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杨浦秋季补习班杨浦培训机构新王牌资料高三 及时雨词汇手册3UT文档格式.docx

1、 adj. 不像的,不同的22. until prep. & conj. 直到.为止 *not.until 直到.才e.g. (原始句型; 部分倒装; 强调句)I didnt know anything about his life abroad until he told me by means of e-mail.Not until he told me by means of e-mail did I know something about his life abroad.It was not until he told me by means of e-mail that I kne

2、w something about his life abroad.23. unusual adj. 不寻常的;与众不同的24. up adv. & prep. 向上 *up and down 上上下下; *up to多达*Its up to sb. to do sth. 做某事是某人的责任。e.g. Its up to you to decide whether to follow the fashion or dress in your own style.25. upon prep. 在.上26. upper adj. 上面的27. upright adj. 挺直的;正直的28. ups

3、et v. 打翻;扰乱平衡;使心烦意乱;使(胃等)不舒服 adj. 打翻的;平衡等扰乱的;心烦意乱的;胃等不舒服的29. upstairs adv. 往楼上;在楼上; adj. 楼上的30. up-to-date adj. 最新的(置于名词前,否则用up to date)*out-of-date adj. 过时的(规则同上)31. upward adj. &adv. 向上的32. urban adj. 城市的33. urge v. 催促,鼓动34. urgent adj. 紧急的 *urgency n. 紧急35. use v. 使用; n. 使用;用途 *usage n. 使用;用法 *us

4、ed adj. 用过的,二手的 *user n. 使用者,用户*useful adj. 有用的 *useless adj. 无用的*use up 用完,耗尽 e.g. When the oil is used up, a red light on the instrument will be on.*be used to do 被用来做 e.g. Plastics can be used to make different kinds of things.*in use 使用着*make (full/good) use of (充分)利用e.g. Making full use of time

5、 doesnt mean keeping reading books from morning till night.*Its no use doing sth. 做某事没有用处 e.g. Its no use pretending you dont know.Its no good doing sth. 做某事没有好处 e.g. Its no good doing your homework as you are listening to music.句型变换:I dont think it any use/good doing sth. Do you think it any use/go

6、od doing sth.?36. used v. 过去常常 (助动词did & used) adj. 习惯于*used to do 过去常常做 e.g. I used to go to the cinema, but I never get the time now.*used to be过去是 e.g. Through physical exercise, he is more energetic than he used to be.*There used to be .过去有e.g. There used to be a lot of fish in the river, but no

7、w its seriously polluted.*be/get used to习惯于.(to为介词)e.g. He soon got used to the new learning environment in high school.37. usual adj. 通常的;往常的 *usually adv. 通常*as usual 像往常一样,照常 *than usual 比往常更. T1. table n. 餐桌;表格 *at (the) table 在吃饭 *lay/set/spread the table 摆饭桌2. tablet n. 药片3. tag n. 标签4. tail n

8、. 尾巴;尾部5. tailor n. 裁缝 vt. 裁制衣服;使适应特定需要 *the tailors 裁缝店6. take v. 拿,带走;带领;就(座、职);吃,喝;服药;乘坐交通工具;量体温;采取措施;花费(时间等)*It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多少时间e.g. It will take him more than one year to finish the experiment independently.*take in 吸收;理解;欺骗*take off 起飞;脱下*take on 呈现;承担;雇佣e.g. After bei

9、ng designed again, our Website is taking on a new look.*take over 接管*take up 开始从事;占据(时间或空间)e.g. If you want to take up this job, you should first be trained for three months.Collecting stamps takes up almost all of his spare time.*take after (长相或性格)像(父母等)*take away 拿走,带走*take down 拿下;写下,记下;拆毁(建筑物)*t

10、ake A for B误认A为B*take to 喜欢上(to是介词)7. tale n. 故事;传说8. talent n. 天赋,才能;有天才的人,人才*talented adj. 有天才的,有才干的9. talk v. & n. 谈话;商谈,商讨 *talkative adj. 好说话的;健谈的;多嘴多舌的*talk to/with sb. about .与某人谈论.*talk of= speak of谈到,说起e.g. Talking of the welfare and working conditions of the company, all the employees said

11、 nothing.*talk over 好好商量 *talk to oneself 自言自语10. tame adj. 驯服的;温顺的11. tank n. 箱;坦克12. tap v. 轻拍,轻敲;开发(资源等) n. 轻拍;自来水等的龙头13. tape n. 磁带14. target n. 靶子;目标;对象15. task n. 任务16. taste v. 品尝;尝起来; n. 味觉;味道;口味 *to ones taste 合乎某人口味*tasty adj. 美味的 *taster n. 品尝师17. tax n. 税 v. 对.征税18. taxi n. 出租汽车19. tea n

12、. 茶; 茶叶 *green tea绿茶; black tea 红茶; make tea泡茶,沏茶; *tea party茶话会 *tea ceremony 茶道20. teach v. 讲授;教书 *teach sb. sth. = teach sth. to sb. 教某人某物*teach sb. to do/that/wh-教某人.21. team n. 队,组 *teamwork n. 集体合作22. tear n. 眼泪(常tears);v. 撕起来 *tear down 扯下;拆毁(建筑物) * tear up 撕碎23. technology n. U(抽象的)技术 *scien

13、ce and technology 科技 *technological adj. 科技的*technique n. C (具体的)技术 *technical adj. 技术的;工艺的 *technician n. 技师,技术员24. teenager n. (13-19岁的)少年 *teenaged adj. 十来岁的 *teens n. 十来岁的年龄层25. telegram n. 电报 v. 发电报给*telegraph n. 电报(指通讯方式);电报机 v. 发电报给26. telephone n. 电话 v. 打电话 *telephone box公共电话亭27. televise v.

14、 用电视播放 *television n. 电视(略作TV); 电视机(=TV set)*watch TV看电视; * on TV 在电视上; *TV station 电视台28. tell v. 说出;告诉;讲述;吩咐;分辨 *retell v. 复述*tell A from B = tell A and B apart 辨别A 与B*tell right from wrong 分辨是非29. temper n. 心情;脾气 *hot-tempered adj. 易怒的,暴躁的*lose ones temper 发脾气e.g. Those who have trouble sleeping

15、tend to lose their temper.*in a good/bad temper 心情好;心情不好30. temperate adj. (气候)温和的;温带的31. temperature n. 温度 *take ones temperature 量体温32. temple n. 寺庙33. temporary 临时的34. tempt v. 引诱,诱惑 *tempt sb. to do 引诱某人做 e.g. Many companies tempt consumers to buy their products through false ads. *temptation n.

16、 诱惑 resist the temptation to do 抵抗.的诱惑35. tenant n. 租户; 房客36. tend v. 倾向于; 照管,护理 *tendency n. 趋势,倾向*tend to do 往往,易于 e.g. If a person lives under great pressure for a long time, he tends to suffer from different diseases.37. tender adj. 温柔的;柔弱的;(肉等)嫩的38. tennis n. 网球 * the table tennis 乒乓球 = (ping-p

17、ong)39. tense adj. 绷紧的;紧张的 n. 时态 *tension n.绷紧;紧张40. tent n. 帐篷41. term n. 学期;期限;术语 *midterm adj. 期中的*in terms of 在.方面,就.而言;用.的字眼e.g. In terms of facilities, the restaurant may not be ranked first.*in the long/short term 就长期/短期而言42. terminal n. 终点站;终端 adj. 终点的;末端的43. terrible adj. 可怕的;厉害的,严重的;很糟的 *t

18、erribly adv. 非常,很;可怕地44. terrific adj. 极好的45. territory n. 领土46. terror n. 恐惧;恐怖 *terrorism n. 恐怖主义 *terrorist n. 恐怖分子*terrify v. 使惊恐 *terrified adj. 感到恐惧的 *terrifying adj. 令人恐惧的47. test n. & v. 测验;试验,测试;化验;考验48. text n. 课文; 正文 * textbook 教科书,课本49. thank v. 感谢,谢谢 n. (用thanks)感谢,谢意 * Thanksgiving Day

19、 感恩节*thank sb. for.因.而感谢某人e.g. Thank you for offering us so many practical suggestions.*thanks to 多亏,由于e.g. Thanks to a series of new inventions, doctors can treat the disease successfully.thankful adj. 感激的 *be thankful to sb. for.因.而感谢某人50. that pron. & adj. 那个 adv. (相当于so)那么that is = that is to sa

20、y 就是说,即this pron. & adj. 这个 adv. (相当于so)这么51. theatre n. 戏院;电影院 *go to the theatre 去看戏(或电影)52. theft n. 偷窃(罪);失窃 *thief n. 贼 (pl. thieves)53. theme pron. 题目,主题54. then adv. 那时;然后;那么,既然这样 *from then on 从那时起(一般过去时)*since then 从那时起至今(现在完成时)55. theory n. 理论 * theoretical adj. 理论的56. therapy n. 治疗,疗法57.

21、there adv. 在那里;there be (有)*over there 在那边 *There is no doing.不可能;不允许e.g. There is no denying that the environment has a great effect on the growth of children. There is no writing on the blackboard today as the paint is still wet.58. thereby adv. 因此59. therefore adv. 因此60. thick adj. 厚的;粗的;浓的;茂密的61

22、. thin adj. 薄的;细的;瘦的62. thing n. 事,物; things 情况*For one thing, .; for another, . 一则.; 再则.63. think v. 想; 思考; 认为 *unthinkable adj. 无法想象的*think about 考虑 e.g. Have you thought about what the future society will be like?*think of 想起;考虑;为.着想 e.g. I have thought of a place where I can live in peace and en

23、joy my work.*think 把.看作*think over 仔细考虑 e.g. Whatever you do, you must think it over before doing it.*think hard 冥思苦想*think to oneself 自思自忖*thought n. 思考;想法;思想 *on second thought 重新考虑后*thoughtful adj. 沉思的;考虑周到的;体贴人的*thoughtless adj. 欠考虑的;不体贴人的64. thirsty adj. 口渴的;渴望的 *thirst n. 口渴;渴望65. thorou

24、gh adj. 彻底的66. those pron. & adj. 那些 *those who.那些.的人e.g. Those who waste their life will achieve nothing in the end.67. though conj. 虽然,尽管 adv. 然而(置于句末或句中)68. thread n. 线; 线索,思路 vt.穿线于69. threat n. 威胁 *threaten v. 威胁*be threatened with/by 受到.的威胁e.g. The living things in this area are seriously thre

25、atened with industrial pollution.*threaten to do威胁说要e.g. He threatened to make the photo public if the manager dismissed him.70. throat n. 咽喉,喉咙71. through prep. & adv. 通过*throughout prep. 遍及;贯穿72. throw v. 投,掷,抛,扔 n. 投掷(距离或高度)73. thunder n. 雷声; 雷鸣般的响声,轰隆声 v. 打雷*thunderstorm n.雷暴,雷雨74. thus adv. 这样;

26、因此75. ticket n. 票;入场券;罚单 *a ticket for.票 *air ticket 飞机票*single ticket = one-way ticket 单程票;return ticket 往返票;回程票round-trip ticket 往返票 76. tide n. 潮汐;潮流,趋势77. tidy adj. 整洁的,整齐的 v. (常与up连用)使整洁,整理,收拾*tidiness n. 整洁,整齐 *untidy adj. 不整洁的,不整齐的78. tie v. 系,栓 n. 领带,领结; (ties)关系79. tight adj. 紧的 adv. 紧紧地 *t

27、ighten v. 使变紧80. till prep. & conj. 直到.为止81. time n. 时间;times 时代; 次; 倍 v. 计时 *timing n. 计时*Its time for sb. to do sth.是某人做某事的时候了e.g. The dishes he cooks look nice but taste bad, so its time for him to receive training.*Its high time that.是某人做某事的时候了 (从句用一般过去时)*ahead of time 提前; behind time推迟e.g. Cons

28、idering his poor health, he retired two years ahead of time.*ahead of the times 走在时代前面; behind the times 跟不上时代潮流*all the time 一直,始终 *at any time 随时 *at times 有时 *at a time 一次;同时,连续地 *at one time曾经 *for the time being暂时*in ancient times在古代; in modern times在现代*by the time到.时候为止(连词) e.g. By the time he graduates from university next year, he will have learned English for eight years.e.g. By the time both sides reached an agreement, I had stayed in the hotel for

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