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1、10-15:40自由发言和讨论40-16:00茶 歇主席:叶文心 16:00-16:20宋在伦历史记忆与忠诚冲突:近代东亚的三个口述历史故事20-16:岡村宏章日本的对外认识变迁与中日关系40-17:深町英夫奢侈的保镖?抗战时期飞虎队在中国的日常生活17:00-17:结束会议,赴晚宴厅 2015年11月7日 上午 史学分论坛 A组:从战乱到和平的近代东亚道路北京大学英杰交流中心月光厅A1 主席:陈永发 9:00-9:茅海建甲午战后的远东国际关系与中日关系20-9:周锡瑞1943年的中国:披荆斩棘,前路茫茫40-10:方德万日本在中国战区的投降10:00-10:3535-11:A2 主席:柯伟林

2、11:00-11:叶文心抗战期间知识人的战争书写20-11:刘一皋抗战时期对于国家历史的解释及其批判40-12:李中清中国教育精英四段论12:00-12:结束,赴餐厅2015年11月7日 下午 北京大学英杰交流中心月光厅 A3 主席:杨奎松 戴安娜内战:战斗与复原力20-14:Sheila Miyoshi Jager朝鲜的开放:冲突遗留下的问题与东亚政治秩序40-15:金东吉中国对北朝鲜的容忍限度00-15: 金晋英东北亚地缘政治的变化与大韩民国的选择20-15:50-16:茶歇A4 主席:欧阳哲生10-16:王奇生蒋介石、毛泽东的抗战及战后战略之比较30-16:林泉忠战争记忆与历史诠释201

3、5年围绕“抗战”的两场史观之争50-17:牛大勇冷战在世界屋脊上1959年至1973年美国当局秘密援助西藏动乱管窥10-17:结束会议,赴晚宴 史学分论坛B组:冷战与当代的“一带一路”西方角色北京大学人文学苑5号楼历史学系B-113会议室 B1 主席:昝涛 马丽蓉“一带一路”框架下中国与北非阿拉伯国家的合作反恐潘华琼地中海南岸的安全与移民问题及其治理的反思和非洲的发展廖宣力中亚与中国的新丝绸之路战略B2 主席:郝雨凡Jamsheed Kairshasp Choksy伊朗与中国的交流Carol Emma Burnside Choksy商业文献怎样创造了不同文明间的和谐昝 涛中国与土耳其的关联:一

4、百年的视角B3 主席:法恩瑞冷战的重要边缘:1949-1989年的中意关系欧阳乔地中海地区动荡下的中国与意大利关系Andrei Kortunov避免新的两极化我们能从刚逝去的历史中吸取什么?B4 主席:Giorgio Prodi中美关系的稳定需要智慧和历史感车昌勋两大国间寻求合作:中美关系的未来Edoardo Reviglio二十一世纪的巨大挑战:“我们”和“别人”的问题2015年11月7日 上午 史学分论坛 C组:融合与扩散区域与都市历史地理变迁的不同 路径北京大学人文学苑5号楼历史学系B-115会议室 C1 主席:唐晓峰 戴梅可长安与罗马的城市形态王妙发中国早期都市形成之多元化妹尾达彦“东

5、亚都城时代”的诞生与国际关系的变迁C2 主席:辛德勇李孝聪民国时期北京城市宗教信仰的空间叙述唐晓峰新华街:民国北京城改造个案追踪柯慕贤厦门的城市化变迁2015年11月7日 下午 史学分论坛 C组:C3 主席:秋山元秀日本古代的南北边疆和地理观念松浦章轮船时代的海上丝绸之路陈文豪地理学家王恢C4 主席:西汉文武两帝时期的河患与秦至西汉初年黄河中游的土地垦殖韩茂莉中国农业发展历程中物种传播与作物嬗替廖幼华因地制宜:唐宋岭南实施南选制的时地差异2015年11月8日 上午 史学分论坛全体会议S3 主席:黄克武 / 张大庆董 玥跨文化理解与对话史学夏互辉全球医学兴起中的生物医学与中医小林祥泰从古出云到现

6、代的日本传统医学与中国自由发言50-11:方德万/牛大勇/ 总 结 Agenda of the Panel SessionsSub-Forum of Historical Studies November 6 th, 2015 MorningVenue: Diaoyutai State Guest HouseKeynote Speech: Can China Lead? The World of Universities in the 21st CenturySpeaker: William C. KirbyNovember 6th , 2015 Afternoon: Plenary of t

7、he Sub-Forum Banquet Hall, V ILLA 5, Diaoyutai State Guest HouseS1 Chair:Hans van de Ven TimeSpeaker TopicDayong Niu / Hans van de VenWelcome RemarkBarak Daniel KushnerChinese War Crimes Trials and Japan - A Brief AssessmentYoko KatoRepatriating the Defeated: Post-War Disarmament and RepatriationTzu

8、-chin HuangSteps Toward Civil Reconciliation: A Reconsideration on the Historical Heritage of the Sino-Japanese WarQ & A / DiscussionCoffee BreakS2 Chair:Wen-hsin YehTopic Jaeyoon SongMemories of History and Conflicting Loyalties: Three Oral Historical Narratives from Modern East Asian HistoryHirota

9、ka OkamuraChanges in Japans Perceptions of Foreign Affairs and Sino-Japanese Relations Hideo FukamachiExtravagant Bodyguard? The Flying Tigers Daily Life in Wartime ChinaEnd. DinnerNovember 7th, 2015 MorningSession A: Modern East Asian Road from the Chaos and War to Peace and Prosperous Moonlight Ha

10、ll, Yingjie Exchange Center, Peking UniversityA1 Chair:Yung-fa ChenTime Haijian MaoInternational Relations in Far East and Sino-Japanese Relations after the Sino-Japanese War in 1894Esherick JosephChina in 1943: Triumphs and Troubles, Destiny and DoubtsThe Japanese Surrender in ChinaA2 Chair:William

11、 C. Kirby SpeakerWriting in Wartime ChinaYigao LiuInterpretation to Chinese National History and Its Criticism during the War of Resistance against JapanJames LeeChanges in the Social Origins of Chinas Educated Elite, 1865-2014End. LunchNovember 7th , 2015 AfternoonA3 Chair:Kuisong Yang Diana Cecili

12、a Margaret LaryChinas Civil War: Conflict and ResilienceThe Opening of Korea: Legacies of Conflict and Political Order in East AsiaDongjil Kim The Tipping Point of Chinas Patience with North Korea Jin-Young KimChanging Political Geography in the Northeast Asia and ROKs ChoiceA4 Chair:Zhesheng Ouyang

13、 Qisheng WangComparison Strategies of Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong in the War of Resistance against Japan and Post-war John Chuan-Tiong LimMemory of War and Interpretation of HistoryTwo Controversies of Historic Views in 2015 over the War of Resistance against JapanDayong NiuA Brief Research in Am

14、erican Governments Secret Assistance to Tibetan Revolt Force from 1959 to 1973November 7th , 2015 Morning Session B:The Dynamics Characterizing Western Regional Roles on the Silk RoadFrom the Cold War until Present No. B-113, Bldg 5, Department of History, Peking University B1 Chair:Tao ZanLirong Ma

15、Anti-Terrorist Cooperation of China and the North-African Arab Countries under the Construction of the“One Belt One Road”Huaqiong PanIssues of Security and Migration in South of the Mediterranean: Reflection on the Governance and African DevelopmentXuanli Liao Central Asia and Chinas New Silk Road S

16、trategyB2 Chair:Yufan HaoExchanges between Iran and ChinaHow Commercial Documents Create Harmony of CivilizationsTao Zan Connection between China and Turkey: a Perception of One Hundred Years No. B-113, Bldg 5, Department of History, Peking UniversityB3 Chair:Enrico FardellaA Significant Periphery o

17、f the Cold War: Italy and China Relations from 1949 to 1989Giovanni AndorninoBack from the Periphery: Sino-Italian Relations in a Turbulent MediterraneanAvoiding a New Bi-Polarity - What Can We Learn from the Recent Past?B4 Chair:Stability of Sino-US Relations Calling for Wisdom and Sense of History

18、Changhoon ChaSearch for Cooperation of Two Leviathans: Future of Sino-US RelationshipXXI Century: The Age of Great ChallengesThe Problem of “Us” and the “Others” Session C:Integration and Diffusion Changes in Historical Geography of Regions and Cities No. B-115, Bldg 5, Department of History, Peking

19、 University C1 Chair:Xiaofeng TangMichael NylanChangan and Imperial Rome ComparedMiaofa WangDiversification in the Formation of Early Chinese CitiesTatsuhiko SeoOrigins of “The Capitals Epoch” and the Transformation of International Relations in East Asia during the 7th to 8th CenturiesC2 Chair:Deyong XinXiaocong LiDepiction of the Religious Space in the City of Beijing during the Republic of ChinaXinhua Street: A Case of the U

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