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1、odds and ends名,各种东西;fed up with副,厌烦,受够了; foot the bill 动,付账down the drain(tubes)副,浪费;chip it动,捐助;. Skip动,漠视,忘记。 youre a clotheshorse . I know . I love dressing up. do you shop around a lot for bargains? Im lucky. I work for a department store and I get a discout on merchandise. thats great because e

2、verything is sky-high. yes, its difficult making ends meet. we have to cut corners. me too. Ive cut down on luxuries. clotheshorse 名,很会打扮的人;dress up动,打扮;shop around动,逛街;sky-high形,昂贵的;making ends meet副,平衡收支;cut corners动,控制花费;cut down on 动,减少。 He was in the casino and started to make a bundle. He was

3、really raking it in. I bet he thought he had it made. Then he started losing his shirt. With his temper ,he probably hit the ceiling. Sure. The casino took him to the cleaners . Was he a good sport? Oh no. He was a sore loser.make a bundle 动,赚大钱;rake it in动,大捞一笔;have it made动,确信自己的胜利lose ones shirt动

4、,失去所有的钱;hit the ceiling动,发脾气;took someone to the cleaners 动,赢走所有的钱good sport动,输得起;sore loser输不起。 At the end of the week. Im always caught short. Thats because money burns a hole in your pocket. I dont feel sorry for you. How can I tight my belt? Youre going to have to do without in order to get alon

5、g. I know . Ill try brown bagging it . Within a short time, Ill be in the chips again.caught short 形,钱不够用burns a hole in your pocket动,花钱如流水feel sorry动,同情tight ones belt动,节约do without动,不去用某些东西get along动,处理brown bag动,从家里带饭in the chips形,有足够的钱。 That car is in A-1 condition, but it would cost an arm and

6、a leg . I didnt know you were in the market for another car . Im thinking about it ,but for the time being ,Ill use this jalopy. Itll do in a pinch. Im sure a new one will set you back 10 grand . That aint hay !A-1形,优秀的an arm and a leg名,非常昂贵in the market for形,准备买for the time being副,目前jalopy名,状况差的旧车i

7、n a pinch P1132副,有总比没有好set one back动,花费grand 名,一千美元That aint hay !P703一大笔钱 Hes always squawking about money. If he had a nest egg. He wouldnt have to worry. Its difficult to salt away money today. Thats true. And he tries to keep up with the Joneses. Not really. He tries to save, but the family expe

8、nses are on his shoulders. Thats why hes on pins and needles. Why doesnt he play the lottery? Because he can bank on the fact that hes not going to make a killing that way.squawk about动,抱怨nest egg名,私房钱salt away动,存私房钱keep up with the Joneses动,保持一般水准on ones shoulders副,负责任on pins and needles形,紧张的bank o

9、n动,确信make a killing动,发横财 Im breaking my neck at two jobs so I dont fall behind in my bills . Maybe you better face up to the fact that you cant enjoy life to the hilt. Ill go over my budget again. Dont fly off the handle if my check bounces. Im sure it will clear but if you want. Ill give you some m

10、oney to tide you over.break ones neck动,努力fall behind动,无法维持face up to动,面对(恶劣的)现实to the hilt副,完全go over 动,检视,再看一次bounce动,因存款不足而拒收clear动,度过tide someone over动,帮助别人度过难关 I cant believe Im down and out. Im living hand to mouth and pinching pennies. You can always turn to me when the chips are down. I dont

11、want any handouts. I dont mooch off anyone. Just sit tight. Youll get out from under.down and out形,身无分文的,一事无成的hand to mouth副,勉强糊口pinch pennies形,节俭turn to动,寻求帮助when the chips are down形,最糟糕的状况handout名,施舍mooch动,乞求sit tight动,耐心等候get out from under动,度过难关 Im racking my brains to find a way to keep my head

12、 above water. I didnt know you were hard up. I put up a good front but I havent seen day-light for a long time. Ill give you some moola to bail you out. Thats just a drop in the bucket. I need too much to get back on my feet.racking ones brains动,绞尽脑汁rack折磨P1235;keeps head above water动,筹措所需费用以度过;hard

13、 up形,经济拮据;put up a good front形,强颜欢笑;seen day-light动,顺利;moola名,钱; bail one out动,帮助;a drop in the bucket名,一小笔;back on one feet名,恢复经济上的独立或恢复体力。 Hes a nitwit. What half-baked idea does he have now. Hes sure he can become a millionaire by buying 100 lottery tickets. He thinks itll be a piece of cake. Tha

14、ts one for the books. Its no cinch making money. He talks through his hat. You have to take everything he says with a grain of salt. Just watch. Hell have egg oh his face.Nitwit名,笨蛋;half-baked形,愚蠢的bake烤、烘P91;a piece of cake形,轻而易举的事;one for the books名,非比寻常;a cinch名,轻而易举的事;talks through ones hat动,夸大其词

15、; take with a grain of salt动,对某人的话存疑;have egg oh ones face动,出丑。 That guy is an eager beaver. He never goofs off. He really wants to get ahead. You can count on him. If extra work . He will . Hes not a clock watcher.Guy名,男人;eager beaver名,有事业心、热衷工作者beaver海狸P110;get ahead动,出人头地;count on动,信赖;crops up动,出

16、其不意;pitch in动,帮助P1136;clock watcher名,急于结束工作的人;goof off动,混日子。 Today Im under the weather. Play hooky. I wont spill the beans. I cant. Im swamped with work. My job is no picnic. Well, hang in there. In the long run, youll be sitting pretty. I hope so. I have to bring home the bacon.under the weather形,

17、感觉不舒服;Play hooky 动,逃学、旷工;spill the beans动,声张;swamped 形,穷于应付的P1558;no picnic形,不轻松的;hang in there动,忍耐; In the long run副,结果; sitting pretty形,顺利P1186;bring home the bacon动,养家bacon腊肉P89。 Out of the blue, he opened up a business on a shoestring. Thats a feather in his cap. I hope he doesnt take a beating.

18、 I dont think so. He struck while the iron was hot. Hell probably wind up being very wellheeled. I hope so. Hes been through the mill.Out of the blue 副,出乎意料;on a shoestring副,以极少的钱;a feather in ones cap名,功绩、名誉;take a beating动,赔钱;wind up 动,结束;wellheeled形,富有的;through the mill形,吃苦、饱受磨炼。 He gave them a p

19、ep talk and told them they better shape up or theyll get a pink slip. I think hed get ground to it. If you were in his shoes, you wouldnt have let it ride. Off the record. Im glad he clamped down on them. How are things now? Everyones gung ho. pep talk名,激励pep劲头P1110;shape up动,整装待发;pink slip名,解雇通知;ge

20、t ground to 动,终于有时间做某事;in someones shoes副,就某人的立场;let it ride动,维持; Off the record 副,个人地、非正式的、非公开地;clamp down动,更加严格clamp夹住、夹紧P256;gung ho形,热忱的。 Im in seventh heaven. I noticed your head was in the clouds. I think I made a hit with the boss. My idea knocked him dead. Now he knows I mean business. I hav

21、e to hand it to you. You stuck to your guns and everything panned out. Im glad I kept my fingers seventh heaven副,非常快乐;have ones head in the clouds动,忘乎所以;make a hit动,顺利; knocked one dead动,非常惊讶; mean business动,认真;hand it to someone动,认同;stuck to ones guns动,不畏艰难stuck粘住P1534; pan out动,顺利进行P108

22、0;keep ones fingers crossed动,祈求幸运。 He thought up a great idea for a new product. Maybe with this brainstorm, hell take the plunge and start his own business. I think he wants to try his idea out for a while. He doesnt want to jump the gun. He should kick it around a while but it wont work unless he

23、can take over. Well, so far none of his plans have managed to get off the ground.think up动,发明、创造;brainstorm 名,奇思妙想;take the plunge动,定下决心做某事plunge向前倒下P1150;try something out动,尝试; jump the gun动,提早做;kick something around动,研商考虑; take over/charge动,管理、支配;get off the ground动,着手进行。 Hes a brain. I cant stand

24、 him. He rubs me the wrong way. Why? Hes on the ball and has his feet on the ground. What we need is someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone. I read his application and he is the cream of the crop. Do you think hell get the job? Yeah, its in the bag.Brain名,聪明的人;stand动,忍受、喜欢;rub one the wrong wa

25、y动,惹恼、妨碍rub抓痒P1321;on the ball 形,认真做好;have ones feet on the ground实际的、敏锐的、稳重的;keep ones nose to the grindstone动,认真工作、保持忙碌grindstone磨刀石P671;the cream of the crop名,顶尖;in the bag形,确实的、明确的。 Theres a job opening in my company. It would suit you to a T. Could you pull some strings to get me hired? I cant.

26、 My hands are tied. Dont you know anyone who could throw his weight around? What about your brother? Hes a big shot. Maybe he could put in his two cents. Asking him is wasting my breath. I think Ill have to make my own a T副,完全地、确实地;pull strings动,背后操作;ones hands are tied帮不上忙;throw ones weight

27、around动,发挥影响力;big shot 名,重要人物;put in ones two cents动,提出主见;. wasting ones breath动,白费口舌; make ones own way动,凭自己的努力。 Im going to get a promotion. Youre pulling my leg. No. I deserve it. I working my fingers to the bone. Im glad they gave you a break. Finally things are looking up for me. Im taking on m

28、ore responsibility. Now you have to get in the swing of things and learn the ropes. Itll be a breeze. Im really cut out for this work.Pull someones leg动,欺骗、愚弄; work ones fingers to the bone动,努力工作;gave someone a break动,给予机会;look up动,改善;take on动,承接;get in the swing of things动,适应环境; learn the ropes动,抓住

29、要领;a breeze名,简易之事breeze和风P167; cut out形,适合。 Hes pretty sharp when it comes to feathering his own nest. Hes a hustler whos out to make a fast buck. And he makes it hand over fist. Hell try to put the bite on you by telling you a cock and bull story. He has a snowballs chance in hell. Im not a soft touch.Sharp形,机敏的;feather ones nest动,利用地位中饱私囊;hustler名,善于骗钱的人;fast buck名,

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