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1、 A. prevent B. protect C. present D. provide( )6. (2018盐城)Yueda Group has found a way to the waste and doesnt put it into the river any more. A. produce B. recycle C. require D. protect( )7. (2018武汉)一He said he wanted to own a big farm. 一Who what he says? He is such a big mouth. A. knows B. wonders

2、C. cares D. remembers( )8. (2018天津) I am afraid we cannot to take a taxi. Lets go by underground instead. A. refuse B. afford C. forget D. fall( )9. (2018益阳) It me two hours to help Mary with her math last Saturday. A. took B. spent C. paid( )10. (2018安徽)一Im afraid I might forget to buy the bread af

3、ter work. 一Dont worry. I will you then. A. notice B. allow C. remind D. promise( )11. (2018青岛)一I cant find my mobile phone.t worry. Maybe you it at home. A. forgot B. missed C. lost D. left( )12. (2018东营)一Jack. the Maldives(马尔代夫)may because of the rising sea level. 一God! We must do something to stop

4、 that happening. A. rise B. move C. grow D. disappear( )13. (2018河南)一Hey, Jeremy. Tony and I want to the new Italian restaurant tonight. Come with us! 一Why not? A. try B. taste C. choose D. search( )14. (2018贵港)一Have you finished your homework? 一Yes. It me an hour to do it. A. spent B. took C. cost

5、D. paid( )15. (2018黔南)The soup would better with more salt. A. eat B. sound C. taste D. feel( )16. (2018深圳)一Jack to help at the underground station on Saturdays. 一Coon Lets join him next Saturday. A. offers B. refuses C. forgets( )17. (2018天水)一Always yourself with others, and you may have tons of pr

6、essure. 一I feel the same way. One should believe in himself. A. connect B. complain C. compare D. consider( )18. (2018新疆)一Wow, your sweater is very beautiful! How much is it? 一Thank you. It me 30 dollars. A. spend B. paid C. cost D. take( )19. (2018襄阳)一China has great progress in the fight against p

7、overty(贫困)in the past five years. 一Thats true. The government has helped more than 68 million people get out of poverty. A. done B. made C. offered D. caught( )20. (2018江西)The food is very delicious in that restaurant. We could go and it. A. sell B. help C. produce D. try( )21. (2018山西) If a student

8、 is able to somebody else what hes learnt from textbooks, it shows hes understood it well. A. post B. lend C. teach( )22. (2018菏泽)The Boeing 737 of Cuba airline crashed(坠毁)in Havana on May 18, 2018, which more than 100 deaths. A. caused B. influenced C. forced( )23. (2018宜昌)一A research suggests that

9、 walking helps people live longer. 一I quite agree, but it on when and how they walk. A. remains B. separates C. returns D. depends( )24. (2018梧州)Mr. Smith will arrive at our school next week. The underlined part arrive atmeans . A. get B. go C. come D. reach( )25. (2018北部湾经济区四市)The strawberries deli

10、cious. You can have a try. A. eat B. drink C. taste D. sound( )26. (2018昆明)The government will take action to the problem of heavy extracurricular burden(课外负担)on primary and middle school students. A. deciding B. decide C. solving D. solve( )27. (2018阜康、米泉)一Why were you late for school this morning?

11、 一Because my alarm clock didnt go off and I . A. changed B. completed C. overslept D. missed( )28. (2018日照)The high-speed train will you about two hours from Rizhao to Jinan. A. save B. pay C. use D. spend( )29. (2018呼和浩特)一The price of vegetables so quickly these days. 一Oh, no, but I dont think so.

12、A. afford B. rises C. improves D. raise( )30. (2018包头)Im afraid I didnt you. Could you repeat your words? A. believe B. follow C. please D. satisfy( )31. (2018昆明)Stephen Hawking, a great scientist, had a strong will(意志).His serious illness never him living a meaningful and colourful life. A. learned

13、; from B. protected; from C. saved; from D. stopped;( )32. (2018抚顺)She was an e-mail from her friend the whole morning, but it didnt come. A. explaining B. expressing C. expenencing D. expecting( )33. (2018本溪)一Lin Jia, you have a loving grandma, right? 一Yes, she always her time with me whenever I ne

14、ed her. A. spends B. uses C. takes D. pays( )34. (2018莱芜)一Oh, dear! I cant find my key to the office.t worry. I think you might it in your car. A. offer B. forget C. borrow D. leave( )35. (2018宜昌)一In the past five years, China has played an important role in the Belt and Road. 一It has many nations a

15、 great chance to communicate. A. offered B. supported C. included D. directed( )36. (2018自贡)一Is that Mr. Wang in the classroom? 一It cant be him. He the village to be a volunteer. A. has been in B. has been to C. has gone to( )37. (2018泸州)It about eight minutes for the light to travel from the sun to

16、 the earth. A. pays B. costs C. spends D. takes( )38. (2018襄阳)一Is your brother at home? I want to tell him about our picnic. 一Oh. he is out at the moment. Can I a message for him? A. find B. give C. take D. tell( )39. (2018福建)一Do you enjoy Chinese Folk Songs? 一Yes, the folk songs nice. A. sound B. s

17、mell C. look( )40. (2018东营)一Ive tried hard at my schoolwork but still .t be upset. Sometimes losing is only a sign that you really tried. A. failed B. worried C. improved D. succeeded( )41. (2018孝感)With the help of the Internet, information can every corner of the world quickly. A. get B. raise C. r

18、each D. turn( )42. (2018宿迁)This kind of pen ,and is also very cheap. I think you can buy some. A. writes well B. writes good C. is written well D. is written good( )43. (2018武威)一I cant find my English textbook. 一Is it possible that you it at home? A. lost B. saw C. left D. gave( )44. (2018武汉)一Who th

19、e computer? 一Sorry, Ive no idea. But it has changed the world greatly. A. invented B. discovered C. made D. played( )45. (2018凉山)一Can you help me meet my friend Steve at the airport, Joe? 一With pleasure. What does he look like? 一He of medium height and he small eyes. A. has; has B. is; is C. has; is

20、 D. is; has( )46. (2018淮安)The professor reached Nanjing last Wednesday. He there for 10 days. A. has been B. has got C. has reached D. has arrived动词短语淮安)The girl has to her grandma because her parents are working in another city. A. look at B. look into C. look through D. look after常州)一Manager, all

21、the machines just now 一What? Call the engineer at once. A. broke down B. turned down C. broke out D. turned out徐州)I look stupid with this haircut. All my classmates will me. A. laugh at B. agree with C. depend on D. worry about扬州)We should stop fireworks to reduce pollution. A. getting off B. turnin

22、g off C. taking off D. setting off无锡)The king didnt take any notice of the noise in the crowd and with the parade. A. carry on B. carry out C. carried on D. carried out连云港)一Im sorry to on you, but there are some things I donunderstand. 一It doesnt matter. A. cut down B. cut out C. cut in D. cut off苏州

23、)一Little Jenny looks unhappy today.t worry. A box of chocolates will her . A. give; up B. wake; up C. cheer; up D. pick; up泰州)一Simon failed the exam again.s not surprising. Computer games too much of his time. A. take in B. take on C. take off D. take up宿迁)一How is our government going to deal with t

24、he office building? 一It will he a library. A. turned off B. turned on C. turned out D. turned into盐城) These new types of energy cost very little and will never . A. look out B. come out C. run out D. stay out温州)一Alices room is tidy, isnt it? 一Yes. She always her toys after playing with them. A. look

25、s for B. puts away C. sweeps away D. pays for武汉) I took the subway and at the downtown station. A. got through B. got over C. got on D. got off莱芜)Anna is preparing for the coming exam, so she has to the invitation to the party. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off D. turn up云南)We can some information

26、 about this city on the Internet. A. look up B. look like C. look after D. look forward to本溪)一When will the plane ? 一At 2:00 this afternoon. A. cut off B. put off C. turn off D. take off抚顺) your dream, and go for it. I believe you can succeed in the end. A. Hear from B. Take after C. Stick to D. Dep

27、end on阜康、米泉)Anyone who is good at singing can the activity in our school. A. take part in B. take off C. take out D. take care of长春)When you meet a new word, you can in a dictionary. A. cut it up B. clean it up C. look it up D. put it up福建)Grandma wants to watch the program Legal Report. Please the TV. A. turn off B. tu

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