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1、当然。全球经济仍存在不确定性, 许多国家仍在继续奋斗。介词放在句首, 主语和谓语动词完全倒装, 这种倒装句一般只有一般现在时和一般过去时, 故选D。3. It is reported that the Shanghai auto show stops using models. How about yours? We will_. A. follow suit B. sink or swim togetherC. set eyes on it D. get to the bottom of it【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。 据报道上海车展停止用车模。你们的呢? 我们将效仿。follow sui

2、t效仿(某人); sink or swim together同舟共济; set eyes on it第一次看见, 注意到; get to the bottom of it找到起因; 挖出祸根。4. Do you think he is the only person for the job?Im not quite sure but hell prove_to the task. A. equal B. essential C. special D. superior考查形容词辨析。 你认为他是唯一一个适合这项工作的人吗? 我不确定, 但是他会证明他能胜任这项工作。be equal to th

3、e task胜任工作。equal平等的; essential重要的; special特殊的, 专门的; superior优于的。5. As the dark horse, Chinas football team swept into the quarter-finals_it lost to host country Australia. A. as B. what C. that D. where考查定语从句。 中国足球队作为黑马队一举进入四分之一决赛。这场比赛里, 输给了东道主澳大利亚队。由于空前是名词, 再看下面选项, 可以确定这是定语从句。分析从句, 主谓结构, 不缺主语和宾语, 因

4、此从关系副词中选。而quarter-finals是表示相当于地点的, 定语从句中缺少地点状语故用where, 故选D。6. Flocks of customers joined Alibaba Singles Day, Hong Kong, the U. S. and Russia _ the top three outside. A. claimed B. to be claimedC. claiming D. being claimed【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。 成群的顾客加入了阿里巴巴的光棍节(活动), 香港、美国和俄罗斯成为(大陆)以外的前三甲。Hong Kong, the U.

5、S. and Russia是claim的动作执行者, 应用现在分词短语与修饰词构成独立主格结构。故选C。7. It might have_your notice but I am very busy at the moment. A. quit B. neglectedC. escaped D. denied考查动词辨析。 可能没注意到你的通知, 但我现在正忙。quit放弃; neglect忽略; deny拒绝; escape逃脱, 未注意到。8. He abandoned teaching_a career as a musician. A. in favor of B. in terms

6、ofC. with regard to D. with reference to考查介词短语辨析。 他放弃教学以有利于作为音乐家的职业。in favor of以有利于, 支持, 赞成。in terms of根据, 依而言; with regard to关于, 说起; with reference to提及, 参考。9. The frozen waterfall has attracted floods of tourists to_the natural beauty. A. cherish B. admireC. observe D. discover 冰冻的瀑布吸引了大量游客欣赏自然美景。

7、cherish珍惜; admire欣赏, 赞赏; observe观察; discover发现。故选B。10. Do you know the story of Niulang and Zhinu?Of course. Their love story was_as an example for hundreds of years in China. A. taken up B. kept upC. picked up D. held up考查动词短语辨析。 你知道牛郎和织女的故事吗? 当然。在中国上百年来, 他们的爱情一直被奉为典范。hold up as an example奉为楷模。take

8、 up占用; keep up保持; pick up捡起。11. Estella showed me the way with a candle. When she opened the side entrance, the _of the daylight quite confused me. A. trend B. rush C. crash D. increase考查名词辨析。 Estella用蜡烛给我指路。当她打开侧门时, 强烈的日光让我感到模糊不清。the rush of the daylight强烈的日光。trend趋势; crash坠毁; increase增加。12. If peo

9、ple outside China learned a bit about jasmine tea culture, they would realize there_a lot of enjoyment in it. A. is B. was C. were D. would be考查主谓一致和时态。 如果国外的人们学一点关于茉莉花茶的文化, 他们将会意识到它里面有许多乐趣。主句和从句都是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气, 但realize的宾语从句说的是客观事实, 应用一般现在时。13. My voice was so little and the shop owner had to bend d

10、own to hear_I wanted to buy. A. what it was B. it was whatC. what it was that D. what was that考查强调句。 我的声音太小了以至于店主不得不弯下腰来听我确实想买什么。hear后的宾语从句使用的强调句型, 强调的是what, 宾语从句应用陈述语序。【知识拓展】高考中强调句型考查热点考点一: 强调句型的基本结构强调句型“It is / was +被强调的成分+ that +其他成分”用来强调主语、宾语和状语等成分。that只起连接作用, 不作成分, 但不能省略。例如: It was in the libra

11、ry that I saw her yesterday. 我昨天正是在图书馆见到她的。考点二: 特殊句式中的强调句型如果强调的是特殊疑问句中的疑问词, 表示“到底”、“究竟”等语气时, 就用如下结构:“特殊疑问词+ is / was + it + that +该句的其余部分”。 How is it that you usually go to work? 你通常是怎样去上班的?在强调“not. . . until”结构中由until所引导的短语(或从句)作时间状语时, 要用固定的强调句型: “It + is / was + not until. . . + that +该句的其余部分”, th

12、at所引导的从句中的谓语动词用肯定式。 It was not until 12 oclock that his father came home from work. 直到12点他的爸爸才下班回家。考点三: 强调句型与时间状语从句、定语从句的判断强调句型要注意和it代表时间、距离、温度、自然现象、具体事物或人物等时所构成的各种句型的区别。试比较:It was on March 1 that I had my hair cut. (强调句)It was March 1 when I had my hair cut. (后面是定语从句)判断是否是强调句, 可采用“还原法”。如果还原为一般句式后,

13、句子各种成分完整, 则是强调句。否则不是。14. Dont forget to turn off your computer when leaving. _. A. Of course B. Not at allC. Certainly not D. Thats all right考查情景交际。 别忘了走的时候关掉电脑。当然不会忘了。Of course当然; Not at all一点也不; Certainly not当然不会; Thats all right没关系。15. Do you know the newly appointed CEO?A. Ill check it B. Only t

14、hat there is oneC. More often than not D. It will come to me 你认识新任CEO吗? 我只知道有这么个人。B项是省略句, 原句是I only(know)that there is one. A项意为我要核查一下。C项意为常常。D项意思要结合不同语境来确定, 可翻译为我会得到它。16. To persuade drivers to_checking their phones whenever they beep, New York state plans to introduce so-called Texting Zones along

15、 its major highways to make sure of the drivers safety. A. allow B. resist C. admit D. insist 为说服司机们在电话响起时不接电话, 纽约州计划设立沿主要公路的一种所谓的合法简讯区以确保司机们的安全。allow允许; resist抵制; admit承认, 录取; insist坚持。17. How do you like the trip to Taiwan?We_there for a week. Its a fantastic place and well worth visiting again. A

16、. had stayed B. have stayedC. stayed D. will stay考查时态。 你感觉去台湾的旅行怎么样? 我们在那里待了一周。它是一个优美的地方, 并且值得再去游览。根据语境, 说话人应该是已经从台湾回来, “在台湾待一周”这件事发生在过去, 应用过去时。18. _can be more exciting than the news that the Chinese national football team has reached the tournament knockout stage(淘汰赛阶段)at the Asian Cup. A. Nothing

17、 B. EverythingC. Anything D. Something 没有什么可以比中国国家足球队在亚洲杯上到达淘汰赛阶段的消息更令人振奋的了。否定词+比较级相当于最高级。19. Chinas e-commerce giant Alibaba had an amazing year as the Nov. 11 shopping carnival broke new records, the Double Twelve shopping day_with success. A. having followed B. followingC. followed D. to follow 由

18、于双十一破了新纪录, 双十二继续获得成功, 中国电商巨人阿里巴巴拥有了令人惊奇的一年。the Double Twelve shopping day是follow的动作执行者, 应用现在分词。20. The Adulthood Ceremony was held in the school lecture hall_seats approximately 500 students. A. where B. whose C. which D. when 成年仪式在大约能坐500名学生的学校报告大厅举行。题干中的seat是及物动词, “让就座, 让坐下”, 定语从句中缺少主语, 四个选项只有whic

19、h可在从句中作主语或宾语。. 阅读理解体裁议论文话题表扬词数580My children are perfect. All four of them. Perfect and beautiful and clever. I bet yours are, too. Except, of course, they are not. In reality, my children and yours are likely to be reasonably average in terms of looks, behavior, intelligence and charm. Thats why it

20、 is called average. Your belief in your child being special is more probably a biological thing than a fact. A loved one, particularly a loved child, is edited as we observe them. Other peoples children are spoiled; ours are spirited. Theirs are naughty; ours are confident. This is all natural and e

21、ven touching when not taken too far. However, it is one thing feeding this idea to ourselves but feeding it to our children may be a little less desirable. We have the idea thatunlike my parents generationwe should build our childrens self-respect as high as we can. Therefore, their random scribble(

22、胡写乱画)is up there with Picasso, their C-minus is an unfortunate oversight on the part of the teacher, and the fact that no one wants to be friends with them is because they are particularly clever or sensitive. Children see through this kind of thing very quickly and ignore their parents praises as a

23、 matter of course. As they grow up, they sense that the wider world judges them differently. This leads to a hopefully gentle-cynicism(猜忌)about anything their parents tell them about their achievements. Perhaps that is OKbut Im not sure if it is good for them to have the parental praise so overlooke

24、d. If parents were a little harsher sometimes, this could have two positive effectsfirst, when praise came, it would be more likely to be believed, and second, it would fit in rather more accurately with the picture of reality that the child is forming in their heads. A lot of pressure is put on chi

25、ldren who are told they are beautiful, special and perfect. Because then, where is there to go? Only downwards. They become too much aware of their status in your eyes, and a danger must be that they fear failing you. To be over-praised by your parents is the counter side of being criticized all the

26、 time. Both can have negative consequences. It is important to give your children the freedom to be flawed(有缺点的)to know that its OK to be imperfect, and that, in fact, we often love people for their flaws. Perfect people(whom we can only imagine, as they do not exist)are easy to respect, but hard to

27、 love. Now I am nearly 60, my main insight is that I am much less special than I once believed. This knowledge has actually been helpful in leading a more well-balanced life. I certainly wouldnt like to go back to attitudes that my parents, particularly my father, held, that to praise the child was

28、to“spoil them”or make them bigheaded. However, the history of families is like the history of everything elsethe story of overreactions. We praise our children to the skies, partly because we think it makes them feel good, but also because it makes us feel good. And perhaps it is more the latter than the former. Too much love can be as big a burden as a shortage of it. My advice is to limit your praise. Then every piece of praise will count, rather than being just ignored. 【文章大意】文章

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