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1、 My pen pal comes from France. 划线部分同义句:Where _ ? My pen pal _.拓展:划线部分提问The girl from Canada studies in China now ._ gril _ in China now ?2. What language does he speak ? 他说什么语言?He speaks Japanese.日语。思考并完成表格:国家 语言 人/复数E.G. England English Englishman/Englishmen China Japan FranceCanada3. I can speak a

2、 little French . 我能说一点法语。易混淆词组:a litlle 一点儿 (修饰不可数名词)否定:造句:a few 一点儿 (修饰可数名词)否定:4. Is there a big supermarket near here? 这附近有超市吗?与Could you tell me ? 合为一句并用同义词组替换Could you tell me_ _a big supermarket _ _ _ ?同义句:Could you tell me _ ?Could you tell me _?Could you tell me _?Could you tell me _?Could yo

3、u tell me _?5. There are some pay phones in the neighborhood .附近有许多付费电话划线部分提问:_ in the neighborhood ?变为否定句:There _ _ pay phones . 反义疑问句:There are some , _ _ ?句型 There be + 某事/某人+ 某地/某时 表示“有”一般将来时 There will be 或 There is/are going to be There be 句型遵循就近原则选择:There _ some bread and turkey slices on the

4、 table. A. is B. are 6. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. 娱乐的好地方 A.划线部分的同义词组:_ _B.have fun doing sth.在做某事的过程中有乐趣拓展; have trouble/problems doing sth 做某事有困难C.句型:a place/time/person to do sth 一个做某事的地方/时间/人7. across 与through 穿过go across 指从表面上 = _go through 指从空间内At last , they trekked _ the dese

5、rt successfully . A. across B. through C. over III. 练习词汇1. China lies between two _ /ktrz/ 2. He _ /t:nz/ left onto Main Street.3. _ /welkm/ back to school , class !4. I sat _/btwi:n/ the two students.5. She _ /hups/ to catch a taxi soon . 改写句子1.There are two books in the schoolbag. _ in the schoolb

6、ag?2. Did you have a good time with your friends last Sunday ? = Did you _ _ with ?3. She likes going to the movies. (加入 play sports变为选择疑问句) _ she _ going to the movies or _ sports ?4. Are there any zoos there ? He wondered (合为一句) He wondered _ _ _ zoos there . ?5. She moved to a house with a garden

7、 _ _ did she move to ?6. Theres a hospital on the other side of the police station . = The hospital is _ _ the police station.翻译1.Some students think Fifth Avenue is a wonderful place _ _ _ _ . (散步) 2. 他的加拿大笔友现在住在中国。His pen pal _Canada _ _ China now .3. 沿着路直走,你就会发现邮局就在车站的对面。_ _ the road, and you can

8、 find the post office is _ _ the bus stop . 4. 步行穿过公园就是花园之旅的开始。_ _ the park is the _ _ the garden tour . 词形 be, take , mean , difference , himself A supermarket is _ from other stores in several ways. There _ a lot of goods in a supermarket. The customers can _ things by themselves and take them to

9、the check-out counter. This _ supermarkets need fewer workers. 中考链接1. The students usually have a lot of fun _ their teachers _ a sxhool trip . A. with, taking B. with, to take C. for, take D. of , taking 2. There _ a concert tomorrow. A. is going to be B. is going to have C. is going D. will have 3

10、. Excuse me, please tell me _. There is a shop over there. You can get some there. A. how I can find a supermarket B. where the supermarket is C. where I can buy some fruit4. Do you often write _ your pen friend ? Yes, once a month.A.with B. for C. to 5. Before 2003, there was no direct airline _ Ta

11、iwan and the mainland. A. along B. in C. between D. at 6. Excuse me,wheres the museum?Is it_the library?Yes.Theyre opposite to each other toB.across front ofD. in the front of 7. In our school library there _ a number of books on science and the number of them _ growing larger and la

12、rger. A. is , are B. are, is C. has , is D. have, are 8. The tired people found an old house _ . A. live B. to live C. live in D. to live in 9. There _ a lot of rain in this area in August every year.A. is B. was C. are D. were10. He has _ fruit but he has _ vegetables. A. little, a few B. few, a li

13、ttle C. a little, few D. little, few Unit3-4学案1. kind of=a bit =a little 有几分,有点儿 2. be friendly to sb:对某人友好be friendly with sb:和某人友好相处3. like doing sth:喜欢做某事(习惯性的) 4. like to do sth:喜欢做某事(偶尔一次的、未发生的)5. play with 和玩6. work with 和一起工作 7. work for 为工作8. work hard/late努力工作(学习)/工作到很晚9. getfrom从得到10. give

14、 sb sth=give sth to sb把某物给某人11. talk to/with 和谈话12. work in a hospital 在医院工作1. Why do you like koalas ?你为什么喜欢树袋熊?Because theyre kind of cute . 因为他们有点可爱。划线部分= _ . 注意:kind 还有指“种类”词组:造句(特殊疑问句):The coat looks a little old . A. a bit of B. a kind of C. kind of How much _ this kind of socks? A. is B. are

15、C. does 2. He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day划线提问_ _ _ he usually sleep and relax every day ?_ _ he sleep and relax 20 hours ?3. What does he do ?他是干什么的?He is a nurse . 他是名护士。划线部分= _ his job ? = _ _ he ?4.I wear a white uniform and I help doctors我穿白色制服,协助医生工作A.划线部分= _ wear 的过去式和过去分词_ _

16、 1) wear 穿着,表状态2)be in 穿着颜色的衣服3)put on 穿表动作 反义词组_ 4)dress sb./dress oneself 给穿衣dress up 装扮B. a uniform /ju:/用“a”或“an”填空 :_ university, _ unbrella , _ usual thing _ , _ unusual person , _ ugly fish 5. People give me their money or get their money from me. 人们把他们的钱给我或是从我这儿得到钱。划线部分变被动:Their money _ _ _

17、me by peopleget from 从得到6. 单数变复数:leave _ thief _ 7. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night. 划线部分可替换成:_ 1)sometimes 有时He arrives late for school sometimes . _ _ does he arrive ?2) sometime 某时,指时间点3) some times 几次,几倍Iv seen the film some times . _ _ _ have you seen ?4) some time 一段时间1. Wha

18、t do you usually do _ /dur/ your summer holidays ?2. His sister works as a _ /n:s/ in a hospital . 3. He ususally _ /rlksz/ 20 hours every day . 4. She _ /w :/(wore) a scarf yesterday.5. There are many _/li:vz/ on the ground. 6. Our teacher often asks us to read newspapers and _ /mgzi:nz/ after clas

19、s. 选择1. The coat looks_ old. A. a bit of B. kind of C. a kind of D. a little of 2. Whats your uncle ? _ A. Hes OK . B. Hes busy . C. Hes a waiter. 3. Whos the man _ a hat ?A. wearing B. in C. A and B both are right 4. Martin _ comes to school in his fathers car. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time

20、s 5. Do you like to work _ the day or _ night ? A. in , at B. at , in C, in, in 6. There are going to have a picnic _ next week . A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes 7. Lying in the sun on a beach sounds _ . A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. to relaxing 8. My grandpa enjoys _ Beijing Opera on rad

21、io. A. listen B. listening C. listening to 9. Whats his favorite _ music ? A. kind of B. kind C. kinds D. a kind 11. We _ milk _ the cows . A. give, to B. get , from C. borrow , from , D. lend , to 12. I heard that theres an _ crocodile in the pool. A. cute B. lazy C. friendly D. ugly 1. What does h

22、e do ? = _ his _ ? = _ he ?2. We like dolphins because theyre very cute. _ _ you like dolphins ?3. He gave me a book . = He gave _ _ _ _ . 1. 动物园的动物对我们很友好.The animals in the zoo are _ _ us. 2. 大象们喜欢和朋友们玩耍并且喜欢吃树叶。Elephants like _ _ _ their friends and _ _ . 3. 你想要一个忙碌但是令人兴奋的工作吗?Do you want a _ but _

23、job ?4. 你想参演校园剧吗?Do you want to _ _ the school play ?5. 吴老师喜欢穿黑夹克。 Mr Wu likes _ a black jacket. 词形go, run , kind, put, walk, on , wind Mrs Jones lives near her school, and she always _ there in the morning. All her students in her class are very young. _ a very cold and _ morning in Octover, Mrs Jo

24、nes walked to the school, the cold wind went into her eyes, and big tears began _ out of them. She reached the school, opened the door and _ into the hall . It was nice and warm there and Mrs Jones was happy. But then a small boy looked at her for a few seconds , _ his arm around her and said _, “Do

25、nt cry, Miss. School isnt very bad.”1. The boy was able to _ himself when he was very young . A. dress B. wear C. put on 2. The toy car is an interesting thing _ . A. playing B. to play with C. play D. to play Unit5-6学案1. read a book =do some reading:读书2. talk on the phone 打电话talk about 谈论3. wait for. :等候4. be with sb:和某人在一起5. TV show:电视节目6. sound terrible 听起来很可怕7. cook dinner/supper:做晚饭8. pretty good:相当好9. on vacation:(介词)在度假10. in this heat:在高温下/在这么热的天11. take photos=take a photo:拍照12. be surprised:惊讶(+从句)13. a group of students:一群学生14. look cool看上去很酷1. What is she

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