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1、12Its raining heavily outside. May I push my bicycle into your house?Certainly. But please put it _ the wall so that it wont take up too much space.Ain Bon Cagainst Dover13It is believed that _ December 21, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played.Ain Bon Cat Dfor14I cant think of any o

2、ther actress who is more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn.Youve got the point. Her beauty is _ words and she succeeded _ hard work.Aover; by Bover; throughCbeyond; by Dbeyond;15Everyone was touched _ words after they watched the film Hi, MOM 你好,李焕英directed by Jia Ling.Aunder Bacross Cbeyond Dagainst16I

3、 want to visit Liaoning History Museum. Is it open today?No. It opens every day _ Monday.Aexcept Btill Cbetween Dafter17When is your birthday?My birthday is _ August 21st.Aon Bat Cin Dfor18The chopsticks are _ wood.Amade of Bmade from Cmade in Dmade with19The girl is _ a singer _ everyone in her hom

4、etown. for Bwell-know as; toCwell known as;20I like reading. I often fill my bookshelf _ all kinds of books, like novels, detective stories, and so on.Aon Bin Cwith Dof21_ a spring morning, a bird flew into our classroom and we were very excited to see it.AIn BOn CAt DFor22The little stream ran dawn

5、 from a high mountain _ many villages and forests.Aacross Bagainst Cbeyond Dthrough23Xuzhou Metro Line 2 came into use _ November 28, 2020, it is one of the most important events in our daily life.Aat Bin Con Dfor24Why cant we drive in the emergency lane (应急车道) on expressway?Because the lane makes i

6、t possible to race _ the clock to save peoples lives.25Thanks for looking after me _ my illness, Millie.Dont mention it. Thats what friends are for.Abeyond Bthrough Cacross Dwith26New York City, also known _ Big Apple, becomes one of the worlds greatest business and cultural centers.Aas Bby Cfor Dto

7、27The story The Ugly Duckling _ Hans Christian Andersen has remained popular among children for centuries.Ain Bon Cby Dwith28We have a party _ the evening of October 31.Ain Bat Con Dby29The earthquake in Yaan took place _ two past eight _ the morning of April 20th. Yes, some people were still sleepi

8、ng for it was weekend.Ain; on Bon; in Cat; in Dat; on30Anyone who can find the clues _ the case will get a reward of 5,000 yuan.Awith Bto Cat Dfrom31Dont be afraid of difficulties. Remember: kites rise highest _ the wind, not with it.Aover Bagainst Cacross Dalong32In the end, Mr Song came up_a good

9、method to solve the problem Afor Bat Cin Dwith33If your temperature is_37.3, you should go to the doctor instead of going to school.Aabove Bagainst Cunder Dbelow34Switzerland lies _ France, Germany, Austria and Italy.Abetween Bamong Cagainst Dbeyond35To our joy, Tom pleased everybody by making his d

10、og walk _ two legs.Aby Bover Cfrom Don36When are you arriving? Ill pick you up the station.Aat Bto Con Doff37Family is always _ me, so I can follow my dreams with great courage.Abeyond Bforward Cpast Dbehind38 What do you think of those smart kids in the game show? There is no doubt that many of the

11、m have a gift _ maths.Afor Bin Con Dat39Though there are so many things around us that go _ our will, we cant give up because following the dream is valuable.Athrough Btowards Cagainst Dbeyond40Hi, Mom directed by Jia ling is a hit _ this year.It really is. It shows us the deep love between a mother

12、 and a daughter.A/ Bin Con Dat【参考答案】1C解析:C【详解】句意:很遗憾,这个练习超出了班上大多数人的能力。考查介词辨析。over在上(正上方);above在上(上方);beyond超出;without没有。根据“Its a pity”和“the abilities of most of the class”可知,练习超出了大多人的能力范围,这很遗憾。故选C。2BB这个女孩在她家乡是众所周知的歌手。考查动词短语及介词辨析。be well known as作为出名,as后接表示身份或职业的名词;be best known for以而闻名。根据“The girl i

13、sa singer”可知,此处指女孩作为歌手出名,C选项中的well-know表述有误,应是well-known,故第一空应为well known as。根据“everyone in her hometown”可知,此处指对每个人来说,她,表示当事人对某事的主观看法,应用介词to而不用for。故选B。3AA我家前面的河上有一座石桥。over在上,指垂直在上的正上方;under在下面,指在某物的正下方;above在上,表示处于更高位置;below在下面,不一定是正下方,所指范围较宽。根据常识可知,桥是在河的正上方,应用over。故选A。4C第20届中国江宁横溪西瓜节于今年5月举行。at用于具体的

14、某一时刻之前;on用于具体的某一天之前;in用于年、月和季节之前;from来自。“May”是月份,其前介词应用in。5DD雨打在窗户上,Cindy正静静地听着雨声。above在上面;across穿过;around围绕;against与相反,碰撞。根据“The rain is beating.the windows”可知,“beat against”表示“打在上”,雨水是与窗户接触的,这里表示打在窗户上。故选D。6A我姑姑3岁的女儿会用筷子吃饭。真的吗?大多数她这个年龄的孩子还在用勺子。考查介词,of的; in在里;on在上;for为了。“of her age”在这里是后置定语,修饰“most

15、children”意为 “和她年龄相仿的”。7C你看起来很害怕,怎么了?今天早上发生了一起可怕的事故。一辆卡车开得很快,这时一位老人正要过马路。我打赌他活不过今晚了。along沿着;away离开;through度过;in在里。根据“A truck was running fast when an old man was about to cross the road”可知,这场可怕的事故里估计这位老人无法度过今晚,故选C。8D有时我感到压力,因为我父母想让我做的超出了我的能力。through通过;against违反;above在之上;beyond超过、越过。根据“Sometimes I fee

16、l stressed”,结合“because what my parents want me to do has gone my ability.”可知我感到压力的原因是因为我父母想让我做的超出了我的能力。go beyond“超过、超越”,故选D。9C汤姆,我如何可以更迅速地提高英语?通过多听和多说。at后接小地点或具体时刻;by通过某种方式或手段;on后接具体某一天。根据问句How can I improve my English more quickly,可知,下文回答是通过多听和多说的方式,所以空格处填by。10B在阳光明媚的日子里,我奶奶经常在窗边读小说。考查介词。for为了;by在旁

17、边;with和一起;根据“my grandma often reads a novel ”可知,我奶奶读小说的地方,应是在窗户旁边,by the window在窗边,故选B。11A这个练习超出了大多数学生的能力,所以很少有人能做出来。beyond超越,一般指的是超出某人的能力范围;over超过、多于,后一般加数量词;against对抗;根据下文“so very few could work it out”推断空格指超出大多数学生的能力,故选A。12C外面雨下得很大。我可以把自行车推进你家吗?当然可以。但是请把它靠墙放,这样不会占太多空间。in在里面;against紧靠;over在之上。根据“s

18、o that it wont take up too much space”可知,应是靠墙放。13B人们认为,历史上的第一场篮球比赛是在1891年12月21日举行的。考查时间介词。in后跟年份、月份和季节等;on表示“在具体的某一天”或“(在具体的某一天的)早上、中午、晚上”等;at表示“某一具体时刻(即几点几分)”;for后接一段时间。根据“December 21, 1891”可知此处指的是具体的某一天,因此用介词on,故选B。14D我想不出任何一个比奥黛丽赫本更漂亮的女演员。你说对了,她的美是无法用语言形容的,并且她通过努力工作取得了成功。over在上面;beyond超过;by通过;thr

19、ough通过(具体的过程,手段)。beyond words表示“无法语言描述”,因此第一空填beyond;hard work是具体的过程,因此第二空填through。15C每个人都被贾玲导演的电影你好,李焕英感动了。under在下面;across从一边到另一边;against反对。beyond words无法用语言表达;根据题干“Everyone was touchedwords”,可知人们被影片感动得无以言表;ABD三项不合语境,故选C。16A我想去参观辽宁历史博物馆。今天开放了吗?没有,它除了星期一每天都开放。except除了之外;till直到;between在之间(两者);after在之

20、后。根据“No. It opens every dayMonday.”可知,博物馆不是每天都营业,因此是除了星期一都营业。17A你的生日是什么时候?我的生日是8月21日。on用在具体时间/星期前;at用在具体点钟前;in用在早中晚/季节/月份/年份前;for用于一段时间前。根据“August 21st”可知,是具体的时间,所以用on。18A筷子是用木头做的。be made of由制造,可看出原材料,be made from由制造,看不出原材料;be made in,在地方制造;be made with 指“制作中用了什么东西”,看不出原材料。根据“The chopsticks”与空后的“woo

21、d”可知,能看出原材料,应该用be made of。19A这个女孩在她的家乡对大家来说最为一名歌手而出名。考查固定短语。be known as表示“以知名”,as后接表职业或身份的名词,第一个空后a singer为职业,排除B和D;“对某人来说”用介词for。20C我喜欢阅读。我经常在我的书架上摆满各种各样的书,像小说、侦探故事等等。on关于;with用,使用;of的。fill . with . 把装满,是固定搭配。21B在一个春天的早晨,一只鸟飞进了我们的教室,我们看到它非常兴奋。In用于指早午晚、年、月、季节、一段时间后;On用于指具体某一天,如星期几,节日以及具体某一天的早中晚;At用于

22、指某一特定的时刻;For用于指时间的长度。空格后a spring morning指的是具体的某一天,故应用介词on,故选B。22D这条小溪从高山中流出,穿过许多村庄和森林。across穿过(平面);against倚,靠;through穿过(内部)。根据“many villages and forests”可知,是穿过村庄和森林内部,故选D。23C徐州地铁2号线于2020年11月28日正式投入使用,这是我们日常生活中最重要的事件之一。at后接点钟;in后接年、月、星期等大时间;on后接具体的某一天;for后接时间段。“November 28, 2020”指具体的某一天。24C为什么我们不能在高速

23、公路上的应急车道上开车? 因为这条路可以使我们与时间赛跑来拯救人们的生命。beyond超越;over在之上;against与相比;through穿过。race against ,固定搭配,与赛跑。此处是与时间赛跑。25B谢谢你在我生病期间从头到尾照顾我,Millie。不客气。这就是朋友应该做的事。through从头至尾;across横穿;with和。根据后文“my illness”可知是生病期间从头至尾照顾“我”,故选B。26A纽约市,也被称为大苹果,是世界上最大的商业和文化中心之一。as作为;for为,给;to到,去。根据句意可知,本题考查known as“被称为”。27C安徒生写的丑小鸭的故事几个世纪以来一直深受孩子们的欢迎。in在里

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