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1、吃完2phenomenon n. 现象3random adj. 胡乱的;任意的4measurement n. 衡量;测量;尺寸5consequence n. 结果;后果;影响6electrical adj. 电的;与电有关的7mild adj. 温和的;温柔的;淡的8existence n. 生存;存在9tendency n. 倾向;趋势10advocate vt. 拥护;提倡;主张11refresh vt. 使恢复;使振作12presentation n. 显示;演出写出短语1come about 发生;造成2go up 上升;增长;升起3result in 导致4be opposed to

2、 反对5. keep on 继续6on the whole 大体上;基本上7on behalf of 代表一方;作为的代言人8put up with 忍受;容忍9as/so long as 只要10subscribe to 同意;赞成;订购联想拓展形容词后缀al 1National 国家的;民族的2natural 自然的3personal 私人的4additional 额外的5professional 职业的短语串记1be attached to 附属于;喜欢2be accustomed to 习惯于3be addicted to 沉溺于4be devoted to 奉献;致力于5quanti

3、ties of 大量的6numbers of 大量的7amounts of 许多的8masses of 许多的9come across 偶然发现10come out 出现;出版11come to 总计;归纳为12come up 走近;发芽;被提出13put up with 忍耐;忍受;熬过14keep up with 与同步;跟上15catch up with 跟上16end up with 以结束17come up with 提出;想出18as/so far as 就而言;至于19as well as 也;和经典例句Many residents were opposed to tearing

4、 down the old houses.许多居民反对拆毁旧房子。Shes been in China only for days and is not accustomed to eating Chinese food.她才来中国几天,还不习惯吃中餐。Before the exam,I spent quantities of time in preparing for it.在考试前,我花了大量的时间做准备。The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took masses of pictur

5、es of them.这些青年舞蹈演员穿着漂亮的衣服,很迷人,我们拍了很多他们的照片。I can put up with the house being untidy,but I hate it when its not clean.我可以容忍房间里不整齐,但是我讨厌房间里脏。How does it come about that he is so badly off when he earns quite a good salary?他挣那么多钱,却那样贫穷,怎么会这样呢?This magazine,which comes out weekly,appeals to young women

6、much.该杂志每周出版,甚得年轻女人的喜爱。The noise upstairs is too loud and I cant simply put up with it.楼上弄出的噪音很大,我简直受不了了。Dont mind what others say so long as we are confident in what we have done.只要我们对所做的事情有信心就不要介意别人的话。词汇异空间派生词汇原词词义派生词consume vt.消费;consumer n.consumption n1.消费者2.消费steady adj.平稳的;steadily adv.3.平稳地;

7、持续地exist vi.existence n4.生存;grow v(使)生长growth n5.增长;生长consequence n结果;consequent adj.consequently adv.6.随之发生的;作为结果的7.因此;所以contribute v.贡献;撰稿contribution n8.贡献present vt.呈现;赠送presentation n9.显示;tend v趋向;tendencyn10.倾向;.原创语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)Food prices in this country are going up 1.steadily (steady) be

8、cause of a rapid population 2.growth (grow)Farmers have a 3.tendency (tend) to expand the area of arable land for more crops next year.Food 4.consumers (consume) will feel delighted,but the public worries that this will threaten the 5.existence (exist) of wildlife because their habitat may be destro

9、yed.It is really a dilemma for many.单句填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)1My car broke down and consequently (consequence) I was late for the party.2He was given an expensive car as a reward for his contribution (contribute) to the companys success.3A survery shows cigarette consumption (consume) is increasing in rural

10、 areas of this country.4I was asked to give a short presentation (present) on the aims of the project.词法新图谱重点词汇灵活多变的动词词汇词性意义现在分词过去分词consumevt.consumingconsumedsubscribev.同意;捐赠;订阅;捐助subscribingsubscribedtendtendingtendedoppose反对;反抗opposingopposedstate陈述;说明 statingstatedglancevi.看一下;glancingglancedadv

11、ocate拥护;advocatingadvocatedrefresh使恢复;使振作 refreshingrefreshed Scientists tend subscribe (subscribe) to the view that global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels.Coal and oil 2.are consumed (consume) every day,giving off lots of carbon dioxide.With more people 3.opposed (oppose) to using fo

12、ssil fuels,governments 4.have been advocating (advocate) developing clean energy in the past decades.We are convinced that the problem will be coped with one day. 【导学号:11470114】.原创语境改错Whenever she felt depressed,Mary tends to walk down a narrow street.One evening she came to the street again after w

13、as consuming a few cups of alcohol in a bar.She was meant refresh herself.It was stating,however,that this street was not very safe recently.Glanced over her shoulder,Mary found that she was being followed.She rushed back home,almost scared to death.【答案】Whenever she felt depressed,Mary to walk down

14、a narrow street.One evening she came to the street again after consuming a few cups of alcohol in a bar.She was meant refresh herself.It was ,however,that this street was not very safe recently. over her shoulder,Mary found that she was being followed.She rushed back home,almost scared to death.tend

15、 to do sth.“趋向于做某事,易于做某事,往往会”;tend to sb./sth.“照顾;护理”。oppose (sb.)doing sth.反对(某人)做某事;be opposed to doing sth.反对做某事。advocate doing sth.主张(做)某事。have been advocating是现在完成进行时,句中的in the past decades“在过去几十年里”要与现在完成时或现在完成进行时连用。另外,advocate后可接that从句,从句中的谓语动词要用“(should) do”形式。be meant to do sth.“打算做某事;想做某事”。

16、It is stated that.“据称;据说”。As is stated in a newspaper“正如报纸上所说的那样”。glance over ones shoulder“回头一看;扭头一看”。subscribe sb.“把某物捐赠给某人”。相依为命的词搭配搭配例释、联想、拓展动介come about发生;subscribe to 同意;result in 导致come across偶遇,碰到;come to涉及,共计,达到;bring about导致,引起;put up with忍受;动副keep on 继续go up 上升;keep up保持,维持;keep ba

17、ck保持距离;keep out不进入,留在外面;build up加强;累积动名take a glance at.对匆匆一看, 一瞥make a difference 很重要;与众不同;有影响I took a glance at the hall and found many familiar faces among the audience.我扫视了一下大厅,发现观众中有许多熟悉的面孔。介名on the whole大体上;on behalf of 代表on average 一般说来;通常;平均in consequence/as a consequence 结果under no circumst

18、ances 在任何情况下绝不Under no circumstances should a soldier leave his post.士兵无论如何不能离开岗位。On behalf of my company,I thank you for your generous help.我代表公司感谢你们的慷慨帮助。.原创语境填空(填入一个适当的词)How does it come 1.about that the housing price keeps rising in big cities? Some say that land is a scarce resource,which has r

19、esulted the high price.But I dont subscribe the viewpoint.Take a glance the more crowded streets,and you may find the reasons.More people come pouring into big cities.They are,5.on the whole,very wealthy people.6.As a consequence,there is such a great demand for houses that the price

20、will absolutely go 7.up. 【导学号:11470115】Exercising regularly helps us build up for our body and character.But some people stop doing that in summer or winter because they cant put up the heat or cold.Our fitness centre offers you a comfortable environment.Good facilities and services are available at

21、 any circumstances.As the manager,I,on the behalf of our staff,welcome you to our centre for practice.Exercising regularly helps us build up our body and character.But some people stop doing that in summer or winter because they cant put up the heat or cold.Our fitness centre offers you a comfortabl

22、e environment.Good facilities and services are available any circumstances.As the manager,I,on behalf of our staff,welcome you to our centre for practice.句法新天地重点句型There is no doubt that.教材原句 There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that it is human activity that has caus

23、ed this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球正在变暖(看图表1)并且全球转暖是人为的,而不是随意的自然现象。There is no doubt that .“毫无疑问”,that引导的同位语从句。There is no doubt at all that we did the right thing.毫无疑问我们做得对。There is no doubt that Jack is a diligent student.毫无疑问杰克是个勤奋的学生。(1)doubt用在肯定句中时,后面接whet

24、her引导的同位语从句,注意不可以用if替换whether。(2)在否定句和疑问句中,动词doubt后面接that引导的宾语从句;在肯定句中,doubt后接whether或if引导的宾语从句。There is some doubt whether he can win the first prize.他是否能赢得一等奖还有些疑问。I doubt whether/if the new one will be any better.我不敢肯定这个新的是否会好些。I never doubted that she would come.我从未怀疑过她会来。so/as long as教材原句It is

25、OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it if not, turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,就可以让它开着。如果不用,就把它关掉!so/as long as “只要”,引导条件状语从句。So long as we have a strong will,well be able to get over any difficulty.只要有坚强的意志,我们就能够克服任何困难。As long as there is kindness and virtue,the world will become

26、 more beautiful.只要有善良和美德,世界将变得更加美好。(1)as long as还可表示“与一样长”。(2)as well as与一样好;也;和;as far as远及到;as far as I know 就我所知;as good as与一样好;几乎This line is four times as long as that one.这条线是那条线的四倍长。As far as I know,some of the experts are from some foreign countries.就我所知,这些专家中有的来自外国。即时演练.原创语境填空When his career is as good becoming a failure,my brother has decided to make some changes.However,he has some doubt 2.whether he can make it.Our famil

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