本句中意思是“信”。write a letter to sb.“给某人写信”。这儿有你的一封信。 Heres a letter for you. 英语中有二十六个字母。 There are twenty-six letters in English.2. Then I eat breakfast at around seven-thirty. around 副词,意思是“大约;到处;在各处”。当“大约”讲时就

25、等于about。现在大约12点了。 Its around twelve oclock now. 不要让孩子们到处跑。 Dont let the children run around.around 还可以作为介词,意思是“围绕周围”。 The Smiths are sitting around the table. 史密斯一家围着桌子坐着。2. School starts at nine oclock. start名词,意思是“开始;着手”,既可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词。“开始做某事”我们可以说start to do sth. 也可以说start doing sth。他们开始唱歌了。

26、They start to sing. 我们上午八点开始上课。 We start lessons at eight oclock.3. Please write and tell me about you morning. (1)write动词,意思是“写;书写”。把答案写到你的练习本上。Write your answers in your exercise book.我的妹妹太小,不会读写。My sister is too young to read and write. (2)tell动词,意思是“告诉;讲述”。后面常跟双宾语tell sb. sth“告诉某人某事”,若跟动词,常用动词的不定式形式tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事,其否定形式是tell sb. not to do sth。请给我们讲一下洪战辉的故事吧。Please tell us the story of Hong Zhan-hui.告诉他准时来这里。Tell him to come here on time.警察告诉那些孩子不要在马路上踢球。The policemen tell the children not to play soccer on the road.4. Best wishes!best是good、well的最高级形式,意思是“最好的(地)”。

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