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1、附件一:中餐主题宴会设计专业英语口试参考题题型一 中译英1. 下午好,这里是花园餐厅。请问有什么可以为您效劳?(Good afternoon. This is Garden Restaurant. What can I do for you, please?)2. 我们恭候您的光临。(We look forward to seeing you.)3. 请跟我来好吗?(Would you please come with me?/ Please follow me.)4. 那里有一张四人用餐的桌子。您喜欢吗?(Theres a table for four over there. Would y

2、ou like it?)5. 我们给您留了张非吸烟区的桌子。(We have a table in the non-smoking area reserved for you.)6. 对不起,靠近窗户的座位全都有人了。(Im sorry. The tables by the window are all occupied.)7. 餐厅现在已经客满。您可以稍等约20分钟好吗?(The restaurant is full now. Could you please wait for about 20 minutes?)8. 您的餐桌已经布置好了,这边请。(Your table is ready,

3、 this way, please.)9. 先生,这是您的菜单。请慢慢挑选。服务员一会儿过来为您点餐。(Here is the menu, sir. Please take your time. The waiter/waitress will be here to take your order soon.)10. 希望您用餐愉快。(Please enjoy your meal.)11. 先生,可以点菜了吗?(Excuse me, sir. May I take your order now?)12. 能不能简单给我们介绍一下中国菜?(Could you give us a brief de

4、scription of the Chinese food? )13. 您点的菜很快就好了。(Your meal will be ready soon.)14. 汤已经准备好了,请慢用。(The soup is ready, please enjoy it.)15. 请问您打算用什么方式结账?(How would you like to pay for the meal / make the payment / settle the bill?)16. 让您久等了,先生。这是您的账单,您要核对一下吗?(Thank you for waiting, sir. Here is your bill.

5、 Would you like to check it?)17. 很抱歉,请稍等。我会尽快给您上菜。(Im really sorry. Please wait a moment. Ill serve your dishes as soon as possible.)18. 您需要把菜分一下吗?(Excuse me, sir / madam. May I separate the dish for you?)19. 全部的菜已经上齐了,接下来还有点心。(All your dishes are served now. There is dessert to follow.)20. 我们给你带来了这

6、么多麻烦,为了表达歉意,特为您提供免费甜点。(To express our regret for all the trouble, we offer you a complimentary dessert.)题型二 英译中 1. Which would you like better, a table in the hall or a private room? (您希望订大厅的 位置是单独的包房?)2. I am very sorry, sir. All the tables are reserved until 7 p.m. Would 7 oclock be all right? (非常

7、抱歉,先生。七点之前的餐桌全部预订出去了。七点钟有空桌,可以吗?)3. We will have you seated as soon as we get a table available.(一有空桌,我们就安排你们坐下。)4. We will seat you in the non-smoking area.(我们给您换到非吸烟区。)5. Would you like a table by the window? (您喜欢坐靠窗的位置吗?)6. What kind of cuisine do you serve in your restaurant? (你们都有些什么风味的菜?)7. It

8、 looks good, smells good and tastes good.(这道菜色、香、味俱全。)8. The minimum charge for a private room is 200 Yuan per person.(包间的最低人均消费是200元。)9. Would you like to have table dhote, or a la carte? (您是选套餐,还是零点呢?10. Please take care of your valuables.(请看管好您的贵重物品。)11. Excuse me, sir. Would you mind sharing the

9、 table with other guests?(打扰一下,先生,请问您是否介意和其他客人同桌呢?)12. Would you please add one more chair to our table?(请给我们加把椅子好吗?)13. Lets go Dutch this time. (我们这次各付各的账吧。)14. Could you make out two separated bills for me? (可以给我分开两张账单吗?)15. You have got a 10% discount for your Visa Card.(您使用维萨信用卡结账可以享受9折优惠。)16.W

10、ould you like to pay by credit card? (您是用信用卡结账吗?)17.Here is your card and invoice.(这是您的信用卡和发票。)18. Can you tell me/describe what happened in details?(您能告诉我事情的详细经过吗?)19.Sorry to having kept you waiting. Ill see to it right away. (让您久等,抱歉。我马上去处理。)20.Here are some complimentary vouchers for you. You ca

11、n pay with them next time when you have dinner in our restaurant. (我们有一些赠券送给您,下次您在我们餐厅用餐时可以使用。)题型三 情景对话1. If the guest wants to have something that your restaurant doesnt have, what would you say to him?(如果客人想要的东西,你的餐厅没有,你会对他说什么?) (Sorry sir. This is not available in our restaurant. But may I sugges

12、t some .?)2. When a guest calls to reserve a private room for dinner, what information do you have to get? (当客人电话预订一间包房吃饭,要得到什么信息吗?)(I have to know the date and time for the reservation, the number of people, and any other special requirements.)3. If a guest calls to reserve a table at 7 p.m., but t

13、here isnt any available, what would you say?(如果客人要求在下午7点预订一张桌子,但没有了,你会怎么说?) (Im sorry. Our restaurant is fully booked at the moment. Would you mind changing your time? Tables will be available at 7:30. And we offer free drinks after 8:00 p.m.)4. What would you say to the guest if you want to confirm

14、 his/her reservation? (你对客人说如果你想确认他/她吗?) (May I confirm your reservation, sir/madam? And then repeat the time, the number of people, requirements on the tables and dishes.)5. If the guest complains that the dish is not fresh, how would you do?(如果客人抱怨道菜不新鲜,你会怎么做?) (I would apologize to the guest, fin

15、d out the reason, and change the dish or give him a discount according to the situation.)6. If a guest who sits near the air-conditioner feels cold in your restaurant and asks you to turn down the air-conditioner, what will you do?(如果客人坐在靠近你的餐厅空调很冷,请你把空调调控,你会做什么?)( Ill bring him / her a blanket to k

16、eep warm. Or ask him / her if he / she could change to another seat far away from the air-conditioner.)7. If the guest wants to order some wine, but it seems that he /she is under 18 years old, what will you do then?(如果客人想点些葡萄酒,但似乎他/她是18岁以下,然后你要做什么?) (According to the law, only adults are allowed to drink spirits or dine in the bar, if I am not sure about

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