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1、The earth where we live is a big globe.第三步:按下列顺序检查句子孙老师特别提示:英文书面表达注意事项1 注意英语的三个句子,举什么旗子不要错,不要丢。2.小心单数复数和冠词。3注意时态,主动被动4注意肯定否定,别忘了问号。5注意定语的位置,及从句的连词 例2 .正是那棵 树在洪水中 救了 他们的命。第一步: 正是 那棵树 在洪水中 救了 他们的命。 主+谓+宾+状 The tree saved their lives in the flood(s).第二步:确定成分-强调句型-扩大句子 It was the tree that saved their l

2、ives in the flood(s).注意该句应为过去时,做题容易错,生命忘掉加s- 例3 我们 无法想象 在那个遥远的星球上存在什么东西。先确定句型,举什么旗子, 把句子缩小到只剩下基本句型 我们 无法想象 在那个遥远的星球上存在什么东西。主+谓+宾We cannot imagine 确定成分-宾语从句-确定连词what -扩大句子We cannot imagine what exists on that far-away planet.如词汇量小的同学也可选自已会的单词,条条大路通罗马。We cannot suppose what is on that far-away planet.

3、注意该句中的连词。- 例4 他今早上学又迟到了。昨晚他肯定是睡得太晚了。他今早上学又迟到了。主+系动词+表 He was late for the school again this morning.确定成分-原因状语从句-确定连词 -扩大句子He was late for the school again this morning for he must have gone to sleep too late last night.注意该句中的连词,从句是对过去的推测用must have done-例5 然而,在那个国家 还有成千上万的年轻人 却很难找到工作。然而,在那个国家 还有成千上万的

4、年轻人 却很难找到工作。There be in that country, there are also thousands and thousands of young people确定成分-确定成分-定语从句-who-扩大句子However, in that country there are also thousands and thousands of young people who find it very difficult to get work.注意该句中的连词,从句动词不定式做宾代补语后置北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试(A)答案20051119Section B Di

5、rections: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly. 81正是那棵 树在洪水中 救了 他们的命。82我们 无法想象 在那个遥远的星球上存在什么东西。83他今早上学又迟到了。84父母没有预料到孩子的问题这样难回答。85然而,在那个国家 还有成千上万的年轻人 却很难找到工作。 key-The tree saved their lives in the flood(s)It was the tree th

6、at saved their lives in the flood(s).It is beyond our imagination that what exits in that star which is so far away.He was late for the school again this morning. He must have stayed up too late last night. (He must have gone to sleep too late last night.)He was late for school again this morning. H

7、e must have gone to bed very late yesterday evening.The parents did not expect that the childs question would be so hard/difficult to answer.The parents didnt expect that it would be so hard/difficult to answer the childs question.The parents didnt expect that the child would ask such a difficult qu

8、estion.The parents did not expect that their childs question was too hard to give a reply.However, there are still thousands of young people who are hard to find a job in that country.二、捕捉题目中的重点语法现象、特定句型和重要短语1 常考的重点语法现象 不定式、分词、动名词、名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句、虚拟语气、倒装句等都是汉译英考题的重点语法。因在前面第二章第四节中已经讨论过,本章不再赘述。2 特定句型

9、这里讨论的是几个常考句型。比较给常考句型:asas(和一样);moremore(比多);less(more) than(比少);th(比少);例如:他的空闲时间没有人们所想的那么多。He hasnt so (as)much free time as people think.约翰的工厂同亨利的工厂一样难以管理Johns factory is as difficult to manage as Henrys.他告诉我们新版本比旧版便宜一些。He told us that the new edition was less expensive than the old one.山越高,其温度越低.T

10、he higher a mountain is , the lower its temperature is .你拥有的越多,你所需求的就越多。The more you have ,the more you will want.句型“It is .to./ It is .that .”这两个句型中it都是形式主语,用来替代句子中的不定式或主语从句。当作主语的不定式或从句比较长时,就用it作形式主语的这个句型。如: 晚起是一种坏习惯。 It is a bad habit to get up late. 要在三个小时内完成这项试验是很不可能的。 It is quite impossible to

11、finish this experiment within three hours. 他如何致富依然是个迷。 It is still a mystery how he became rich. 很显然,生产决策实际上依靠的是信息资料。 It is clear(obvious) that a production decision, in fact, depends on the information. 据说我们不久要再建两个实验室。 It is said that we will build two more labs before long. 原来没人记得地址。 It turned out

12、 that nobody remembered the address. 他似乎该为这一错误负全部责任。 It seemed that he alone was responsible for the mistake.“not.until.”句型。“not.until.”句型是很具有代表性的句型。 直到失去健康之后我们才知道健康的宝贵。 We dont realize the preciousness of the health until we lose it . 直到半夜他才上床。 He did nt go to bed until midnight. It wasnotuntilthat

13、he wantto 这个句型经常用作倒装句或用在强调句型中。例如上面两句可以写为: It is not until we lose it that we realize the preciousness of health. Not until we lose it do we realize the preciousness of health. It was not until midnight that he went to bed . Not until midnight did he go to bed .一些重要的引导状语从句的连词,如so that(以便),so.that.(如此

14、.以至于),as far as(只要),however(= no matter how无论如何),no matter.(无论),although(尽管),while(一边.一边),just as (正如),in case(= for fear that万一)。 讲清楚些、大声点,以便他们能听懂你的话。 Speak clearly and loudly so that they can understand you.夜黑沉沉的,我们什么也看不见。It was such a dark night that we could not see anything. 既然你提到这件事,我就向你解释一下。

15、Now that you mention it, I will explain it to you. 只要我们合作,就会很容易完成这工作。 As long as we cooperate, we can finish the work easily. 尽管他努力学习,也没有通过考试。 Although he studied hard, he failed to pass the exam. 带上伞,免得下雨。 Take the umbrella with you in case it rains. it 用作形式宾语 他们发现在10点前不可能把一切准备好。 They found it impo

16、ssible to get everything ready before 10 oclock. 我认为费这么大劲不值得。 I dont think it worthwhile taking such trouble. 我们把帮助别人看成是我们的责任。 We regard it our duty to help others.太而不能。 这项工作太难了,你干不了。 This job is too difficult for you to do. used to do 和 be used to doing 我过去喜欢画画。 I used to like painting 我习惯每

17、天画画. I am used to painting pictures everyday. not only .but also .,either .or , neither.nor 你可以留在这儿也可以和我们一起去。You may either stay here or go with us.他既不知道也不关心发生了什么事。 He neither knows nor cares what has happened. 我不知道地址,他也不知道。 I dont know the address, neither does he. 你不仅滑稽而且机智。 You are not only funny

18、 but also witty.后接不定式和动名词意义不同的动词,如remember, forget, regret, go on . 我很遗憾地通知你,你被解雇了。 I regret to inform you that you are dismissed. 去邮局时别忘了把包裹带上。 Dont forget to take the parcel with you when you go to the post office. 我记得在哪儿见过他。 I remember seeing him somewhere. 必须接动名词的动词或固定结构,如mind, cant help ,have t

19、rouble doing sth.,It is worth doing sth., It is no good doing sth.(做某事是没用的),It is no use doing sth.等。 你介意我开窗户吗? Do you mind my opening the window? 我禁不住大哭起来。 I cant help laughing. 我发动不了汽车了。 I had trouble getting the car started. 现在给他打电话也没用。 It is no use calling him now. 这本书值得读。 It is worth reading.北京

20、地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试2006年4月22日真题(A卷)汉译英81.他起得很早为的是赶上第一班公共汽车。82.直到昨天晚上他才改变了他的主意。83.同意这项建议的请举手。84.无论多忙,你都应该抽时间看望父母。85.每次访问他们都会发现这个城市呈现出新的面貌。key-He gets (got) up early so (in order) that he may (might) catch the first bus. He gets (got) up early so (in order) to catch the first bus. He did not change his m

21、ind until yesterday evening (last night).Not until yesterday evening did he change his mind.It was not until yesterday evening that he changed his mind.Those who agree to (are for/ are in favor of ) this (the) proposal(suggestion) ,please raise(put up) your hands.No matter how busy you are , you should spare (some) time to visit your parentsThey would find (that) the city took on a new look every time they visited it.

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