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1、爱可以创造奇迹, 可以让人变得满足和乐观。注意:但改成被动语态时, 则要加to。Children should be made to understand the importance of saving water应该让孩子们理解节水的重要性。3. make +宾语+形容词(作宾语补足语)But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal.但是我乐于帮忙, 因为我知道, 这是为了实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。The purpose o

2、f new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.新技术的目的是使生活变得更加容易, 而不是变得更加困难。Internet makes our lives easy and convenient.互联网使我们的生活变得容易和方便。The chemical structure of water also makes it different from almost every-thing else on earth.化学结构还使水不同于世界上几乎所有的其他物质。Unfortunately, this

3、function also makes estuaries very sensitive to enviro-mental pollution.不幸的是, 这个作用也使河口对环境污染很敏感。Harry learns the truth about his past, a dark secret that will make his life and choices more difficult哈利了解了自己的真实身世, 隐藏其中的秘密使他的生活和选择面临更大的困难。4. make +宾语+过去分词(作宾语补足语)The teacher raised his voice so that he c

4、ould make himself heard.那个老师提高了嗓门以便别人能听到他。Can you easily make yourself understood in English你能用英语轻易地表达你的思想吗His actions made him universally respected.他的行为使他处处受到尊敬。5. make +宾语+介词短语(作宾语补足语)You made him into an honest one.你使他成为一个诚实的人。“Make yourself at home,” the hostess said to me as soon as I entered

5、the house我刚一进门, 女主人就对我说:“别客气, 就像在你自己家一样。”6. make +宾语从句(作宾语补足语)What has made China what she is today是什么让中国变成今天的样子We will soon make our school what your school is now我们不久就要把我们的学校发展成你们学校目前的那个样子。7. make +形式宾语it +形容词或名词(做宾语补足语) +带to的不定式作真正的宾语This makesit possible for agriculture and industry to develop q

6、uickly这使工农业有可能很快发展。People in the West make it a rule to buy Christmas presents for their rela-tives and friends.西方国家的人常在圣诞节时购买礼物给亲属和朋友。Pedestrians, both old and young, should make it a habit to use overhead bridges行人, 不论老幼, 都该养成走人行天桥的习惯。8. make +形式宾语it +形容词或名词(作宾语补足语) +从句(作真正的宾语)They want to make it

7、 clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job他们要向公众表明, 他们所做的工作不但重要, 而且是必不可少的。 二、make的口语英法1. make it up to you 补偿你Im sorry, but I promise you that Ill make it up to you.2. make it 表示成功Im sure you can make it. I have faith in you.3. make it two 我也来一份-Can I have a glass of Jack and C

8、oke.-Hey, make it to please.4. make up 化妆(make-up 化妆品) I gotta go put on some make-up. Are you wearing make-up.Yes, Make-up could make up for a lack of beauty.是的,化妆品能够弥补美丽不足。5. make out 男女之间的亲热 We kind of made out last night. off 逃走 Two boys made off with our cases while we werent looking.有两个男孩子趁我们不

9、备,偷了我们的箱子就跑了。三、make 考试必备词组 1. make into 制成,做成(后面跟产品,制成品)2. be made of 用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料)3. be made from 用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料)4. be made up of 由组成,由构成5. make up 化妆6. make up 化妆,打扮7. make up 配制8. make up 编造,虚构9. make up for 弥补, 补充,补偿10. make full use of 充分利用 to ones own measure 照某人的尺寸去做 12. make up my mind 下

10、决心13. make fun of 取笑,嘲笑,和开玩笑四、make的相关短语及其用法1、make a face/faces 做鬼脸 The boy often makes a face at me . 这个男孩经常向我做鬼脸。2、make friends with 与交朋友 He makes friends with the local people . 他同当地人交朋友。3、be made of(物理变化) / be made from(化学变化) 用制成 The bridge is made of steel . Steel is made from iron . 这座桥是用钢材建造的。

11、 钢是由铁炼成的。4、make upones mind 拿定主意 I cant make up my mind at last . 我最终还是拿不定主意。5、make fun of 取笑 You shouldnt make fun of others difficulties . 你不应该对别人的困难幸灾乐祸。6、make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 Dont make me do that . 别让我做那件事了。1 make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用,大有作为Believe that you make a difference.相信你可以制造不同.2 mak

12、e fun of 取笑,嘲笑In this world, some people support you, some people just want to make fun of you. Please putting best into it .这个世界,有些人是支持你的,有些人只是想看你的笑话,请你好自为之.3 make out of 由.制成,用.做原料;理解;制造4 make out 辨认出to manage to see sb/sth or read or hear sth5 make use of 使用;利用6 make the most/best of 尽量利用,充分使用to

13、gain as much advantage ,enjoyment , you can from sb/sth7 make up ones mind下决心;拿定主意8 make up for 补偿,弥补You should make up for your lost time.你应该将失去的时间补回来。9 make up of. 由组成,构成10 make it 办成;做到;成功;赶上;及时到达The train goes at 15:10 and I think we shall make it.11 make beds铺床叠被12 make out 辨认出13 make ones way

14、前进 成功 发迹14 make (both ) ends meet 量入为出,使收支相抵Since Peter lost his job,we can hardly make both ends meet.15 make oneself at home 不要拘束;别客气16 make oneself understood 把话说清楚,把意思交代明白It is hard to make oneself understood in a foreign language.用外语表达清楚自己的想法是很难的。17 make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理It would make sense to

15、 leave early.早点离开是明智的。18 make sense of 懂得(了解.的意义)Leonardo I just cant make sense of this.李奥纳多我还是搞不明白这是怎么回事。19 make progress in 在.方面取得进步Due to lack of the independent learning ability, it is impossible for them to make progress in anticipation.由于他们缺乏独立学习的能力,所以就不可能取得所期望的进步。20 make room for. 给腾出地方We ha

16、d to squash up in the bus to make room for more people.为了让更多人能上车,在车上我们不得不挤在一起。21 Make your enemy your friend. : 化敌为友22 make sb/sth lnto sb/sth把变成 to change sb/sth into sb/sth五、make词组练习1. Bamboo is also made _ paper.2. Our desks and chairs are made _ wood.3. The paper for books and newspapers also is

17、 made _ wood.4. This engine is made _ _ 490 parts.5. The actor made himself _ for the part of an old man.6. These days many girls make _ when they are still quite young.7. She made _ a good lunch from bits and pieces.8. There isnt any little girl called Kitty here. He has just made her _.9. Hard wor

18、k can often make _ for lack of intelligence.10. Everyone should make _ _ time.11. But wait till you see what well make for you _ your own measure.12. I have made _ _, and nothing you say will change it.13. They made _ _ my mistakes when I tried to speak English.Answers: 1. make into 制成,作成(后面跟产品,制成品)2. be made of 用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料)3. be made from 4. be made up of 由.组成,由.构成5. make up 化妆6. make up 化妆,打扮7. make up 配制8. make up 编造,虚构9. make up for 弥补, 补充,补偿10. make full use of 充分利用 to ones own measure 照某人的尺寸去做12. make up my mind 下决心13. make fun of 取笑,嘲笑,和.开玩笑精心搜集整理,请按实际需求再行修改编辑,因文档各种差异排版需调整字体属性及大小

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