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1、八年级英语下册第三单元集体备课教案2017八年级英语下册第三单元集体备课教案2017鍏 勾绾嫳璇 笅鍐岀 涓夊崟鍏冮泦浣撳 璇炬暀妗?Studying Aims锛堝 涔犵洰鏍囷級 1.Be able to read the new words by looking at the pronunciation.(鑳芥牴鎹 煶鏍囨嫾璇绘柊鍗曡瘝锛?2.Be able to use listening strategies to finish off the listening tasks.(鑳借繍鐢崟鎹変富瑕佷俊鎭 瓑鍚 姏鎶鑳藉畬鎴愬垽鏂 侀夎瘝浠诲姟锛?3.Be able to make a c

2、onversation in pairs (鑳借繘琛屾湁绀艰矊璇锋眰鍜岃 姹傝 鍙 殑瀵硅瘽锛?Preparing for class(鍊欒 ) Ask students to sit well and check the words with each other. Studying procedures (瀛範杩囩锛?Step 1: Daily greetings and leading into a new lesson.锛堝 鍏柊璇撅級 Today we鈥檒l learn Unit3 Could you please clean your room? In this unit we鈥檒

3、l talk about chores and permission. (浠婂锛屾垜浠 皢瀛範绗 笁鍗曞厓锛屾湰鍗曞厓涓昏 璋堣 瀹跺姟鐞愪簨涓庤 鍙 ? Step 2: Show 鈥淪tudying aims鈥?(鍑虹鐩 爣锛?1) Step 3: Guide One锛堣嚜瀛寚瀵间竴锛?4) 1.Read and understand the words by looking at the pronunciation. (鏍规嵁闊虫爣鎷艰 鍗曡瘝锛?鍒嗛挓鍚庢瘮姣旂湅锛岃皝璇诲緱鏈濂?(1) 2.鎶借 銆佹 闊炽侀 璇汇侀綈璇?(2) 3.Finish 1a by writing down

4、A for always, U for usually, O for often, S for sometimes, HE for hardly ever and N for never. (鍦煭璇 梺杈圭敤棰戠巼鍓 瘝鐨勯 瀛楁瘝鍐欏嚭鑷 繁鍋氬 鍔殑棰戠巼) Step 4: Guide Two 锛堣嚜瀛寚瀵间簩锛?3) 1.Listen and check Peter鈥檚 mother or Peter will do these chores. 鍚 姏绛栫暐锛氬惉鍓嶈 瀛敓棰勬祴鍙 兘鍚 埌鐨勭粨鏋滐紝璇卞彂鍏跺濂囧績鍜屽叴瓒紱鍚 腑锛屾崟鎹夊 鍔悕绉板拰璇磋瘽浜虹殑璇 煶璇 皟锛涘惉鍚

5、庯紝鐢畬鏁寸殑鍙瓙璇村嚭绛旀 锛屾棬鍦粌璇 銆佺敤璇 銆?2.Listen and read along the tape.(璺熻 璇炬湰99椤电殑鍚 姏鏉愭枡) Step 5: Guide Three锛堣嚜瀛寚瀵间笁锛?(8) 1.Read the conversation in 1a and translate it by themselves. (榛樿 骞惰瘯鐫缈昏瘧1a鐨勫 璇?(1) Make polite requests : Compare锛欳ould you please sweep the floor? Can you do the dishes? Think: Which

6、sounds more polite to you? 聛鎯呮佸姩璇峜an鍜宑ould鍧囧彲鐢潵鎻愬嚭瑕佹眰锛屼絾could 杈冧负濮斿 銆佸 姘斻?Could you please+鈥?鏄 竴涓 璨屻佸 濠夊湴鎻愬嚭瑕佹眰鐨勫彞寮忥紝鍏跺悗鍔犲姩璇嶅師褰嵆鍙 ?鈥氭敞鎰忓湪鍥炵瓟鏃讹紝could瑕佺敤can 浠浛銆?2.Practice reading. (棰嗚 锛岄綈璇伙紝鍒嗚 鑹茶 ) (2) 3.Make conversations about the chores in 1a. (涓汉灏忕粍鐢?a鐨勭煭璇 粌涔犲 璇? (5) Step 6: Guide Three锛堣嚜瀛寚瀵间笁锛?

7、(15) 1.Listen.Peter asks his father if he can do four things.What does his father say?Check yes or no. (鍚 綍闊炽傚郊寰楅棶浠栫埜鐖镐粬鑳藉惁鍋氬洓浠朵簨銆備粬鐖哥埜璇翠粈涔堜簡锛岃 鍦es鎴杗o鍓嶆墦閽? 鍚 姏绛栫暐锛氬惉鍓嶏紝浠旂粏瑙傚療鍥剧墖锛岃瘑鍒 汉鐗叧绯诲強瀵硅瘽鍦扮偣锛岀劧鍚庢祻瑙堣鏍间腑淇伅锛屾槑纭 瘡涓 煭璇 殑鎰忔濓紝鎵 竻鍚 姏闅滅 锛?Notes: (1)stay out late ; (2锛塯ive sb. a ride/get a ride from sb. 2

8、.Listen again.Why does Peter鈥檚 father say 鈥渘o鈥? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart in 2a. (鍐嶅惉褰曢煶锛屽郊寰楃殑鐖哥埜涓轰粈涔堣 涓嶏紵鍦?a鐨勮鏍奸噷闈繛鎺悊鐢? 3.Listen and check. (鏍稿 绛旀 骞惰窡璇昏 鏈?9-100椤电殑鍚 姏鏉愭枡) 4. Make conversations between Peter and his father. (缂栧啓褰煎緱鍜岀埜鐖镐箣闂寸殑瀵硅瘽) Step 7: Exercises in class (褰撳爞璁 粌) (15) P

9、lease recite and dictate the following words锛宲hrases and sentences.锛堣儗璇靛苟榛樺啓涓嬪垪鍗曡瘝銆佽瘝缁勫拰鍙瓙銆?0鍒嗛挓鑳岃 锛?鍒嗛挓榛樺啓锛屽皬缁勯槄锛屽爞娓? (10) 锛?锛夊仛瀹跺姟_ 锛?锛夊掑瀮鍦綺_ 锛?锛夊彔琛湇_ 锛?锛夋壂鍦癬_ 锛?锛夋暣鐞嗗簥閾篲_ 锛?锛夋礂纰梍_ 锛?锛夋墦鎵 鍘卂_ 锛?锛夊湪澶栭潰鍛嗗埌寰堟櫄_ 锛?锛夋惌杞 _ 锛?0锛夌敤鐢佃剳宸綔_ 锛?1锛堿:璇蜂綘鍊掍竴涓嬪瀮鍦惧鍚楋紵_ B:鏄 殑锛屽綋鐒跺彲浠?濂界殑锛屼絾鏄 垜鎯冲厛鐪嬩釜鑺傜洰銆?娌棶棰樸?瀵逛笉璧凤紝鎴戜

10、笉鑳斤紝鎴戝繀椤诲緱鍏堝啓浣滀笟銆?_ _ 锛?2锛堿:鎴戝彲浠拰鏈嬪弸涓璧峰嚭鍘诲悆鏅氶鍚楋紵 _ B:褰撶劧锛屽簲璇彲浠?涓嶏紝浣犱笉鑳姐傛槑澶綘鏈夌 鐞冩瘮璧涖?_ Blackboard design锛堟澘涔 璁級 Unit 3 Section A 1a-2c (1) A:Could you please take out the rubbish? B:Yes,sure./OK,but I want to watch one show first./No problem./Sorry,I can鈥檛.I have to do my homework first. (2) A: Could

11、 I go out for dinner with my friends? B: Sure. That should be OK./No ,you can鈥檛. You have a basketball game tomorrow. Reflection锛堟暀瀛弽鎬濓級 Go for it 8B Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Period 2 Section A 2d &Grammar Focus鏁欏 璁捐 Studying Aims锛堝 涔犵洰鏍囷級 1.Be able to read the new words by looking a

12、t the pronunciation.(鑳芥牴鎹 煶鏍囨嫾璇绘柊鍗曡瘝锛?2.Be able to understand the conversation and role-play it.锛堣兘澶熺悊瑙 璇濓紝骞惰繘琛岃 鑹叉壆婕旓級 3. Be able to summarize Grammar Focus.锛堟濊冨苟褰掔撼锛氾紙1)璇锋眰璁稿彲鐨勮杈炬柟寮忓強搴旂瓟锛涳紙2)鏈夌璨岃 姹傚府鍔殑琛揪鏂瑰紡鍙婂簲绛旓紱锛?Preparing for class(鍊欒 ) Ask students to sit well and check the words with each othe

13、r. Studying procedures (瀛範杩囩锛?Step 1: Daily greetings and leading into a new lesson.锛堝 鍏柊璇撅級 Today we鈥檒l learn Unit 3 Section A 2d 锛咷rammar Focus. (浠婂鎴戜滑灏嗗 涔犵 涓夊崟鍏僑ection A 2d鍜屽崟鍏冭 娉曡仛鐒? Step 2: Show 鈥淪tudying aims鈥?(鍑虹鐩 爣锛?1) Step 3: Guide One锛堣嚜瀛寚瀵间竴锛?3) 1.Read the new words by pronunciation. (鏍规嵁

14、闊虫爣鎷艰 鍗曡瘝锛?鍒嗛挓鍚庢瘮姣旂湅锛岃皝璇诲緱鏈濂? 璇嶆眹绛栫暐锛氭牴鎹 嫾璇昏 鍒欐嫾璇汇佽 蹇嗙敓璇嶏紝娉剰鍗曡瘝鐨勮瘝鎬?2.鎶借 銆佹 闊炽侀 璇汇侀綈璇汇?(1) Step 4: Guide Two锛堣嚜瀛寚瀵间簩锛?13) 1.Read 2d silently and answer the following questions. (蹇 熼粯璇?d锛屽 鎵句笌闂 鐩稿叧鐨勪俊鎭 紝鐢搮绗斿垝鍑虹瓟妗堛?鍒嗛挓鍚庢瘮姣旂湅锛岃皝鍋氬緱鍙堝揩鏈夊噯) (3) (1) What chores does the sister want her brother to do? (2) Where do you think their mother is? (3) Who鈥檚 really the boss at home, the boy, the girl, or the mother? 2.Read 2d again and try to find out difficult points. (3)锛堥粯璇?d锛岀敤閾呯瑪鍒掑嚭鑷 繁涓嶇悊瑙殑鐭 銆佸彞鍨嬫垨璇 硶缁撴瀯锛?3.Listen and repeat. (璺熻 纾佸甫锛屾敞鎰忔浠挎 纭 殑

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