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1、Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory.并不是所有的汽车部件都在这家工厂制造。Not all the students can pass the exam. 并非所有的同学都能通过考试。Not all factories here produce shirts. 这儿的工厂不都生产衬衣。6. 主语+系动词+the same as /the same as “和一样”The English teacher is the same age as my father.英语老师的年龄跟我父亲的一般大。My friend look

2、s the same as before. 我朋友看起来没有多大变化。7It is /was+形容词+不定式 “做某事是” 如:It is wonderful to travel in that great forest. 在那片大森林里旅行,真是太美了。It is very nice to meet you. 见到你真高兴。8主语+be about to do+when “正要做某事时”This afternoon I was just about to go swimming when luckily our guide saw me and shouted at me今天下午我正要下水去

3、游泳,这时幸亏我们的向导看见我,对我大声喊道I was about to go to bed when there was a ring. 我正要睡觉,这时忽然电话铃响了。9What(a/an)+名词+主语+谓语! How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!“多么;真是”如:What a bad sight it was! 多么凄惨的一幅景象啊!What dangerous fish they are! 这些鱼真凶恶!What fine weather (it is)! /What a fine day (it is)! 多好的天气啊!How silly the questions were! 那些问

4、题真愚蠢!10Isnt it?/Dont you do?(否定疑问句用来表示对某事感到吃惊或责备) Isnt it comfortable to sit in the Chinese chair?坐在这把中国式的椅子上难道不舒服吗?Dont you see Im one of yours? 难道你看不出我是你们的同类吗?11 There is nothing but/except“除了外别无其他”Under the soil there is nothing but/except sand. 土壤下面尽是沙子。 For miles and miles I could see nothing b

5、ut/except a great fire and lots of smoke.绵延数英里,我们看到的尽是大火和浓烟。12 It takes /took/will take+sb+some time+to dosth.“某人花多少时间做某事”It took 100 workers one month to complete the bridge.100个工人花了一个月的时间建成了这座大桥。It will take me an hour to do my homework.我将花一小时的时间来做完家庭作业。13.A istimes +形容词比较级/副词比较级+than B“A比B(大、小、高、

6、低等)倍” The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906.现在旧金山市区和郊区的人口是1906年的10倍以上了。The plane can travel many times faster than the train.飞机飞行的速度是火车的好几倍。14 A is times as+形容词/副词+as B “A是B的倍”This year they produced ten times as much grain as they did 5 years ago.这一年他们

7、生产的粮食是5年前的10倍。15 主语+dont +think/believe/expect/imagine/suppose+宾语从句 “认为不会 ”这类动词用来引导一个否定概念时,通常是把这类动词变成否定,而不是把其后宾语从句中的谓语动词变成否定。这在语法上叫做否定的转移。I dont think I will see Mary this morning.我认为今天早上我见不到玛丽。I dont suppose she will marry her daughter to you .我认为她不会把女儿嫁给你。16. 主语+prefer+A to B“喜欢A而不喜欢B”;“喜欢A胜过喜欢B”

8、主语+prefer to do sth.喜欢做某事主语+prefer to do sth1.+rather than do sth 喜欢做事1胜过喜欢做事2主语+prefer doing sth1 to doing sth2喜欢做事1胜过喜欢做事2主语+prefer sb to do st喜欢某人做某事I prefer walking along the country road to staying at home watching TV all the time.我喜欢沿着乡村道路散步,不喜欢呆在家中守着电视看个不停。She prefers chemistry to maths.他喜欢化学

9、胜过数学。17 Would you please do?“请你干某事好吗?”(委婉、客气地表示请求) 如:Would you please read the letter in public? 你当众读读这封信,好吗? Would you please pass me the pictures? 请你递给我那些图片好吗?18 主语+谓语+形容词比较级/副词比较级+and+形容词比较级/副词比较级“越来越”(这种双重比较的结构,表示持续不断的变化)When spring comes, the day is getting longer and longer.春天来了,白天变得越来越长。The k

10、ite is flying higher and higher.风筝飞得越来越高了。19 Why dont you do?“为什么你不?”Why not do?“为什么不?” You had better do“你最好还是”这三个句型用来向朋友提出忠告或建议。Why dont you use your knife? 为什么不用你的刀子呢?Why not just wear a flower? 为什么不只戴一朵花呢?Youd better stay here for the night. 你最好在这里过夜。20 主语+find+it/its+形容词+不定式(短语)“发现做某事是的”He foun

11、d it /its important to study the situation in Russia.他发现研究俄国的形势是很重要的。I find it/its very funny to wear such a hat21.Id like to do sth.“我很想做某事(用来礼貌地提出请求或表示愿意提供帮助)”Would you like to help me with my English? 你能帮我学英语吗?22.Id like to give you a description about the scene.我想为你们描述一下那场景。 -Would you like to g

12、o to the cinema with me? 你想跟我去看电影吗?-Id like to .我愿意。23 It is hoped that“希望”It is said / believed / supposed / reported /that据说人们相信”It is believed that at least 20 buildings were damaged or destroyed.人们相信至少有20座楼房遭到破坏或彻底摧毁。It was reported that more than 100 people had been killed in/by the fire.据报道,有1

13、00多人在那场大火中丧生。24 Thats why“那就是为什么”Thats what/ when/ where “那就是的事情/的时候/的地方”Thats why she was praised. 那就是她受到表扬的原因。Thats where were asked to go. 这就是要求我们去的地方。25 It is+形容词+for sb. to do sth. “某人做某事是”It is very easy for me to work out the chemistry problem.解出这道化学题对我来说很容易。It is important for us to master a

14、 foreign language.我们掌握一门外语是很重要的。26 Its kind /silly /good /wrong of sb. to do sth.“某人做某事是好心的/愚蠢的/好的/错的”Its wrong of you to look down upon the poor. 你看不起穷人是错误的。Its kind of you to say so.你这么说真是太好了。How are you getting on (with your work /studies/ business /your classmates / your sister ) ?你的工作/学习/生意怎么样?

15、你与(某人)相处得怎么样?How are you getting on with your studies?你的学习情况如何?How are you getting on with XiaoWang? 你与小王相处得怎么样?27 主语+find+名词+形容词+不定式(短语) “ 觉得/发现”I find idioms and expressions hard to learn. 我觉得习惯用语和成语难学。He found her hard to deal with. 他觉得她很难对付。形容词/副词+thatclause=such(a/an) +名词+thatclause)“如此.以

16、致”She is so fast that none of us can match her.她跑得如此快,我们当中没有人能和她匹敌。It was such hot weather that all of us went swimming in the nearby lake.天气如此炎热,我们都到附近的湖里去游泳。29 There used to be“过去曾有过”There used to be a lot of coal mines in the south, but many of them have been closed ,or are about to be closed.南部曾

17、经有许多煤矿,但是不少煤矿现在已经关闭了,或濒临关闭。There used to be an old temple on the top of the mountain. 原来这座山顶上曾有一座古庙。30. Cant we /you do sth.?“ 我们(你们)做某事不好吗?Wont you do sth.? / Dont you do sth.?“你们做某事不好吗?上述句型用来表示征求意见或提出邀请,希望得到肯定的回答。Wont you come in for a cup of coffee? 你不进来喝杯咖啡吗?Cant we take a boat to visit the temp

18、le?我们乘小船去看看那座寺庙不好吗?31.I feel like doing sth. (=Id like to do sth.)“我很想干某事(用来表示意愿或希望)” I feel like paying a visit to the Great Wall of China.我很想去参观中国的万里长城。I feel like giving a talk on how to learn English well to all of you.我想给大家作一次关于如何学好英语的报告。32. notbut“不是而是He is not a Japanese, but a Chinese. 他不是日本

19、人,而是中国人。We dont need money but good advece. 我们不需要钱,而需要好的建议。33. Dont take it for granted that. 别认为理所当然.Dont take it for granted that your parents should support you all your life.34. For one thing,. For another,. 一方面;另一方面.For one thing, these shoes dont suit you. For another, they are too expensive.一

20、方面,这双鞋子并不适合你;另一方面,这太贵了35. Hardly.when. 一就. 倒装句型Hardly had she begun speaking when there was a knock on the door.她刚说话就听到敲门声.36. I cant stand it when. 我无法忍受.I cant stand it when people talk with their mouth full. 我无法忍受别人说话的时候满嘴食物.37. I dont think it is necessary to. 我认为没有必要.I dont think it is necessar

21、y to leave so early.我认为没有必要这么早走.38. I doubt that /if /whether. 我怀疑哦不相信.I doubt if what he said is true. 我不相信他所说的是真的.39. In general, . -般而言,.In general, graduates who speak good English will have more chances than those who dont.一般而言,会讲流利英语的毕业生比英语不好的毕业生机会更多.40. It depends on whether. 这取决于是否.It depend

22、s on whether you are determined to do it or not. 这取决于你是否决心要做这件事情.41. It doesnt make sense to.没有任何意义.It doesnt make sense to argue with him. 和他争论没有任何意义42. It occurred to me that. 浮现于我的脑中.俄想起.It suddenly occurred to me that knew how to solve that problem. 我突然想起我知道怎样解决那个问题.43. It is essential that. 有必要

23、. 主语从句使用虚拟语气It is essential that effective measures be taken to protect our civil rights.有必要采取有效的措施来保障我们的公民权利.44. It is good manners to do.是有礼貌的表现.It is good manners to bring along a small gift or some flowers when you are invited to dinner by a foreign friend.如果外国友人邀请你共进晚餐,去的时候带上一份小礼物或者鲜花是有礼貌的表现.45

24、. It is high time . 现在是的时候了./早就应该了. 从句使用虚拟语气It is high time we stopped talking about this silly question.46. It is no use doing sth. 做某事是毫无用处的.It is no use talking without doing. 光说不做是没有用的.47. lts my great honor to.是我莫大的荣幸.Its my great honor to introduce the governor. 我很荣幸向大家介绍我们的州长.48. My point of

25、view is that. 我的观点是.My point of view is that everybody should have the right to get an education.我的观点是每个人都应该有权利接受教育.49. no matter what. 无论什么.No matter what happens, Ill always stand by you. 不论发生什么事,我都永远支持你.50. no one can deny that. 没有人能够否认.No one can deny that the accident was caused by carelessness

26、.没有人能够否认这起事故是由粗心造成的.51. no sooner.than. 一就. 倒装句型No sooner had he closed his eyes than he fell asleep. 他一合眼就睡着了.52. Not until.did. 直到才. 倒装句型Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.直到我开始工作,我才意识到我已蹉跎了很多岁月.53. Theres no point in. 是无意义的.Theres no point in getting angry when thi

27、ngs have happened. 对已发生的事生气是没有意义的.54. We must take action / measures to. 我们必须采取行动/措施以.1) We must take action to keep up with new developments. 我们必须采取行动跟上新发展形势.2) We must take measures to better the traffic. 我们必须采取措施改善交通状况.55. We should make every effort to. 我们应该竭尽全力.We should make every effort to pr

28、otect our valuable drinking water.我们应该尽全力保护我们宝贵的淡水.56. Sb. can do nothing but do. 除了做,某人什么也做不了.Their neighbors tan do nothing but envy their new pool. 他们的邻居只能羡慕他们的新泳池.57. Sb. have / has / had no choice but to do. 某人除了做别无选择.We had no choice but to take a taxi for wed missed the last bus.由于错过了最后一班公共汽车,除了乘坐的士,我们别无选择.58. It takes / took / will take sb. some time / money to do sth.某人花/花了/将花多长时间/多少钱做某事. It took me years of hard wo

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