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1、There are two desks in the room.- Whats in the room? B:对数量提问用How many或how much 语序:How many/much +be+there+地点(介词短语)?There are ten oranges in the basket.-How many oranges are there in the basket? There is some milk in the bottle.-How much milk is there in the bottle.2、There be 句型与 have、has的区别: have、ha

2、s表示“某人或某物有.”强调的是拥有,即某物或某人与主语是所属关系。I have a pen. The bottle has four legs. there be表示“某地有某人或某物” Eg: There is a pen in the pencil-box./ There are some people in the park. 特殊情况:My class has forty students. / My school has forty-eight classes.二、注意几个知识点1、in the tree在树上(外来的东西) on the tree(树上本身的果实) 如: Ther

3、e is a cat in the tree. There are some apples on the tree.2、in front of(外部的前面) 与in the front of -(内部的前面) There is a big tree in front of the classroom. (外部前面) There is a driver in the front of the bus.(内部前面)3、at the back of-在-(内部)的后面 behind -在-(外部)的后面4、on the river-boat in the river -swim5、介词短语:介词+

4、the+ 地点名词 或 介词+形代+地点名词 如 on the desk在桌子上 on his desk在他的桌上 in the kitchen在厨房里 in our kitchen在我们的厨房里 behind the door在门后 behind our classroom在我们的教室后 in front of the house在房前 in front of their school在他们学校前面 next to the door紧挨门 next to our home紧挨着我们的家 near the window在窗户附近 near our classroom在我们教室附近三、本话题的重

5、要句型1、Where is your bedroom? Its on the second floor.你的卧室在哪儿?它在二楼。2、There is a study next to my bedroom.紧挨着我的卧室有一个书房。3、Why not come upstairs and have a look?为什么不上楼看一看?4、There are so many books on the shelves.书架上有如此多的书。5、Are there any books in the study? Yes, there are.书房里有一些书吗?是的,有。6、Whats on your de

6、sk? There is a camp, some books and so on.你的桌上有什么?有一盏灯,一些书等等。7、There is a clock next to my family photo on the wall.墙上有个紧挨着我的全家福的钟表。8、Lets go and have a look.让我们去看一看,。9、Dont put them there. Put them away, please.不要把它们放在那儿,把它们收拾起来。10、My dog is playing with a football.我的小狗现在正在玩一个足球。11、Put it away, ple

7、ase. You must look after your things.请把它们拾起来,你必须照顾好你的东西。12、Whats in front of the house? Theres a car in front of it.房子前面有什么?房前有个小汽车。13、How many planes are there on the desk? There are three.桌上有多少飞机?有三个。14、How much water is there in the bottle? Only a little.瓶里有多少水?仅仅一点点。15、There is small garden in t

8、he centre of the yard.院子中心有一个小花园。16、I love playing on the computer in the study.我喜欢在书房里玩电脑。17、Im very glad to get a letter from you.我很高兴收到你的来信。四、本话题的重要词组1、on the first floor在一楼 2、on the second floor在二楼3、next to my bedroom紧挨着我的卧室 4、come upstairs上楼5、behind the door在门后 6、play with his pet dog和他的狗玩7、pla

9、y games 玩游戏 8、have dinner吃晚饭9、in front of the house在房前 10、talk about sb/sth谈论某人/某事11、next to my family photo on the wall紧挨着墙上的我的全家福12、go and have a look去看一看 13、under the desk在桌子下面14、put them there 把它们放在那儿 15、put them on the desk把它们放在书桌上16、play with sb/sth和某人或某物玩 17、near the window在窗户附近18、under the b

10、ed 在床下面 19、in the center of the yard在院子中心20、at the back of the computer在院子的后边21、love playing on the computer 喜欢玩电脑22、on the left of the yard 在院子的左边23、on the right of the yard在院子的右边 24、in Picture A在图画A里(P要大写)25、be glad to do sth很高兴去做某事 26、get a letter from sb收到某人的一封信27、in the tree在树上(外来的) 28、on the t

11、ree在树上(树上的果实)29、a moment later过了一会儿 30、put them away把它们收拾起来五、补全句子A: Excuse me!B: Yes?_. Sure. My bedroom is small but beautiful._?B;Yes, there is a red bed in it._?My bookshelf is next to my bed. I can put mu favorite books on it._?Yes, there is a big desk near my bed._?There are some pens on mu des

12、k.Five pens, and there is some milk on it.There are only two bags of milk.六、句型转换1、My study is on the first floor.(提问)2、There is a ball in my study.(改为否定句)3、Why not go upstairs?(同义句)4、There are some pens on the desk(改为一般疑问句).5、Are there any pictures on the wall?(做肯定回答)6、There are some boats on the ri

13、ver.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)7、Jim has an apple in his right hand. (同义句)_ _ an apple in _right hand.8、There are some books on the table.(提问)9、There is only one bedroom in her house.(提问)10、The garden is behind the house. (同义句)The house is _ _ _ the garden.11、There are many eggs in the kitchen. (提问) _ in the k

14、itchen?12、You cant play computer games on weekdays.(改为祈使句)13、There is a kite in the tree.(提问)14、There is only a little milk in the glass.(提问) Unit 6 Topic 2知识点一、 本话题的重要词组1、a townhouse with two floors带有两层楼的城市住宅2、what kind of home 什么类型的房子 3、live with sb与-一起住4、in the country在乡下 5、like living there 喜欢住在

15、哪儿6、look for an apartment寻找一个公寓楼7、house with three bedroom有三个卧室的房子 8、a family of three三口之家9、please call sb at+ 电话 请拨打-电话 10、rent sth to sb租-给某人11、rent sth from sb从某人那租借某物12、a apartment for a family of three供一家三口住的公寓13、on the street corner在街道转弯处(外部)14、in the street corner在街道转弯处(里面)15、keep money存钱 16、

16、park cars停车 17、take trains乘火车18、hear sb doing sth听到某人正在干某事19、hear sb do sh听见某人做了某事(整个过程)20、be sorry about sth/sb为-感到抱歉21、one of +名词复数 “-的其中之一”(做主语,谓语动词用单数)22、talk loudly大声谈话 23、at the end of -在-尽头24、on the right在右边 25、between - and -在-之间26、the name of the neighbors那些邻居们的名字27、there be sb/sth doing st

17、h某处有某人或某物正在做某事28、lots of =a lot of许多 29、a lot of building30、close to my home 紧挨着我的家 31、be far from离-远 32、be not far from离-不严 33、call sb for help向-寻求帮助34、there is something wrong with sb/sth某人或某物出毛病了35、get sb to do sth让某人去做某事 36、right now = at once立刻,马上37、the cost of living 生活费用 38、come to cities to

18、find work来城里找工作39、many houses with big yards许多带有大院子的房子 40、in cities在城里二、本话题的重要句型1、What kind of home do you live in? I live in an apartment.你住在什么类型的房子里?我住在一个公寓楼里。2、How many floors are there in your building? Seven.你的楼里有多少楼楼房?七层。3、What kind of home dose he/she live in?他/她住在什么类型的房子里?4、Do you like livin

19、g there?你喜欢住在那儿吗?5、Please call Mr.Li at 8834-4558.请打电话给李先生。6、There is one on the street corner.在街道的拐角处有一个。7、I can hear you playing the piano.我能听见你在弹琴。8、I can see him singing in the room.我能看见他的房间里唱歌。9、Im afraid its too loud.我恐怕它太大了。10、One of our classmates is talking loudly in the reading room.我的其中干一

20、个同班同学正在阅览室里大声说话。11、He lives at the end of the road.他住在路的末端。12、She lives between Lily an Lucy.她住在李丽和露西之间。13、He also lives next to Tom.他也住在汤姆的隔壁。14、There are many old people living there.有许多老人住在那儿。15、There are many children playing on the playground.有许多孩子在操场上玩。16、There are many shops close to my house

21、.紧靠着我的家有许多高楼。1 7、The train station is not far from here. 火车站离这儿不远。18、Whats the community like? =How is the community?那个社区怎么样?19、Whats the matter?怎么啦?20、Whats the matter with sb/sth?某人/某物怎么啦?= Whats wrong with sb/sth?21、There is something wrong with sb/sth.某人/某物出毛病了。22、Ill get someone to check it rig

22、ht now.我将立刻派人去检查它。23、The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high.交通拥挤,生活费用高。24、People come to cities to find work.人们来城市找工作。25、Its noisy in cities.在城市里是嘈杂的。 Unit 6 Topic 3 知识点一、 问路方法与指路方法总结1、 问路方法:1 Excuse me, is there a bookstore near here?2 How can I get to the bookstore?3 Which is the way

23、to the bookstore?4 Could you tell me the way to the bookstore?5 Where is the bookstore?6 Could you tell me how I can get to the bookstore?7 Could you tell me how to get to the bookstore?2、 指路方法1 Go up this street to the end, and youll find it on your left.沿着这条街走到路尽头,那么你将发现它在你的左边。2 Go along Xinhua st

24、reet and turn left at the first turning/crossing.沿着新华路走,然后再第一个十字口向左拐。3 Go along this road until you get to Xinhua road.沿着这条路走,直到你到达新华路。4 Turn right and work on.向右拐,继续走。5 Its about 15 kilometers away from here.离这儿大约有15公里远。6 Its about one hundred meters along on the right.前方右侧大约100米。7 You need to take

25、 a bus. First, -, then, -.你需要搭公交,首先-然后-。8 First, you need to take bus No.1, then you should change to the No.1 bus at Weigong bridge.二、重要词组1、go up this street to the end沿着这条路走到路的尽头2、turn left at the first crossing 在第一个拐角处向左拐3、its about-along on the right在右前方大约-这4、the way to the post office在邮局的路5、the

26、 key to the door门上的钥匙6、the answer to the questions问题的答案7、on the corner of -在-拐角处(外部)8、be across from在-对面9、go across the bridge = cross the bridge穿过桥10、go along this street until you get to that road沿着这条街直到你到那个路11、turn left向左拐12、walk on继续走13、need to do sth 需要做某事14、change to the No.1 bus转向1路公交车15、take

27、 sb/sth +to +地点名词(前必有to)16、its about -away它大约-远17、its about -away from here它离这儿大约-远18、no right turn不要向右拐19、no left turn不要向左拐20、no parking 不能停车21、go straight一直走22、get hurt受伤23、be away from这离- 24、stop and look both way停下来看两边25、its good to do sth做某事是好的26、keep safe保持安全27、lose ones lives失去某人的生命28、be care

28、ful 小心29、a ticket for speeding超速罚单30、a ticket for making a wrong turn拐错弯罚单31、wait for ones turn等待轮到某人32、keep quiet in class在课堂上保持安静33、be late for-迟到-34、be late for school上学迟到三、重要句型1、How far is it from here?它离这儿多远?2、Its about 2 kilometers away from here.它离这儿大约2公里。3、It will take you there.它将带你去那儿。4、All of us shoul

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