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1、14. It s hot. Andy will take off his coat.15. I get up early every day.III. 对话理解(Dialogues )(共10 小题,计10 分) A )听音,看图,选出符合所听对话内容的图片。每组对话读两遍。听音,判断下列句子的意思是 (Y)否 (N)与所听对话内容相符。(答案涂在答题纸上) 21. Tom is at home now.22. The girl has got a headache.23. The dress is ninety-nine yuan.24. Mike is se

2、ven years old now.25. We ll have milk and eggs for breakfast.IV. 短文理解(Passage )(共5 小题, 计5 分)听音,根据你所听到的短文内容填写单词,完成下列句子。短文读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上) 26. Mr Black has a big . 27. He has fourteen 。28. He has goats.29. These can run fast.30. The hens and the ducks are here and there. 笔试部分(共六大题, 计70 分)V. 单词与短语 (Words

3、 and phrases )(共10 小题, 计10 分)A )看图,根据题意填写单词完成下列句子(首字母已给出)。(请将单词或短语的完整形式写在答题纸上)。 31. F are cunning (狡猾的) and clever. 32. Can you p the violin? 33. Let s go to s a film together. 34. Kate goes home b p every year. 35. B B is a large clock.B)根据句意和所给字母提示填写单词,补全句子。(请将单词的完整形式写在答题纸上) 36. A dog has legs. (u

4、, f, r, o)37. There are months in a year. (e, e, l, v, w, t)38. We have at 12:00 at noon. (l, c, h, u, n)39. In , we eat with chopsticks (筷子). (C, h, n, i, a)40. We cook in the . (e, i, t, k, h, c, n)VI. 单项选择 (Multiple-choice )(共15 小题, 计15 分) 从A ,B ,C,D 四个选项中选择最佳的一项完成下列句子。41. Hand your homework, ple

5、ase. A. in B. on C. to D. off 42. . Where s Lingling? A. Excuse B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. Sorry 43. These books are . A. he B. him C. himself D. his 44. I get up 6:30 the morning. A. at; in B. at; on C. on; in D. by; at 45. It s in winter in Harbin. A. hot B. cold C. warm D. cool 46. Jack likes c

6、arrots. I like . A. potatoes B. potato C. a lot of potato D. some potatoes 47. Where s Shanghai? It s in the of China. A. south B. west C. east D. north 48. I have new bike. bike is over there. A. a; The B. an; The C. a; a D. the; The49. There are some flowers on desk. A. teacher B. the teacher C. m

7、y teacher s D. the teachers 50. How many students you know in your new class?A. do B. are C. is D. does 51. I go to school Monday Friday. A. from; to B. from; to D. to; from 52. the weather like today? It s sunny. A. Wheres B. Whos C. Hows D. Whats 53. They a dragon dance in China Town. A. are doing

8、 B. is doing C. am doing D. does 54. Let me you. A. helps B. help C. helping D. helped 55. I ve got a TV I haven t got a computer. A. because B. but C. when D. for VII. 情景会话 (Dialogues )(共 10 小题, 计10 分 )A )根据所给的情景,选择正确的一项完成下列对话。56. A. I m a student. B. I like England. C. I m from England. D. I come

9、from America.57. A. Where are you going? B. What s your favourite music? c.What is he doing? D. What are you doing? 58. Whos in the tree?BobWilliam A. Mary. Mary B. William. C. Bob. D. Mary and William. 59. A. Where are you? B. How do you go to school? C. When do you go to school?D. Do you like scho

10、ol?60. A. I m going to the Great Wall. B. I m going to the cinema. C. I m going to the hospital. D. I m going to class. B) 用英文字母(A ,B,C,D,E ,F,G,H)的顺序重新排列下面对话(其中有三句话已给出序号)。( )( C )( A )( G ) 61. Id love to. When? 62. Good to see you too, Bob. How are you? 63. Shes very well. She wants you to come an

11、d have dinner with us. Fine, thanks, Nancy. Hows your family? Hi, Nancy! Its nice to see you again. Is Saturday evening OK? 64. Theyre just fine. Hows Sandy? 65. Yes, thats great! Bye for now. See you on Saturday.VIII 完形填空 Cloze )(共5 小题, 计5 分 ) 根据短文内容,将所给单词填入正确的位置上(每空一词)。(答案写在答题纸上) glasses say your

12、to colour Grandma is very old. She can t see well without glasses. She has three grandsons, Jack, Tony and Jerry. One day, she picked up a towel (毛巾) and asked, “Jack, is this 66 towel?”“No, it s not mine. Maybe its Tonys.”Then she asked Tony, “Tony, is this yours?” “No, Grandma. It s not mine. It s

13、 his.”Tony pointed 67 Jerry. “Jerry, is it yours?”“No, Grandma. My towel is yellow.”“What 68 is it then?”Grandma asked. “It s brown.”Grandma put on her 69 and said, “Oh, yes. It s mine. Thank you, Grandsons.”“You should 70 thank you to yourself,”said the three grandsons. IX. 阅读理解 Reading comprehensi

14、on )(共10 小题, 计10 分) A )阅读短文, 判断文后句子正 (T)误(F)。Ive got two houses! When Im with my dad, I live in the country(农村). There aren t many cars and I ride my bike to the shops. We go for long walks with our dogs. I like my country home. When I m with my mum, I live in a flat in Liverpool (利物浦). It s a big c

15、ity and I go shopping and go to the cinema with my mum. There are lots of cars so I don t ride my bike in the city. 71. I have two houses! 72. I go for long walks in the country with my brother. 73. I live in a flat in the city when I m with my mum. 74. I go to the cinema with my dad. 75. I ride my

16、bike to the shops in the city.B)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题。Its five oclock in the afternoon. School is over. Bill gets home at five fifteen. His father is sitting on a chair. He is reading a book. Bill goes up to his father and says,“Hello, Dad. Can you write your name with your eyes closed (眼睛闭着)?” His fath

17、er looks at his son and says, “Certainly, I can.” Bill takes out (拿出来) a piece of paper. It is his English examination paper (英语试卷) . There is a big red “0”on it. “Well, close your eyes and write down your name on my paper, please,”says Bill. And his father does so. 76. When does school finish?77. W

18、hat is Bills father doing on a chair?78. Can Bills father write his name with his eyes closed?79. Does Bill tell his father the score?80. What s Bills English score (分数)?X 小作文 (Composition )(第81 小题, 计20分) 题目: My Friend 提示:假设Nancy 是你的好朋友,她今年10岁,喜欢玩羽毛球和看电视。以“My Friend”为题写一篇描述你的朋友的文章。 要求:1. 条理清晰,意思明确、连

19、贯,语句通顺,用词恰当,语法正确,书写工整、规范; 2. 不少于50 个单词; 3. 可根据所给图片作适当发挥; 4. 将作文写在答题纸上。听力部分录音原文:I.辨单词 1. hat 2. pear 3. lesson 4. black 5. these II. 句子理解 6. It s Sunday today. 7. Listen! May is singing now. 8. Can you play football?9. Go back to your seat, please. 10. It s windy. Close the window, please. B)听音,判断所听句

20、子是Y)否N)与下列句子意思相符。11. Her English name is Mary. 12. I have a dog and two cats. 13. I like blue but Peter doesn t. 14. It s cold. Put on your coat, Andy. 15. I get up late every day. III. 对话理解 16. M: Is he playing the violin? W: No, he is playing the piano. 17. M: Which one do you like? The green one.

21、 18. W: Whose dog is this? M: It s Bob s. 19. W: Happy Teachers Day. Thank you. 20. W: Can I have a cup of coffee? Sure, here you are. B)听音,判断下列句子的意思是 (Y)否(N )与所听对话内容相符。21. W: May I speak to Tom, please?M: Sorry. He s not in. 22. M: What s wrong with you? I ve got a headache. 23. M: How much is this

22、 dress? It s ninety-nine yuan. 24. W: How old are you, Mike? I ll be seven next week. 25. M: What s for breakfast, Mum? Milk and bread. IV. 短文理解 听音,根据你所听到的短文内容填写单词,完成下列句子。 Hello. I m Mr Black. Welcome to my farm. I have many animals here. I have 14 sheep and 40 goats. They re eating grass. I have 10

23、 horses. They can run fast. I have 12 hens and 20 ducks. They are walking here and there. What a big farm!附答案I. 辨单词 15 ACAAB II句子理解 A )610 AACBB B)1115 YYNNN A )1620 CBBBA B)2125 NYYNN IV 短文理解 26. farm 27. sheep 28. forty / 40 29. horses 30. walking 笔试部分 V. 单词与短语 A )31. Foxes 32. play 33. see 34. by

24、 plane 35. Big Ben B)36. four 37. twelve 38. lunch 39. China 40. kitchen VI. 单项选择 4145 ABDAB 4650 ACACA 5155 ADABB VII. 情景会话 A )5660 CDBBA B)6165 FBEDH VIII完形填空 66. your 67. to 68. colour 69. glasses 70. say IX. 阅读理解 A )7175 TFTFF B)76. At five. / At five o clock. 77. He s reading a book. / He s rea

25、ding. 78. Yes, he can.79. No, he doesn t. 80. 0. / Zero. X小作文 My Friend I have a best friend. Her name is Nancy. She is ten years old. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She is beautiful. She likes playing badminton and watching TV. She always helps me when I need help. She loves me and I love her, too. (53 words)

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