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新概念3 Lesson43Word文件下载.docx

1、trade fair/book fair/temple fairfestival节目Asian Movie FestivalNeedless to say, the bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have to pay. no doubt毫无疑问sure enough果不其然as it expected不出所料beyond all doubt毋庸置疑beyond question无可争议past question毫无疑问premium保险费ransom赎金hold sb f

2、or 以勒索赎金为目的绑架某人bail pay money in bail for sb花钱把某人保释出来penalty罚金kick 点球fineparking 违章停车罚金library 图书馆罚金pension退休take the risk of冒险做还有那些词组?venture to do sth冒险做take a chance of 冒险做run risks冒风险Nothing venture,nothing have.不入虎穴焉得虎子I wrote the worse,the more I pratise.=The more I pratise, the worse I write主

3、句也可置于附句之前。愈有愈贪The more he gets,the more he wants.他越逢迎,我越不喜欢他。The more he flatters,the less I like him.The higher the mountain is ,the more people like to climb it;the more dangerous the mountain is,the more they wish to conquer it.山愈高,人愈爱爬山,山愈险,人愈想征服它。It is not uncommon to hear that a shipping compa

4、ny has made a claim for cost of salvaging a sunken ship. It is not unusual toit is customary to do 司空见惯It is no rarity to do做.不足为奇It is no accident to do 绝非偶然It is normal to do But the claim made by a local authority to recover the cost of salvaging a sunken pie dish must surely be unique.recover通过自

5、己的努力或别人的帮助retrieve语气强,指某人通过自己极大的努力才找回失去的东西restore借助他人的力量表示“一再,重新” reappear 再出现 rearrage 重新安排 reassure 消除某人疑虑 rebirth 再生,新生 recommend 使受欢迎;推荐 (commend赞扬)recompense 赔偿 reexamination 复试 refurbish 再磨光(furbish更新,恢复) regenerate 改过自新的 reprint 再版 reproduction 再生产 renumber 重新编号 resurgence 复兴 Admittedly it wa

6、s an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide.It had been purchased by a local authority so that an enormous pie could be baked for an annual fair. buy普通日常用词,即可指日常随意购物也可指大的购买。purchase正式,大宗货物或购买重要东西。quantity purchase大宗买卖The pie committee decided that the best way to transport

7、 the dish would be by canal, so they insured it for the trip. Shortly after it was launched, the pie committee went to a local inn to celebrate. launch into/in投身工作(教师生涯)launch oneself into work/a teaching careerlaunch a new enterprise创办一个新企业在报上辟一个新的专栏launch a new column in a newspapaerAt the same ti

8、me, a number of teenagers climbed on to the dish and held a little party of their own. teenagera juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity(13-19)adolescent16岁以下minor(法律上)未成年人a person under the age of full legal responsibilityjuvenilea person below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecut

9、ion is possible(18 in most countries)delinquency青少年犯罪Dancing proved to be more than the dish could bear, for during the party it capsized and sank in seven feet of water.A huge wave capsized the canoe.一个巨浪掀翻了小船。颠覆政府overrun/overthrow the governmenttopple the regime of Saddam推翻萨达姆的政权He upset a cup.The

10、 news quite upset him.The foreign food upset his stomach/him.刺激了胃口The pie committee telephoned a local garage owner who arrived in a recovery truck to salvage the pie dish. garage sale宅前出售movie(yard sale)Shivering in their wet clothes, the teenagers looked on while three men dived repeatedly into th

11、e water to locate the dish. shiver v.打颤,发抖=tremble 整体的颤抖用shiver,部分的用tremble -His hands are trembling. -His trembling voive betrayed his secret. -He is shivering with cold. shudder 因为寒冷害怕等因素导致的全身抖动,可替换shiver take a nose dive急剧恶化,猛跌暴落The stock market is taking a nose dive today股市今日大跌。They had little d

12、ifficulty in finding it, but hauling it out of the water proved to be a serious problem. haul v.拖曳=pull with effort our force强调用力拉 -They hauled the boat up the beach. 同义词:pull应用范围最广,连续不断的拉 drag 拖拉,强调二者有摩擦力 -The stone was so heavy that I had to drag it into the room. -After a days hard work,I dragged

13、 myself home. drag oneself to 拖着疲惫的身躯去 tug 飞快地拖拉,强调幅度大,动作快 -Look,a thief tug the bicycle. tow 借助外力拖拉较大较重的物体 -They towed the huge stone with a truck/lorry. The sides of the dish were so smooth that it was almost impossible to attach hawsers and chains to the rim without damaging it. rimgold rimmed gl

14、asses镀了金边的眼镜边还有那些?egfrafrin-ver-bri-edge 边缘at the rivers edgeframe眼镜框picture framefringe(修饰用的)花边,边饰verge边缘on the verge of extinction濒临灭绝brinkon the brink of bankruptcy几乎要破产Eventually chains were fixed to one end of the dish and a powerful winch was put into operation. eventually=at last 语气比at last 强

15、烈的多,重点强调经过努力而终于如何 终于:强调失败的结果用in the end 表示成功用at last ,eventually finally put sth into operation运转sth is in operationThe new rule has been in operation since Tuesday.那条规则从星期二起开始生效。sth take place生效The dish rose to the surface and was gently drawn towards the canal bank. For one agonizing moment, the d

16、ish was perched(处于高出) precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water. precariously adv.危险地,不稳固地 precarious adj. =unsafe,not firm,not steady :强调不安全,不稳定,不稳固 -An actors life would be too precarious for me.演员的生活很不稳定。dangerous:强调很危险 -Playing with matches

17、is dangerous. hazardous 碰运气的,冒险的,具变幻莫测之义 -Climbing the high mountain is hazardous. adventruous:爱冒险的,胆子很大的 -Are you adventurous?perilous :语义程度比dangerous要高得多,强调被伤害或被伤害或被杀害的危险 -It is perilous to do so.这样做会丢命的!The men were now obliged to try once more. This time they fixed heavy metal clamps to both sid

18、es of the dish so that they could fasten the chains. The dish now had to be lifted vertically because one edge was resting against the side of the canal.horizontal水平的The winch was again put into operation and one of the men started up the truck. Several minutes later, the dish was again put into ope

19、ration and one of the water. Water streamed in torrents over its sides with such force that it set up a huge wave in the canal.a torrent of tears泪水横流Tears fall in torrents.泪如雨下。There was danger that the wave would rebound off the other side of the bank and send the dish plunging into the water again

20、. By working at tremendous speed, the men managed to get the dish on to dry land before the wave returned.rebound抢得(篮板球)The guard rebounded the ball in backcourt.后卫在后场抢到了篮板球。New words and expressions 生词和短语 admittedlyadv. 公认地 purchasev. 买 annualadj. 一年一度的 teenagern. (13至19岁的)青少年 capsizev. (船)翻 shiver

21、v. 打颤,发抖 divev. (头向下)跳水 haulv. 拖曳 hawsern. 粗缆绳 rimn. (圆形物品的)外沿,边 winchn. 绞车 agonizingadj. 精神紧张的,提心吊胆的 perchv. 处于(高处) precariously adv. 危险地,不稳固地 overbalancev. 失去平衡 clampn. 夹钳,夹板 verticallyadv. 垂直地 torrentn. 激流,洪流 reboundv. 弹回参考译文 保险公司一般说来愿意承保一切东西。承办公共财产或私人财产保险是世界上大部分国家的正常业务。如果你要举办一次露天游园会或盛宴,为避免碰上不好的天

22、气而遭受损失也同样可以保险,不用说,保险公司承担风险越大,你付的保险费也就越高。航运公司为打捞沉船而提出索赔,这是常有的事,但某地当局为打捞一只焙制馅饼的盘子提出索赔,倒是件新鲜的事儿。 这个馅饼盘子确实少见,有18英尺长,6英尺宽。某地方当局买下它用来焙制一个巨大的馅饼为一年一度交易会助兴。馅饼委员会确认运输这只盘子的最佳方案是通过运河水运。于是,他们对这只盘子的运输安全投了保。盘子下水后不久,馅饼委员会成员们来到当地一家小酒店庆贺。就在这个时候,许多十几岁的孩子爬盘子举行他们自己的集会。他们跳起了舞,盘子难以承受。舞会进行过程中,盘子倾覆,沉入了7英尺深的水中。 馅饼委员会给当地汽车修理库


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