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江苏省江阴市青阳片届九年级英语模拟考试试题 牛津版Word下载.docx

1、 to buying C. to sell; to buy D. to sell; buy4. The plane _ take off at 11:50, but Im not quite sure. Ill check it for you.A. must B. need C. should D. may5. -Can I have two tickets for Friday? -Sorry , weve got _ left.A. nothing B. anything C. no one D. none6. There are many trees _ side of the roa

2、d and _ of the trees is growing larger and larger.A .on both , the number B. on each, a number C .on each , the number D. on every, the number7.This year there is _ rain in Jiangsu Province while its _ dry in Yunnan.A. too much; much too B. too much; too many C. too many; too much D. many too; too m

3、any8. By the way, how many books can I borrow _? A. at a time B. at times C. at all times D. from time to time9. It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life _ weve actually had that lesson.A. when B. after C. since D. until10. -Have you heard David cheated(作弊) in the Math exam? -That cant be tr

4、ue! We never _ David is honest.A. doubt B. think C .realize D. imagine11. I dont know if Mr. Wang _. I think he _ if it doesnt rain. A. will come; comes B. will come; will comeC. comes; comes D. comes;12. Whose CD player is this? It looks nice. How much is it _?A. cost B. pay C. spend D. worth13. Th

5、e victim was killed _ a gun _ his wife _ a cold winter morning. A. with, by, in B. by, by, on C. with, by, on D. in, by, in14. -Are you sure you dont mind my playing the games here? - _.A. Yes, do please B. Certainly not C. No, do please D. Yes, youd better not二完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出

6、可以填入空白处的最佳选项. (本大题共10分,每小题1分)Maggie started off her junior year of high school with great energy. She had no trouble _15_up with her schoolwork and took part in several after-school activities._16_after the Thanksgiving break, she began to have trouble getting through her reading and had to work har

7、der to apply herself (专心学习).Her grades began to _17_, and she rarely felt like making friends any more. Even though Maggie was always punctual(按时的)before, she began to have trouble getting up _18_ time for school during the winter.At first, Maggies parents thought she was lazy. They were upset with

8、her, but they thought it was just a period of time- especially because her energy finally seemed to _19_in the spring. But when the same thing happened the next November, and Maggies mood and her grades fell again, they took her to the _20_ , who diagnosed(诊断) her with a type of depression called se

9、asonal affective disorder(季节性情绪失控症),or SAD. SAD appears and disappears at the same time each year. People with SAD have the depression as winter comes and daylight hours become _21_ . When _22_ returns and the days become longer again, they become well again. Like other forms of depression, the symp

10、toms of SAD_23_ be mild, severe, or anywhere in between. Milder symptoms(症状)slightly influence someones ability to take part in everyday activities, but more severe symptoms can influence much _24_ .( ) 15 A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept( ) 16.A. While B. So C. But D. Because( ) 17.A. drop B.

11、rise C. raise D. stop( ) 18.A. in B. on C. off D. through( ) 19.A. go B. return C. disappear D. more( ) 20.A. teacher B. farmer C. doctor D. police( ) 21.A. long B. short C. longer D. shorter( ) 22.A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( ) 23.A. can B. must C. should D. have to( ) 24.A. little B. l

12、ess C. many D. more三阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案(本大题共26分,每小题2分) (A)Every day we use money to buy what we want. But have you ever really noticed the bill in your hand? There are different pictures on both sides of banknotes and interesting stories behind them.Most banknotes have famous people on the f

13、ront , such as a countrys leader or a great scientist, while on the back of the paper note there are usually some well-known scenes or national buildings.The latest editions of Chinese banknotes use the picture of Mao Zedong. Founding father of the Peoples Republic of China, on the front of all yuan

14、 bills. However, the backs of the bills are different. The Great Hall of the People, on the 100-yuan note, is a landmark(地标) in Beijing. Important meetings are always held there. The Lijang River in Guilin, on the 20-yuan note, is one of the most beautiful scenes in the world.The US 1-dollar bill ha

15、s the first president, George Washington, on the front side. A 13-level Pyramid is on the back. Benjamin Franklin, a great scientist and politician(政治家) from the US, appears on the front of the 100-dollar bill. You can see the White House, where the presidents live, on the back of the 20-dollar bill

16、.25. According to Paragraph 2, which one probably appears on the back of the backnote? A. Abraham Lincon B. Elizabeth II C. Taishan Mountain D. Titanic26. On the front of the 100-dollar bill, we can see _ A. George Washington B. Benjamin Franklin C. a 13-level pyramid D. the White House ( B )Steve J

17、obs, the founder and former CEO of Apple, died at the age of 56. Jobs had been fighting cancer since 2004. In August 2011, he quit as CEO.When asked what Steve Jobs is best remembered for, many of us would name a particular product: the ipod, the iphone or the ipad, for example. But in the eyes of E

18、ric Jackson, a reporter with Forbes magazine, Jobs brought much more to the world than these popular products. Some of the lessons he taught us were equally inspiring.Jobs taught us how to face failure. He was fired by the successor(继任者) he himself chose. However, Jobs didnt hide away. He picked him

19、self up and continued to follow his passion.Another important lesson he taught us was to listen to that voice in the back of your head-the voice that tells you whether you are on the right track (轨迹)or not. Most of us simply decide that we are going to work in finance (金融) or become a doctor because

20、 our parents tell us this is what we should do. But Jobs believed-and showed-that is wise to listen to that voice in your head, whatever it is telling you to do.“Steve was among the greatest of American innovators(创新者)-brave enough to think differently, bold(大胆的) enough to believe he could change th

21、e world, and talented enough to do it.”27. According to Eric Jackson, which of the following is TRUE? A. Steve Jobs greatest achievement is his products B. Steve Jobs set a good example with what he had done C. Steve Jobs is the best-known businessman in Forbes magazine D. Steve Jobs has told him in

22、 person how to be successful28. How did Steve Jobs react when he was fired by the successor? A. He felt angry with the man B. He felt hopeless and gave up C. He still followed his dream D. He felt ashamed to be seen in public29. Steve Jobs taught people this lesson: when you make a decision, _ A. yo

23、ud better follow your parents advice B. you should develop your strength C. you can ask your teacher for advice D. you should do what youd like to 30. Which words can be used to best describe Steve Jobs? A. Creative and confident B. Talented but not hard-working C. Hard to get along with D. Shy and

24、stubborn ( C )Have you ever, in your wildest dreams, imagined that scientists could make robots that will be able to feel and tough just like humans can? In the future robots might no longer be stiff(僵硬的), metal machines. They might be able to act and even look just like us!The system used to help r

25、obots feel is called “haptics technology”. Haptics is a word used to describe the way we understand something through the use of touch.For example, surgeons(外科医生) can now use robotic machines in operations. But this is a bit dangerous, because the robot cannot feel anything. The surgeon can only see

26、 what the robot is doing by watching on a screen. However, US scientists have created a machine called Neo that a surgeon wears on his or her head. Neo is connected to the robot doing the operation. When the robot touches something Neo imitates(模仿) the touch on the surgeons head.Neo is great news fo

27、r surgeons as now they can feel what the robot is feeling. But scientists have even bigger dreams. Scientists from the Los Angeles-based SynTouch are trying to make robots that can feel for themselves just like humans. They have created sensors (传感器) that are just like the human fingertip. These sen

28、sor are at the end of the robots hand. A message will be sent to the robots “brain” and they will know how to hold it without breaking it.If these scientists succeed then robots will be able to control themselves and feel just like a human. Imagine if, in 500 years, human are no longer be the master

29、s of the world because robots are just as smart as we are!31. Whats the problem with using robotic machines in operations? A. Surgeons cannot see what the robot is doing B. Surgeons cannot control the robots action C. T robot cannot imitate the surgeon D. The robots dont feel anything32. We can tell from the story that Neo is _ A. a system which works like a surgeon B. a machine which works on a surgeons head C. a robot which works inside a patients body D. a screen which a surgeon watches33. What will happen if scienti

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