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1、10管理信息系统与决策支持系统11信息安全12. 系统生物学四、 课程设置(见表)五、 论文工作论文工作是研究生综合运用本学科基础理论和专业知识、独立进行科学研究工作能力培养的重要方面,主要包括下列环节: 1. 文献工作 在导师的指导下查阅与本学科相关的国内外文献资料,掌握本学科国内外沿领域的研究动态,撰写两篇文献综述报告。 2. 开题报告 在第4学期前完成开题报告,确定研究课题及实施计划,应选择学科前沿领域或对我国经济建设发展有实际意义的课题。开题报告在3000字以上(所附相关内容的参考文献不少于30篇)。由导师和本学科不少于3名高级职称专家对开题报告进行论证。学生应就课题的研究内容、意义、

2、价值、拟解决问题的研究方案及研究进度作出说明,并由论证会专家作出评语和修改意见,以保证学位论文质量。 3. 论文阶段报告 在论文开题半年左右,研究生要对研究情况作阶段工作小结,并在本学科的学术研讨会上报告课题和论文工作进展情况,以取得集体指导和帮助,对有问题的学生进行重点帮助指导。 4. 导师学位论文审查制度 指导教师应对论文质量严格把关,并签署导师意见,不符合要求者,不能同意提交预答辩。 5. 预答辩 预答辩一般在正式答辩前二个月举行。凡没有进行学位论文预答辩或预答辩未通过者均不能直接组织正式答辩。由预答辩小组对学位论文进行综合评价,预答辩未通过者应在三个月至半年时间内进一步对学位论文做出修

3、改,由导师审阅同意后再次进行学位论文预答辩。 6. 论文答辩 论文完成后,按国家学位条例有关规定进行评审和答辩。 7. 论文发表研究生阶段至少应在国内外核心期刊上发表或录用一篇与课题相关的论文(第一作者),或一项专利证明,或一项经省部级以上(含省部级)主持鉴 定、验收的重要成果(排序前五名)。计算机科学与技术专业硕士研究生课程设置类 别课程编号课 程 名 称学时学分开课学期备注学位课政治理论课001000701科学社会主义理论与实践3021001000702自然辩证法453第一外国语081000702英语精读60过六级可免修081000703科技英语写作 40数学基础课081000704组合数

4、学任选1门081000705信息论081000706矩阵计算081000707数学建模专业081101706可计算性导论43门081101707高性能计算机系统结构081101708计算智能081101709并行计算081101710软件形式化方法基础 081101705多媒体信息处理与应用必修文献阅读研讨课081101920操作系统结构与分析任选6门081101919图像处理与理解081101921计算机网络新技术081101905模式识别081101922分布式系统081101923软件测试与验证081101912人机交互技术081101924Web内容分析与理解081101914信息安全

5、 081101925计算机图形学081101926计算机视觉081101917数据挖掘与知识发现081101927软件体系架构081101928面向对象的分析与设计081101929容错计算理论081101930嵌入式技术081101906信息融合理论与技术081101931Web服务计算学术计算机技术专题讨论和文献阅读20校公共平台课 001000714高性能计算导论001000715数据库理论与实践001000710数学物理方程001000711应用统计分析001000712现代数学基础001000713有限元法及其应用001000708应用随机过程001000709数值分析0010007

6、16近代力学基础注:1.为确保研究生的培养质量,对于本科非计算机专业的学生必须补修至少两门计算机专业本科主干课,具体课程及补修方式由导师指定。 2. 学生可以最多选两门校公共平台课,所得学分可抵充文献阅读研讨课学分。 3. 课程学习安排在前3学期完成,第四学期为文献阅读阶段,学生在导师指导下,结合将要开题的研究方向开展阅读并写出文献阅读报告,然后由导师组织在公开场合报告并讨论。文献阅读的结果作为中期考核和开题的必备条件。Master Degrees Program for Computer Science and Technology 1 Objective of the Program1)

7、Master students should become patriotic and uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China with efforts devoted to the study of Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. They should herewith abide by Chinese laws and relevant regulations, be morally sound with diligence

8、and scrupulous spirit in their studies, be committed to excellence in working with a team, and be determined to devote themselves to the cause of socialist modernization construction. 2) Master students should lay a solid theoretic foundation and a good command of special knowledge in their own fiel

9、ds. They should be capable of being engaged in modern scientific and technological research and development, and capable of being put in independent work. Master students should be good at one foreign language.3) Master students should be eligible for considerable culture and sound constitution.4) T

10、he discipline of Computer Science and Technology enjoys a great research reputation and impressive levels of research activity. Its research areas include: grid computing, parallel computing, high performance computers, software engineering, software methodology, database, MIS, multimedia technology

11、, computer network, intelligent information processing and information security. The curriculums given in this area maintain the top level in the world. The objective of the discipline is to cultivate the students with good scientific attainments, to strengthen systematically the basic theory and ap

12、plication knowledge and techniques in the areas of hardware, software and application of modern computer systems. Students will be well prepared, after their graduation, to go in for the careers concerning academic research, education, enterprise and management immediately upon graduation in such ar

13、eas. 2Period of Study and Credits 1) Period of study A period of two and half years study is required for Master students.2) Credits Credit system is adopted for Master students, and at least 48 credits are required within four semesters for each student majoring in this discipline. 3The on-going re

14、search areas1) High performance computer systems with its application2) Parallel Processing2) Fault-tolerant computing4) Software engineering5) Software methodology6) Database and data mining7) Multimedia and its application8) computer networking9) intelligent information processing10) Management in

15、formation system and decision support system11) information security12)Systems Biology4Teaching Program ( see attached table below) 5. Thesis and DefenseThesis is one of the important independent studies concerning comprehensive application of basic theories and special knowledge that the students h

16、ave mastered during their study in the school. It mainly includes the following stages:1)Study of research work Under the guidance of supervisor, students should learn how to discover the latest development and the status of their research area they focus in the world. Based on the basic work, each

17、student is trained and requested to submit two reports of surveys concerning what they have learned in this period.2)Proposal presentation Before the end of the fourth semester, students should finish their research proposal and schedule ready for their research project. It is expected that the rese

18、arch proposal presented should be practically significant to the frontiers of the relevant discipline or to the economic development of our country. The proposal report should include more than 3000 Chinese characters with no less than 30 pieces of references. The proposal presented should be approv

19、ed by at least 3 professors (or associated professors). During the presentation, students are required to deliver their explanations with regard to the purpose, contents, as well as the value of the project, and the whole schedule of the realization. The referees should make their comments and sugge

20、stions on their reports in order to ensure the quality of the research and dissertation.3)Report on mid-term After around half a years work from the beginning of the research project, the students should outline their achievements on the research work at the mid-stage in which all the students shoul

21、d report their progress on the research at a panel discussion within the discipline to benefit by advice and assistance from their supervisors. Those with difficulties in research will be reinforced with special supervision.4)The mechanism of dissertation reviewing Each dissertation presented by mas

22、ter students must be reviewed thoroughly and approved by their supervisors. Any unqualified dissertation should not be granted for the submission to the pre-defense committee.5)The pre-defenseThe pre-defense will be arranged two months before the formal defense is held. Without the pre-defense, the

23、formal defense will not be permitted. The pre-defense committee will deliver its comprehensive evaluation and comments on the dissertation presented by the students. Those who fail to pass the pre-defense are requested to correct or modify their dissertations in between 3 months and half a year. Aft

24、er correction and modification, only those with supervisors permission can be rearranged their pre-defense. 6)The formal defense Upon the completion, in accordance with the regulations for academic degree issued by the State Council of China, the dissertation should be submitted to assessment and th

25、en a defense for the degree will be carried out under the arrangement of defense committee.7)Publication of papersDuring their graduate study, the students should complete one of the following jobs to demonstrate their ability to fulfill the research work in the future: (1) publish at least one pape

26、r as a first author in some key journals relevant to the research area issued inside or outside China. Otherwise; (2) have a certificate of being a holder of an invention patent, or (3) demonstrate that the student has taken part in and completed a research project which has been evaluated by an aut

27、horized committee with the provincial level or above. (The student should be ranked within the top five of all the participants).Master Program Curriculum for Discipline of Computer Science and TechnologyCategoryCourse NumberCourse NamePeriodCreditTermRemarks Academic Degree CoursesPolitical Theoretical CourseTheory and Practice of Scientific SocialismNatural DialecticsFirstForeign LanguageIntensive English ReadingNot required for pass Cet-6 studentsScientific English Writing Basic Maths CourseCombinatorialMathematicsSelect any one courseInformation TheoryMatr

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