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Bible Study NotesWord格式文档下载.docx

1、 on earth.D.L. Moody puts it this way: The Bible sets forth two things: THE CROSS and THE THRONE.The Old Testament points toward the cross. The Gospels tell the story of the cross.The Epistles point toward the throne.The Revelation tells us the story of the throne.The Old Testament tells us what sin

2、 leads to and end with the words, “Lest I come and Smite the Earth with a curse” Mal. 4:6The New Testament shows us the way out of Sin, and ends thus: “The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all” Rev. 22:21DISPENSATIONSDispensation: A period of time during which man is tested in respect to obedienc

3、e to some specific revelation of the will of God. Man is given a specific test or responsibility; each ends in failure and brings judgment.1. INNOCENCES: (Freedom from guilt and sin) Genesis 2-3 From Creation to the expulsion from the Garden. (Paradise Lost)1. The Creation of Man 4. The Promise2. Th

4、e Temptation 5. The Expulsion3. The Fall and Punishment RESPONSIBILITY FAILURE JUDGMENT Genesis 2:15-17 Genesis 3:1-6 Genesis 3:7-19 Do not eat they eat Curse & Death 2. CONSCIENCE ( Consciousness of the moral goodness of ones own conduct) Genesis 3-7 From Cain and Abel to the flood. 1. Cain and Abe

5、l 4. Seed of Righteous preserved 2. Generation of Seth 5. Flood 3. Wickedness of the World RESPONSIBILITY FAILURE JUDGMENT Genesis 3:5-7-22 Genesis 6:5 Genesis 6:7-13 Do good blood Wickedness Flood sacrifice3. HUMAN GOVERMENT Genesis 8-11 1. Gods Covenant with Noah 2. Repeopling of the earth through

6、 Ham, Shem and Japheth 3. Babel 4. Dispersion Genesis 8:15-9:7 Genesis 11:1-4 Genesis 11:5-9 Scatter & Multiply Didnt Scatter Scatter confusion4. THE PROMISE Genesis 12-40 1. Call of Abraham 4. Egypt 2. Isaac Jacob 5. Bondage 3. The Children of (Israel) Jacob Genesis 12:1-7 Genesis 12:10- 46:6 Exodu

7、s 1:8-14 Dwell in Cannan Dwell in Egypt Bondage5. LAW Exodus Malachi 1. Red Sea 7. Judges, Saul, David, Solomon 2. Sinai 8. Kingdom divided (Jeroboam, Rehoboam) 3. Wilderness Journey 9. The Restoration (Post captivity Period) 4. Death of Moses 10. Rebuilding & Dedication of Temple 5. Conquest of Can

8、aan 11. End of Old Testament (400 years of silence) 6. Theocracy to Monarchy 12. Maccabean Revolt LAW (CONTINUES) Matthew - Acts 1:1-11 (The beginning of the New Testament Canon) 1. The birth of Jesus 5. Betrayal, Arrest, Trial 2. The Baptism of Jesus 6. Crucifixion 3. Christs Earthly Ministry (Ends

9、 in Judgment of Sin) 4. The Triumphal Entry 7. Resurrection & Ascension Exodus 19:3-8 II Kings 17:7-20 Deut. 28:63-66 Keep the Law Matt. 27:1-25 Luke 21:20-24 Broke the Law & World Wide rejected Christ dispersion Satan Judged6. GRACE ( THE CHURCH AGE) Acts Revelation 1. Descent and Dispensation of t

10、he Holy Spirit 2. The Rapture 3. Antichrist 4. Tribulation 5. 2nd Coming of Christ John 1:12 John 5:39-40 Matt. 24: Romans 8:1-14 II Tim. 3:1-7 Rev. 6:15-17 Receive Christ by Rejection of Tribulation Faith Led by the Christ Holy Spirit Trust in Works7. PERSONAL REIGN OF CHRIST Revelation 1. Christ R

11、eigning with His Saints 2. Final Doom of Satan and the Unbelieving (Judgment) 3. New Heavens and a New Earth Isa. 11:3-5 Rev. 20:7-9 Rev. 20:11-15 Zech. 14:9-16 Final Rebellion Eternal Lake of Obey and worship Fire Christ CREATIONGen. 1:1 Is a Magnificent verse: It begins with God: It contains a sim

12、ple statement of enormous facts told so simply that any child can understand it. “In the beginning God created” No argument is entered into to prove the existence of God, Instead His existences is declared as a fact to believe.It also tells us that He was Himself before the beginning and therefore e

13、ternal.(a dateless- endless time in the eternal past.The scriptures gives us no data for determining how long ago the universe was created. What God wanted us to know is record in His word. Four thing that is repeated on each day of creation:1. Creative Word 2. Report of its effect3. Gods evaluation

14、 of it as “Good”4. The Numbering of each dayInterpretations1. Extend geological ages prior to mans presence of earth.2. They are literal 24 hour days of divine activity.3. The extend geological age wants us to believe that there could have been millions of years between each day.FROG TIME = INSTANTA

15、NEAOUS Prince = Nursery TaleFROG TIME = 300 MILLION YEARS Prince = ScienceThe word day (yom) with a number processing it as an adjective means a 24 hour day. When ever this construction occurs in the O.T. EX. 20:11Where did we come from? Human Kind continues to ask this question. Gen 1:26, 2:71. Man

16、 is the direct creation of God2. The crown of Gods creation final act.Why was man created?1. We were design to be rulers over all of the lower works of God.2. We were created to have communion & fellowship with God JN. 4:23God gave us abilities that no animal or plant life has:He created us as think

17、ing, feeling willing living being who could appreciate, understand and know at least in some measure Gods very character and being (Isa. 43:7 , but only if we are in the proper relationship to God (Rom. 9:6-7) Children in Physical ,but not all in the spiritual since. To know God the Father you must

18、know Jesus Christ. He has reveal Himself through Jesus.The Trinity GOD IN ONE: ONE GOD & YET THREE PERSONS. Here in Genesis chapter 1:26 the Hebrew Word Elohim is used for God, It is the Plural word for God. (Gen. 1:1 also) But is singular in meaning when it refers to the true God. Emphasis in Gen.

19、1:26 is on the plurality in Deity.The doctrine of the Trinity must not imply in any way that there are 3 Gods. (Tritheism) (Theism belief in the existence of God )The O.T. & the N.T. emphasizes that there is only ONE God (Deut. 6:4) Yahweh our God is one Yahweh or Yahweh is our God Yahweh alone.Evid

20、ence for Three-ness FATHER is recognized as God JN 6:27, I Peter 1:2 (seldom debated)JESUS is recognized as God O.T. Messiah Isa. 9:6, Micah 5:2 N.T. Doubting Thomas JN. 20:28, Jesus Himself claimed some of the attributes which only God has Omniscience Mt. 9:4, Omnipotence, Mt. 28:18, Omnipresence M

21、t. 28:20 John 10:31,33 claims to be God.False Teachers Cults: Mormons, JWs, Local Church, Elglacia Christso.HOLY SPIRIT is recognized as God He is spoken of as God Acts 5:3-4 He possesses the same attributes as God: omniscience I Cor. 2:10 Omnipresence Ps. 139:7, Spirit who regenerates Man Jn 3:5,6,

22、8: Titus 3:5The verse that best state the trinity of God balancing both aspects of the concept is Matt 28:19 ELOHIM PLURAL One God and yet three persons in the Godhead: Definition! How do we define the statement: Dr. Warfield says: “The doctrine that there is one only and true God, but in the unity

23、of the Godhead there are three eternal and co-equal Persons, the same in substance (nature) but distinct (separate) in being or existence.”Can the Trinity be illustrated? Not perfectly: Most illustrations cannot include the idea that the three fully possess all the qualities of the one equally without separation World Consciousness _ Self Consciousness _ God Consciousness Heb. 4:12 , I Thess. 5:23 The Soul is our Mind that has our WILL, EMTIONS, INTELLECTSummaryThere is no other God but one. God that we make up whether different from the God of the Bibl

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