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最新八年级英语上册 教材分析 牛津译林版 精品Word下载.docx

1、Unit Four Wild animalsModule Two Unit Five Birdwatchers 大自然Unit Six Natural disasters(二)课标解读1)时态一般现在时(谈论将来)(Unit 5)过去进行时(Unit 6)2)词类1构词法:名词转化为形容词的方法(Unit 6),形容词转化为副词的方法(Unit 5) 形容词转化为其反义词的方法(Unit 5)形容词(Unit 1)形容词比较级和最高级的构成方式及使用(Unit 1)(Unit 2)连词and / but / or (Unit3 ) 连词 when / while (Unit 6)反身代词 (U

2、nit3 )动词不定式 (Unit3 )3)句型结构(not)as + adj. + as (Unit 1) more.than / fewer.than / less.than (Unit 2)the most + n. . /the fewest + n. . / the least + n. . (Unit 2)the same as / be different from (Unit 2)含有if 引导的条件状语从句的复合句 (Unit 4) 含有because引导的原因状语从句的复合句 (Unit 4)简单句的五种基本结构 (Unit 5)4) 话题 谈论好朋友 (Unit 1)谈论

3、不同国家的学校生活 (Unit 2)谈论及制订旅游计划 (Unit3 )谈论及如何保护野生生物 (Unit 4)(Unit 5)谈论自然灾害及对人类的影响 (Unit 6)5) 功能意念介绍(Unit 1)(Unit 2)比较 (Unit 1)(Unit 2)建议与观点(Unit 1)(Unit3 )(Unit 4)意愿和打算(Unit3 )邀请与应答(Unit 5)谈论天气(Unit 6)(三)课时分析单元课时部分学习材 料课型教学重点与具体要求从技能培养目标来划分从教学过程来划分第一单元FriendsPeriod 1 P6-7Comic strip Welcome to the unit听

4、说课新授课掌握本课涉及的描述人物相貌和品质的形容词:good-looking, slim, clean and tidy, honest, helpful, friendly, funny, politePeriod 2P8-10Reading阅读课初步了解课文中Betty/Max/May外貌及品质等基本情况。Betty:slim, short hair, generous, helpful, wants to be a singer and travel Max:tall, smart, poor eyesight, long legs, a sense of humour, funnyMa

5、y:small, short shoulder-length hair, pretty, kind, keep a secret能根据课文内容完成有关练习:P9 B、P10 CPeriod 3P8阅读、练习课巩固课熟练掌握本课描写人物外貌和品质的形容词:good-looking, slim, clean and tidy, honest, helpful, friendly, funny, polite,smart, tall, small, pretty, musical, generous, a sense of humour学习课文描写人物品质的写作方法:外貌描写、品质描写掌握课文中的语

6、言点:tellabout, asas, one of, be willing to do , share sth. with sb., be ready to do sth., help with, give sth. to sb. , travel around the world, grow up, each other, because of, make sb. do sth. ,a good sense of humour, walk past the desks, knockoff,think of, straight, shoulder-length hair, keep a se

7、cret, say a bad word about sb.Period 4P11Vocabulary词汇课学习并巩固本课涉及的描写人物相貌和品质的形容词:thin, strong, tall, short, small/big eyes, round/square face, beautiful, pretty, lovely, handsome, good-looking, smart正确区分修饰男女相貌和品质的形容词:Girls:beautiful, pretty, lovelyBoys:handsome, good-looking, smartPeriod 5P12-14Grammar

8、语法课学习形容词比较级和最高级的构成规律。(详见教材P13)能正确使用形容词比较级和最高级:两者间做比较使用比较级,两者以上进行比较使用最高级。Period 6P14-15学习并掌握(not)as + adj. + as的用法。Period 7P16-17Integrated skills综合技能课进一步巩固用形容词描述人物外貌和品质的方法,并能编相关对话。掌握一定的听力技巧,获取相关信息。Period 8P18Study skills语言技能课掌握阅读技巧之一:寻找关键词和关键部分。Period 9P19-20Main Task写作课了解文章的组成:Introduction, Main bo

9、dy, Conclusion归纳描述人物外貌和品质的词汇及方法。写一篇文章,描写一位朋友的外貌和品质。Period 10P21Checkout语言知识课复习课巩固本单元的知识。课时学习材料二School life P22-23掌握某些词汇在英国英语和美国英语中的不同表达方法:American football(英)football(美),autumn(英)fall(美),lift(英)elevator(美),film(英)movie(美),football(英)soccer(美),ground floor(英)first floor(美),maths(英)math(美),rubber(英)er

10、aser(美),secondary school(英)high school(美),post(英)mail(美)。P24-26基本了解John和 Nancy的学校生活并比较双方的不同点:喜爱不同的课程、活动等。John:Home Economics-know how to cook healthy and tasty mealsReading Week-read any book bring in books and magazinestalk about booksNancy:Softball-spend much time practicingBuddy Club-talk about s

11、chool lifeLunchtime-have a good time talking to each otherP24能复述课文。like doing, have to, talk to sb. about sth. , as well, drive to, spend doing, help with have a great time学习描写学校生活的写作方法:描写喜爱的学科、活动及理由。P27掌握表示学科名称的词汇:Art, Computer Studies, Geography, History, Home Economics, Languages, PE, Science使用形容

12、词表述个人对学科的观点或看法:easy, difficult,important, unimportant, interesting, boring, popular, unpopular, useful, uselessP28-30运用more.than / fewer.than / less.than 对两个事物进行比较。运用the most + n. . /the fewest + n. . / the least + n. .对两个以上的事物进行比较。P31运用the same as / be different from做比较。P32-33运用听力技巧提取相关信息。能谈论自己的学校生

13、活。P34Pronunciation一般使用降调朗读陈述句。但当陈述句表示惊讶、怀疑时,则使用升调朗读。P35-36运用所学知识及有关信息完成一篇作文:描写自己理想中的学校。P37掌握the same as 并能正确区分the same as 与the same. as。三A day out P38-39识别国外的著名景点和城市:Harbour Bridge, Opera House, River Seine, Eiffel Tower, White House, Sydney, France, Washington简单地谈论旅游计划:Which foreign country do you

14、want to visit?Which city do you want to go to?P40-43初步理解课文,了解Linda一天游玩的基本情况:Who:Linda and the Class1, Grade8 studentsWhen:Yesterday Where:the World ParkHow:by coachWhat to see/do:models of places of interest in the worldEg.the model Eiffel Tower, the model Pyramids, the model Golden BridgeSong and d

15、ance parade完成有关练习:P42B、P43CP40-41进一步理解课文,能复述课文,掌握其中的语言知识:have a good time, invite sb. to do , feel sick, arrive at, become excited, be made of, get off, not any more, enjoy oneself, in front of , places of interest, all over the world, look like, on the Internet, teach oneself学习用形容词描述旅游的感受:boring, i

16、nteresting, excited,wonderful, amazing, greatP44识别北京的旅游景点:Laoshe Tea House, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, Tianmen Square, Wangfujing Street根据语境选择适当的交通工具。P45-47掌握并正确运用连词and / but / or 。P47-49初步学习动词不定式做宾语的用法:prepare to do, agree to do, plan to do, decide to do, want to do, lear

17、n to do, choose to do, hope to do, learn to do初步学习八个反身代词及用法:enjoy oneself, pull oneself, hurt oneself, keep secret to oneselfP50-51学习从海报和听力材料中获取信息。掌握提建议的表达方法:Shall we do?Why not do?Lets do.能根据某一话题向他人提出建议。P52正确区分表达事实和表达观点的句子。Beijing is a busy city.(事实)Beijing is the best city in the world.(观点)P53-54掌

18、握日程安排表的基本格式:Time, Place, Activity制订一次游玩计划,并据此完成作文。P55四Wild animals P58-59学习表示动物名称的名词:bear, dolphin, giant panda, kangaroo, squirrel, tiger谈论自己最喜爱和最不喜爱的动物及理由。P60-62初步理解课文,了解大熊猫的成长过程、面临的困难、应采取的保护措施。成长过程:1 day:weighed 100g 4months:weighed about 10kg, started to go outside her home 6 months:started to e

19、at bamboo shoots and leaves 8 months:was not a small baby any more, grew into a healthy young giant panda20 months:had to look after herself面临的困难:They will have nowhere to live.People often take the baby panda away.保护措施:Make giant panda reserves bigger;build more reserves;encourage farmers to leave

20、the giant panda reserves增强学生保护野生动物的意识。P60掌握并正确使用课文中的语言点:look like, be born, start to, notany more, grow into, have to, look after oneself, in the future, cut down trees, take away, be in danger, encourage sb. to do sth., because of,it is +adj. +for sb. to do sth.P63学习、复习与动物和食物有关的名词,并能将其正确匹配。camel, f

21、ox, giraffe, lion, monkey, polar bear, tortoise, wolf, zebra, bamboo shoots and leaves, fish, fruit, grass, insects, smaller animals, tree leaves, vegetablesP64-66掌握并能结合语境正确使用if引导的条件状语从句。P66-67掌握并能结合语境正确使用because引导的原因状语从句。区分并正确运用because 和because of 。P68-69根据听力材料获取相关信息,从多方位了解野生动物:Appearance, Characte

22、r, Ability, Food, Danger学会表达自己的观点:I dont think you should doI dont think thats right.P70用正确的语调朗读含有if引导的条件状语从句的复合句。P71-72掌握从Appearance, Character, Ability, Food, Danger等方面介绍野生动物的写作方法。模仿课文利用有关信息完成一篇作文:描写一种野生动物。P73五Bird-watchers P74-75了解有关鸟类的英文名称和外貌特征:Crane, seagull, Sparrow, Swallow, Swan, Golden eagle, long legs, white and grey or black feathers, brown and grey feathers, Long-pointed wings,white feather, hooked beak选择适当的语言描述自己喜爱的鸟类。P76-79初步了解扎龙自然保护区的基本情况:自然状况:a nature reserve in Heilongjiang, one of the worlds most important wetland, an ideal

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