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1、Howe ver,justa seve rythi nghas twos ides, t hec ellphon ea lsohasma n ydisadvan tages。 Tobe ginwith, it sexpensi v etobuyan dc ostlyto pay thehil Is, e spo th atofg loba lservi ce。 Tomakem at terswors e , it salso easytolose andcostlyt ogetitrep a ired。worst ofall,i ts notasc lear asafa milyt elep

2、honean dso metimes th enumberd i aledisoft ennotavail able。Lastb utnotleas t,it sail eg edthemi cro wavesi nitm ightd oharm tope ople s hea 1th。In myopinion , withitsex pensesgrea tlyreduce d afterchi na sentry int othewT o, it willf acean ever bright erf uturein it sdevelop m ent。Somed aymostofth e

3、mwillbede velopedin t onewlnte me tenabl edm obilep hone s, whi chwil lbea susefu las pocketp ut erso Andl b elieveits advantages willnotonl yoffsetit s disadvan ta ges,but als ofarou twei ghthe mo关于手机的英语作文(二):cellphon eshavebeei ncreasingl ypopulari nchinathe se days。 wh ere veryou goyo ucans eepeo

4、 pleu singce lip hones。m an ycollege s tudents , e venhighsch oolstudent s, havecel 1 phones。c ellpho nesh avebr ought peop lealot ofb enefits, b utthemos t important isthatthey areconveni ent。 withe e llphones in theirha nds,theyc anke epint ouchw itha nybody the ywant。i ft heywantt o getsomein for

5、mationf romtheinte rnet,they c aneasily ha vetheir dre amreal ized viace llpho nest oo。 fur the rmore, ifs omeoneha s aheartatt ackoratraf ficacciden t, acallto e mergency ho spitalo rto thepol icec anqui cklyb ring himthe hel phewant s。Howeve r, cellphon escanalsob ringpeopl e problems o t hemosts

6、eri ousist heel ectri cwave radi ationw hie histhou gh ttobehar m fultouser s brains。a notherprob lemisthat w henpeopl ea rehavin gam eeting orha vinga class orat aconce rte tc,ther in gofthece 1 lphonemay interrupto thers。soit hinkpeopl e shouldus ec ellphon esa slittl easp ossib leand turn themof

7、fwh entheya re attendin g important meetingsor attendingclasses。关于手机的英语作文(三):关于手机的英语作文中英对照:近年来,手机有了飞速的增长。对数以百万计的人来 说,作为最便捷的通讯工具手机是生活中必不可少的。到 2004年,手机的数量到达3。15亿,平均每年增长了5750 万用户。有些人此刻己经无法设想没有了手机的生活会是什么 样貌。手机如此普及的事实证明了它们的实用和方便。手 机使人们能够简单快捷地相互沟通,无论身处何地,都能 立刻联系上。手机解决了需要交流时却无法见面的问题,因而也增加了商业活动的效率。使用手机也不可避免

8、地 存在弊端。手机发出的辐射对健康不利。而且,如果人们 过于依靠手机,那么我们应对面交往的潜力会下降。每个 新发明都有它的缺点,但这些消极方面并不会影响它的普 及。比如电视,尽管有很多负面作用,但拥有电视的人数 还是继续以极高的速度增长。这种状况也适用于手机。人 们不会因噎废食。而且,科技的飞速发展有期望消除使用 手机所带来的风险。所以,能够有把握地预言,随着新技 术的采用,手机会有更广的用途,而且会对消费者更有吸 引力。I nre centyea. rs therehas b eenadrama ticriseint hecellphon es, whicha r enowesse nt i

9、altomi lli onsofp eopl easac onven lent formof mun ication。I n2004the n umberreac hed315, 000 , 000, witha naveragea nnualincr ea seat57,500 , 000。So mepe opleca nno wnolong er imaginel i fewithout theircellp hones。Thef actthatth e yaresopo pu larprov est hatthe yare usefu landc onve nient。cel lphon

10、es en ablepeop 1 etoeasily andquickly municatewi thoneanot h er;where ve ryouare,yo ucanin stan tlyre achso mebo dyo cel lph oneseli mi natethet r oubleofno tbeingable tomeetsome oneinpers o n, andthe re foreinc rea sebusiness seff icien cyomobi le phonesne c essarilya lsoharbord isadvantag eso Ther

11、ad i ationsuc hp honesem iti shazar dous toone shea ltho Furthe rmo re,ifpe op lebeetoo r eliantont heuseofcel lphones, ou rfacetofa c eskillsm ay decline o An ynewin vent ionha sitsd rawb acks,a nds uchnega ti veaspect s cannotalw aysdiminis hitspopula rity。Desp i tetheneg at iveeffe cts oftele vis

12、i on, fo rexam pie, thenum ber ofpeopl ew hoowntel e visionsco ntinuestog rowatatrem endousrat e o Thisisa Is othecas ewi thmobi leph ones。Peopl ewon tstop eat ingjust be causeoft h eriskofch okingo Inad dition, the swiftdeve 1 opmentof sc iencean dte chnolo gywi lllik elyel imin atethe haz ardscel

13、lp honesmay c ause。onec ansafelypr edict,ther efore,tha t withthei nt roducti ono fnewte chni ques, mobil epho neswil lha vemorea pp lication s andbeeeve nmoreappea lingtocust omers。关于手机的英语作文(四):Rece ntly, shor tmessa ges beemore an dmorepop u larwithbo ththeyoung andtheold。 Peopleacc e ptthecon ve

14、nientwa yof munica tion andso meeve ncan notliv ewithoutth em oAstot heeasonswh ysomanypeo pleareinf a vourofth es hortmes sag es, inm yopi nion, there ret hreepo int So First , i tcansave t imeifyouw anttoinfor myourfrien dsofsomet h inginone or twoword sby sendin gash ortme ssage o Byp arison wit

15、hletter so remail, s h ortmessag esarereall ymorequick forothers t oreceive yo uasthem obi 1 ephon esar ealwa yswit hthe m。Seco nd, shortme ss agescost 1 essthanma kingaphone call。Third, peoplewh o arenotve ry familia rwi theach othe rcanc hatby shor tmessa ges moreeas il y, throng h whichmore andmo

16、repeo plecanknow ofothersa n dbeefrie nd soHo weve r, not hingt hati sperfe cte xistsin th eWorld。S h ortmessag esalsohave somedisadv antageswi t hthem。So me peoplec hea torfoo loth ersby telli ngth emthat the yhavewo ns omeprize s throughsh ortmessage s。 Also, tak ingadvant a geofpeop le signor anc

17、 e,some webs itesc harge agoo ddealo fex pensesf or mshortme ssagesoA boveall, sh ortmessag e isproduc to fthehit ech nowada ys。 I twill serve usve rywell ifw emakepr op erandful 1 useofito关于手机的英语作文(五):with th eimprov ing ofourl ivin gstan dard,nowa days,a lmo stevery on ecanaffo r dacellpho ne o Ev

18、eryci onhastwosi des。 whenw e areenjoy in gtheben efi tsthat cell phone shave brou ghtus,we a renowfa ce dmanypro b lems。To startwith,mobilesph o neshaveb ro ughtusm any conven ienc es。wi thaus ingo faphon e,w ecansur fi ngonthel n ternetwhe neverwelik ewithoutop eningaput e ro whats mo re,wear eim

19、formed ofev eryth ingim port antwhe nwe carryou rc ellphone a lithetime o Futermore, itcanalso helpuswit h somelear ni ng, beac use wecanl ooku pthew ordin thed igital die tionary oSecondl y, ourcellp honesstill causesman y seriousp ro blems。o non ehand, them ostpr oblem isel ectric wav eradiat io n

20、, whichi s badforour health。 ont heotherhan d, itwilla f fectourl ea rningan dwo rkingo Fore xampl e, whe nwea reatan imp ortantm ee tingwith a nimportan tpartner , i fyourcellp honerings , itwillin te rruptth ewh oleenv iron menta ndthe part nerwil 1th inkyoud on trespee t him。Anoth erexample! swhe

21、nyouar ehavingab o ringclas so rmeetin g, t henyou will takeo utyou rpho neread ing novels, surfingont h einternet , playingga mes , allthe stwilldis t ractyouf ro mgoodwo rki ngo关于手机的英语作文(六):di sa dvantage s ofmobilep honeRece ntly, shor t messages be emorean dmo repopularw ithbo ththe youn gandth

22、eol do Peopl ea cceptthe c onvenient wayofmunic ationandso meevencan n otlivewith outthem oAstot heeas onsw hysoma nyp eoplear ei nfavouro f theshortm essages,in myopinion, there ret h reepoint So First, i tea nsavet imei fyouw antto info rmyour fri endsofs om ethingin o neortwowo rdsbysendi ngashor

23、tme ssage。Byp a risonwit hl etterso rem ail, sh ortm essag esare real lymore qui ckforot he rstorece i veyouasth emobilepho nesarealwa yswiththe m o Second, sh ortmess age scostl esst hanma kinga phon ecallo Thi rd, peop le whoareno t veryfamil iarwitheac hothercanc hatbyshor t messages mo reeasil y

24、, t hrough whic hmore andmo repe opleca nkn owofoth er sandbeef r iends。H owever, not hingthati s perfecte xi stsinth ewo rid。 Sh ortm essag esals ohav esomed isa dvantag es withthem o Somepeopl echeatorfo olothersby tellingthe mthatthe yh avewons ome prizes thro ughsh ortme ssag eso Als o, t akinga

25、d va ntageofp e ople,sign orance, som ewebsitesc hargeagoo d dealofex pe nsesfor msh ortmes sage soAbovea 11, shortme ss ageispro d uctoftheh i technowad ays。I twill serveusve r ywellifw em a.kepropera ndfull useo fit。关于手机的英语作文(七):描述手机的英语作文:T headvantag esanddisadvantageso f mobileph on emob ilep ho

26、nes areth emai ninven tio nofmode rn technolo g yo Theyare pletelypar tofourdail yliveslfw e lookatou rs ociety, wee anseet hata llkin dsofp eopl eareus ing mob ilep ho nes0 mayb e theyhavem anyadvanta ges,butthe yalsoexpe r iencedra wb acks。The maina dvant ageo fmobil eph onesist ha tpeoplec a nuse

27、thema nytimeanda nywhere, so theycanus e oneforan em ergency o in additi on, p eople canac cess theint ern etwhene ve rtheyuse t hemobilep hones, sobu sinesspeop lecanuset e matworkt og etinfor mat ionfro mint ernet morec onve nietly mor eover,i ti sveryeas y tosendmes sagestoyou rfriends。m obilepho

28、n e scanmakepe oplekee pin timacy insp iteof longd ista nee。mo bil ephones ar eturning t heworldin toasmallvi lagewherew ecanmmuni c atewithe ac hothere asi lyands impl yo Fin ally, anot herpoi nti nfavour of mobileph o nesisthat youcanavoi ddisturbin ganyonewh e nheissle ep ingorwo rki ngbeca usei

29、nthat casep eopl eoften tur noffthe ir mobileph o nes。ont heotherhan d,therear e somedraw ba cks,too o Fi rstly,them ostim porta ntdi sadvan tag eistheu nk nowneffe c tsonhealt hincaseofo ver-use。Sc ientistsf o undthatm ob ilephon esc ancaus ebra incan cer。i fyou talkfo rso manyhou rs , youareg o in

30、gtohave headachean dearproble ms。Second 1 y,themob il ephones tim ulateh omef orthe highc osto fmunic ati on。 Ifyo ua rein3mem b eredfamil y, youwould spendaloto fmoneyonm obilephone。Because tow tothre eoff amily havei t, it costab out 150-200 Di namonth。F urthermor e, theinapp ropriateus eofmobile p honescou Id bebothe rso me。for exam pie, i tisve ryim ppropr iat etohere am obilepho n eringingd uringaform alconversa tion,duri

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