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1、A. break into闯入;B. turn into变成;C. dive into钻研、投入;D. fit into符合、适应。当你完成的时候,将它抛开,投入到你的新任务中去。根据句意可知此处表示“全心投入”,故C项正确。4After several days of heavy rain the roof _ with a loud noise, crashing onto the ground.Acame out Bcame down Ccame on Dcame up【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语。A. came out出现,出版,结果是;B. came down下来,掉落;C. ca

2、me on 快点,要求;D. came up走近,发生。经过几天的大雨,屋顶下了一声巨响,坍塌在地。此处指屋顶掉落,故选B.5Although the long sentence and difficult structures in this novel have been _, it still keeps much of the charm and favor of the original.Aoccupied BpolishedCsimplified Drecited考查动词词义辨析。虽然这部小说的长句和难句结构被简化了,但仍然保留了原著的许多魅力和偏爱。A. occupied 占用

3、B. polished 修改 C. simplified简化 D. recited 背诵。根据句意可知,选C。6The teachers encouragement has _ my confidence; I decided to participate in the contest again.Arestored BresolvedCrelieved Dresisted【答案】A老师的鼓励恢复了我的信心;我决定再参加一次比赛。A. restored恢复 B. resolved解决 C. relieved解除,减轻 D. resisted抵抗。根据句意可知,选A。7So ill was sh

4、e that it seemed unlikely that she would _.Apull through Bpull togetherCpull out Dpull in她病得很厉害,看来不太可能康复了。A. pull through恢复健康 B. pull together齐心协力 C. pull out 拔出 D. pull in停下,进站,根据句意可知,选A。8The relevant authorities have recently _ some companies and individuals for their illegal emission that is harm

5、ful to the environment.Acut back on Bcracked down on Cfollowed up on Dheld out on有关当局最近对一些公司和个人非法排放有害环境的行为进行了严厉打击。A. cut back on 削 减;B. cracked down on 严 惩;;C. followed up on 进 一 步 了 解;D. held out on 保 守 秘 密。 crack down on“严 惩”符合句意。故B选项正确。9He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I cant his act

6、ions at all.Aaccount for Bcall for Csend for Dreach for考查动词短语。 account for “ 解释 ”; call for“需要;要求”; send for“派人去请(拿); 召唤”; reach for “伸手去拿”。由题意可知 A 项正确。10Despite the heavy snow outside yesterday, everybody in the company _ their daily tasks as usual.Abrought about Bworried about Ccared about Dwent a

7、bout考查动词词组。A. brought about 带来; B. worried about 担忧; C. cared about关心; D. went about四处走动。尽管昨天外面下了一场大雪,公司里的每个人还是照常工作。结合句意可知答案为D。11Learning another language is like stepping out of a door, through which I can _ and see more clearly my own language.Atake back Blook back Cturn back Dget back试题分析:A. take

8、 back收回;B. look back回顾;C. turn back(使)往回走;翻起;D. get back回来,找回,报复。学习另外一种语言就好像跨出了一扇房门,通过它,我可以回顾并且更加清楚地明白自己的语言。故选B。考点:考查动词短语12Jess was sad and her friend helped her _ the first awful weeks after her husband Bill died.Abreak through Bbreak downCget through Dget rid of考查词组:A. break through突破,B. break dow

9、n崩溃,垮掉,抛锚,C. get through 接通,度过,完成,D. get rid of克服,句意:在丈夫Bill去世后,Jess很难过,她的朋友帮助她度过前几个难过的星期。选C。考查词组13Its obvious that getting these historic sites recognized by the world is helpful for preserving and repairing them,as it_ their extreme importance and value.Aassociates BsymbolizesCstresses Dabolishes很

10、显然,这些历史遗址得到世界的承认对保存和修理它们是有帮助的,因为它强调了它们的特别重要性和价值。associate联系;symbolize使成为象征;stress强调;abolish清除。故选C。14The event that _ in my memory happened one morning in 1983 when I was 14 years old. It has never escaped.Astood out Bstands outCwould stand out Dhas stood out考查时态。在我的记忆中最突出的事件发生在1983年的一个早晨,当时我14岁。它从未逃

11、出过我的记忆。此处指目前的一种客观事实,所以要用一般现在时态,故选B。15Briggs will _ as general manager when Mitchell retires.Aget away Btake overCset off Drun out当米切尔退休的时候,布里格斯将接管总经理的位置。when Mitchell retires 这是时间状语从句,不能用将来时,而用一般现在时来代替;get away离开; take over接管;set off出发;run out用完,耗尽。根据句意故选B。16 What do you suggest he do to get rid of

12、the financial trouble? As is often the case in the business world, he should _ the dangerous situation he is in now.Alook up to Bwake up to Clive up to Dstand up toA. look up to尊敬;B. wake up to认识到;C. live up to做到;D. stand up to经得起,抵抗。你建议他做些什么来摆脱财务困境?就像商界的情况一样,他应该清醒地认识到他现在所处的危险境地。表示认识到,故选B.17The pati

13、ent was still in danger, because after the transplant, his body _ the new heart.Arejected BreservedCreleased Drefreshed病人仍然处于危险之中,因为移植后,他的身体排斥新的心脏。A. rejected拒绝,排斥 B. reserved 储存,预留 C. released 释放 D. refreshed更新。根据句意,可知选A。18-Youve made great progress in your studies of English, havent you? - Yes, bu

14、t much_.Cis remained to be done Dremains to be done考查非谓语动词。你的英语学习取得了很大的进步,是吗?是的,但还有很多工作要做。根据句意和结构可知remain表示“仍然”,不能用被动语态,而且much和do是被动关系,表示将要发生的事情,用不定式,因此应使用不定式的被动式。故选D。19-What happened to her?-She was _ to hospital with a soaring temperature.Aadapted Badjusted Cadmitted Dadopted-她怎么了?-她因高烧而住院。A. adap

15、ted适应;B. adjusted调整;C. admitted 准 许进 入;D. adopted采纳。sb be admitted to sth“某人被准许进入某处”。故选C项。20This kind of plant _ grass in appearance , so its difficult for the students to tell them.Areflects BinstructsCresembles Dshapes这种植物的外表很像草,所以学生们很难区分它们。A. reflects反射;B. instructs命令;C. resembles类似;D. shapes使成形,

16、根据题意,故选C。21Experts suggest that young parents _ some time to communicate with their children instead of spending much time playing games on the phone.Aset aside Bput awayCmake up Daccount for专家建议年轻的父母留出一些时间和他们的孩子交流,而不是花很多时间在手机上玩游戏。A. set aside留出;B. put away储存;C. make up编造; D. account for对负有责任,根据题意,故

17、选A。22It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly_my friend.Aturn out Bbring outCcall out Dpick out电影院里太黑了,我几乎不能认出我的朋友。pick out 意为“认出,选出”。根据所提供的情景“It was so dark in the cinema”可判断出由于电影院里很黑,很难认出朋友。turn out意为“发生,结果是”;bring out意为“使显示,出版,生产,说出”;call out意为“出动,唤起,大声叫唤”。23My mothers health _ under the

18、pressure of a big project and she had to see the doctor.Abroke up Bbroke away Cbroke out Dbroke down我母亲在一个大项目的压力下身体垮了,不得不去看医生。A. broke up分手,打碎;B. broke away脱离,放弃;C. broke out爆发;D. broke down打破,出故障,精神拖垮。根据under the pressure可知,此处指“精神拖垮”。24A completely new situation will _ when the examination system c

19、omes into existence.Arise Barise Carouse Draise当考试系统形成时候,一个完全的新局面将会出现。A.rise 上升,增强(vi)、使.飞起(vt);B. arise 出现,上升,起立(vi);C. arouse 引起,激起(vt)、觉醒,醒来(vi)D . raise表示提高(vt);。根据句意“当考试系统形成时候,一个完全的新局面将会出现” 所以arise“出现”符合句意。故选B25You cant predict everything. Often things dont _as you expect.Arun out Bwork out Cbr

20、eak out Dput out你不可能能预测一切事情,事情经常不会像你预料的那样发展。A. run out用完;B. work out发展,计算出;C. break out爆发;D. put out熄灭,出版。work out“发展,计算出”符合句意。26You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways, _ the situation they are in.Abringing about Bdepending onCgetting into Dleading to你可能会发现人们会用

21、不同的方式表达相同的观点,这主要取决于他们所处的情景。A. bringing about带来;B. depending on取决;C. getting into进入;D. leading to导致;根据情景和词义,故选B项。27Its natural that a man can hardly a smile when he is informed of some good news.Ahold up Bhold backChold off Dhold on当一个人听到一些好消息时,他会抑制不住的笑,这是很自然的。 A. hold up举起;B. hold back抑制;C. hold off

22、拖延;D. hold on抓牢。hold back符合题意。28That sound doesnt _ in his native language, so it is difficult for him to pronounce it.Aowe BoccurCtake place DhappenA. owe 欠 B. occur存在,出现 C. take place 发生 D. happen发生。那个声音在他的母语中不存在,所以对他来说很难发音。occur v. 存在,故选B。29It may take a few weeks for your application to be _.Apo

23、ssessed BprocessedCproduced Dpersuaded你的申请可能需要几个星期才能被处理。A. possessed拥有 B. processed处理,加工 C. produced 生产 D. persuaded说服。根据句意可知,选B。30Whenever I feel lonely or upset, I always do some reading, which _ me well.Aserves Bsuits Cfavors Dmotivates每当我感到孤独或沮丧时,我总是读些书,这对我很有好处。A. serves对某人有用;B. suits适合;C. favor

24、s 支 持;D. motivates 激 励。serve sb“对某人有用”符合句意。故A选项正确。31These rules _ new members only.Aare applied to Bapply forCapply to Dare applied for短语apply to sb for sth向某人申请某物;apply to适用.;这些规则只适用于新成员。根据句意可知C项正确。考查动词短语辨析32The two men were_ with receiving stolen property, which would probably result in their impr

25、isonment.Asuspected Baccused Carrested Dcharged考查形容词辨析。A. suspected被怀疑的;B. accused 被控告的;C. arrested被逮捕的;D. charged带电的。be charged with sth意为“关于被控告”。两个男人被控告偷了财物,这让父母极为担忧。33Why did you _ the third paragraph of your rewritten composition?Because I thought it was off the point.Aput out Bmake out Cfigure out Dleave out你为什么把重写的作文的第三段漏掉了?因为我觉得这有点跑题了。A. put out扑灭;B. make out辨认出;C. figure out算出;D. leave out遗漏。根据Because I thought it was off the point.可知,此处指把作文的第三段漏掉了。34Chinas year-on-year growth in consumer price index _ an almost eight-year high at 4.5

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