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新视野英语视听说教程4答案 Unit6Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Q: What does the man say about his lucky charm?2. Script Wish me luck; Ive got a job interview this afternoon. Im really nervous. Stay calm, best of luck! Ive got my finger crossed for you. What does the woman say he has crossed his fingers for the woman?3. Script Oh no! Did you see that black cat w

2、alk right in front of me? Thats unlucky! Really? I guess it depends on where you come from. In my hometown its the opposite: Its lucky to see a black cat cross your path. So no need to worry! What do the man and the woman think about a black cat crossing their path?4. Script Guess what I did this mo

3、rning? I smashed my mirror. A great way to start the day! Oh no, seven years bad luck, isnt it? What happened in the morning?5. Script I cant believe this rain; its been pouring for hours! Where can I dry my umbrella? Not in here please! Its unlucky to open an umbrella indoors. You can put it on the

4、 porch. Where does the woman ask the man do to open his umbrella?Keys: 1.C2.C3. A 4.D 5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: David Copperfield is coming. My brother is going to pick up some tickers for the David Copperfield show. You interested in coming with us? I dont know. Ive been card tricks before, and r

5、abbits from hats. I even do tricks myselfwatch me change this coin into an ice cream cone. Very funny. David Copperfield is the worlds greatest magician; hes certainly worth a look. Actually, I have seen him on television. He pulls off some pretty amazing stunts. I wish I knew how he performed his t

6、ricks. Then I could also make a person float in the air. I could pull a rabbit out of my hat. I could escape from a straitjacket and handcuffsall underwater. And I could saw a woman in half. A magician never tells his secrets. David attempts the impossible and no one has any idea how he does it. I s

7、aw him on TV when he walked through the Great Wall of China. How could he do that? I have no idea, but I know what I saw: He entered a canvas shelter on one side of the wall, and he came out of a canvas shelter on the other side. yes, bur was he always in full view of the camera, or did they cut to

8、a commercial or something else? Not only was the camera running all the time, but he was hooked up a heart monitor, and you could track his progress as he moved through the wall. Its difficult to know what to believe. I know its not possible for him to do that, but It sounds to me like its a show wo

9、rth watching. Count me in. Instead of an ice cream cone, Ill turn my money into a ticket.1. What is the dialog mainly about?2. Which of the following DOESNT the man mention?3. What did David Copperfield do at the Great Wall of China, according to the woman?4. Under what condition did David Copperfie

10、ld go through the Great Wall?5. What does the man finally decide to do? 1C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.CFor Reference1. He could make a person float in the air, pull a rabbit out of his hat, escape from a straitjacket and handcuffsall underwater, and saw a woman in half.2. She thinks Davis Copperfield in the worl

11、ds greatest magician and hes certainly worth a look.Task 2: Is it really bad luck?ScriptAre you worried because you have just broken a mirror? Some people believe that breaking a mirror is a (S1) terrible thing to do. They say it will bring you seven years of (S2) misfortune. The reason behind this

12、belief stems the old idea that a persons soul is in their (S3) reflection, so that if you smash your mirror, you soul will be (S4) damaged too, dooming you do an early death, and not giving you entry to (S5) heaven. Is there any way to reverse this bad luck? Yesif you very carefully (S6) pick up all

13、 the broken pieces of the mirror and throw them into a river or stream, then the bad luck will be”(S7) washed away”. Of all number, 13 is the most associated with bad luck. (S8) Some people claim that the number is bad luck because thirteen people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucif

14、ied, and with this in mind few hosts will serve dinner with thirteen at the table. And according to an ancient Norwegian tale, twelve gods had gathered for a feast when a thirteenth, Loke, entered. After the meal, Loke killed Balder, who was the most beloved of all the gods. (S9) Friday the thirteen

15、th of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the thirteenth of March is the worst of the all.The number seven also has some superstition connected to it. It is said that God created the world in seven days, and any association with the number is luck. The seventh son of the se

16、venth son is said to be the luckiest of men, and (S10) When people talk about the “seven-year itch” they mean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personality.Task3: The Status on Easter IslandOne of the greatest mysteries on Earth is the statues on Easter Island. The islan

17、d is one of the most remote places on Earth, located in the southern Pacific Ocean. It was almost uninhabited when it was discovered on Easter Day in 1722 by a Dutch captain, but it is covered with hundreds of giant statues, each weighing several tons and some standing more than 30 feet tall.Who car

18、ved these statures, and how and why were they put there?Nobody knows the answer for sure, but many ate trying to find out. There are many theories to explain this mystery. It has even been suggested the space aliens may have played a role regarding these giant statues. Another theory relates to the

19、fact that Easter Island was inhabited by Polynesian seafarers, who traveled thousand of miles in their canoes, guided by the stars, the color of sky and the sun , the shapes of clouds, and the presence of birds making flights out to sea seeking food. The Polynesians first arrived on the island in 49

20、9A.D.However, the ocean currents which carried them there would mot take them back. They were trapped and, having arrived there, could not leave. The Polynesians probable cared the statues themselves, perhaps as religious symbols.To date, 887 statues have been discovered on the island. However, only

21、 a few statues were carried intended destination. The rest were abandoned along the way.The statues appear to have been carved out of the top edge of walls of a volcano on the island. After a statue was carved, it may have been rolled or dragged down to the base of the volcano. Then it was put uprig

22、ht, and ropes were tied around it. Using a pulley system, the statue was moves to its intended destination.At its peak, the population of Eater Island is believed to have reached 11,000. Eventually, the resources of the island were exhausted, and the people resorted to cannibalism, eating one anothe

23、r. Work on the statues stopped and the statues were knocked over. When the first Europeans finally arrived on the island, most of the people lad died out. 1. When and by whom was the island discovered?2. Who are mentioned in the passage as possible builders of the statues?3. What is true of the Poly

24、nesians on the island according to the passage?4. How many statues ere carried to their intended destination?5. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage? 1A 2.B3. D 4.D 5BThe resources of the island were exhausted, and the people resorted to cannibalism, eating each ot

25、her. When the first Europeans finally arrived on the island, most of the people lad died out.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1This is a custom that dates back to the ancient Celts.Chris: Sue, do you know why people say, “knock on wood” when they want to avoid bad luck?Susan: It sounds a bit funny. As far as I

26、 know, it has a lot to do with ancient Celtic people. They worshipped trees. Sounds interesting. They thoughts trees would suck demons back into the ground. Well, when you think about the deep roots, their belief seems to make some senses. Whats more, knocking on wood was a way to brag without being

27、 punished. People once thought that evil spirits would become jealous if good fortune was pointed out to them Uh, yes, go on. well, by knocking on wood three times, the noise could frightened away the evil spirits, and they couldnt have to rob the braggart of that good fortune Im afraid those who do

28、nt know this superstition might be frightened away as well. Now heres a test. Do you know how the custom of kissing under the mistletoe originated? I havent the slightest idea, but Im all ears. Again this is a custom that dates back to the ancient Celts. Since they worshipped trees, they conducted m

29、any of their ceremonies in the woods in the shade of trees. Now I see. Probably its under these mistletoe trees that weddings took place. I wish you were standing under some mistletoe right now. Luckily Im not. Touch wood.MODEL2 Is there any relationship between superstitions and real life? Its stra

30、nge that so many people are superstitious. There must be some relationship between superstitions and real life. You know, Richard Wiseman, a British psychologist researched the relationship between superstition and luck. What did he find? Most people would be interested. At least I would He polled ,000 people and fond that people who believe themselves to be lucky tend to go for positive superstitions .They may wear a ring as a talisman or often say,” touch wood” for good luck. Then, what about the unlucky people? Do you mean if they think th

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