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1、英语美文阅读精选5篇英语美文阅读精选5篇 英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是所有语言中使用最广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交流。下面就和大家分享英语美文阅读,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。英语美文阅读篇一A Reason, Season, or Lifetime你生活中的人们People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.人们走进你的生活,或者是为了一个

2、原因,或者他们只停留一段时期,或者他们永远与你相随。一旦明晓其中究竟,你就知道该如何面对他们了。When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They are there

3、for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. Sometimes they die. What we must realize

4、 is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. Your need has been answered, and now it is time to move on.有的人出现在你的生活中是有原因的,通常他们填补了你流露出来的需要:帮你渡过难关,指点和支持你,切实地在情感上、精神上帮助你。他们出现是因为你需要他们。然后在一个你无可引咎而又不便的时候,这人说了什么或者做了什么令你们终止了友谊。有时候他们离你而去,有时候他们冒出歪理而逼得你要奋起反抗,有时候是因为他们逝世。我们必需认识到,自己的需要

5、已经满足了,愿望已经实现了,他们的工作也就完成了。你的需要得到了回应,接着的是要继续前行。When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace, or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amou

6、nt of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.有的人在你的生活中只会停留一段时期,那是因为你到了这样的一个时候:成长、学习,并和别人一起分享你的世界。他们让你体会平和,也让你欢笑。他们可能也教会你做一些从没做过的事情。他们常能给你带来无数欢乐。相信这一点!这是真的!可这,只能维持一段时间。LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundat

7、ion. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.持续一生的情谊将令你终生受益;一点一滴地努力吧,建造一个坚不可摧的感情基础。你要做的只是去接受经验,对一生相随的人付出关爱,并将你所学到应用到生命中的其他关系和方方面面中。爱情令人盲目,而友谊

8、能醍醐灌顶,据说如此。英语美文阅读篇二Me and Writing我笔下的奇异世界This was the summer that I think I became a writer. I was thirteen years old. I wore steel-rimmed glasses and I was a very solemn boy. Not that I was sad, but I simply was paying attention. Id been given a typewriter by my Uncle George, when he got an electri

9、c. He gave me his old Underwood typewriter and I set it up in the basement. I had a secret place under the stairs behind a stack of sheet rock. I sat in there and wrote where my parents could not see me because they were worried, you know, that I didnt go outside. And they believed in the illusion o

10、f a balanced life, you know, you do a little bit of this, you do a little bit of that. I just wanted to do one thing. I just wanted to find things to write about.我想当作家的念头是在这个夏天冒出来的。那年我十三岁了,戴着一副银边眼镜,是个不苟言笑的男孩。倒不是因为心情不好,我只是在琢磨事儿。乔治叔叔买了一台电打字机后,就把手打打字机给了我。他给我的是一台安德伍牌老式打字机,我把它架在地下室里。楼梯下石砖墙后是我的密室。我坐在里面写东西

11、,爸妈看不到我,你知道,我之所以要秘密行事是因为他们担心我总不出门。他们相信生活应该有多方面平衡,就是让你做做这个又做做那个。而我只想做一件事练笔。I liked to write about tornadoes: Tornadoes, which come out of a peaceful summer day in the Midwest. And the skys blue and then suddenly its dark as night and this great snake-like cloud comes slithering across the landscape,

12、smashing houses at random, destroying this one, leaving this standing. I liked that idea.我想写写龙卷风:一个平静的夏日里,在中西部骤然刮起了龙卷风。蔚蓝的天空霎时间变得像夜晚一样漆黑,蛇一般的巨大烟云卷过地面,将房屋揉得粉碎,摧毁了这间,放过了那间。我太喜欢写龙卷风了。I wrote a story, a sort of autobiographical story, about a family from New York, a microbiologist and his actress wife,

13、and their son, who looked, and walked, and talked, and thought, and felt exactly like me. I sat in the backseat and they were driving across the Midwest, and they forgot me. at a gas station. We stopped for a rest stop. and they forgot me, and they drove away. I walked up the road that they had driv

14、en and suddenly the sky turned dark and. a tornado came up and it picked me up and it carried me and dropped me, uninjured, in the yard of a sanctified Brethren family. I knocked on the door and a woman in a white satin gown holding a flaming torch came out and asked me what I wanted. And I was goin

15、g to tell them that I had to leave to look for my parents and then the dog spoke to me. The dog said, Stay. So, I stayed. But still, I missed the life of glamour that I had known on New Yorks exclusive Upper West Side. I love to write stories like that.我写了一个故事,自传式的故事,说的是一个纽约家庭,家里有一个微生物学家,当演员的妻子,还有他们

16、的儿 子-那孩子的模样和走路、说话、思考的方式简直跟我一样。我坐在汽车的后座,他们开车穿越中西部,后来他们把我忘在了一个加油站。我们停车休息,然后他 们就把我给落下了,开车走了。我沿着他们车驶去的方向走着,突然间,天空暗了下来, 龙卷风大作,风卷起我吹啊吹,毫发不伤地把我扔在一个圣教徒家的后院里。我敲敲门,一个身穿白色缎袍的女人举着一把熊熊的火炬,走出来问我想干什么。我正 想说我想去找我的爸妈,一条狗冲着我说话了:“留下来吧。”于是,我就留下了。但是,我还是很怀念在纽约高尚住宅区的好日子。我就喜欢写这样的故事。I sat there at my Underwood typewriter, but I wished that something real would happen.我坐在安德伍牌打字机前,想写些真实的事儿。That was the summer that m

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