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1、我能步行去你家。BRIAN: You can walk to the bakery to buy donuts! But what about other cities? Could you go to布莱恩:你能步行去面包店买油炸圈饼! 但是其他城市呢? 你能步行到另another city onfoot? 一座城市吗?Of course not. That would be too far. I could drive! 当然不能。 那太远了。 我可以开车! You cant, Danny! You dont have a licence. I would take a train. I

2、loving the traen. Its my 你不能, 丹尼! 你没有驾照。 我会乘火车。 我喜欢乘火车。它是我favourite type of transportation. Is it yours too, Brian?最喜欢的交通方式。 它也是你最喜欢的吗, 布莱恩? Im sorry, but it isnt. I couldnt take a train to London to visit my parents. London is 很抱歉,它不是。 我不能乘火车去伦敦看望我的父母。 伦敦在across the ocean.海洋的另一边。You could take a sh

3、ip and sail for your hometown! 你可以乘轮船回到你的故乡! Of course. But that would take a long time. I seldom take a ship. I would like a more 当然啦, 但那会花很长一段时间。 我很少乘船。 我要用一种更快的rapid type of transportation. Planes are very fast.交通运输方式。 飞机非常快。Learning Tips 学习小贴士Take a train means go by train. What does take a ship

4、 and take a car mean? Do you know?“Take a train”意为“坐火车”。那么“take a ship”和“take a car”是什么意思?你知道吗?图片译文:Can I take a plane to the bakery? Im the captain! Lets go!我可以乘飞机去面包店吗? 我当机长! 让我们去吧!LETS DO IT! 做一做!Suppose you are going to the bookstore this Sunday, or that you and your classmates are going 假设这个星期天

5、你要去书店, 或者你和你的同班同学要去to far-away place. Discuss eith them how you will get there. What type of transportation will you 一个遥远的地方。 和他们讨论一下你们将怎样到那儿。 你们将用哪种交通工具?use? How long will it take? Is there a faster way? 到那儿要花费多长时间?有更快的方式吗?重点难点详解1. How do you travel around in your city or town? 你怎样穿梭于你所在的城市或城镇?arou

6、nd 在句中是副词,意为“在四周,在周围,到处,四方”,指在空间上“不远处,就近”;The good news soon got around. 好消息很快就传开了。You can wait around for me. 你可以在附近等我。From all around we heard the laughter of the children. 我们到处都听到孩子们的笑声。知识拓展around 还可以作介词,意为“遍及,环绕”。The earth moves around the sun. 地球围着太阳转。You can go around the playground. 你可以围着操场走走

7、。2. What is your favourite kind of transportation? 你最喜欢的交通方式是什么? favourite adj. 意为“最喜欢的”。在句中只作定语,且没有比较级和最高级形式。Who is your favourite student? 谁是你的得意门生?My favourite kind of transportation is bike. 我最喜欢的交通方式是自行车。favourite n.意为“特别喜欢是人(或物)”。This is my favourite among his pictures. 在他是这些画中我最喜欢这副。This book

8、 is my favourite. 这本故事书是我最喜欢的 favourite 可与like best 进行同义句转换。My fvourite city is Shanghai. = I like Shanghai best. 我最喜欢的城市是某某。 transportation n. 意为“运输;交通;交通工具”。My car is broken so Im without transportation at the moment. 我的汽车坏了,所以我现在没有交通工具了。I usially travel by public transportation. 我旅游通常成坐公共交通工具。 ki

9、nd 在此为名词,意为“种类,类型”。有时可以和type替换。There are many kinds (types) of clothes in the shop. 那家商店里有各种款式的衣服。There are many different kinds of transportationin the world. 世界上有很多不同种类的交通工具。 kind adj. 意为“和蔼的,可亲的,善良的”。Its kind of you to help us. 承蒙相助,不胜感激。She is a kind girl. 她是位善良的女孩。 kindly adv. 意为“和蔼地,仁慈地,友好地,有礼

10、貌地”。We should treat others kindly. 我们应该善待他人。He is kindly invited to join the evening party. 他被盛情邀请参加晚会。 kindness n. 意为“仁慈,好意;友好的行为,好事”。He is out of kindness to help you. 他出于好心来帮助你。Will you do me a kindness? 你能帮我一下忙吗?3. I can go almost anywhere on foot. 我几乎步行能去任何地方。anywhere adv. 意为“任何地方;无论何处”。用于否定句和疑

11、问句中,代替somewhere。I cant see it anywhere. 我在什么地方都见不到它。He didnt go anywhere else. 他没有去别的地方。anywhere adv. 也可用在肯定句中,意为“任何地方,无论如何”。You can go anywhere you like. 你可以去你喜欢的任何地方。Sit anywhere you like. 随便坐哪儿都成。辨析 anywhere,everywhere 与somewhere anywhere adv. 意为“任何地方;用于否定句和疑问句中,Would you like a ride anywhere? 你想

12、骑车到什么地方玩玩吗? everywhere adv. 意为“各处地, 到处地”,相当于here and there。They looked everywhere for the book. 他们到处找这本书。We looked everywhere for that boy and found him at last. 我们到处找那个男孩,终于找到了。 somewhere adv. 意为“在某处, 到某处”。He lives somewhere in this neighbourhood. 他住在附近某处。 on foot 为固定短语,意为“步行”。在句中常作状语,修饰前面的动词。I alw

13、ays go to school on foot. 我总是步行去上学。Mother often goes shopping on foot. 妈妈经常步行去购物。友情提示go to on foot 相当于walk toMost of the students go to school on foot every day.= Most of the students walk to school every day. 大多数学生每天步行去上学。4. But what about other cities?此句为谈论劝告和建议的交际用语。 在表达劝告或建议时,还可用以下方式: Youd bette

14、r do sth. 意为“你最好做某事”。Youd better take a bus there. 你最好乘公共汽车去那儿。 You need (to) do sth. 意为“你需要做某事”。You need take a No.3 bud to go there. 你需要乘3路车去那儿。 Shall we do sth.? 意为“我们做某事好吗?”Shall we go to clomb tomorrow? 明天我们去爬山好吗? Lets do sth. 意为“让我们做某事吧”。Lets go to the zoo. 让我们去动物园吧。 Why not do sth.? 意为“为什么不做某

15、事呢?Why not play football? 为什么不去踢足球呢? 在英美人交谈时,经常会出现一些劝告或建议的交际用语,在给别人提出建议或劝告时,要注意礼貌,这样对方才会乐意接受。May I take photos here? 我可以在这儿拍照吗?Youd better not. 你最好不要。一般不用“No, you nustnt.”来回答。5. Could you go toanother city on foot? 你能步行到另一座城市吗? another adj. 意为“再一,另一”。Dont lose heart. Have another try. 别灰心,再试一次。It wi

16、ll be my birthday in another ten days. 再过十天就是我的生日。 another adj. 意为“别的,不同的”。We will visit him another time. 我们另找个时间拜访他。Thats quite another matter. 那完全是另外一回事。 another pron. 意为“另一个;类似的一个”,指“三者或三者以上当中的另一个”。I dont like this one; please show me another. 我不喜欢这个,请另拿一个给我看看。The dress is too small. Do you have

17、 another one? 这件连衣裙太小了,你们还有另一件吗?辨析:other, the other, others, the others和anotherother 指起形容词的作用,泛指“另外的”。后面常与可数名词复数或不可数名词连用。Do you have any other ideas? 你有别的办法吗?Have you ever been to other cities? 你还去过另外的城市吗?the other 作形容词,指“两者中的另一;其余的”,后面可以跟单数名词,也可以跟复数名词。作代词时,指“两者中的另外一个人或事物”,常用于“onethe other”结构。 My En

18、glish teacher has two children. One is son, the other is daughter. 我的英语老师有两个孩子,一个是儿子,另一个是女儿。Where are the other students? 其余的学生在哪里?others 作代词,表示泛指,意为“另外的人(或事物),其他的人(或事物)”,后面不接任何名词或代词。I dont like these. Can you show me any others? 我不喜欢这几个,你能不能另外拿几个给我看看?He is glad to help others. 他乐于帮助别人。 the others 意

19、为“其余的人(或事物)”,指“一定X围内剩余的全部”。 some students are in the classroom. The others are outside on the playground. 一些学生在教室,其余的学生在外面操场。This article is better than the others. 这篇文章比其余的好。 another 作代词,指“三者或三者以上当中的另一个”。another +数词相当于数词more. He has had an apple. He would like another one. 他吃了一个苹果,还想在吃一个。I want ano

20、ther one peach. = I want one more peach. 我想再要一个桃子。 could 在此不是can的过去时,用于疑问句,可以替代can ,表示的语气较为委婉,客气。Could you pass me the book? 你可以把书递给我吗?Could you tell me where the nearest hospital is? 你能告诉我最近的医院在哪儿吗?6. I would take a train. 我会乘火车。take v. 当后面跟交通工具时,意为“乘坐”。相当于by加交通工具,但“by+交通工具”是介词短语,不能作谓语。They took a

21、bus to Qingdao yesterday. = They went to Qingdao by bus yesterday. 他们昨天乘公共汽车去了某某。I take a No.1 bus to school every day. 我每天乘1路公交车去上学。 take v. 意为“拿,握,带走”。He took the boy on his arm. 他抓住那个男孩的胳膊。Please take the books to your classroom. 请把这些书拿到你的教室去。 take v. 意为“花费”。The work takes four hours. 这项工作需要4小时。I

22、t takes me ten minutes to walk to school. 步行去上学要花费我10分钟的时间。7. Of course not. 当然不会。of course 意为“当然”, 常用于表示“建议、同意、请求”方面的情景语言的答语。与sure, certainly 同义。of course not为否定形式。May I borrow your pan? 我可以借你的钢笔吗?Of course. 当然可以了。Could you go to another city by bike? 你能骑车去另一个城市吗?Of course not. 当然不会。8. Im sorry, bu

23、t it isnt. 很抱歉,它不是。but在句中不表示转折,仅起加强语气的作用,表示回答令对方感到不满意。Would you like to go shopping with methis afternoon? 下午你和我一起去购物吗?Im sorry, but Im afraid not. I have many clothes to wash. 对不起,我恐怕不行。我有许多衣服要洗。 but 作连词,意为“然而,但是”。表示转折关系。My litter brother likes meat, but I dont like. 我的弟弟喜欢肉,但我不喜欢。Those workers are

24、 very tired now, but they are still working on. 虽然那些工人现在非常累了。但是他们仍然在继续工作。but在表示转折关系时,汉语虽然意为“虽但是”,但英语中不可以说although/ thoughbut, 要么只用前者,两者只用后者,两者绝对不能同时出现。同样地,“因所以”也不允许because 和so同时出现在一个句子中。The boy is very young, but he knows a lot. 这个男孩虽然很小,但他很懂事。Though the old man is seventy-five years old, he is very

25、 strong. 这位老人虽然75岁了,但他的身体还很强壮。My mother was ill, so I have to look after my sister.= Because my mother was ill, I have to look after my sister. 因为我妈妈病了,所以我必须照看我的妹妹。9. Its my favourite type of transportation. 它是我最喜欢的交通方式。type n. 意为“种类,类型”。She likes the type of shampoo. 她喜欢这种类型的洗发膏。Which type of dress

26、 do you like? 你喜欢哪种款式的连衣裙?Cotton is a type of material. 棉花是一种材料。type v. 意为“打字”。This article need to be typed again. 这篇文章需要重新打一遍。How many words can you type in/for a minute? 你一分钟能打多少字?10. But that would take a long time.但那会花很长一段时间。 would 为情态动词,意为“猜测,假想,推断;大约,也许”。Iknow you wouldnt get lost. 我知道你不会迷路的。

27、That would be in autumn of 2000. 那也许是2000年秋天的事。 take v. 意为“花费”。常用句型“It takes / took sb. some time to do sth.”意为“做某事花费某人一段时间”。It takes us two hours to fly to Guangzhou. 乘飞机到某某要花费我们2个小时的时间(或我们乘飞机到某某用2个小时)。It took me an hour to finish washing those chothes. 我用了1个小时的时间洗完那些衣服。11. I seldom take a ship. 我很

28、少乘船。 seldom adv. 意为“不常,很少,罕见,难得”。一般不用比较级和最高级,可用very 修饰。在句首时,句子主谓倒装。We seldom go out in summer holiday. 暑假里我们很少出门。I seldom take a bus to work. 我很少乘公共汽车去上班。Seldom did I hear of her last year./ I seldom hear of her last year. 去年我很少听人说其起他。 take a ship. 为固定短语,意为“乘船”。 相当于by ship。类似的搭配还有take a train / boat / plane / bus, 意为“乘火车 / 船 / 飞机 / 公共汽车”, 相当于介词短语by train / boat / plane / bus。 但“by+交通工具”表示“乘坐”时,交通工具前不用任何限定词;若交通工具前有冠词、指示代词或形容词性的物主代词时,不能用介词by,而根据情况用介词in或on。Lets take a ship to Dalian. = Lets go to Dalian by ship . 让我们乘轮船去某某吧。Do you go to Beijing by plane or b

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