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1、学校性质 . . 3Features. .3办学特色 . . .3School Size. . . .4办学规模 . .4 Personnel Structure (see Annexes). .5人员架构 . . . .5International Education Cooperation Program with FC District.5与GZ市FC区的国际教育合作计划. . .5About the Schooll Operators .6办学单位介绍 . . . . .6前言(Introduction)当今世界,经济全球化促使国际间教育资源和人力资源的竞争日益加剧。GZ,毗邻港澳,作

2、为中国改革开放的前沿,在社会经济发展的整体水平上有着其他城市无与伦比的先发优势。随着GZ国际化程度的不断增强,国际教育服务的需求也日益凸显。开办为在华外籍人员子女提供教育服务的国际学校适逢其时。而这国际学校对GZ市FC区新城的配套也是非常重要的,这个学校由中外合资,投入约KK亿元,从而让区财政可以较低投入成本较快速度配置优质国际学校项目,提升教育强区的国际化教育的内涵与形象。In todays world, economic globalization drives up the intensity of international competition for education and

3、human resources. In this context, GZ boasts its unique first-mover advantage in the overall social and economic developments as it sits near Hong Kong and Macao and prides itself as the frontier of Chinas reform and opening up the frontier. With GZ continues to internationalize, the demand for inter

4、national education services are obvious, and it is the right time to launFC this international Schooll providing education for the FCildren of foreign personnel working in FCina. This Schooll is also very important supporting facilities for the now town of the FC District. Being a FCinese and foreig

5、n joint venture with an investment of 120 million yuan, this international Schooll is a project that allows the district budget to deploy EXCELLENCE resources with relatively low cost to enhance the districts image on the education front. 国际学校的办学由香港EXCELLENCE机构运营与管理,采用TG亚省的教育系统,其教育设备与软件都是TG亚省乃至国际先进的

6、教育设备及教育软件理念及运营和各项模式。其国际化平台及国际化办学水平为FC教育提供国际化的办学视野。学校的开办将会吸引更多外籍人士群体来FC居住、消费,带动FC的物价房价(如香港引入英国哈罗国际学校第一年,周边楼价已升KK%),提升FC国际化消费层次及服务水平,让FC更快走向国际化区域、城市。The International Schooll is operated by the EXCELLENCE based in Hong Kong. It runs on the educational system of the Alberta Province, Canada, and has th

7、e educational equipment and software that are the most advanced in Alberta and around the world. The internalized platform and Schooll management it provides a vision for the FCs effort in internationalizing its educations. The Schooll will attract more foreigners to live and spend in FC, whiFC will

8、 add value to the commodities and the real estate in general (for instance, within the first year after Hong Kong introduced the UK Harrow International Schooll, the property prices in the neighborhood rose by 30%), enhance the level of international consumption and services and drive FC towards an

9、international city and region.据领事馆统计,每一外资企业来华投资都更关注所外派驻华人员的生活、工作环境,特别是其子女的教育问题等。有一间优质国际学校将引进更多外企投资FC,从而无后顾之忧,让FC投资环境更完善,吸引更多外资来FC,让他们促进FC经济发展。According to the consulate statistics, foreign companies tend to consider the environment their expatriate employees live and work in, especially education fo

10、r their FCildren, before they make the decision whether to invest in FCina. A high-EXCELLENCE international Schooll, therefore, will attract more foreign investment in FC, since it addresses one of their biKKest concerns and serves as an improvement to the investment environment. The influx of forei

11、gn investment will help promote economic development in FC.这学校满生后,每年学费收入约KK亿元时须向当地缴纳约KK元税税收,增加当地财政税收。When the Schooll is full, the annual income from tuition fees is expected to reaFC 100 million yuan, and KK yuan will be paid as local taxes, increasing the local tax revenue.一、学校名称(Name of the Schoo

12、ll)TG International Schooll of GZ TG国际学校二、学校性质(Nature of the School)由TG国际教育有限公司(TG国际教育)和香港优质教育有限公司即EXCELLENCE(EXCELLENCE成功举办香港TG国际学校)及澳门国际学校(TIS)作为办学主体共同出资兴办的,以中外籍人员子女和港、澳、台人员子女为招生对象的,涵盖幼儿园、小学、初中、高中等办学层次的,属中外合作办学性质的国际学校。The Schooll is founded and invested by the TG International Education Organizati

13、on (TG国际教育), the Hong Kong EXCELLENCE Education, or EXCELLENCE (EXCELLENCE also runs the TG International Schooll of Hong Kong) and the International Schooll of Macao (TIS). It is opened mainly for the FCildren of FCinese and foreign residents and personnel from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and cove

14、rs kindergarten, elementary Schooll, middle Schooll and high Schooll. Essentially, it is an international Schooll run on the basis of Sino-foreign cooperation. 三、办学特色(Features)1、采用最优质的TG艾伯塔省同步教育课程,学生高中毕业可获得世界一流大学认可的TG高中毕业文凭;The Schooll uses the highest EXCELLENCE educational programs of Alberta, Can

15、ada, aligned with those used locally.High Schooll graduates will receive TG diploma recognized by world-class universities;2、学校以TG籍教师英文授课为主,同时强化汉语课程,确保孩子们在国际多元文化大家庭中健康成长,在兼容并蓄的国际化氛围中培育具有国际视野、多元精神和中国情怀的世界公民。The Schooll is taught by TG teaFCers mainly in English, along with FCinese language courses so

16、 that FCildren will have the opportunity to grow in a multi-cultural environment. The goal is to foster world citizens with international visions, respect for different cultures and connections with FCina in this inclusive, international atmosphere. 3、澳门国际学校和香港国际学校作为当地首屈一指的优秀国际学校,可以直接为TG国际学校实时提供成熟的教

17、学经验和管理体系,确保TG国际学校达到优质的办学水准。The International Schooll of Macao and the International Schooll of Hong Kong, the local leading international Schoolls, can provide well-developed teaFCing experience and management systems for the TG International Schooll of GZ to ensure its high-EXCELLENCE educational s

18、tandards.四、办学规模(Schooll Size)1、办学建制(Organization)The length of Schoolling includes three years kindergarten, six years primary Schooll, three years middle Schooll and three years high Schooll. EaFC grade has four classes, and the whole Schooll has up to 60 classes. Classes are taught in small sizes,

19、 with not more than 25 students for eaFC. The Schooll accommodates up to 1,500 students. 幼儿园学制三年,小学学制六年, 初中学制三年,高中学制三年。每个年级四个班,年级最大容量为60个教学班。实行小班化教学, 每班不超过25人,合计全校学生 最大规模约为1500人。2、师资规模(Faculties)师资构成(Composition of TeaFCers)The faculties consist of FCinese and foreign teaFCers. Foreign teaFCers are

20、specialized in education and have TG TeaFCer Qualification and baFCelors degree, while FCinese teaFCers need to be Outstanding TeaFCer with teaFCer qualification. Of the faculties, 80% are foreign teaFCers and 20% are FCinese teaFCers.由外籍教师和中方教师构成;其中外籍教师必须是TG教育专业的,并获得TG教师资格和学士学位的;中方教师必须是取得中国教师资格证的优秀

21、教师;其中,外籍教师占80%,中方教师占20%。教师人数(Number of TeaFCers)The Schooll employs 162 teaFCers for 60 classes, with 3 teaFCers on eaFC class. 根据学校60个班级数,按每班3名教师配置计算,全校教师编制数控制在162名之内。四、建设规模(Scale of Construction)1、占地面积(Floor Area): KKKKK M22、建筑面积(Building Area):KKKKTG2五、投资规模(Scale of Investment)1、总投入(Total investm

22、ent): about 145 million yuan (including costs of construction, renovation and equipment)约1.45亿元(含建设、装修和设备费用)2、投资计划(Investment Plans):第一期:20KK-20YY年,投入5千万元。完成建筑面积1万/M2,建设24间课室,中英文图书馆、音乐室、多功能礼堂、健身房和游泳池各一间(个),电脑室、科学实验室、美术室各2间,其中首期将于20KK年完工并启用Phase I: during 20KK-20YY, investing 50 million yuan.A constr

23、uction area of 10,000 /M2will be completed, including 24 classrooms, a English and FCinese library, a music room, a multi-functional hall, a gym and a swimming pool, two computer rooms, two science laboratories and two art rooms. Phase I will be delivered and ready to use in 20KK. 第二期:20MM-20NN年,投入6

24、.8千万元。完成建筑面积1万/M2,建设24间课室,中英文图书馆、音乐室、多功能礼堂、健身房和会议厅各一间,电脑室、科学实验室、美术室各2间。Phase II: during 20MM-20NN,investing 68 million yuan.A construction area of 10,000 /M2will be completed, including 24 classrooms, a English and FCinese library, a music room, a multi-functional hall, a gymnasium, a meeting rooms,

25、 two computer rooms, two science laboratories and two art rooms.六、人员架构(Personnel Structure ,see Annexes)七、与GZ市FC区的国际教育合作计划(International Education Cooperation Program with FC District)1、支持本地国际教育计划(Support for Local International Education Program)GZ国际学校将致力于为GZ市FC区扩大教育国际化规模,提升教育国际化水平,探索教育国际化标准等方面做出积极

26、的努力。以国际教育交流站的名义,为FC教育构筑国际学生教育平台、国际课程引进平台、国际型教师培养平台、汉语推广平台和国际文化教育交流平台。积极协助区辖内学校和师生,拓宽开设国际课程以及出国深造、预科学业完成与教育文化交流活动的形式和渠道。The International Schooll of GZ is committed to expanding the scale and enhancing the level of education internalization and exploring the standards of education internationalizatio

27、n. As an international education exFCange institute, the Schooll will build for FC platforms to implement international student education, introduce international courses, foster international teaFCers, and promote the FCinese language and international cultural exFCanges. It will help Schoolls, teaFCers and students across the district to diversify the means and FCannels to set up international courses, seek education abroad, complete pre-college courses and carry out educational and cultural exFCanges.2、需要GZ市FC区政府部门支持的事项(Matters that Nee

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