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1、I am sorry,I dont understand.Could you please repeat that?I am sorry,Could you show me若不肯定对方的意思,可重复一次对方的话:Do you mean若依然不明白,不要干着急或佯作听懂,应找人协助:Just a moment,please.Ill get the manager.(5)不懂回答时不要说“I dont know.”,你的责任是替客人解决问题,可说:One moment,please.Ill check that for you.Just a moment,please.Ill find it ou

2、t.然后请教上司或同事。(6)打招呼热诚地跟客人打招呼,令对方感到亲切,若能叫出客人的名字便更好,但要注意礼貌,不要说“Hello”,应说早安或午安,如:Good morning,Mr Dickinson.Good afternoon,sir/madam.May I help you?Good evening,sir/madam.Welcome to Yue Yang Hotel.晚上客人回来时,可说:How are you today,Mr Davis?(7)答应客人的要求时Certainly,sir.Ill get them right away,madam.(8)拒绝客人的要求时Im a

3、fraid,we dont have this kind of service.Im terribly sorry,it is against the house/hotels rules.Im afraid thats not so.(9)道歉的时候Im very sorry for the delay.Sorry to have kept you waiting.Im very sorry for the mistake.I would like to apologize for the mistake.(10)回答客人的道谢时You are welcome.Not at all.Glad

4、 to be of service.(11)回答客人的道歉时Thats all right,sir.Dont worry about that,madam.(12)送客人时。若对方尚未退房,可说:Have a nice day.Have a pleasant weekend.Have an enjoyable evening.相反地,若客人离去时跟你说上述的话,可回答:You too,sir.Some to you,madam.若客人已退房,可说:We hope you enjoyed staying with us.Thank you for staying with us.大堂预订房间对话

5、1 个人预订R:ReservationistG:GuestGood morning,room reservations,Can I help you? 早上好!订房部,我能为您效劳吗?I would like to book a room in your hotel. 我想在你们的酒店订一个房间。What kind of room would you prefer?A single room or a double room? 你喜欢什么样的房间,单人房还是双人房?A double room,please. 双人房。From which date and for how many nights

6、? 由什么时候开始?打算住多久呢?From July 25 to July 28. 由7月25日至7月28日。Could you please hold on?Ill check our rooms availability.(After a while) Yes,sir.We do have a double room for those days but it is with a double bed,not twin beds.Would you mind that? 请别挂断,让我查看那几天有没有空房间。(过了一会)对了,我们在这段日子里有一间双人房,但那是双人床的房间,而并非两张单人

7、床的,请问你介意吗?Thats O.K.Ill be with my wife.Whats the rate? 没问题,我跟太太一起。价钱多少/It is one hundred and twenty U.S.dollars per night. 一百二十美元一晚。Ill take that. 就这样吧。May I have your name,please? 请问贵姓?Yes,it is Bruce. 我叫布鲁斯。How do you spell it,please? 请告诉我怎么拼。B-R-U-C-E. B-R-U-C-E.And your initials,please? 还有阁下名字的

8、第一个字母。J.K. J.K.May I have your phone number,Mr Bruce? 布鲁斯先生,请告诉我你的电话号码。27854466. 27854466。At what time will you arrive? 你预订什么时候会抵达?Around 4p.m. 约下午四时吧。I would like to confirm your reservation.A double room for Mr and Mrs Bruce at one hundred and twenty U.S.dollars per night from July 25 to July 28.

9、It that correct? 让我确认阁下的预约。布鲁斯夫妇预订意见双人房,由7月25日至7月28日,每晚费用为一百二十美元,对吗?Exactly. 完全正确。Thank you very much,Mr Bruce.My name is Jenny and we look forward to serving you. 谢谢你,布鲁斯先生,我的名字是珍妮,我们期待着为你服务。Thank you and goodbye. 谢谢,再见。Goodbye. 再见。对话2 团体预订Room reservations.May I help you? 订房部,我能帮助你吗?Yes,this is th

10、e World Trade Exhibition Company. I would like to reserve ten double rooms with twin beds for five days. 这是世贸展览公司,我想预订十间有两张床的双人房,共五天。From which date? 由什么时候开始呢?From May 12 to May 16. 5月12日至5月16日。One moment, please, sirYes, we can confirm ten rooms for five days. 请等一会,先生,十间双人房,五天,没问题。Thank you. Is the

11、re a special rate for group reservations? 谢谢。团体订房有没有折扣?Yes,sir. There is a twenty per cent discount.Therefore,it is ninety-six U.S.dollars per night.Theres also a ten per cent service charge and a five per cent government tax.有的,我们有八折的优惠,折合是每晚九十六美元。另外还要加算百分之十的服务费和百分之五政府税。Thats fine. 好的。Sir,as we hav

12、e no credit arrangement with your company, we need an advance deposit by company cheque or in cash before the reservation date. 先生,由于我们和贵公司没有信用协定,我们必须在预约日之前收到贵公司的支票或现金订款。Thats alright. 没问题。May I have you name, please?Johnny Yeung of the Administration Department. 行政部的杨仲明。How will the guests to getti

13、ng to YueYang,by air? 客人会怎样来岳阳呢?是否乘搭飞机?Yes. 是的。Could you give me their flight number? 你能告诉我他们的班机号码吗?C:Yes,CX602.Their flight will arrive at they should be there by 6.p.m. CX602,他们的班机会于下午三时抵达,约六时会到达贵店。Thank you very much.My name is Raymond Wang.If you have any queries, please dont hesitate to

14、 contact me. 谢谢,我叫王雷文,若你有任何疑问,请不要犹豫,尽管跟我联络。Oh,yes!We will hold a conference on May 14.Have you got a function room for fifty people? 对了,我们会在5月14日举行一个会议,请问你们有没有可容纳五十人的活动厅?Yes,sir. We have a very nice function hall but you have to talk to the banquet department about that.Please hold on and Ill see if

15、 I can put you through. 我们有一个非常漂亮的活动厅,但详情需跟我们的宴会部联络。请别挂断,让我替你转往那部门。对话3 酒店客满时Room reservations.Can I help you? 订房部,我能为你效劳吗?Id like to reserve a single room for August 25. 我想订一间单人房,8月25日入住。Please hold on.Ill check our rooms availability.(After a while)Im afraid we are fully booked on that day as it is

16、 the peak season.Would it be possible to change your reservation date? Or would you like us to put you on our waiting list? 请别挂断,让我查看当天有没有空房。(过了一会)因为是旺季,那天已经额满了。你能更改预订日期吗?还是你希望我们把你列入后备名单内?No,thanks. It is not possible to change the date.Could you recommend another hotel near Tsim Sha Tsui to me ? 都不

17、用了,谢谢。我不能更改预订日期。你能推荐另一间在尖沙嘴区的酒店给我吗?Yes, of course. If you require a hotel with the same standard as ours, I suggest the Royal Hotel. 当然可以,假若你要求一间跟我们有同样水准的酒店,那么我提议你选皇室酒店。Do you know the rate per night there? 你知道他们的收费吗?Im sorry.We dont have the exact rate but its around a hundred U.S.dollars per night

18、. 对不起,我们没有确切的价目,但大约是一百美元一晚。That sounds good.Do you have their telephone number? 听来挺不错,你有他们的电话号码吗?Yes,it is 28934216. 有,是28934216。Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.Goodbye. 非常感谢你的帮忙,再见。对话4 对房间类型的要求Id like to reserve a room for next Friday to Sunday. 我想在下星期五至日订一间房。Which kind of room w

19、ould you prefer? 你要哪一种房间?I want a triple room with harbour view. 我想要一间向海的三人房。Im sorry. We dont have triple rooms. What we do is to put an extra bed in the double room.Would that be alright? 对不起,我们没有三人房,一般这样的安排是在双人房内加一张床,这样合适吗?I see. Then I prefer a connecting room. 这样我宁愿要一间相连房。We do have connecting

20、rooms but they are all facing the city center,not the harbour. 我们有相连房,但全都是向市中心的,并非向海的。Its too bad.Let me think about it. Ill get back to you later.Thank you very much. Goodbye. 那太糟了,让我考虑一下。我迟些通知你。谢谢,再见。Thanks for calling.Goodbye. 谢谢你的来电,再见。对话5 更改预订资料Good afternoon,room reservations,Can I help you?Ye

21、s, my name is Johnson. I have made a reservation for a double room from May 12 to May 15.Id like to make some changes.The reservation should only be to May 14 and I want it with breakfast. 我的名字是约翰逊,我预定了一间双人房,是由5月12日至5月15日的,我想作一些改动。房间应订至5月14日,而且我希望是包括早餐的。A double room from May 12 to 14, with breakfas

22、t.Is that correct? 一间由5月12日至14日的双人房,连早餐,对不对?Thank you, sir.Do you need limousine service? 谢谢你,你需要机场接送服务吗?Thats exactly what I want.How much does it charge? 这正是我需要的,请问收费如何?A hundred and eighty Hong Kong dollars for one way.You can make the reservation now. We have a counter at the airport where our r

23、epresentative will escort you to the car. 单程收费为港币一百八十元,我们在机场设有柜台,将有专人带领你上车。That sounds good.Ill take that. 这听来挺不错,就这样吧。Thank you, sir.We look forward to serving you. 谢谢你,我们期待着为你服务。实用句(1)表示帮忙 Can I help you? May I help you? What can I do for you?(2)请对方稍候 Just a minute, please. One moment, please. Cou

24、ld you please hold on ? Hang on, please.(3)接受预订 We do have a vacancy/vacant rooms for those dates. We have a double room available for those dates. Were glad to accept your booking.(4)未能接受预订 Im sorry. We are fully booked on that day. Im sorry. We are full for those dates. Im sorry. We dont have trip

25、le room.(5)询问喜好 Would you prefer sea view or mountain view? Would you like a twin or a double、 Which do you prefer, a double or a suite?(6)提出建议 You could book a connecting room/presidential/suite/deluxe suite. Why dont you try the Royal Hotel? They may have vacancy on that date. I suggest you make t

26、he reservation now because there is a special discount.(7)报价 It is a hundred and thirty U.S.dollars for a single room. Price ranges from a hundred and seventy to two hundred U.S.dollars for a double. It costs a hundred and twenty U.S.dollars for a single.(8)告别 Thank you very much.Goodbye. Thank you

27、for calling us. Were looking forward to serving you.词汇Adjoining rooms 邻接房间,中间没门的 block booking 大批订房Cancel/ cancellation 取消 confirm/confirmation 确认Connecting room 以门相隔的相连房 deluxe suite 豪华套房Discount 折扣 double room 双人房Group 团体订房 reservation harbour view 海港景Mountain view 山景 peak/high season 旺季Presidential suite 总统套房 sea view 海景Suite 套房 twin-bedded room 两张单人床的双人房vancancy/vancant room 空房 接待对话1 个人入住登记Good morning, sir. May I help you? 先生,早上好!我能为你效劳吗?Good morning. My name is John Wilson, I have reserved a twin-bedded room for today three weeks ago.我叫约翰威尔逊,我三星期前预订

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