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1、2.China has onlyone fourth of the per capita water reserves compared with the world averageThirty of the 32 large cities having a population ofmore than a million have long been affected by water shortagesOver the past few years, the government has formulated10 rules and regulations on water conserv

2、ation in urban areas and isconsidering raising water prices,which aretoo low causing wasting of water3.中国是统一的、多民族的国家。中国各民族,不论大小,一律平等。中国的少数民族和汉族相比,人口较少,但居住面积却占全国总面积的5060。他们所居住的区域,不仅幅员辽阔,而且有许多地方土地肥沃、矿藏丰富。3. China is a unifiedmultinational country. All Chinese nationalities, large or small, are equal.

3、Thoughsmall in population, when compared with the Han, the Chinese ethnic minoritiesinhabit 50 to 60 percent of t he total area. Apart from its vastness, many ofthese areas are rich in soil and mineral deposits.4.在中国一些地方,人们习惯于每天吃大蒜。有些人每天吃大蒜多达20瓣。在这些地方,人们从未听说过乳腺癌。为了搞清大蒜能否防癌,医生们用鼠做了实验。医生给鼠每天喂20克大蒜(鼠吃1

4、克大蒜相当于人吃一瓣蒜),同时让鼠吃一种致乳腺癌的物质。结果如何呢?几乎没有鼠生癌。医生现在正致力于寻找大蒜中具有防癌作用的成分。4. In parts ofChina, people have the habit of eating garlic everyday. Some people eat as manyas 20 cloves of garlic a day. Breast cancer is almost unheard of in thoseplaces. To find out whether garlic helps to prevent breast cancer, do

5、ctors havedone experiments with rats. They fed rats up to 20 grams of garlic a day (agram for a rat is equal to a clove for a person)along with a substance thatinduces breast cancer. The result? Almost no tumors in the rats. Doctors arenow searching for the active ingredients in garlic that seem to

6、prevent breastcancer.5.对那些你想要在以后几天、几周或几个月回想起来的材料,最佳的学习时间是下午。政治活动家、工商企业经理或其他必须牢记演讲词的人们,在下午这段时间里进行记忆将是明智之举。如果你是学生,那么,一个聪明的办法是把较难的课程安排在下午,而不是安排在上午去做。你还应当力图把研读大部分功课的时间放在下午,而不是放在深更半夜。许多学生因为短期记忆的效果在凌晨比在下午好,就以为挑灯夜读能记得更牢。但短期记忆在他们几天以后面对考试时帮不了多大的忙。5. Afternoon is thebest time for learning the material that yo

7、u want to recall days, weeks ormonths later. Politicians, business executives or others who must learnspeeches would be smart to do their memorizing during that time of day. If youwere a student, you would be wise to schedule your more difficult classes inthe afternoon, rather than in the morning. Y

8、ou should also try to do most ofyour studying in the afternoon, rather than late at night. Many studentsbelieve they memorize better while burning the midnight oil because their short-termrecall is better during the wee hours of the morning than in the afternoon. However,short-term memory will not h

9、elp tehm much several days later, when they facethe exam.6.“一国两制”就是说中国实现和平统一后,台湾和香港两地区可以保留资本主 义制度,而大陆则搞社会主义。两种社会制度在未来长时期内和平共存,互不相 克。从1 9 9 7年7月起,中国对香港重新行使主权(sovereignty)。确保香港的繁荣稳定和继续发展,符合中英两国的共同利益。统一祖国、振兴(rej uvenate)中华,则是包括台湾人民和海外侨胞在内的所有中华儿女的共同愿望。6. The phrase “onecountry, two systems” means that a

10、fter China realizes peaceful reunification,Taiwan and Hong Kong, the two regions to which the idea applies, would maintaintheir capitalist systems while the mainland practices socialism. The twosystems would coexist for a long time to come, without one overwhelming theother. China would resume the e

11、xercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, beginningin July 1997. It is the common interests of both China and Britain to ensurethe stability, prosperity and cotinuing development of Hong Kong. Chinas reunificationand rej uvenation is the common aspiration of the whole Chinese nation, includingthe peopl

12、e in Taiwan and those livingabroad.7.合资成立后,我们公司成为国内特大型企业,预计每年至少可实现净利润32亿元,创汇3.5亿美元。将来我们还要在20多个国家和地区发展海外企业。到那时,我们的全部固定资产将近400亿元,形成一个以总公司为中心,向其它国家和地区进行辐射的全球网络。7. After theestablishment of the joint venture, our company will become an exceptionally large enterprise. It isexpected that we could at least

13、 attainrealizemake a net profit of 3.2 billion yuan annually, and bringabout a foreign exchange incomeearnings of $ 350 million. In the future,we will/are also going to open our overseas enterprises in more than 20countries and regions in the world. By that time, our total fixed assets willbe close

14、to 40 billion yuan, and a radiating global network will be formed withour headquarters as the center.8.中国应当对人类有较大的贡献。在科学技术方面,我们古代,曾经创造过辉煌的成就,四大发明对世界文明的进步起了伟大的作用。但是我们祖先的成就,只能用来巩固我们赶超世界先进水平的信心,而不能用来安慰我们现实的落后。我们现在在科学技术方面的创造,同我们这样一个社会主义国家的地位是很不相称的(incommensurate)。8. China ought tomake a greater contribu

15、tion to humanity. In ancient times, China had brilliantachievements in science and technology. Its four great inventions played asignificant role in the advance of world culture. But our ancestorsachievements can serve only to confirm our confidence in catching up with andsurpassing advanced world l

16、evels and not to console us on our backwardnesstoday. Our contributions to science and technology at present areincommensurate with the position of a socialist country like ours.9.我厂生产的产品主要是各种规格的胶印机(offset press),产品质量优良,性能可靠,自动化程度高,在国内市场上供不应求,占用率达70以上。在国际上我厂产品以质量好、效率高、价格合理获得国外用户的欢迎,出口量逐步上升,已销售到东南亚、美

17、国、日本、智利、香港等十多个国家及地区。近年来国际市场对印刷机械需求量日益增多,我厂正在增加新品种以满足不同用户的需要。9. Specializing inhigh quality,reliable performance, and high automation, ourmain products are offset presses that are available in various models. With ourexcellent products, we have cornered over 70% of the domestic market and we can hard

18、ly meet our domestic needs. Ourproducts are internationally recognized for their good quality, highproductivity, and reasonable prices. Our products have been increasinglyexported to Southeast Asia, United States, Japan, Chile, Hong Kong, more thanten countries and regions. In recent years, the dema

19、nd for printing machineshas grown greater and greater, and we are currently developing higher qualitymachines in different models to meet various customers needs.10.基础教育从某种意义上来讲,要比大学更重要,端正中小学教学目的,改革教学方法,提高教学质量,扩大师资力量是当前中国基础教育的主要任务。其中一项就是纠正片面追求升学率。一些学校甚至放弃对学生进行思想教育,一味增加学生负担,违背教学的德、智、体全面发展的目标。 10. To

20、a certainextent,basic education is more important thanhigher education. How to straighten out the objectives in primary and secondaryteaching, rectify the teaching approaches, raise the teaching quality andexpand the teaching staff are the major issues in Chinas current basic education.One of the ur

21、gent tasks is to correct the tendency of solely looking forward tothe percentage of the annual matriculation. Some schools have gone so far as togive up the moral guidance of students and heap huge amounts of homework uponstudents, contrary to the all-around development in intelligence, morals, andh

22、ealth.11.中国是国际大家庭的一员。中国离不开世界。中国的改革开放和现代化建设,需要一个长期的国际和平环境,需要同各国发展友好合作关系。世界也需要中国。世界的和平与发展,需要中国的稳定和繁荣。11. China is amember of the international community. It cannot stand separate from the restof the world, as its reform, openingup and modernization drive, all call for aninternational environment of la

23、sting peace and stronger relations of friendshipand cooperation with other countries. The world, like wise, needs China too, asa peaceful and prosperous world requires a stable and prosperous China.12.我们从小到大就相信这种说法:女的比男的弱,女的主要是做家里的事。然而,几乎没有证据表明男女在能力上有什么差别。男的该做什么,女的该做什么,都是人们流传下来的。而人往往是根据别人怎么说的来给自己定位和

24、表现自己的。如果大家都说父亲的作用在家里,而母亲的工作在外面,那他传统的角色就要颠倒过来了。12. We are broughtup with a myth that women are weaker than men and that they are the keepers of thehearth. Yet there is little or no evidence of differences in what women and mencan do. Sex roles are taught, and people think and act on the basis of mess

25、agesthey receive from others. If it had been generally agreed that a fathers placewas in the home and a mothers was at work, the traditional roles would havebeen reversed.13.科技的发展是我们这一代最为惊人的现象之一。它改变了我们的生活方式,甚至我们死的方式。由于这一切是一个渐进的过程,你可能意识不到其变化,但你能感到飞机、电视、电话,甚至杀虫剂带来的越来越多的方便和舒适。我们所看到、听到、感到和吃到的,几乎没有一样不是为科

26、学技术所改变的。13. Thedevelopment of science and technology has been one of the most spectacularphenomena of our generation. It has revolutionized our way of livingand possibly also our way of dying. You may notrealize what is happening because it is a piece meal process. But you can feelthe increasing con

27、venience and comfort brought on by airplanes, televisions,telephones, and even insect killers. There is hardly anything that we see,hear, feel or eat that hasnt been changed by science and technology.14.为了更好地了解登广告的人是如何说服我们买他们的产品的,我们最好全面分析一下人的本性。登广告的人在多年前就已发现我们所有的人都喜欢白拿东西,因此用免费这个迷人字眼作为广告开头的很少会失败。登广告的

28、人不但免费提供样品,还免费提供汽车、住房和环球旅行。电台和电视台使得登广告的人有可能用这种方法来吸引千百万人的注意。14. To get abetter understanding of how advertisers persuade us to buy their products, wedbetter have a birds eye view of human nature. Advertisers discovered years agothat all of us love to get something for nothing. An advertisement that be

29、ginswith the magic word FREE can rarely go wrong. Advertisers not only offer freesamples, but free cars, free houses and free trips round the world as well.Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture theattention of millions of people in this way.15. 人类对水的需求量不断增加,同时,由于污染、地下

30、水枯竭和浪费用水的缘 故,水的供应量却不断减少。现在迫切需要制定新的战略,以免发生淡水匮乏现象。淡水匮乏将使农业减产,家庭和工业部门无水可用,并将破坏环境以及使与水有关的健康问题恶化。15. Demand ofhuman beings for water is ever increasing while, due to pollution,shrinking underground water and waste of water, watersupply is decreasing. The pressing imperative at present is to formulate newstrategies to avoid the depletion of fresh water. Shortage of water will leadto the reduction of farm crops, lack of water in families and industries,destroy the environment and worsen water-related health problems. 16.从根本上来说,知识经济的价值在于改变工业经济时代以来经济、

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