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1、二、重点句子1、what time is it? 现在几点了? 答: Its +时间 :现在.2、我可以进来吗?;please.请进.3、Im sorry.对不起. 答:Thats all right.没关系.4、You are late again.你又迟到了.5、What time do you.?你几点.?时间:我在.点.6、别玩太多电脑游戏并早点休息.7. Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?=What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么吗?答:SureYes, can you.?当然;你能.?8.You are( very)helpful. 你真乐于

2、助人.9. What can you do at home? 你在家会做什么?I can.我会做.10. I often help my mother do the dishes.我经常帮助我妈妈洗餐具.动词原形):帮助.做.11. Let me try.让我试试吧.12. OKSureOf course: 当然好的可以三、重点知识点1、What time is it?现在几点了?Its+时间.(时间前不用at)2、What time do you get upgo to bed?时间前须用at3、I see. 我明白了我知道了. 4、look at.: 看. (介

3、词用at)5、on the wall: 在墙上 (介词用on) 6、too many: 太多的 (修饰名词复数)7、too much :太多的 (修饰不可数名词)8、can : (情态动词) 能会可以.(后跟动词原形)9、be(amisare) helpful: 乐于助人.Unit3-unit 4 单元复习知识点一、重点单词及词组:1、China 中国 2、the USA 美国 3、fruit 水果 4、drink喝 5、food 食物6、chocolate 巧克力 7、hamburger 汉堡包 8、favorite 最喜欢的9、often 经常 10、delicious 美味的11、Chi

4、nese food 中餐12、have afternoon tea 喝下午茶 13、table 桌子 14、spoon 勺子15、cut 切 16、knife 小刀 17、chopsticks 筷子 18、use 使用19、fork 叉子 20、pass 递 21、at table 吃饭 22、Not like that 不是那样23、Here you are/Here it it.给你 24、Of course/Sure 当然25、want to.想要做某事 26、I see 我知道了;我明白了.二、重点句子:1 Whats your favorite food/drink? 你最喜欢的食物

5、/饮料是什么?(1)My favorite food/drink is hamburgers/coffee.我最喜欢的食物/饮料是汉堡包/咖啡. .s favorite .is.:.最喜欢的.是.(2)I likebest./ 我最喜欢He/She likes .best.他/她最喜欢.(3)I love very much./我非常喜欢.He/She loves.very much.他/她非常喜欢.2.-Mom is drinking coffee.That is her favorite drink.妈妈正在喝咖啡;那是她最喜欢的饮料.3.My family are having afte

6、rnoon tea.我的家人正在喝下午茶.4.Dad is drinking tea, he loves it very much.爸爸在喝茶;那是他最喜欢的饮料.5 Use the fork with your left hand and use the knife with your right hand.左手用叉右手拿刀.6 Would you please pass me/him/her the spoon? 你可以把勺子递给我/他/她吗?Here you are /Here it is.给你.7They are having noodles for lunch now.他们午餐正在吃

7、面条.8I cant use chopsticks well.我不能很好的使用筷子.9I want to have some soup.我想喝一些汤.He/She wants to have some soup.他/她想喝一些汤.10Would you give me/him/her some noodles ,please?你能给我/他/她一些面条吗?Of course/Sure.当然11.The noodles are nice.面条真好吃.12.Please pass him /her/me /you the knife.请把刀子递给他/她/我/你.13.Here are the cho

8、psticks.这是筷子.三、重点知识:1、人称代词主格、宾格2、Love;like前用主格;如I,He,She;You;It;We;They.3、Pass;give后用宾格,如me;you;him;her;it;us;them.4、With后用物主代词;如my;your;his;her.5、主格用在句首;宾格用在句中或句尾.用法:1、Whats your/my/his/her favorite food? 你/我/他/她最喜欢的食物是什么?(favorite前用物主代词)(1)My/your/ his/ her favorite food is hamburgers.我/你/他/她最喜欢的食

9、物是汉堡包.(favorite前用物主代词)2、Please (pass/give)( him /her/me /you) the knife.请把刀子(递给/给)(他/她/我/你).(Pass;give后用宾格)3、With my/your/his/her right hand.(With后用物主代词)Unit 5 知识点总结单词1.supermarket : 超市 2.beside在.旁边3.behind : 在.后面4.Between.and.: 在.和.之间5.take a bus : 乘公共汽车6.get off the bus: 下公共汽车 7.Childrens Park: 儿童

10、公园8.the way to.: 去.的路 9.go along.:沿着顺着.走10.get to.:到达抵达. 11.on the leftright: 在左边右边 the bus stop: 在公交车站13.Excuse me: 打扰一下14.There isare.: 有.句子:Can I help you?Is there a .near here?这附近有.吗?Can you tell me the way to the.?你能告诉我去.的路吗?=How can I get to the.?You can see a .on the leftright.在左边右边你能看到一

11、个.谢谢你. -不客气.There is a .between.and.在.和.之间有一个.-There is+单数名词不可数名词-There are+复数名词重点句子:1、you can see a hospital on the left.你能看见在左边有一家医院.2、I want to buy some fruits. 我想要买一些水果.3、How can we get to the Park? 我们怎样才能到达儿童公园?4、You can see a cinema there.在那你能看见一家电影院.5、The Childrens Park is beside it.儿童公园就在它旁边

12、.6、There is a shop between the schooland the park.学校和公园中间有一家商店.Unit 6 知识点总结单词:1.shirt: 衬衫 2.T-shirt: T恤3.a pair of.一双、一条、一副4.two pairs of. 两双、两条、两副5.a pair of shorts: 一条短裤6.a pair of trousers: 一条裤子7.a pair of glasses: 一副眼镜8.a pair of shoes: 一双鞋 9.two pairs of socks:两双袜子10.How much is itare they?这.多少

13、钱?11.child 孩子-(复数)children 为给.买.13.Would like.=want 想要.1.How about.? .怎么样?2.How about this .one?(单数)3.How about these.ones?(复数)4.It looks good. 它看起来不错.5.Thats OK. 好的.6.too.for. 对于.来说太.7.Well take itthem. 我们买了.8.Here you are. 给你.9.Which one do you like?你喜欢哪一个10.Would you like

14、.Would you like these.ones?(复数)你想要这件这条这双.吗?1、We want to buy a T-shirt for our child.我们想给我们的孩子买一件T恤.2、How about this green one?How about these blue ones?这件这双这条.的怎么样?3、That orange one is beautiful. 那件橘色的很漂亮.4、It looks good.它看起来不错.5、They look too big for her.他们看起来对她来说太大了.6、Would you like the green ones

15、?你想要这双绿色的吗?7、Well take them.我们就买这双了.8、Here you are.给你.9、I like the redyellowblue oneones我喜欢这件.色的.Unit 7- unit 8知识点一、单词:1、aunt 阿姨 2、uncle 叔叔 3、kid 小孩 4、friend 朋友5、thin瘦弱 6、strong 强壮 7、old 老的 8、young 年轻9、来自 10、sport运动 11、woman 妇女12、man男人 13、after class下课后 14、visit 参观15、city 城市 16、hotel 宾馆 17、the UK 英国

16、 18、France 法国19、Australia 澳大利亚 20、map 地图 21、autumn 秋天二、短语:1、do you know 你知道吗? 2、a little 一点 3、speak 说、讲4、play together 一起玩 5、in red 穿红衣服 6、far away 遥远7、have a room 订一个房间 8、far from 远离9、Not very far 离得不远 10、have a good time 祝你快乐,祝你旅途旅客11、欢迎来三、重点句型:1Who is the (young/old)( man/ woman) in red?穿红色衣服的男人/

17、女人是谁?He/She is.他/她是.2She looks tall and thin. 她看起来又高又瘦.她/他来自美国.4.She speaks English and she can speak a little Chinese.她说英语;她还会说一点汉语.5.We are good friends.We often play together after class.我们是好朋友;我们下课后经常一起玩.6.The man beside her /him is my uncle.她/他后面的男人是我叔叔.(beside后用宾格)7、She looks very beautiful in

18、 the red dress.她穿着红裙子看起来非常漂亮.8、Are they your family?他们是你的家人吗?Yes;they are./No;they arent.9、Where are you from?你从哪儿来?(同义句) 答:1、我来自.2、I am from.我从.来.10、.Have a good time.欢迎来我们宾馆;祝你旅途愉快.Thank you.11、Is it far from here?它离这儿远吗?it is.是的(肯定回答)No;it isnt./Not very far.不太远(否定回答)12、.欢迎来参观我们的城市.Thank you.谢谢13

19、、Can I help you?我能帮你吗?I would like to have a room.是的;我想要订一间房. I Would like=Id like14、Australia is far away.澳大利亚很远.补充句型:1、Where is she/he from?她/他来自哪里?1、She/He is from.(国家)2、(国家)2、?1、(国家)2、She/He is from.(国家)四、重点:1、in+颜色:穿.颜色的衣服2、beside/behind+人称代词宾格形式.如:beside her/behind him.3、speak+语言:说.语言speak English说英语speak Chinese 说汉语 speak French 说法语4、He/She looks +形容词;用来形容某人的外貌或者性格特征.如: She looks beautiful.He looks tall and thin.5、地点:表示欢迎来某地6、名词复数manmen childchildren woman-women

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