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1、8. be helpful 有帮助的9. work hard = study hard 努力学习10. be late for school 上学迟到11. get angry 变得生气12. be kind to others 对别人友善的13. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物14. be never naughty 从不淘气15. never tell a lie/lies 从不说谎16. a visit to sp. 一次去某地的参观17. live in the USA = live in America 居住在美国18. visit sp. for the f

2、irst time 第一次参观某地19. ask sb. about sth. 询问某人关于某事20. have/has been to sp. 曾去过某地21. Ocean Park 海洋公园22. Garden City Zoo 花园城市公园23. Water World 水上世界24. Friends of the Earth 地球的朋友25. look after = take care of 照顾,照看26. look after the environment 照顾环境27. all the things round us 我们周围所有的东西28. pollute the air

3、污染空气29. air pollution 空气污染30. water pollution 水污染31. land pollution 陆地污染32. keep sth. clean 保持某物干净33. pick up 捡起,拾起34. put rubbish into rubbish bins 把垃圾放入垃圾箱35. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事36. tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事37. leave rubbish 留下垃圾38. want to be/become 想要成为39. want to do sth. 想要做某事40

4、. promise to do sth. 承诺做某事41. promise not to do sth. 承诺不要做某事42. our promises 我们的承诺43. discuss sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事44. reuse shopping bags 再使用购物袋45. What about/How about sth./doing 怎么样 Unit 3 Spending a day out together1. spend a day out together 一起在外度过一天2. on Green Island 在绿岛上3. in Happy Town 在快乐城4

5、. in Dragon Bay 在龙湾5. on Lucky Island 在幸运岛上6. at weekends = at the weekend 在周末7. be near sp. 离开某地近的8. be far (away) from sp 离开某地远的9. Seaside Town 海边镇10. a photo of my family and me 一张我家人和我的照片11. have lunch together 一起吃午饭12. Green Market 格林市场13. In Sunny Town 在太阳城14. Space Museum 太空博物馆15. In Moon Tow

6、n 在月亮城16. an activity 一项活动17. have a barbecue 进行一次烧烤18. fly kites 放风筝19. ride bicycles 骑自行车20. make sandcastles 筑沙堡21. collect shells 收集贝壳22. make an album 制作一本照片簿23. plan to do sth. 计划做某事24. a good idea 一个好主意25. which place 哪一个地方26. plan a trip 计划一次旅行27. How about 怎么样(常用于表示建议或提议)28. be going to + v

7、. 打算做Module 2 Places and activities Unit 4 What would you like to be1. different jobs 不同的职业2. would like to be/become 想要成为3. a secretary 一名秘书4. a bank clerk 一个银行职员5. a policewoman 一个女警察6. a dentist 一名牙医7. a pilot 一名飞行员8. a fireman 一个消防队员9. a postman 一名邮递员10. a shop assistant 一个商店营业员11. teach childre

8、n English 教孩子们英语12. make sick people better 使病人好转13. drive a bus 驾驶一辆公交车14. put out fires 扑灭火15. cook food for people 为人们烧食物16. make our city a safe place 使我们的城市(成为)一个安全的地方17. interview sb. 采访某人18. find out 查明;弄清(情况)19. stark work 开始工作20. finish work 结束工作21. in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/下午/晚

9、上22. Why not 为什么不呢 Unit 5 Open Day1. an Open Day 一个开放日2. Open day programme 开放日活动安排3. an entrance 一个入口处4. listen to a choir 听一个合唱队(唱歌)5. a noticeboard 一块布告栏6. my parents 我的父母亲7. meet sb. at the entrance 在入口处迎接某人8. arrive in + 大地方 到达一个大地方9. arrive at + 小地方 到达一个小地方10. visit the classroom 参观教室11. First

10、, /Next, /Then, / After that, / Finally, 首先,紧接着,然后,在那以后,最后12. look at our class projects 看一看我们的班级习作项目13. in the Arts and Crafts room 在美术劳技室14. in the hall 在大厅里15. our English Club 我们的英语俱乐部16. have tea and cakes 喝茶吃蛋糕17. in the Music room 在音乐室18. welcome the parents on the Open Day 在开放日欢迎父母19. in dif

11、ferent places 在不同的地方20. on the ground floor 在第一层(英式表达法)21. write an invitation 写一封邀请函22. take some photos 拍一些照片23. have a great/good time 过得愉快Unit 6 Going to school1. traveling time to school 去学校行走时间2. it takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花一段时间做某事3. It takes him about ten minutes. 他花大约十分钟。4. half an

12、hour 半小时5. go to sp. by ferry 乘渡船去某地6. go to school on foot=walk to school 步行去学校7. how long 多久8. get to sp. 到达某地9. get to the supermarket 到达超市10. get there/here/home 到达那儿/这儿/家里11. a restaurant 一个饭店12. a hotel 一个旅馆13. an advertisement board 一块广告牌14. a few + . 几个;一些(后跟可数名词复数)15. a lot of + . & . 许多(后跟

13、可数名词复数或不可数名词)16. on ones way to school 在某人去某地的路上17. on my way to school 在我去学校的路上18. by light rail 乘轻轨19. department stores 百货商店20. go to kindergarten 上幼儿园Unit 71. rules and signs 规则和标记2. have rules in the classroom 在教室里有规则3. have rules on the road 在马路上有规则4. must do 必须做5. must keep quiet 必须保持安静6. mus

14、t not do sth.= mustnt do sth. 不准;禁止做7. mustnt eat or drink 不准吃或喝8. wait for 等候9. walk on the grass 走在草地上10. listen to the teachers 听老师11. run across the road 跑过马路12. pick the flowers 摘花13. enter the centre 进入中心14. climb the trees 爬树15. talk loudly 大声交谈 16. turn left/right 向左/右转17. a lift 一部电梯18. an

15、escalator 一部自动扶梯19. on the left 在左边20. on the right 在右边21. the one on the left/right 在左边的/右边的一个22. the one in the middle 在中间的一个23. go upstairs 上楼24. go downstairs 下楼25. an exit 一个出口26. chase each other 互相追逐27. keep class rules 遵守班级规则28. break class rules 违反班级规则Unit 81. dinner menu 晚餐菜单2. cabbage sou

16、p 卷心菜汤3. chicken soup 鸡汤4. fried cabbage 炒卷心菜5. steamed prawns with garlic 蒜蓉蒸虾6. steamed fish 清蒸鱼7. fried eggs with bacon 熏肉炒蛋8. fried chicken wings 炸鸡翅9. boiled eggs 水煮蛋10. baked potato 烤土豆11. tomato and egg soup 西红柿蛋汤12. after dinner 晚餐后13. What kind of 什么种类的。14. need to do sth. 需要做某事15. would li

17、ke noodles for dinner 晚餐想吃面条16. like seafood 喜欢海鲜17. in the market 在市场18. in the supermarket 在超市19. at the fish stall 在鱼摊20. in the fruit section 在水果部门21. frozen food 冰冻食物22. like to eat dumplings 喜欢吃饺子23. a packet of 一包/袋24. two hamburgers 两个汉堡包25. fruit salad 水果色拉 Unit 91. plan a picnic 计划一次野餐2. h

18、ave a picnic 进行一次野餐3. Picnics are fun. 野餐时有趣的事4. some cola 一些可乐5. spicy sausages 辣香肠6. a packet of nuts 一袋坚果7. lemon tea 柠檬茶8. Shall we / Lets 让我们。,好吗9. taste nice with jam 加了果酱尝起来美味的10. buy some snacks 买一些点心11. sweet cakes 甜的蛋糕12. salty nuts 咸的坚果13. spicy chillies 辛辣的辣椒14. sour lemons 酸的柠檬15. bitte

19、r coffee 苦的咖啡16. spread some jam on the bread 在面包上抹上一些果酱17. prepare for a picnic为一次野餐做准备18. have got enough money 有足够的钱19. May I have some, please 我可以吃些。吗20. Would you like some 你想要些。Unit 101. healthy eating 健康的饮食 2. good diets and bad diets 好的食谱和不好的食谱3. a food pyramid 一个食物金字塔4. need a little fat, s

20、alt and sugar 需要一点脂肪,盐和糖5. some yogurt 一些酸奶6. plenty of 大量的,充足的7. fresh fruit and vegetables 新鲜的水果和蔬菜8. be unhealthy 不健康的9. have an unhealthy diet 有不健康的食谱10. do no exercise 不做运动11. be fit and healthy 健康的 12. live in the countryside 住在乡村13. stay with sb. 和某人呆在一起14. become fit and healthy 变得健康的15. hav

21、e some porridge for breakfast 早餐吃些粥16. be healthier than 比。健康17. be less health than 不如。18. be as healthy as 像。一样健康19. be as unhealthy as 像。一样不健康20. as as 像。一样;如同21. onethe other 一个。另一个22. good eating habits 良好的饮食习惯23. do a quiz 做一个小测试24. should do sth. 应该做某事25. should not do sth. = shouldnt do sth. 不应该做某事26. some suggestions for good eating habits 良好的饮食习惯的一些建议

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